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Indian Bread, Naan Let's make bread to eat with curry 200g plan flour 10g (1 tbsp) sugar or honey 3g (1.5 teasp) salt It is coated with flour so that the salt does not come into contact with the yeast immediately. 2g (1 teasp) yeast 10g (1 tbsp) olive oil 60g sugar-free yogurt at room temperature (3 tbsp) Mix well 70g of warm water Mix well It is appropriate to use water at a temperature similar to that of a person If you like the chewy taste, knead a lot Knead for 5 minutes Let's move a lot before eating this Ferment in a warm place for 1 hour Doubled after an hour Make it round Divide it into 6 equal parts Make it round First push it round like a pizza Hold one end and stretch it to form a water drop Make it with a frying pan, but let's make it similar to Indian bread It's delicious to make it thin like pizza dough Check if the fan has become hot Roll up the dough The first side is grilled over medium heat If the air pocket is raised greatly Change to low heat and turn over Cook evenly over low heat If you keep medium heat then low heat, you can see a convex belly The full view I want to see again Glad it wasn't my belly Applying melted butter makes it more savory Butter is optional If you like cilantro, sprinkle with chopped cilantro Decorate it with parsley if you don't like it Naan made with my love, let's feel that chewy It's a very friendly way to eat Wow~ it's chewy, my stomach is happy with the Indian bread I've been eating Curry bag I want to wear on my jumper The stomach is filling up Even today, I rode an unstoppable train.
Channel: 매일맛나 delicious day
Views: 717,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 간단요리, 매일맛나, 자취요리, 맛있는레시피, 쉬운요리, 초간단요리, 인생레시피, 황금레시피, 간식, 아이디어요리, 인도요리, 인도빵만들기, 난만들기, 난만드는법, 난레시피, 인도난레시피, Naan만들기, 차파티만드는법, 로띠만들기, 로티만들기, 로티레시피, 갈릭난만들기, 후라이팬난만들기, Indian dish, Indian bread recipe, Naan recipe, Roti recipe, Chapati Recipe, Naan Bread Recipe, 난반죽레시피
Id: S0u0LbS8qBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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