[ENG SUB]被下藥的女孩誤倒在總裁的懷裡,和總裁纏綿一夜後懷孕,本以為今後再也不見,沒想到總裁千里追妻,直接把她帶回家,寵她上天!#爱情 #虐心#drama

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Me? How could I do such a thing? Drink this wine for me. Didn't you say you'd introduce me to a job? I don't know how to drink. I don't know how to drink. Keeping me company is your job. Be a good boy and drink it. Drink Uncle I don't know them. Help me! It's over. It's over. If my mom finds out She'll beat me to death. Hey, little girl. Congratulations on your pregnancy. What? - I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. 9 visible. I'm pregnant with that stranger's baby. 63 wide. - Visible. It was that night. What should I do? Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom. You're back just in time. Why don't you go and bring the luggage back? I've already arranged for you to drop out of school. Dropped out? Do you know that? In order to pay for the tuition. I almost got killed Our family is going to give your brother To study abroad You're going to get married anyway. In order to go to school I've been working part-time for four years Are you itching for a rub? Hurry up and move your luggage Or I'll beat you to death. I got it, I got it. Hey, Mom. I'll do it. Xiao Xiao. You're about to graduate. You're dropping out now? Is your family in trouble? What's the problem? My brother is studying abroad. I have to go home and work part-time. And I have to give birth to my baby. It's her. Tonight. Get some rest. First thing in the morning. I'll take you home. Uncle. Don't go. I can't believe I did that to such a young girl. I did that to such a young girl. What if she gets pregnant? Mr. Gu Baby! You have to be strong. Mommy will give birth to you. It's that guy from the other night. Did he know I was pregnant? Does he know I'm pregnant? Your head. Are you feeling sick? I'm fine. I'll do it. That's the girl The girl Mr. Gu saved the other day. Y, boss. What happened last time. I'll make it up to you. What do you want? Tell me. The baby is Uncle's. He should be responsible for it. At least let him know. Uncle. It's me. The baby belongs to him. He should be responsible. At least let him know Uncle Mr. Gu, you're finally here. Mr. Gu, you're finally here. Come with me to the office. Wait for me for a while. Give me your cell phone. Here it is. Call me if you need anything. I'll meet you later. Later, Bei. Mu Xiao Xiao. You forgot your scholarship. Scholarship? Yes, I did. A four-year scholarship. And another one. Graduation season. I'll mail your diploma to your home. Thank you so much. It's okay. You know Mr. Gu. I should. Mr. Gu. So you're a great man. I shouldn't have caused him any trouble. Your daughter is getting lazy. It's so hard to carry luggage. I'm sorry. I'm doing it for the baby. Bring it here. What's this money? It's my scholarship money. Scholarship. Good for you. You've learned to hide your money. These four years Your money? Did you hide it all? No, I haven't. All the money I've earned over the years I gave it all to you Old Mu Look at your good daughter She's learned to steal money This was mine in the first place How dare you talk back? You're the only one in the family now. You're the only one who's stupid and lazy. You've got a thousand jobs to do. You don't even have a real job. Mom! Tell me with a clear conscience. I've been working part-time since high school. I've given you all my money. You're making me work? The day before the college entrance exam. My brother got drunk and threw up I washed the sheets all night Now my brother is going to study abroad So you let me quit school and work for him to pay for his tuition. I'll work for him to pay for his tuition. Am I your biological child or not? Don't talk about your brother You've grown up. You've grown up, haven't you? I'll do it. I'll make you disobey me. Don't hit me again. Tiny! Where are you hurt? I'm fine. What do you mean, nothing? I'll take you to the hospital. Uncle won't find out I'm pregnant with his child, right? Ajusshi! I was wrong. You know you're wrong. You've got so many wounds. And you still say you're fine. What's more Look at this. Hormones. I've never taken hormones. Hormones Will it harm the baby? Who is so wicked How dare you feed her hormones Could it be her Parents About the hormones I've already sent someone to check it out. The most important thing now Is your injury. You're heartless. I raised you for nothing. Does it hurt? Did you have a fight with your family? No, I didn't. I didn't steal the money. I know that. Don't cry. Don't cry. Whatever it is. I'll take care of it. Okay? We're home. Do you want me to stay with you? If mom finds out I'm pregnant with Uncle's child. I'm sure she'll blackmail him. It's not easy for him. I can't