[Eng sub] Teaching tips on how to make landscape paintings look different with a simple twist.

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Hello, everyone. Shibasaki here. How's it going? Good! It's so hot every day. Well, the theme of this episode is.... ...it's been a while... ...but Shibasaki critiques your painting.... ....and corrects it.... ...from my own perspective. Let's look at the painting I'm correcting today. This is it. It's wonderful! It's mostly covered in warm colors. It looks so peaceful. The person who sent this beautiful painting is... Let me find who it is. He's Eduardo Bello. An American who's 59 years old. The painting is entitled Landscape. I wonder where we can see this landscape. It looks like... ...somewhere in Europe around the Alps. I wonder if I'm correct. It's wonderful painting anyway. I'm going to critique it from my perspective. But you have to be aware.... ...I'm going to do so according to my own preferences. Please note.... ...that it's a just an idea. If I were to correct this painting.... ...at a glance.... ...this slope right here.... ...or this magnificent landscape of the Alps.... ...and this front view... ... are completely separated. It seems asa if there were two themes in this painting. I'd like to try and combine the two themes into one. The other thing is this bridge down here. This is parallel to the frame. I'll try to take advantage of the bridge to emphasize the depth of the landscape... ...and guide the viewer's gaze toward the houses. Let's get started then. First of all.... ...the line that separates the front and rear views.... ...will be here. Here's a mountain. This mountain may have a large peak on this side. And the rest of it looks like this. A coniferous forest right here. Now... ...as I said earlier.... ...the landscape is divided along this line. To avoid that.... ...and emphasize the magnificence of the landscape... ...I'm thinking to moving the buildings farther away. They'll be located somewhere around the line... ...so that the line won't divide the landscape. The houses will be overlapping the slope. Naturally you'll be looking up at the houses. Somewhere around here. Right here. Like this. This will be one of them. That's it. The other one will be placed right here. It's going to look like this... ...in a shape like this. They'll be standing next to each other. then the houses look farther away.... ...blending into the landscape... ...successfully. Another addition of a house. Right here.... ...a tiny little house. That will be it. Then you'll have large space for the front view... ...where you can add a road.... ...winding down the hill. Place some conifer threes in between. This is nice! Here's one. You can add a significantly larger size tree. Then.... ...it further adds depth to the landscape. It gives viewers a sense of moving higher up the mountain. The painting offers some sensory information. Now the bridge down here. It should be connected to the road to guide viewers' gaze. I'd like to draw it right here.... ...to look like this. That's it. Here's a stream. This should be it. Then.... ...because there're trees here... ...there should be some on the bank. Now.... ...the houses here have been relocated. If it looks empty.... ...you could add more trees in the front. That's an option. If objects block the viewer's gaze, it'll be guided to the main subject of the painting. That's what I'm planning to do anyway. I can demonstrate what they look like as I'm painting. Now... ...let's start painting then. You did an excellent job with the sky and clouds… …with warm colors. Paint spontaneously… …all over. You seem to have used Cerulean Blue. Clouds here… …and there. Does this do? Now… …the shaded areas of the clouds… ...were nicely done. Just like this. Just paint roughly. That's it. Now... ... the mountains in the far view. This was painted nicely as well… …in Cobalt Blue. It seems a little overdone though. It should be simplified if possible. Once the top of the mountain’s done… …casually paint the foot of it. It's an option. Then... ...gradually move toward the front. I think this is what it actually looks like. But it's hard to see as the colors are too light. Let's use a darker tint of the color. That's it. That's it. Some purplish color will also do for a distant view. Then... ...this should also be simplified. Add an airy appearance in the front. Right. The grass field right here. Let's go it first. Yellow has been used for it. I wonder if it's summer or autumn. It may look bright in the sun. I'm not sure. But a greenish color was used in the front. This is it. Color... ....so that the road will be emphasized. That's what I want to do. Will this do? As usual.... ...in order to maximize the effects of watercolor paints.... ...add different colors when the base paint is still wet. Looking farther back... ...I see more warm colors were used in the original painting. Use a bright, cool color instead... ...to emphasize the depth effect. This is it. Just like that. See how much lighter this color is compared to the other one? Lighter and bit cooler. Do the area looks further away. use larger strokes for this area. For the area higher up the slope... ...gradually add and replace with a bluish color as you go up. That'll enhance the sense of distance even further. Such use of colors... ...will add a sense of space. That's my suggestion. Again use large strokes. Enjoy the effect of coincidence and resulted uneven colors. That's it. Here's a little creek. Use a different color for the closer area of it. Here.... ...there's a riverbank.... ...and here... ...that looks like this. This is closer bank. This is the color I've made for it. Flowers would be a nice addition... ...by leaving some spots unpainted. Such additions would entertain viewers. Adding some complex appearances. That'll make the painting interesting. The riverbank over here... ...looks like this. Looking good. See how the space is emphasized? Now... Well... I'm now painting the background. But try and use the wet-in-wet technique for some bleeding effect. It will enhance the vast area of the landscape. Touch these areas with a wet paintbrush here and there..... ...to add moisture. Add pain over it. But make sure the distant forest won't be vividly green. A cool, grayish blue or green will do. This is it. See how the paint is bleeding now? Enjoy what the water does to the paint. Have fun. Don't paint individual trees.... ...but let the water do the job for you. The forest spreads over