【2023古装巨制】山河恋·美人无泪 Schemes of a Beauty 第01集(刘恺威、袁姗姗、韩栋、张檬)

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Oh no! Consort Chen had a miscarriage! Consort Chen had a miscarriage! I can't leave! No! Sumal, take Fulin away Don't worry Mom will pick you up soon. Hurry up Don't be caught Your Highness According to your requirement, I have informed every station OK, hurry up Go! Princess, take care of yourself Dorgon Fulin and I are in danger. We are counting on you. Sister Are you alright? You are so cruel. How could you poison my kid with Haina flower again and again? I don't know what you mean Don't pretend to be innocent There is the poison of Haina flower on the kite You once used it to result in my miscarriage Sister, since you remember the past, you should remember that you almost died for Zhuolin It's me who grasped your dagger with my hands. I once begged the Emperor to save you with this sword. Now you are holding the sword, but you want to kill Yu'er. I don't know how to explain. Then as you wish. Just kill me Your Highness Go away Prince Rui is coming. Who would dare to be rude to me? How did Consort Chen die? Tell me Didn't I come here to save you? Even if I have to be killed, I will still protect you two. After all, she is your sister So what? Aren't you and Huang Taiji brothers? You have changed a lot In fact, you needn't me to protect you, right? Dorgon Do you forget your oath? You should fight for me for a lifetime. Slow down. Sister, you are so slow. I can't wait for you. Bye You don't have to wait for me Be careful, Yu'er Sister Is a tortoise pull your carriage? Shut up The one who failed should wear this to attend Zhezhe's auntie's wedding. Then you won't be embarrassed. Agula Slow down I even can't win Agula It's a shame Sister, this way Damn, we seem to be lost Don't worry We will find our way definitely But we were ordered to send dowry for Zhezhe's auntie If we miss the right time, no one can bear the punishment. How about we call Agula and Ukeshan to save us? Agula. Sister disagreed with that. If so, doesn't it mean that we concede defeat. I disagree. We can find the way. Snake. Sister. Snake Uliji. Yu'er Yu'er Sister Yu'er Sister, are you alright? I'm fine. How about you? I'm fine too It's lucky that most of the dowries are cloth and textile. If they are porcelain and jadeware, we would get screwed Don't worry. I'm always lucky. We will be fine. Don't get cocky. Don't forget There is an unlucky person beside you. That's me What's going on? How can you think you are an unlucky person? But everyone of the Horqin clan think so. I don't believe that. In my mind, you are my best sister. If there is anyone who still calls you that, I will beat him up. Alright Alright Take a break I go to bring those thing back. Be careful Yu'er, be careful Yu'er. Yu'er Help. Yu'er Help! Yu'er Help! Flying Eagle Yu'er. Yu'er Yu'er. Yu'er Yu'er. Yu'er Thank the blessing of heaven Protect Yu'er Princess Please drink the hot ginger tea. Don't get cold It's my fault that I didn't accompany you It's not your fault. So hot. Give it to me Princess, be careful Please drink Thank you. Sister Slow down Sister Who is the hero that saved me? He didn't give me his name. How can I find him again? But the man who doesn't ask for the reward is the real hero Yu'er, don't worry. If there is the fate about you two, you will meet each other in the future. You will definitely express your thank to him face to face. Yes, I saw that he was wearing the clothes of the Great Jin. And he was so powerful and strong He must be the best warrior of Great Jin When auntie goes to Great Jin and becomes Huang Taiji's Fujin, I will ask auntie to help me find him. I will ask him to take me to fly again. Fly! Fly! Hush Sister, what? I just heard there might be someone outside. If that person comes in and sees me wearing Princess's clothes, there will be a big trouble. It's not a big deal. I think you really look pretty when you're wearing that clothes. How could it be? You are Princess, I'm just a servant How could a servant wear Princess's dress? Moreover, If Fujin finds out that, that would be a big trouble. Then I can take the responsibility. Both sister and me are dad's daughters. Why am I the Princess, while sister should be a