[Eng|Indo Sub] Run BTS! Ep.117 Full Episode

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[RUN BTS EP.117 Teamwork Special 2] [This contents was made with the sponsorship of Nara Home Deco] [Last episode] For this week's "RUN BTS", [Time to see how good of a teamwork BTS has built in the last 8 years!] we will have a teamwork special! - You don't need a certain amount of shooting? - Nope. I think we'll do all 16. [Starts as soon as possible to quickly meet their parents!] - Go! - Let's go! 2, 3! [Whenever then succeed, they yell and celebrate like they won at the Olympics] Everyone, make sure you make dinner appointments. [30 minutes of free time after they succeeded a mission] V, come here. Let's play a round. This free? [They're enjoying themselves more than anyone] 'MIC Drop' [Big scale tennis] Big scale tennis. [Discussing tennis in front of a bronze medalist?] There's a bronze medalist here. - There's a bronze medalist. - We have a bronze medalist here. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Jin! [So considerate, they all blamed themselves!] We all did a good job. It was my mistake. It was totally my fault. - Good job. - It was my fault. - It was my fault. [The 2nd part of this story starts right now!] [Jin's PICK, what is the unbelievable mission this time?] I will pick something unbelievable. - I'll pick a good one. - We believe in you Jin. - Believe me. - Yes. - We believe in you! - For our quick ending. [That other game] - We were so close with that tennis game. Yeah, we were so close. [We lost but we fought well!] We lost but we fought well! 1, 2, 3! What is this? [What is it...?] What is this? [I know!] - What's this? - The guessing game where you put your hand in! [What is it?] - What is it? - What game is that? What is this? [Teamwork special: Mission 4 What is this?] [1. The 5 members read the lyrics and dance the choreography] [2. The one member who is blindfolded] [has to guess the song only by touch] [1 member will be the guide for safety] [3. If they get 3 out of 5, they pass!] - This is so hard. - It's a really hard one. [This mission sounds really hard] I'm sorry guys. I think that V should be the one guessing. [Me?] - V? - Because. [V is the member that remembers most of their choreography] He's the one that remembers the most. - The 5 members... [OK] - OK! - The motions... - It sounds like it's going to be hard. - We should split the choreography moves. - Yeah. [No problem] - Okay. We have to plan this out well. OK! [All of a sudden] Jung Kook! [Responding] - We'll go with V. - V. - OK. - I'll be the bodyguard. [SUGA is the bodyguard] OK, SUGA. [The rest will make a pose] - Gesture for the rest. - Gesture. OK! Are you confident? [I don't know...] - I'll go with the flow. - OK. - I... - I think we should divide the moves. Give us the blindfold. [He can't see anything] [He can only see V] I can't see anything. If you're ready, let's shout out "go" and begin. 1, 2, 3! Go! Let's go! The moment V touches someone, we'll start the timer. - Yes. - OK. [Suddenly confesses] I'll really try my best. - We can't do anything else. - OK. - Fighting! - Should we spread out a bit? [The youngest member is worried] Is it OK if we do the same moves? [Jimin cheers everyone up] We can do it guys. Let's believe in one another. - We have to use our teamwork. - We're good. [Yeah] - Of course! - We're... Not many people know this but we're a dance group. - Not many people know this. - 1, 2, 3! [Lyrics of "Boy With Luv"] This is... - Too hard. - OK. [Let's believe in him and start] No we can do it. I bet he can guess this one easily. - OK! - Let's go. 1, 2, 3! 3! [All different poses] - Is there an order? [Just trust me] - No, so you... - This is weird. - Oh this way. - The pose. - Stay still. - All he has to do is touch lightly. - This is really weird... - Hey is that the right part? (whispers) That's "Come be my teacher". [This] [Isn't it this?] There's no order. [No!] They all had the same pose at once. [Getting a quick tutorial] It's "come be my teacher". - "Teach me everything". - The verses. [Oh my gosh] - Is that my part? - We're all doing different poses. [Gosh...] Isn't it weird? [RM is being touched this time] It's not hard V. - Not hard. [Confused] - Is it in order? No there's no order. [His eyes don't know where to look] No we all did different poses that came to our minds. [Touching] - We're all doing different ones. - Next. Next. This must be j-hope. Wow, you know who it is just by touching? [Wow, a graduate of Harvard from the department of touching is smart...] With just the touch... Wow that's impressive. We're not members for nothing. Next. [This is really hard] This is a hard one. - It's way too hard. - We picked a bad one. [25 seconds remaining!] 