[SUB] 내 장점이 뭔지 알아~ 바로 골 때린 거야☺ [차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만] EP.12 #이영지 #크러쉬 (ENG/JPN/SPA)

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-You talk in a similar way to me Oh really? -You don't finish one topic and move on to the next topic Did you talk in English with Christopher? I am just really curious x3 -Can you let me lead the talk? Yeah I can? Yeah you can? Something like this? Okay I'm sorry [Episode 12 starts] 1, 2, 3~ -Hello guys, I am your idol, Youngji -Today's PPL is Korean dumpling~! -Pulmuone~ With a beautiful voice, Pulmuone~ -Today's pick is Pulmuone~ -Pulmuone sent us this cute steamer [Step1: Put dumplings on the steamer] -Kimchi dumpling -Who buys this draft beer machine for the guests? -We need to go back to the basic -And [Step 2. Place it in the microwave for 3 minutes] -Why are there so many flies today? -Is the sewer open? When we tried to clean after filming, there was trash already inside the bin -What? I'll forgive you if you tell me honestly now -I'll forgive you if you tell me honestly now Oh, you think that person is here? -Everyone, close your eyes x2 -Raise your hand if you ate something here after filming -Wow.. I thought we are close already.. -I'm going to change the password -How do I change it? I'll change it for you -It's pointless then [We are not guilty] -Wait a moment, it's done [Step 3. Bring out the well-cooked dumpling] -It's really delicious -It has a lot of ingredients inside, right? [Yes x2] Isn't he the one who talked about the nose pack? [Reference: Episode 9 "nose pack director"] -What's wrong with him? [Revenge of that day] [Time to fry the dumplings] -Look how well fried they are -You don't need to film it x2 -You are very stubborn -They are all well-fried x2 -Tell me honestly, you received money from Pulmuone right? -These are all well-fried right? -Please say something director -Fried dumpling [Finished cooking the fried dumplings] -It's crunchy and full of ingredients [Pulmuone's 'yalpihansigyoja'] -I just want to start by closing the door. Like this. -I just have this feeling that I need to close it -Who is it? Yeah -Who is it? !@#$#!$ -What? You have just been discharged from the army? No! Your parcel arrived x2 -Oh parcel~ Parcel -Hey x4 -If I shout like this... x3 It just sounded like rap -If a fly comes and I shout like this... -Who are you? x2 -What? -Who are you? You can just leave the parcel in front of the door You need to collect in person -Oh in person? -Hello~ [12th guest: Crush] [After listening to Crush's new song and crushing the door, the two-room became one room] Hello [His appearance makes others overwhelmed] Hello -Hello -Parcel x2 Parcel? [Mask] -Please take a seat Smells delicious -Please sit there There? Okay -Hello Hello x2 Nice to meet you -Hello x2 -Your waist is located very low Oh this.. -It's famous among people who do Hip-hop to wear pants like that Oh to wear pants very low? -To place it low until the knees Oh, should I place it lower then? -It's the first time for us to see each other.. -Please take a seat. You need to sit on the green one -You have to sit exactly on the spot, not crossing the boundary Okay This place is a bit like.. -Why are you still like a soldier? -I mean I understand why but.. It's been only a month since I discharged from the army -You are sitting too straight and it makes me feel like I need to sit like that too I'm sitting like this for my spine -What do you mean? Making the lumbar spine straight is good for the spine's hygiene -Oh? Then is it possible for the spine to be not clean? Yeah if you bend like this -When you say it's not hygienic, does it mean that the spine becomes dirty? No I mean.... It can cause the spine disc issue -Oh you just simply say "it's not good for hygienic" for that? Spine's Hygiene -"It's not good for hygienic" That's how you say it? Jung Sunggeun Professor from the Seoul National University -But... what I am curious about is.. Actually, the truth is that there is a mic behind me so.. -Do you want to just remove the mic then? Okay.. -What do you mean okay? Why? x5 -You are so funny Me? What's funny? I didn't do anything yet Do I look funny? -I don't know why but you are very funny Everyone says that -Really? That's a gift Right? Aren't you similar? -What? You are similar to me -Me? No No? -That's my aim. People to be fun and happy just by looking at me That's a good thing then -Yeah it's a very good thing so I wonder how you do that My personal tips? First of all.. When I go to Han River, I participate in the daydreaming competition -Exactly [He is the champion of the daydreaming competition] You should try that Also, you should try singing under heavy rain -Really? That's a very nice know-how Right? -To win the daydreaming competition.. are you daydreaming right now? No x3 I was thinking why the microwave is at 3 minutes and 14 seconds -This is a microwave.. Yeah, you are using a good one... From Samsung.. -Yeah, it was included when I rented this house Oh it was included? Why is this house so small? -Help