servant? It's unfair Because sister's mom is a servant So the servant's daughter should be another servant. It's unchangeable. I disagree I will let sister become a princess Then we can dress up together Yu'er, stop it. Take it. Put it on. Look, is it pretty? You have to come with me to Lamb grabbing meeting. Just put it on. That's it. Look, is it pretty? Pretty How could there be two princesses? It's me Sister Look Even Agula can't recognize you. You needn't to worry about anything. Well I want to buy a mask too. OK Sister, let's play over there OK Just pick your prize I want this one OK Try this one Let me try it. So great Sister, I won I want this one. OK. Go. Sister Sister Agula Sister Yu'er How can you win every game? You have got so many things Sister, you really have no luck. You didn't win any game at all. How could you say that? Where is your sister? Take those things back. All of them are mine. Come on. Take your things. We should leave. Sister, let's go on. Go over there. Sister, one more time. I can't Don't worry. I will help you. It's my sister who shot it before. You. So great! So great He is a real hero. It's him Flying Eagle Flying Eagle Flying Eagle Flying Eagle Where is Flying Eagle You Flying Eagle Who is Flying Eagle? Lady, I think you have the wrong person. You once saved my life. I really want to say thanks for that. Who are you? When did I save you? Can't you recognize me? I know it. It's known that these girls of Mongolia are passionate and outgoing. I didn't know that you could play this trick. Alright Even if I didn't save you, I would like to make friends with you for your desire to approach to me. You didn't save me? Nope. Maybe in the future, there might be an opportunity to save your life. But I only know your Flying Eagle Medal. You also know it? Honestly, I am the fourteenth Beile of Great Jin, Dorgon My father gave this gold medal to me. You are the Beile of Great Jin Yes, are you shocked? Your flushed look is so pretty What's your name? If you can make me happy, probably, I will marry you as my Fujin. You. Flying Eagle is a real hero. How could he be this frivolous person? Why so silent? Shy? You didn't act like that just now. I have the wrong guy. Girl Where is Yu'er? Did you find her? Ukeshan Go to find her Are you alright? Are you alright? Your hands got so dirty. This horse is so big. Sister You are here. I was looking everywhere for you. I just saw a man who has the Flying Eagle Medal Really? Where is him? He is right there. Let's go. He should be here. So weird. Where is him? So weird He was here just now. I haven't found him for such a long time. Is there really no fate between me and him? Don't get sad. It's all my fault. If I could recognize him as quickly as possible, maybe you can meet him. It's not a big deal. At least, you can sure that he is not far from us. We will meet him again. Sister Look, there are wrestlers. Let's go to see. Maybe brother Zhuolin is there. Sister, look. It's really Zhuolin Zhuolin. Zhuolin Zhuolin. It's you. It's that bastard again. You know him Zhuolin, beat him up Beat him up. Look! Brother Zhuolin Beat him up. Beat him up Brother Zhuolin. Zhuolin You Zhuolin. That creep. Zhuolin It's not fun at all. Let's go to find auntie. Wait. I'm still wearing this dress. I have to change it. Then I'll go there. Auntie Yu'er Auntie Will you wear this dress tomorrow? So beautiful. Auntie You will go to Great Jin soon. Can Yu'er see you again? Yu'er will miss you so much. Auntie will also miss you and Horqin. Without my help, you have to protect yourself, got it? Right, auntie. what kind of person is my uncle, Huang Taiji? Does he treat you well? Do you like him? How could i know that? Two years ago, I followed Dad to visit the Emperor of Great Jin. At that time, I once saw the back of him. Then I never saw him again. What! You will marry him tomorrow, but you even don't know who he is. What if his nose or his mouth is crooked, then you still have to marry him? Yes, I have to. Do you think it's just the marriage between auntie and Huang Taiji? In fact, it's the alliance between Horqin and Great Jin. Auntie, I don't understand. The future country will belong to Great Jin. The whole country will be controlled by Great Jin. The military of