25 seconds left. [Jin was doing a wrong pose so pass!] - Jin... - You don't have to touch me. - Jin didn't get it. - He... - It feels like "Danger". - It's so... [Oh no!] He hasn't fixed on an answer yet... He hasn't decided... [That's not it] Not him. [He is guessing a different pose] You're doing this right now. [He's thinking it's something else] It looks like that though... The end! [Time is over!] - Please say your answer on the count of three. - V. - It's hard. - 1, 2, 3! - It's hard. [Thinking hard] - 1... Take your time. - It's so close. [ = think some more before you speak] You can think some more before you answer. [He feels it's "Danger" for sure] I think it's "Danger" but I think I'm wrong. [Jin doesn't know it!] He didn't know it was his part. - Oh this was my part. - This part. [He finally gets it now...] - Oh it's this. - I did that too. [So close] - I would have been able to guess if I touched the shoulders. - Yeah. [So wrong] I thought it was "I want to know everything, how's your day". [Next player is Jung Kook!] I want to try this time. Jung Kook will guess this time. [SUGA will be the guide] - Where is the front? - I got it now. 1, 2, 3! [2nd try!] Go! What? [Lyrics of "IDOL"] [Like this?] [Whew... this is hard] This is a hard one. [Posing awkwardly] - Shall I go? - How do you get this right? How do you... [HOPE] You can do this. This one, yes, you really can. No, but this is... [Ticklish] This one's really difficult. [No matter how you look at it, it's the game's fault] He can't get this. This game is wrong. I agree. I think the game is wrong. [A mission made to make us play another round] It's a game made to make us play another round. [Bubble bubble] They're telling us to play another round. [Tearing up] This... - The way I see it, Jung Kook can get the answer! - To get us to play that... [Me?] He can't. If he does, then, I'll clear the game until the final stage before I go! [Writing it down] You need to watch what you say. [Panicking] He said that. - You need to watch what you say. - Who was this? [Captured] [20 seconds left] 20 seconds are left. - Everyone's more or less the same. - 20 seconds? [Will he be able to get the right answer from these similar poses?] The moves are similar. Why am I doing this pose? [I don't know] I don't really know. [Ah] [Sound of the belated enlightenment] I did this... [Same part, but different poses] [They're just now understanding each other's poses] [Standing like a statue] I'm, yes... I think there are places you haven't felt through. [Hey. Thoroughly feel it through, please] - Jung Kook, yes, that's right. - Rather... - You need to go there! Right! - Feel more. You need to go there a little more! Time's up. - Why are you doing that? - Okay, okay. [The set time is up!] - Somewhat... - Jung Kook, get up. - Is it over? He didn't even touch Jin! - It's consistent. [My name is Free, Pass] - Isn't that too much of suspicion on me? [He's head is filled with chaos] Difficult. Hold on. What could this be? - I told you! This... - Too difficult. 1, 2, 3! "IDOL"? [Oh, no...] If he does, then, I'll clear the game until the final stage before I go! [Jung Kook and his crazy intuition gets the right answer!] "IDOL". So epic! [Dumbfounded] - How did you know? - How did you know? - Jin, come here. [Got one] - How did you know? - Jin, please come over here. - Jin, please come over here. - Do I need to clear the end boss stage? [You are now watching how a word has become a seed which flowered and is being reaped] Yes. [Lesson of the day: Watch what you say!] This is why one needs to watch what he says. [How was he able to deduce "IDOL"?] Thank you so much. How did you know? - I thought of this. - This is why one needs to watch what he says. - What is that? - Oh, this one's that part, isn't it? Huh? Why did I think this was "IDOL"? "Whatever you say..." It's this part. I wasn't thinking that. [An idea sparked up] You guys go ahead with that. I'll be playing the game. - Well, we got it right. We got it right. - Okay. [In any case, it resulted in the right answer!] - Okay. - Between "Go Go" and... I got it confused with "Go Go". - But, the way I see it... - Good job, getting it confused. [Mission is a success with 2 more wins now!] You've really got this one on a hunch. What now? Accept another challenge? Let's go with you. - Hold on. - Go with anyone! - I see that it's the title songs. - Hurry up! - Guys, hurry up. Hurry. - These are mostly title tracks. - Jin, you be my bodyguard. - Yes. With people who are precise with poses at the core... [Anxious bodyguard] Come a bit to the front. j-hope and then... Yes. Hurry up. Hurry up. [In a hurry] - I will start. - I need to clear the game. Hurry. Jin said one thing wrong and now he needs to clear the game. - Hurry. - I'm going to start. This is hard. [3rd try at the challenge!] 1, 2, 3! Challenge accepted! [Lyrics of "FIRE"] [Wishful thinking] You can get this one. [All different] [Please] Start! [Oh, it's you] It's j-hope, isn't it? [Precious] [SUGA carefully feeling his way] Hold on. [Why is this statue different?] Why is this different? Why are the poses all different? [More confusion] Why is he doing this now? [All these different poses are numbing his senses] What is this? What's with this one? [Like this] Basically, this... It's a bit like this, isn't it? [Scanning from head to toe] Look at the legs. What's this? [Jung Kook's is... ] - It's a mystery to us as well. - So, what is this? [Hmm] - I think you thought wrong about this. - He's wrong. Who's the most accurate? Please bring me there. Hurry. [To Jimin who got it the most accurately!] - The