me move then.. -I'm sorry but do you usually talk like that? Oh by the way we started filming right? -We started 50 years ago Oh I see.. -So.. Hello [Shocking] Can I go to the bathroom? I've been holding for so long -You can try going Is this the bathroom? -If you wait 20 seconds then it'll open Oh really? What's wrong with this door? Is there no bathroom here? -No the bathroom is inside there Oh someone is inside? Oh does it require your fingerprint to enter? I really need to go to the bathroom What should I do? Please Thank you -Inside the empty room alone blah blah~~ -Don't forget me~ Don't forget me~ -Don't forget me~ Don't forget me~ -Blah blah~ -Even if you eat Pulmuone dumpling -Don't forget me~ Don't forget me~ Don't forget me~ [Out of energy in 30 minutes] -It's so funny Your house is not small -It's big It's interesting. Why is this in here? There is no dumpling inside There is nothing inside -That is my secret Oh your secret? Okay x2 -Man... that guy x2 -Look at me... You don't need to stand up -I told you. If you cross the boundary, you will be electrified Electrified? Oh, then I should stay like this? -Yeah like that Like this? I can't cross the boundary? -Yeah you can't -We hear that you like draft beer. So we bought this machine Draft beer machine!? -We really bought it Really? -Only for you -Look how frozen the glass is Legal rogue.. Okay -Wait.. what the..? Oh it's like the one from "My Mister" Lee Sungyun failed to pour beer properly so.. You don't know how to pour the draft beer properly -You don't know how to pour the draft beer properly I think there is a problem with this machine Do we really drink this? -Yeah. What do you think of this show? A Truman show or something? -You finished at once It's a must to finish everything at once for the first glass -Really? -Why is that so? My dad says so.. -Oh your dad... Wait isn't this too much? Am I drinking a bubble or beer? -It's for you to enjoy it in a smooth way -I have one question Ask me anything -You talk in a similar way to me Oh really? -You don't finish one topic and move on to the next topic Did you talk in English with Christopher? I am just really curious x3 -Yeah Really? I realized that you are very good at English Did you study English? -Can you let me lead the talk? Yeah I can? Yeah you can? Something like this? Okay I'm sorry -You talk in a very weird way Okay x3 I'm sorry x3 -Please eat the dumplings Okay x2 Soy sauce.. Do you have soy sauce? -I'm sorry.. Thank you Well.. I should pour it like this then.. A bowl for the soy sauce -I understand the reason behind you fame What? x2 -Honestly, I am jealous Of what? -No joke. I feel more tired than when I met Christopher Oh really? I am not a strong person though. I even had a nightmare yesterday -Really? How did you manage to wake up? I held my fist tight -Instead of doing that.. I was like "FXXK" Seriously, you need to swear to wake up -But you can't open your mouth when you are having a nightmare though FX...XK... you wake up like this I'm serious. I am really serious -I really respect you because it's my first time seeing a person like you -You are so cool Do you know what my MBTI is? -I am not curious You'll be surprised -We have a drink from Denmark -Do you want to try it? No -Why x2 The draft beer already tastes good.. Why Denmark? -Christopher gave it to me I saw Christopher singing <Beautiful> -Oh really? I envy you Exactly -I don't understand the flow of this conversation -It makes me.. Do I make you frustrated? -It's more than that Oh really? -It's something like x4... this I am very weak though -What do you mean? Something like.. uh.. like... I am very weak when I am being filmed -Where are the glasses? -I want to pour this to that guy's stomach already Oh you want to send me home fast? -Yeah Can you give me water? What's wrong with Christopher King~ -I have a question. I heard that the elementary kids followed you until the bathroom in the airport The airport poop incident -The airport poop incident -Oh it was poop? I went to the Gimpo airport as I had a performance to do in the Jeju Island That day, although it was a weekday, the airport was very crowded Young kids were wearing a school bag and.. They were like this. So I ran to the bathroom and closed the bathroom door to poop Suddenly from outside, one kid shouted "Hey! Crush went to the bathroom to poop!" Really? Yeah And then I heard "What is Crush?", "He is a singer x2" Then all kids rushed into the bathroom Someone shouted "He is a singer!" and I could see hands coming in under the bathroom door I was like "please go out!", "Or else we will all die" And it suddenly became quiet -Seems like they all went out. How long did it pass? I had to stay in there for so long -I see Long enough for the poop to harden I opened the door and, thank god, there was no one outside So I went outside the bathroom, and as if I were at a press conference.. -Oh my... A while ago, there were only kids, but now there were adults holding phones and saying "Hey, Crush pooped there" -It's very funny but I