Horqin is so weak. We can't defeat them. But we can change him Huang Taiji is the best Beile in Nurhaci's mind. He must be the future Emperor. As long as I can marry him and give birth to a son for him, then the future Emperor will be our Mongolia's son too. No one can change our kinship . That would be the best protective talisman of Horqin But auntie, if you do so, you will completely overlook your happiness. I'm the Princess of Horqin. It's my fate to devote myself to Horqin. It's also my duty. Zhezhe Princess I'm Harjol. May I come in? It's Harjol. Sister Come in. Zhezhe Princess My mom made it. What? She said that it's her presents for your marriage. Put it down. Yes. Look, Auntie Tana is really good at it. Auntie, it's so beautiful. If you like it, you can take it. How could I receive it? It's the present for you. When I get married, I will ask Auntie Tana to embroider one for me. It's embroidered with gold thread. Give it to your mom. Princess, thank you. Those are onyx and pearl necklace. Give it to your mom. To thank her for giving me so many presents. Auntie, thank you. Harjol Just go back. I have to talk with Yu'er. Yes. Auntie. Harjol is your niece too. Why did you do that to her? If I were her, I would be so sad. Why? You are so naive. If you are bullied by others like your mom in the future, don't blame auntie for no reminding. How is it possible that my mom was bullied by others? Only she could bully others. Auntie Let's discuss something else. Right. I met a nice guy and a horrible guy. Who is that horrible guy? Tell me. Auntie will help you He is Zhuolin Harjol, you are here. Are you alright? I'm fine. Thank you for your encouragement. But you wore that dress in the daytime. I thought I met the wrong person. I really like your look now. You are prettier. Yes. A servant wears the dress of Princess How could I look pretty? No, I didn't mean that. I mean this kind of dress really suit you. Then the dress of Princess... No No No I also didn't mean that. I. I'm so inarticulate. I'm joking. Look at you, you even aren't afraid of fighting against beasts. But now, I just said a few words. You are so nervous. I'm not afraid of bears But I'm afraid that you frown and cry. Right. I won this Just take it To buy the dress you like Is the money not enough? Don't worry. I can go there again. I will win more money for you. I didn't mean that. I just don't want to waste the money. You earn it in such a hard way. I hope you can cherish your body Then you can defend our country, make Horqin proud, and win the glory for yourself. Don't worry. I got an order. When I finish it, I will make contribution. Really? What will you do? I can't tell you now. Anyway, when I finish it and become the first warrior of Mongolia, I will marry you and take care of your family. Will you accept me? Yes. I will wait for you. Brother Zhuolin is whistling Sister must meet him now. Let me play a trick. Today, we will ally with Great Jin. From now on, Horqin will be the talk of this steppe. Dad Dad Yu'er. Yu'er was taken away. Yu'er Brother Well We Khalkha prepared those presents for the fourth Beile. Wish Great Jin every success. Win more battles Great. Thanks for your kindness. After such a long journey, you might be tired. We have prepared wine and dine for you. Just go to enjoy it. Beile. Thank you. There are other guests that I have to serve. I have to leave. Thank you. The fourth Beile The fourteenth Beile My sister was caught by someone. Father Don't worry. Yu'er. Yu'er I can handle these things. You get in. OK. Go. Protect Tribal Chief Who sent you here? Who are you? Let me go. Or Horqin won't forgive you. Don't worry. As long as your father agrees to our demand and never follows Jin, I promise that you can go back safely. My father. You came from the Central Plains. It's the Great Ming sent you here. You want to threaten Horqin with money? Shut up. Don't move. Help! Let this guy leave. Kill ! Help! Release. Let me go. Help! Let me go. Don't move. Let me go. Help! Help! Help! Let me go. Let me go. Help! Hold on. It's you! Father, I sent someone to investigate. These assassins are all eunuchs Just like those people who caught the daughter of Zhaisang to stop us allying with Horqin, they are killers of Eastern Depot. Eunuchs