most accurate. - I think it's Jimin. - Yes, Jimin. - Jimin. Jimin. One more time. One more time. [Hand kiss] - Right. - No, this is a bit... - The pose is a bit... - Ah! [Ah! Okay] - Okay. - Okay. - Okay. [SUGA got the answer!] - Okay! - Okay. It's come to SUGA. He's on! [And, the answer is?] 1, 2, 3! [Bro... Let's get off work now] "FIRE"! [Shrugging proudly. This is me. MIN, SUGA] He's got that right? - How did you know? - I got this... [#facing_one_side #a_little_like_gestures] Facing one side and a little like gestures. [#senses] - The gestures and this... - That's right. It was all to one side. [Victory ceremony] - What is it that you did? - We only have to get 1 more right, right? - Okay. - Hold on. Guys, watch this. - Jung Kook, what is this that you did? - What was yours? It's this. But you need to get the poses matching the lyrics. "Fire". This one, right? [Jung Kook's pose didn't match the lyrics] "Fire". - But then, after I did this... - Fitting the part of the lyrics... I see that you didn't understand the game. [No, no to the understanding] We have 2 rounds left, right? [2 successes. Get 1 out of 2 chances left, to pass!] No. We only need to get 1 more. That's what I'm saying. We only need to get 1 out of 2 rounds, right? Hold up. We really do have a chance at this. [Will they really be able to?] But, it really is very hard. We only need to get 1 out of 2 rounds right. [Let's go] - 1, 2, 3! - But... [Challenge accepted!] - Challenge. - Challenge. - I'll start. [Wow. This is the real deal] This one is truly difficult. This is... [Viewers, join them and guess the answer] - Got it! - Got it? [Praying to get off work on time?] - Where are you? - Down here. [Panicking] Hold on. Down? [The closely held hands are the point!] Hands. Hold on. The 2 hands are clapped together. [Is this right?] Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. [Copy + Paste] Hold up. It's this, isn't it? Next. What is it? [Next statue] - What's next? This way? - That one. That one. [Details] The hands, wait. The details on the hands. The hands are like this. [The way I see it, it's a success] The way I see it, we got this. We got it right. [Blocking any suspicions] - Hands. - Right, right. - What is this? - Next, next. - I can't tell. [Nervous] Jimin. Who is this? Jimin? Full of pride. [Wait] - Jimin, what pose is that? - What is this? I don't think he's got it right. [Sad] You can touch here. [The correct answer is "FAKE LOVE"] [A] Really? There's one more, one more! [His senses are A+] Got it? [Seeing how this fussy cutie's smile got 10 cm larger, it seems to be the correct answer] [Here comes the hero] Got it, got it! It would be so funny if he gets it wrong after all this fuss. [Smiling] For real! I really love you today. [Everyone, you know the feeling, right?] - I'll get on with it. - Yes. 1, 2, 3! [Laughing out loud] "FAKE LOVE". [What was the answer SUGA yelled out?] Hey. 3! [No, it's not] "I NEED U". [No... That's not it] Why is it "I NEED U"? Wasn't there something like this? [The something like this (?) SUGA thought of] Yes, this. [Lyrics for the song, "FAKE LOVE"] "Hoping love is perfect only with love". Look. [Poses of each point that were well displayed] [But it was close enough for him to get confused] But it does look like "I NEED U", too. It is confusing with that of "I NEED U". - Getting it right. - Because of this, I thought... - Oh, this. - Because of this, I thought it was that. - Guys, guys. - Then, there's this after that. - This is the last one. The last question. [SUGA, put on the blindfolds for this round also] - Who will guess? SUGA? - Let's go. Let's have SUGA guess. - Ready? - Hold on. - We'll give you an easy one. - We believe in you. [OK] Okay. Let's go. [1, 2, 3. The last challenge!] 1, 2, 3! Challenge accepted! [Lyrics of "Black Swan"] Ready? [Poses are set by getting them in line with other members] Ready? [Done] [Holding down a burst of laughter] Let's go. What is this? Why are the arms like this? How does this work? Like this? What is this? [Frustrated] Ugh! Just do a different pose then! [Getting a feel for what the poses are] [Feeling around] - Where is he? Who is this? - If you get this right, you got it. - You got it. [Longingly telling him with his eyes] You can't tell him anything. [Up and down] [Panicking] Ha... That's not it. That hasn't been released yet. Who? Who is this? - Is this Jimin? - Jimin. Jimin. [SUGA... You can do it! ] You can do it. You got it. - Huh? Wait. Has this been released? - It has. [Getting the engine started. A] [Again, we are at the A time!] Got it, got it. I'm sure. Make sure to feel it through. Thoroughly. [A] You went A the last time and got it wrong! - No, this one's released already now. - Right. [A] [Will this be an answer matching his smile?] I even know which part of the lyric this is. Ready? 