toward the houses. That's good. And... ...here as well. I'm being serious. Let the paint bleed.... ...and continue painting toward the next house. This will..... ...let the houses blend right in the background. Here... ...is it good? If the paint gets dry.... ...don't worry. Work the area with a wet brush again. just like that. Until it's slightly wet. Take more of the grayish blue -green color. It looks like the green belt splits into two here... ...but it's fine. keep coloring.... ...and leave the house unpainted. paint the rest of the area. That's good. I'm sure there are more objects in the area... ...such as rocks. However... ...try not to paint too much of everything. That's an idea. This will just do. I'm sure there are more things you want to add. Save that for later. Don't do that for now. Well. Now... In the far view.... ...the houses in the mid-view are blending. Now work on the houses. These houses... ...are done very nicely. Possibly.... ...they have white walls. Let's say they have white walls. Watercolor paints are good for something white and clear. Let's use blue for the shaded sides. These are very small areas. I'm using a size 20 round brush for these areas. This is the wall.... ...and under the roof. That's it. Very good. For the house further away..... ...casually paint it. Not too precise. And the side wall.... ...of the other house. As well as the shade under the roof. Here are the houses. Now.... ...what to do? Because I've started using blue... ...why don't I paint the creek now? For the clean placid stream.... ...use the dry-brush technique. This is enough. Leave some spots unpainted... ...and keep working. This area could be left unpainted completely. You don't meed to paint it completely. You may keep going without thinking... ...but try not to. This will do. Now the bridge. Paint the bridge casually. If you reproduce the bridge structure precisely... ...the painting will look less attractive. this is the side of bridge. Will this do? Now... ...the bridge is over the stream. Well... Here... The field is fine... ...so are the houses. Let's paint the roofs now. Erase the pencil lines first. So that the color will appear nicely. Right here. That's it. The roof looks orange in the original painting. For this too..... ...don't paint completely. Just place paint. It's OK that some spots are left unpainted. That's it. I understand that you want to fill the area with paint. I know how you feel. But just place the paint. It's better that way. That'll make viewers feel better. They know that these are houses. Precise painting may give too much information. Here as well.... ...just gently touch with the brush. Leave lots of the area unpainted. Now... ...add spice where it seems appropriate. That's it. Add a window.... ...with a gentle touch. That's it And under the roof. Is this good? This subtle touches will make you look skillful. These very subtle additions. Like this one. And that. Now we've come this far. Now this green field.... A light green has been used for the sunny field. So a dark tint of green will further emphasize the presence of the houses. These additions are a must. A thin line of green for the distant house. The green belt will link the houses together. Is this good? You just need to represent the atmosphere of the landscape. Don't overwork it. There's a tree here. Let's work on it. This can be painted swiftly as well.... ...like this. Like that. Tree in different sizes. Add some shade by spreading the paint with a finger. Then.... ...more tree in the front. Here's one. You may want to add some details to it. But just use quick brush strokes.... ...and don't add too many details. You don't need to stick to using green. ...because there's so much of it already. So.... ...you don't want to go crazy with it. Right. Blue for example.... ...will enhance the beauty of different colors. Scratch the surface for some effects. These techniques can be used as tricks. Add some trees and shrubs.... ...to block the direction of eyes. These small items make the painting more interesting. If the item to see is partially covered.... ...people feel more like looking at. Interesting, isn't it? This way..... ....the road barely looks visible. Barely is the key. The bright road leading to the top of the hill.... ...is barely visible. That's an important balance. Think of balance when you add something. The tree here..... ...needs a shadow... ...add more complexity to the painting. It's coming along. The large grass field as well.... ...has some small trees here and there. You may add changes to them. Like some objects along the slope. These objects can encourage viewers to expand their imagination. In the front right here.... ...is another tree that's blocking the gaze.... ...to partially cover the view. It will make the focal point look large. That's what I'm trying to do here. That's it. It's covering the view like this. Here are riverbanks. Riverbanks.... ...and the shade underneath the bridge. That's it. The creek's running . Along the bridge.... ...the viewer's gaze should be led to the houses.... ...successfully! Add some more trees and shrubs here. You did an excellent job doing so. Make sure it's not too precise or descriptive. Those are only side players. You may want to add something in detail in the front view. But too many details will make the painting look messy. Just make sure the viewer's gaze will be guided to the subject through these side players. This is the key. Keep that in mind. That way the painting is nicely organized. Here. That's it. Well. What do you think? I hope the paintin g has turned out to be beautiful. So that's done. This is it. What do you think? I hope you've enjoyed it. Remember this is my interpretation. Hope this is good for you. Now... ...that's the land scape of the Alps in summer... ...with a fresh breeze blowing across the field. I'm still looking forward to seeing more paintings from my viewers. The detail will be posted in the description of this video. Look for the information if you're interested. Thank you very much for watching until the end of another long video. Stay well. I'll see you very soon with a different theme and a different work. Bye now. Thank you very much!
Channel: Watercolor by Shibasaki
Views: 135,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 透明水彩, 水彩画, スケッチ, テクニック, 簡単, 上達, 風景画, 描き方, 柴崎, watercolor, painting technique
Id: AYIyUjqPbds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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