from Ming Princess. Princess Father, brother came back Princess. Are you alright? Princess Sumal Father. Are you alright? We are fine. You two really made a great contribution. Right, did you save that Princess Horqin? That girl is quite smart. It's her. So you are that Princess. Did they treat you rudely? You are the rudest one. Huang Taiji Does Dorgon know that girl? Are they arguing with each other? I don't know it clearly. What did you say? Sumal. Go Princess. Stop. Princess Princess Your Highness. Be careful. Father.Are you alright? Do you need any doctor? No need. Father. It's not a big deal. It will be cured within two days. Father. Are you alright? Yu'er. Yu'er Dad, mom Thanks God. My Yu'er is safe. That's great. Yu'er is fine. It's great that Yu'er can come back safely. Great. Zhaisang Your daughter looks even better. I can't recognize her. Yu'er made some trouble for you. It's fine. She is so smart. It's her saved my life. Or I might be killed by those eunuchs. What a shame. Your Highness. You are the emperor. No one can hurt you. You dad used to say that you are the little Lucky star of Horqin I think you are also the Lucky star of Great Jin Welcome to Great Jin Sister. Sister Yu'er I heard that you were kidnapped. Are you alright? If you were hurt, I can't live well. I'm fine Sister, don't be so sad. Zhaisang Your daughters are so excellent. Let's continue to discuss the alliance. OK. Please. You are a shameless woman Do you want all men of Great Jin misunderstand that you are the Princess of Horqin? Who taught you that? Is that shameless Tana? Look at yourself, both your pathetic look and your eyes that try to seduce men are the same as your shameless mom. I hate your face so much. Ulan. Hit her. Yes. Princess. Princess. Auntie Tana Auntie Tana. Please Please save my daughter. She just worried about you. She is not that kind of person. I beg you. I know. I will explain to mom. Don't worry. Thank you. Thank you. Mom Stand up. Go to call dad. Yes. Ulan. Stop! Ulan. Go on! Yes. Stop it! I don't allow you to hit Harjol How could you say that to your mom? Mom, I beg you. Just stop it. Just because of you, she could be so shameless. Mom, you are always so beautiful and noble. In my mind, you are as kind as god. You always protect and love us. Why do you become so mean and cruel when you are facing sister Harjol? Shut up. Ulan. Go on. Yes. You You can't hit Harjol Go away. Sister Say What did you do to Yu'er? Now she is on your side. She even disobey my orders. You deliberately let Princess be kidnapped. They are the most vicious people. Ulan, go to arrest Tana. I will punish them. Yes. You can't Your Highness. It's all my fault. Please punish me Don't hurt my mom Mom It's me who was too naughty. Therefore, those guys caught me. If mom really wants to punish them, just let accompany them. Alright. All of you kneel outside. Without my order, no one can stand up. Sister Yu'er Go Yu'er You have knelt for a long time. Just stand up. Don't insist on suffering so much with us. I'm fine. Don't mind it. Princess, you don't have to be punished. Don't worry. I understand my mom. As long as I insist, she will give up. Sister. Don't worry. No matter what happened, I'm on your side. Mom Look, we will be saved. Yu'er Why did your mom order you to kneel down. Stand up. Mom doesn't let them stand up I won't stand up too. You. Saiqiya Tomorrow is Zhezhe's wedding day. Why do you have to punish them? Is it my fault? Yes. It's you who cheated on me with my servant. I got teased for your relationship. It's in the past. I swear I was just drunk I though she was you. You are the only woman in my mind During so many years, I didn't marry even one Vice Fujin. Why don't you believe me? You only love me. So ridiculous. You was seduced by that bitch. She gave birth to Harjol Then Agula was born. Do you think I'm so naive? I have no relationship with Tana anymore And Tana also paid a heavy price for it. Why can't you forgive her? You and that bitch have two kids now. They even live at my place. How could I bear the shame?
Channel: 森宇热播剧场
Views: 308,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sXFcYqbQdg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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