1, 2, 3! - "Black Swan". - Yes! - But this one was too easy. - I know. If he said, "ON" after all this, it would've been hilarious. Okay! Missions are successfully completed, right? [In any case, the mission's a success!] - It's a success. - Okay! You did so well. [Read my mind: Success. Group jump rope: Success. Huge tennis: Fail. What is this?: Success] [With only 2 more missions succeeded, they get to get off work!] [Snacks have been added] Can you stop giving them to us now? [Another one?] - More snacks? - What is this? - It's snacks again. - They're all snacks, aren't they? - Stop it! [Rejected!] - Look. Isn't it that they're all snacks? - We don't want snacks. [Wrongly accused] It's another snacks. [Too full to have more] - No to snacks. - No. Now, the snacks are over. [But we could get some desserts] Have desserts. Let's get ice creams. - That's nice. - Ice cream sounds good. [United under ice cream] - Shaved ice or ice cream. - Yes. - Shaved ice? - I'll have ice cream, please. - Ice cream. [ON with a break time for the next mission] Let's clear this game once more. [The game room's started again] Aren't you guys exhausted? - We are. - Karaoke. [He needs to clear the ending boss] - Do I just need to clear the boss only? - Jin has to... [Need to!] Jin, now that you've turned it on, you need to play until the boss stage. [I'll clear this] [RM's got hooked on the basketball] RM, SUGA's waiting. - 141 points? - Really. [Calm down, dear me!] - Calm down! Calm down! Please! - Okay! Calm down. [95s are also playing nicely on a game] Why do people like this so much? [Squishing] This is... [Ending sadly at 129 points] Okay. 150 points is not a level where I can calm down. [Ha] [Furious touch zone] [Touch, touch] [V's playing well all of a sudden] V's suddenly doing well. [Quickly folds] [Jung Kook's showing off his singing] That's too hard. Jin, can you clear all the stages within the day? I'll try! [Trying] [Work song for these people is starting!] ["Why do people like this so much?"] [Shooting] What is that? What is it? [Joining the slim line] [At an age where playing with slime would be so much fun] [Pull it further and further] [Wow] [Help] It keeps on extending. [In the meanwhile, he's set a new record] 150! [Finally cleared it!] Cleared it! Cleared it! [Contenders are shocked at the new record] - What? - Cleared! - I'm going! - I'm coming! - Cleared it! I'm coming. Wow, RM is awesome. [Going further up] Will he get to 200? Getting to 200? [Nervous] 200... 210. [Mr. Kim, Basketball / Holding record of 210] 210. [Respect] - That's epic. - Yes! [Work song played a part in helping the storm of shoots] Okay. [Feeling refreshed] [Shall I get started?] - Okay! I feel like the weight has been lifted. - That's crazy. I feel like the weight has been lifted. Oh! SUGA's getting started! [At that time, the work song's also changed] [Moving up and down] [Bounce, bounce] [Efficiency's raised] Oh, this song is awesome. (Relaxed) Hey! 91 points! 91 points for the first round. [As everyone watches on...] [Will he reset the highest score record?] [Will we get SUGA's new record?] Getting there? Play calm! Calm! Going! Going! Going! [Ahhhhhh] [Sadly, the score's crashed down due to the goal misses in the latter half] [Cry of joy!] [So close] - That was close. - I got exhausted towards the end. That was so close. [Nonetheless, the work song continues] [The acceptance necklace is put around his neck] [Slides in to join the group] [Here] [Storming up the rap] [Got to get off work] - Here you are. The mic. - Oh, so tired. - SUGA with his 149 points! - My arms hurt. - So close. - My arms hurt. - If I only had that last one go in. - He's choked! Choked. - He's choked. You just need to make it with just about 2 tries. [Next reservation] Okay. I'll give it a go after SUGA. [A familiar melody comes on in this nick of time] [Feeling proud] Let's go! Let's go, now! [Urgently seeking dancers] [So square] [Swag coming from the bottom of his stomach] [Getting more and more excited] [Ppuee, ppuee, ppuee] Good job. It's nice to have a karaoke machine. [Break is over! Now, it's time to pick a mission] Okay, let's pick the next game. [Getting off work after 2 more successes] We've gotten 3 successes. We just need to get 2 more cleared, everyone. I just need to clear 2 more stages, too! - For real? - Yes. [Tablecloth?] - Really? - Tablecloth. - Let's get it done in 2 hours. Within 2 hours. - Tablecloth. - Tablecloth is the one you pull out. - Yes, the pulling out. [Troubled] But, that's really... [A type who's good at those (?)] - I can do those well. - No. Jung Kook's good. - I can do things like that well. - One person... What do we do now? [5 bottles set on a table with a tablecloth] We'll put 5 water bottles on the table's tablecloth. Yes. If you pull the tablecloth out without knocking over the water bottles, it's a success. - All 7 of you need to give it a try, and... - Yes. [Please] - Please set this well for us. - It's 3 successes. Getting it 3 times. [If 4 out of 7 gets it right, the game is cleared!] If 4 or more succeeds... - That' hard. - 4 people is too much. I'm going to fail no matter what. [Suspicion on the rise] - Shall we check the script? - You need to count me out. [Please count the invisible man out] It's got to be 3 successes out of 6 people. - We'll see how it goes. - Okay. [First contender: V] We need to pull it out all at once like this. 1, 2, 3! Challenge accepted! - I'll give it a go. - I think you need to pull it at the same level. Feeling uneasy. - No. If you