can't laugh It's a funny and sad situation -While you were doing the military service, I'm sure people recognized you No x2 That's why I became very desperate now -What are you most desperate of? -Promoting yourself? Oh... Why? x2 -Why are you changing your voice? This is.. x2 -Changing into a tone for promotion I am very desperate because now it's hard for me to even say "my album is released today" -What made you think like that? Before.. like.. like.. -Let's say someone came back Yeah if someone came back, people were like D-3, D-2.. Waiting for the singer But now, I have to be like "I am coming back so please listen to my song!!!" -That's right but I don't think that situation applies to you Right? But that's not true, I also need to be like "Please listen!!" -Oh really? -How many songs? Oh, this time? Just one -One? Meh.. Yeah just one but Although it's only one song It's very Solid -You said that you are desperate. You should promote more Oh I need to promote better? -Yeah A very famous person will be singing with me -Give us a bit of a hint Eh? -By the time this video is released, your song has already been released -Who is it? -By the time this video is released, your song has already been released! J-Hope~ [Secret only for Crush] -Did you recruit him by yourself? J-Hope first released his solo album -Yeah I saw it Before his album was released, he asked me to listen to it So I went and listened to his songs And they all sounded cool -Oh so you contacted him after, telling him that you want to work on a song together? Yeah. Also, J-Hope said that it's his first time letting others listen to his songs -Oh? You are the first to listen to his songs? So I said let's work on a song together and that's how we got to work together After making the song, it sounded very exciting so we were like "should we dance to it?" -Oh you guys dance then? Yeah -Can you show us a bit on top of the green cushion? It's like Why? -Is it like a Simian dance or something? A bit -It's similar? No x2 I think it's because I am the one who is dancing -Show me again one more time It's like Something like this -Should we try it together? Okay [Rush Hour dance challenge] Oh I do it here and you do it there? I thought you stand beside each other during the challenge -No we do it like this -Like Aespa Like we are in a different world? -Like we are in a destroyed world Like we are in a destroyed world I'll start 1.. Wait x4 No, it's because.. [She is about to collapse] After doing this You do.. -Freestyle? Yeah, you do freestyle and I have to follow that -Okay [Rush Hour dance challenge] One more time Now freestyle I am a bit embarrassed.. -Is this how you do it? Is there anyone who tried this already? J-Hope did it -Oh really? You should show it to me as a reference Do you want to see it? -Yeah please Starting from here -You are actually good. You only danced like a simian here -You are actually really good -You are too good that you make me wonder why you don't dance like that here Is it a fake compliment? -I'm serious Could you guys have a look at this then? I'll show you guys [Watching..] He is actually really good -Yeah he is -Wait.. Why do you feel more proud of yourself than us while watching it? -More than the staffs.. Seems like you were the one who wanted to watch the video not us -To be honest, you are satisfied with the video right? I watch it every time I poop [Truthful mouth] -His mouth looks very excited I personally think that you are very good at singing I'm serious. You are very good at singing and dancing Your voice is unique. Non-existent in Korea -Continue x2 -A bit more That's all.. So I hope you release more albums In terms of music, I think you have a very unique characteristic -Right now, I am in the middle of understanding and finding different ways to develop myself -And it becomes harder for me to release new songs Why? -I initially started with a mindset to just do rap but -As I continue to work on music, the range of genres that I want to do becomes wider -And this makes me hard to choose the direction I understand -So right now, I am in the middle of finding different ways to develop myself I also had those moments back then I am working so hard on music and I didn't go to the daydreaming competition to receive attention Every time people see me, they are like "I heard that you joined the competition. Try to daydream" -LOL in front of the people But I am even thankful for those reactions Because it just shows that you are being loved by the people But those pieces of music that you uploaded on Youtube relatively haven't received much attention and fame I think it's just like a diary -Oh you just need to continue to do it? -Yeah you need to continue to do it For me, by doing so, I eventually came up with an idea on how I should develop myself To be honest, I also.. What was I talking about? -I was very focused Oh right! Music x2 I have been working on music for 10 years And.. [Round of applause] And.. the time when I was suffering most from a slump was when I released <Beautiful> 5 years ago That song received much love from people -It was really good I was very thankful for it but on one side I felt empty -Empty.. It's very good that the crowd liked it and I was invited many times to sing for the wedding ceremony to sing but.. I didn't want to sing that song on the stage Because that song was a bit different from the song that I have been pursuing so far -Different from the songs that you've been working on.. Yeah, back then, I was too young. So I was thinking in that way.. Right now I don't think like that at all. I can sing that song more than 10 times I was too young to think in that way... Also, there were a lot of comments Saying "Isn't that a good thing?" But it wasn't for me Back in the days, although it's gone now, I composed music in the Hongdae underground With people like Giri Boy, Zion-T, Beenzino, and Swings I still talk with Swings about our days during year 2012, 2013 before SMTM season 1 We just had one aim 'to perform well on the stage' 'To not make a mistake' We didn't care about our fashion at all Just making a mistake on the stage made us drink for a week to consolidate ourselves But the world change, and we have to live according to it So during the time when <Beautiful> was receiving much love, Crush was having much concerns -You felt strange.. Yeah I think I did! That's when I had a panic disorder -Really.. In that condition, I had to sing <Beautiful> and.. I was unable to breathe -Unable to breathe... I was never like that before My fans all know about this So.. -If I were your fan then I would be very proud of you Oh you are not my fan? -Oh so that's how you conclude? I am your fan I'm just joking x4 I have one curious thing [At this timing?] I was curious about "The Earth Arcade" show -What about it? How is it? -It's good It's good? -Are you talking in such a way on purpose? For shorts? Maybe? -I am really curious -Shorts is the trend nowadays Am I too money-oriented? -I think so... I love the audience [Money is beautiful] -I have one curious thing. Have you seen our program before? I've contacted you before -When? I DMed you -Oh right -You told me that the pringles episode was funny Yeah I don't think Justin Bieber will do Bubble [Verified that he is an avid fan of this show] -You are pretty good -Finally you passed the entrance exam -You have to go out now -Does your humor fit with our program Doesn't it? Maybe? Am I drunk? Why am I like this.. -You were like that since you entered here -Among the guests, you are the hardest to distinguish if you are drunk or not Oh really? x2 -You are exactly the same My face is not red? -You looked more drunk when you first entered here Was Christopher drunk? -Why are you keep mentioning him? Because our names both start with Ch -People here laughed most today Really? -I almost laughed to death too Am I funny though? -That's the point. You shouldn't know that you are funny Oh... -That's why you are funny -Your aura just.. I heard from my dad that when I was born he was like "Why is he so ugly?" But still -You are not ugly But still my ears were big when I was born so... -Oh ears that gives luck? Yeah lucky ears -I see -I came back in two years (lucky ears and came back sound similar so it's a joke) [Camera battery died] -Do you know what this means? For me to go? -Yeah -It means to go home Oh really.. the camera is the one to tell you -The camera is telling you to go home -Why are you suddenly so sad? Can I have another drink? -Sure x3 I am just saying it as a joke. You can continue to stay -We can continue to film I'll just drink one more glass and go -We can film 5 hours more I'll just go after this glass -Oh just that glass? -Cheers -Show me your identity card. How old are you? [Grade 3 Shin Hyosub] [Time to end] -Crush please come back after 5 years Why 5 years? -After I am more mentally mature, I think I can handle you Oh really? Was it that hard to handle me? -Yeah Really.. Crush will comeback in 5 years [Done signing] -Why do you look so sad? I really want to work on a music with you -You filmed this right? I am serious -You will be giving me a song then? If you want -What do you mean? Of course If you want.. -You don't reply fast right? I reply super fast -Paloalto said that you reply so late that he wants to remove your tongue -The whole world knows -I understand you because I am like that too -Since we both reply late, the song will come out around 2027? That's why you said to see each other again after 5 years I'm looking at the big picture -Oh it's related -Your glass is empty Then I'll go now -Yeah mom. What? Water in the house is leaking? Why is your bag there? Bye I can just leave right? We have a good chemistry -What's wrong with him Don't we? No? -Go home! -Bring that home x3 Okay x2 [Episodes 6-12 behind scenes on 30th]
Channel: 차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만
Views: 7,191,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i9dBHypPiLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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