get him into trouble again. Ajussi. Let's not see each other again. Why not? You're helping me because you want to send me a letter. Is that why you helped me? Then I want compensation. Give me some money. And then I'll pretend Nothing happened between us. It's okay. Give me a number. Three thousand. Three thousand will feed you. Then Five thousand. You're asking for 50 million. You've got a big appetite. Here you go Find out about Mo Xiao Xiao's parents for me You little girl Whose baby are you carrying? You bitch! Whose baby are you carrying? Mom mustn't know I'm pregnant with Uncle's child. I'll get him in trouble. Why did you bring home so much money the other day? Why did you bring home so much money all of a sudden? Good. How dare you fool around? And you're pregnant with someone else's child. Mom, I didn't do it. I'm not pregnant. No, I'm not. You said you didn't. Get an abortion. I'm not going. I'm going to have this baby. I'll earn my own money. I'll earn money to raise the baby. What about your mom? We've worked so hard. We've worked so hard to bring you up. You haven't even married yet. And you're pregnant with a man's child You're a real pain in the ass. Take the medicine. I'm not taking the pills. I want to give birth to the baby. How dare you! How dare you fight back? You have to go today. You have to go even if you don't. The baby. Are you leaving mommy? Let's go. Go to the hospital for an abortion. Mr. Gu. You can't drink anymore. Leave me alone. Mr. Gu. This card was found in your car. Fifty million dollars. Here you go I still can't take Uncle's money. She didn't ask for this card What did you say? Why did Xiao Xiao go to the maternity hospital? Sit up there. Take off your pants. Doctor? Does it hurt? No, it doesn't. Fifteen minutes. Doctor? What I mean is. Does my baby hurt? Doctor? Which room is Mu Xiao Xiao in? This one. Thank you. Hey, Doc. What's going on? Oh, uh. The patient has been taking hormones for a long time. Now he's overdosed on hormones. His body is weak. He just passed out. How is he? She's fine for now. But the abortion? I'm afraid you'll have to wait a week. I'm afraid we can't do it until a week later. It'll hurt the patient. What abortion? She's already six weeks pregnant. Mr. Gu, you don't know? Six weeks? That night. She was pregnant with my child. That night. She was pregnant with my child I, Gu Shao Huai I'm pregnant! Mr. Gu What about the abortion she mentioned? If anything happens to her baby We'll be out of business. Yes, I understand. Doctor, when can I see her? As soon as she's transferred. This little girl How dare she look at me when it's such a big deal? You're awake Uncle, why are you here? Baby my baby Don't worry, the baby is still here. Uncle you know all Uncle I beg you do not hurt him I promise that in the future Will not give you trouble How can he give me trouble? Do you have money? So Are you going to raise the child alone? Ajussi. Are you really willing to raise our baby? I'm the father. Of course I'm responsible You! Don't do anything stupid again What's wrong? If my mom finds out. If she gets pregnant. I'm sure she'll have to move out. If that's the case. Let's move out now. I'll take care of you. Are you taking me to your place? Yes, I am. But before that. I'm taking you to another place. Where? To the Civil Affairs Bureau Please sit down. Come closer, Closer Yes, ma'am. 321 Eggplant. I got married to an older man. Uncle? Where are the valuables? I'll keep them. We've got a license. What did you call me? What did you call me? Say it. Hubby, listen. We haven't even gotten married yet. You want me to call you "husband"? What's wrong with you? Hey, mom. Where have you been? I found you a good family. Come back and get married! Don't worry about it. I will not marry I don't care where you are now. I don't care where you are right now. Your brother is drunk and throwing up again. Come back and clean it up! Otherwise, don't blame us Mu family We don't recognize you as our daughter So be it! What's more I'm married And I won't I won't serve your precious son anymore. I have my own child And I'll protect my own children. What a little girl. Mr. Gu. Your water. Mr. Gu, who was that? That's my wife. She just got her license today. Please change her clothes later. Wife? Mr. Gu. No, you're not. She's just a little girl. It's not convenient for me. What's more? If she wakes up. Make her something to eat. If she's not awake, don't call her. Yes, ma'am. Isn't this my house? Is Uncle here? Why is your house so big? There are so many treasures. Miss. It's time to eat. Oh, I'll be right there. How are you? Are you okay? Yes, thank you. I'm glad you're okay. Auntie Zhang. I'll do it. I forgot to buy you slippers. It's okay. I can just