don't pull it up, I think it will be fine. - How do we do it? - You need to floor it down like so. - Yes, flooring it. Is this a bowling? [Strike] - Strike. Exactly. - This is too harsh. Hey. This won't do, right? - Who's next? Who's next? - I'll go. I'll go. Jin. Jin. [Second contender: Jin] 1, 2, 3! Challenge accepted! Challenge accepted! - You guys, we need to pull it down. - Yes, downward. Look. My master-like skills! All at once, without anyone even noticing, like so! [With anyone noticing!] Wow. This doesn't work. [The unknown sense of competition fills up] I'll give it a try. Let me get a feel. Is there a video clip of someone successfully doing this? - Yes. - Can we watch that? [Though the game looks hopeless] I don't think we can get 3 for this. I don't think we can even get 2 successes. [(Feeling) Production crew has succeeded (Proud)] This works? [Staring] - An example video. Let's watch an example clip. - Yes. This is how you're supposed to do it, Jung Kook. - Just as I did it, Jung Kook. As I did. - Jung Kook, it's in one line. One line. [Setting things] It's in one line. One line. - It's got to be in one line. - I know. One line like so. - Jung Kook. - Just as I did it, (bottles in one line) like this, is how they all succeeded. - Like this? Okay, okay. These people did it like this as well! - Hold on! - We have a lot of failed attempt videos as well, right? Why don't we go with 3 people? 3? [Let's see] The failed videos... Could it be that they had 1 success after 100 tries? [In any case, we succeeded (Shameless)] Now, for you... - For him, that one video of succeeding was what was important. - I know. [The production crew] - Got it once after 13 tries! - Okay. 13 tries? [Now that I see this, it's too much] - 4 out of 7 is too much. - That's too much. - When you had 1 success out of 13 people. - Let's go with 2. 2 successes. [Okay. We'll accept 3 successes out of 7!] 3 persons. - Let's just give it a try. - Then, after all 7 has taken turn, 3 persons? [To make it clear, start from the top!] Then, from the top! - From the top. Then, from the start. - From the start. [Approved] - Starting fresh. - Okay. You guys, we're playing the game... [Done. It's done!] - It's all set! - The way I see it... - From the video, I saw that it's better to go like this. - It's better. - Like this? - Like this. All at once! Let's go! Let's go! - Jung Kook, is this your try? - I'll need to. [First contender: Jung Kook] 1, 2, 3! Challenge accepted! [After strengthen his mind, he pulls!] [Number... one] [At least one is saved...] - Jung Kook. - You saved one at least. We all made everything fall but you saved one. - Let me try once. - OK. Jimin, you only get one chance anyways. Let's go. Jimin, challenge! [Speed is the most important part] - You have to be fast. - 1, 2, 3. [The second challenger, Jimin] - Challenge. - Challenge! Let's go. - You have to be really fast. - Jimin, you will challenge? - You can do it. - Challenge. [Can't accept this] It's... It got stuck on the way. [The table cloth was stuck on the bottle] - Let me try. - Suga may be really good at this. [The 3rd challenger, Suga] - Please call out, challenge. - 1, 2, 3. Challenge. [Very fast] [But two bottles fell] Yes, if the table cloth isn't straight, it will make the bottles fall. [Wait] 3 of you failed. It's done. We can't win this one. 3 out of 4 of us need to be win it. [3 out of 4 of you] V, I have trust in you. [Cheering] You can do it. You have to say, challenge. 1, 2, 3. Challenge. - From there... - I think he can do it. Hi. Hello. [Hello] Awesome. [Bow down] [5 bottles were so courteous] - Hi. - This too. [Too funny] All of them are so courteous] - So pretty. - Can you just say he won it? [So pressured] I don't think I can do this. - It's too close to the edge... - Make the impossible possible. - I know it's too close to the edge. - Guys, it doesn't matter. They stay standing anyways. - You will do it far away? [Good posture] - Good. - The angle is look. The angle looks good. [Will the result look good too?] - j-hope, here it is. - Just pull it at once. - 1, 2, 3. - Say challenge first. [STOP] You have to say it first. Oh that was close. [4th challenger, j-hope] - Wait. - 1, 2, 3. Challenge! [Ah...] So close. Look behind you. [What a side effect] [Collapsed] - So close. - Look behind you. What is that sound? [Hahahaha] I think [Opinion 1] instead of getting too close... [Opinion 2] - Go further... - I think we should drink the water. - I think you should be further away. - No. [Let's try it] Let's do it. Let's do it. Let me do it. - I think we can't make it. None of us will win it. - Let's see. But j-hope wasn't too bad. [5th challenger, Jin] - Jin first... - Challenge. - Challenge! - 1, 2, 3. Challenge. [Cloth grabbing tip] You have to grab it like this. It makes some sense. [The eldest is so wise!] Yes, you have to grab it like this for more power. - And straighten here. - Yes. 1, 2, 3. [What a perfect bow...] [Hello~] Hi. [He launched an etiquette class] Hi. [Hi!] - Hello. - Hi. [Oh, my stomach!] Who is left? [If you cry right after you laugh...] Are you done? - Me. - The bottles remind me of our past. RM, let's go. 90 degrees bow even on Bangtan. [Bowing at each other] Which setting do you want? - Straight. - OK. - Hello. [Jung Kook hopes RM can do it] RM is really... Jin made the bottles bow the best. [Can you carry it?] RM can carry it I think. [6th challenger, RM] - 1, 2, 3. - Wait. Challenge. [Pulled it] [It was so close. Let's watch it again] I got this I think. - I should pull it out like this, right? [Hello] - If one of us can win it... [Are you giving up?] Failed. We give up. Let's do it once more. [Hello] Hi. I give up. Done, I won't do it anymore. [Dalbang Teamwork Special: Mission 5 pull out the table cloth] [Rule changed! If 2 members succeed, then they win] [The success rate is up!] Let's make it fast. 2 out of 7. - 2 out 7. - And if we can't do it, then we will accept it and bow. OK, let's end it by saying hello. End it by saying hello. [2 is easy] - I can just do it first. - If the last person make the bottles fall... - The first two members can succeed. - OK. [Re-challenge 1st member, Suga] 1, 2, 3. Challenge. I can trust him. - Let's do this. [Pressured] - Let's go. Don't say that he can do it. Just say he won't do it. [Failed...] - Make it speedy. - Let me try. I should curse him so he can do it. [Please] Please. [Bow time] - Hello. - Hi. [Give up] - Can't do it. - Let me try. [3rd challenger, Jung Kook] - Challenge. - Challenge. I think I got this. It's not easy. [Only one bottle was courteous] [So bitter] That was super close. - So bitter. - Good job. - Good. Can you teach us what you did? Your tactics? [Rule changed: If only 1 member succeed, you win it] - Well... - Only 1 member gets it, you still win. - OK. - Well... - I will teach you. [The tip from the instructor - Have more space between your hands] Don't grab the middle. - Make it wide. - OK, got it. Make it wide. I did that too. [They are coming up with new ways] Yes, you have to pull it like this. - This isn't bad. - New way. [Nervous] - Wait. - But this won't work. - I don't think it will work. [Will V's way work?] - Because it just makes the time for the cloth to come out longer. - Yes. I don't think this will work. - Challenge. - Like this. - Don't let the cloth clump together. - 1, 2, 3. - Challenge. [4th challenger, V] Don't let it clump together. [As if you make the handmade noodles] Lower it as you pull it. Like this. [Super nervous] Lower it as you pull it. Make your arms wider. - Hurry up. [Be patient] - Wider and faster. - Be super fast. - Go. - 1. [2, 3] - The last one got caught. - But this way isn't bad at all. So close! - The last one got caught. - How many left? - Two? - Me and... [3 members left!] - Me too. - Who didn't do it yet? - Me. - 3 members left. - 3 members. Let's go. - We can do this. - We can do it. Be fast and pull it. [Ah...] It's the right way. - Challenge. - Challenge. Ah!!! Only Jimin is left. [So pressured] I feel pressured. See those bottles without support falls down. It's... [Wait, we can make them support each other] We can give them a support. - Those without support falls down. - Like this? [Good idea] - So sad. - Not bad. - Like this. - It's okay. - That cloth... - The angle. [Wait] It's crushed. [Crushed] These two kept falling down. [Complaints] Crushed. You didn't fix the crushed ones. What's going on? [Will change the bottles] We have to change them. Please get us 5 round bottles. [It was all because of the two bottle] If it wasn't crushed, we would've won it already. After this try, we will bow. - This isn't bad. - And put the timer on. - Jimin, say challenge first. - Jimin, let's go. [I got this] You can do this. Hold here. [The last challenger, Jimin] Challenge! 1, 2, 3. - Challenge. - You want me to make a legend? If you succeed, it will become a legend. - Challenge. - Jimin, let's go. [Jimin, challenge] - Challenge. - You can do it. Succeed right after the rule is changed? [The first challenge with new bottles... What will happened?] [Please, let him make a legend!] [Legend] [Clean] [Congrats! Congrats!] Look. See! [Complaining] I told you it was the bottle. [Hugging] It works this way. Suga's formation was right. [Suga is the answer] - Let me try. I think this... - This was legendary. This formation is the answer. - What a drama. - This formation is the answer. - What a drama. - I think... [Read my mind, the jump rope: succeeded] [The king tennis: failed, Table cloth pull out: succeeded, What's this: succeeded] [One step left until they get to go home] Who wants to play ping pong? [The break time is here] - Let me try. - I'll just pick. You can go home! [BTS will make sure you can go home] We will make sure you can go home. I told them to make plans after this. Everyone. What's this? ["One more time" When you fail a mission, you can try one more time] This one... Focus. [Tadah] We can get one more chance if we fail a mission. [Can we enjoy the break since we have one more chance?] - Okay, good. V, good. - Nice. Special pass. [All of a sudden] Let's have a tournament. - OK. - 2:2. Let's play together, two of us. 5 points to win. [11 points to win] - No? - 11 points. - 11 points. 11 points. [j-hope VS RM] [Embarrassed] [Current score j-hope 3 VS RM 0] j-hope, serve. - 3:0. - 3:0. I am embarrassed. [Who made the edit sound?] We need to edit it. [Camera 1] [Camera 2] [Slow version too] [We want to see it from the various angles] - Please edit it. - No way, it will be on the show for sure. [Trying again] [That's how you do it] So easy. [Never give up, the bottle boy] Do you think this will work? [Uh oh] Nope. [The bottle play is done] [Starting with the karaoke] [On the other hand...] [He's not meditating. He's finishing his job before going home] [Nobody can touch him] [I will do it!] I went too far. - Don't try to look cool. [Nod] - OK, got it. [This one!] - You wanted to do this? - OK. [Current score j-hope 5 VS RM 8] - 8:5. - I wanted to do this. 8:5. - 9:5. - I lost. - 10:5. - 10:5. What? What? It hit the racket. - That means you lose. - You lost. [RM won 11 points first!] I won? OK. [Did it start then?] - It hit my racket. - You go first? [Their love for ping pong?] Ping pong is so fun. Ping pong is so fun. [Only basketball is my way] [Grunt] [He is making points non-stop] [Is this good?] [Jimin VS V] Edge. [You have... edge?] [Current score Jimin 4 VS V 3] - 4:3. - 4:3. 203 points. [Proud, What? Awesome] 203. Awesome. - What's the score? 8:5? - Great job. - What's the score? - So hard. [Current score Jimin 5 VS V 9] - What's the score? - 9:5. - 9:5. 9:5? You are 5? Yes, 5 for me. Let's do the 3rd place match. I don't want to be the last place. What? [Current score Jimin 5 VS V 10] 10:5. [He's so nervous and it makes his shoulders tighten up] [Relaxed] 11:5. [V won 11 points first!] [Break time is over!] I'll pick one now. [Look] Pass the bottles? What's that? Mint chocolate. [Mission 6 - Pass the water bottles] It's pass the water bottles. How do you play that? Mint chocolate! [Dalbang teamwork special: Mission 6 Pass the water bottle] [Have a table in front of you and you have to pass 3 bottles between 6 members] [You get 5 chances! If you can pass the bottles for 5 minutes, you win] [It requires even number of members, so RM will be the coach] How do you play it? [You have to pass it to the person in front of you] - I... - I need to pass it to you, right? Then me and Jin. We have to pass it all at once? No. It's right. [Eyes got bigger] How do you do that? [Look] Like this. Pass it you and then me. - Then they will hit each other. - Like this. [Pass it to the person in front of you +2 more] - You have to be careful. - V, try it. It will hit. - You have to prevent it. That's the game. - You only use one bottle, no? Let's make an order. Here, here, here. Here, here, here. [Add the rhythm] All at the same time... - At the same time. - Join us after. [We have to practice to win this] Well, let's have a practice. - We go first. - Like, 'walk it like I talk it'. We go first and then you come in. 5, 6, 7, 8. [Wk!7lak#t^n$] - Walk it like I talk it. - 1, 2, 3. [It actually works] It works. [I think it will work] It will work. [Your rhythm skills go up by +1] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Good job! [1 - Jimin, Suga, 2 - j-hope, Jin, 3- Jung Kook, V] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 5, 6, 7, 8. - 1, 2, 3. - 1, 1. - 1, 2, 3. - No, the rhythm... You don't know 1, 2, 3? We are 1. - We are 1. - We are 2. You keep saying 1. [The high quality re-enactment] 1, 2. - OK. - You're 3. - It's like waltz. [Cha cha cha] 1, 2, 3. - 1, 2, 3. - It's 1, 2, 3. [Let's try again!] - On the count of 3. - Let's go. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [Chaos] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2... [Come one] - Come on. - We already said 3. 3 no... [Suga waited for one more beat] It should be 1, 2, 3. - You have to wait until they count 3. - 1, 2, 3. - You went like this. - Really? [I did?] I think he... I was watching him and he went... [Throw it] Musician is different definitely. [The coach is here] Take your time. Like waltz. N-ti-ta. [What a elegant game it is] N-ti-ta. [The importance of coaching] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - 1, 2, 3. - Let's go home after this. Fighting. - It's not a joke. The game is so important. - How many times? [100% meant it] Let's practice. 5, 6, 7, 8. [They are doing good with the count] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [V's hand hit Suga's bottle which was a bit late] Who hit the bottle? - It's not us. - It was me. Sorry. [Another practice] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - Something is weird. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. He's doing it. - What? - OK. - What? 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [Recycling] - 1, 2, 3. 1, 2... - Something is not right. [Super confident] - Shall we go? - As long as you don't get it wrong. What's the problem? [The problem] What? [The beats go faster] It gets faster. The tempo is too fast. - What? - Let's do it slowly. [Everyone will go with RM's count] - RM will... - 1, 2, 3. - Jung Kook's bottle is crushed. - It's fixed. - 1, 2, 3. - I go like this. - Keep quiet. [Don't say this] - Don't count faster. - Be quiet. All the bottles are not crushed? Focus! This is so important. It shouldn't get fast when you start. Count on the inside. Just follow his count. - OK. - 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [Never ending 1, 2, 3] - 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - But it will hit in the end. [Different timing] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - Do it on three. - 1, 2, 3. It's right. [Ah!] 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - This is hell! - 1, 2, 3. [Tired] - It should work like a machine. - 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Like a toothed wheel! - Let's follow Jung Kook's way. - Hey guys. - Focus. It's not a joke. - Do what? - Do it fast. - We have to go fast. [The fast version] - 5, 6, 7, 8. - How? - 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - Like this? [But it's hard to do it for 1 minute] But... - It will hit. - Once it gets down, it's done. - We can't do it for 1 minute. - The bottles will collapse. - Let's do it. - Let's go. [Challenge!] 1, 2, 3. Challenge! [Everyone, be quiet except RM] Don't say anything except RM. I want to keep my style. - Don't talk except for RM. - If you say something, it will ruin the rhythm. [Let me please say this] Let me say this to you. I love you. [Clap] - Just look here. - Clap your hands. - 1, 2, 3. - Just 2 for us. [+ rhythm + beats] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - 1, 2, 3. - Let's do Bangtan Bangtan Bang Bangtan. [=Very important moment] - OK. - Don't talk. - We can do this. - Don't talk. - This is so important. - We can do this. - Let's take it seriously. Bangtan, Bangtan, Bang Bangtan! - Mom and dad are waiting. - Fighting! [Ik Ek] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - OK? [Warm up] - If it's too big, it will hit. - OK. - You go 5, 6... - The edge... I mean... [Oops] - We can do this. - The edge. - Edge. [Stop talking everyone] - You will ruin the rhythm if you say anything. - OK. - Don't say let's focus. - I love you. [Very chaotic warm up] - Love you. - Let's go. Let's focus. [So focused] Don't hit the bottles. Be careful. 1, 2, 3. OK? - Let's start. - You ready? - Yes. Challenge! [1st try!] 1, 2, 3. Challenge. [Starting~ Vroom] 5, 6, 7, 8. [Please focus on the bottle now] 1, 2, 3. [No caption from now on] 1, 2, 3. [Caption] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [2x] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [3x] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [What? Why are they so good?] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Focus. [They are still focused even when the staff is trying to ruin it] - 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - Focus! - Focus. - 1, 2, 3. [The staff is saying so many things to make them lose] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [Can't hear you] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [Triple acceleration] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [We can go home early!] - What? - Heard the beep sound. - It's over. - Get together! We won it. - Jung Kook! [It's the festival time] The 1, 2, 3 was awesome. [Succeeded?] - Did we win? - Yes. [Won!] We won! - Are we done? - We finished it so quick. [Is it over?] - Is it over? - You thought that [They said it was 9PM] we will finish at 9PM. - What time is it? - You... [You will go home at 6PM] [Happy] We made 3 hours earlier. Don't be happy. Did you defeat the king? [Busy] Jin will have to finish up the game. You have to finish the game. - Really? - Yes. [Really] You said it so... You have to keep it. You don't know BTS members' word is as good as a bond BTS will keep our promise no matter what. [Collapsed] I will stay with you. Jin, come and join for the ending scene. - Jin. - Jin, 1, 2, 3. [My heart hurts...] 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [His mind is already in other world] Really... It was a very fun day today. Did you have fun? [Look at him] Except you, I think we all had fun. [Nervous] - Jin. - Which games did we win? [The missions you won...] This one and the table cloth one and more... [Bang] [They showed a great teamwork] It think it was the best teamwork. All I can remember basketball. I feel like our teamwork got better. - I think it was one of the best Dalbang time. - It was. - It was fun. [It was time to evaluate teamwork of 7 years] Our 7 year long... Our teamwork. I think we improved a lot. - OK. - We can see it clearly that we're a team. - Anyways... - No one misunderstands us. [ARMY, are you watching this?] Anyways, Run BTS will continue! Run BTS. - Great work. - Good work. [Everyone, go home!] Great job. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. [The contents was made with the sponsorship of Nara Home Deco] [Run BTS. EP. 117 Teamwork special 2]
Channel: mulberry v
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Keywords: bts, 방탄소년단, run bts, bts run, run bts ep 117, run bts eps 117, run bts 117, run bts ep 117 sub indo, run bts eps 117 sub indo, run bts 117 sub indo, run bts ep 117 eng sub, run bts eps 117 eng sub, run bts 117 eng sub, bts run ep 117, bts run eps 117, bts run 117, bts run ep 117 sub indo, bts run 117 sub indo, bts run eps 117 sub indo, bts run ep 117 eng sub, bts run 117 eng sub
Id: QDzuengYDjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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