look at my feet. That's not good. You'll catch a cold with bare feet. It's not good for the baby. Hello, Lili? Oh, my God, you finally answered the phone. Where have you been the last two days? Your father's been looking for you like crazy. He's even calling me. Is your mom hitting you again? No, it's okay. I'm at a friend's house A friend? How many friends do you have? I don't know. Besides, in this situation. You should have come to me. Where are you now? We're going shopping later. I'll see you later. About the pregnancy and the wedding. I'll tell Lily when I see her. What are you laughing at, Xiao Xiao? I'm not leaving. Do you have something on your mind lately? Hey, hey, hey, hey My daughter-in-law. I found you. Who are you? Your mom sold you to me for 300,000 dollars. I'm your husband now. Lili, let's go. Where are you going, daughter-in-law? Come home with me. I'm already married. I'll call the police if you try anything. Nan, A. - Don't be so cheeky. My father is the village headman, Nam A-666. I'm going to take care of you today. Don't be afraid. I'll call the police now. Give it to me. Call the police. You're coming with me. Let her go! Get the fuck out of here! Lily! Lily, are you okay? Xiao Xiao! What are you screaming for? You can scream when you get home. Xiao Xiao! Nam, A-6 C833, mind your own business. Siu! Call the police. Mr. Gu. Are you Xiao Xiao's friend? Xiao Xiao has been kidnapped. What did you say? Someone come quickly! Boss! Let's go! Come with me to save your sister-in-law Help! Hey, girl. Where have you been? You know your mom and I How dare you run away from the wedding? How dare you run away from the wedding? I can tell you I've already received 300,000 dowry from the village chief. If you dare to delay your brother's study abroad. I'll break your legs! Mr. Feng is here I'm talking about you Come, come, come. Mr. Feng. Have some peanuts. Tell me. What are you going to do about this? Our family has paid the dowry. Mr. Feng. I'm discussing this with my husband. We're discussing this. Look at this. The bride price of 300,000 yuan It's already been delivered. This person You can take him away tonight I'm not going! I'm not going! You girl. What are you doing? You dare to run away from the wedding in front of us? Look at Mr. Feng. He's so rich. And he's so handsome. He can give you 300,000 dollars as a dowry. If you marry him. You'd be a happy young lady. I'd rather die than go. You! Why are you so ignorant? What's the matter? Are you going to repudiate the marriage? Spit out the 300,000 dowry first. No, no, no. If you can't give me the money. She has to come back with me today. I'll pay the 300,000 dollars. She must go back with me today Xiao Xiao Uncle I'll pay 300,000 dollars. Who do you think you are? You dare to steal my woman? Me? My name? My name. You don't deserve to know Don't you want to live? Do you know who I am? There's 300,000 dollars in this card. It's for your medical expenses. Drag me away. Don't touch me. Don't touch me! Wait for me! Who are you? How dare you meddle in my home? My name is Gu Shao Huai I'm the little boss. She's joined our company We've got everything ready over there Can she move in? I'm Xiao Xiao's mom She's fine at home now She doesn't need to go out to work In this card I'll put 20,000 dollars on it every month. Can we leave now? This man is not the girl said Why is he gone? Aiyo, look at you! How do you let people go? This this I can also stop ah ah ah ayoo This young man is quite rich. He pays 20,000 dollars a month. This girl is being kept. No way I have to go and trick her back. Uncle. Am I causing you trouble again? What do you mean by that? Are you afraid I can't beat him? No, I'm not. Ajussi, you're so powerful. Call your friend. She's worried about you. Lili. She fell down. Is she okay? Don't worry, she's fine. I took her to the hospital. It's just a flesh wound. Hey, Lily. Are you okay? You helped me again today. And he spent so much money. Baby, how can I repay you? I'm so stupid. I can't do it. I have to get my act together. I'm going to be like you. I'm going to be like you. I'll protect you from now on. Big star Yan Yu Rou and Uncle know each other. That's really something! Baby, what do you think? Is it right for me to marry my uncle? Yesterday, about the uncle Suddenly it's gone. Is he trying to protect Ms. Yan? Should I ask him? Xiao Xiao. Did you sleep well last night? Yes, I did. I have to go to the office. Get some rest at home. If you need anything, just ask Auntie Zhang. I don't want to stay home anymore. Can you help me find a job? Whatever you need. Yes, I can. But you're just pregnant. You're still in danger. Let's do this. Let's wait for your health to stabilize. We'll go out and look for a job. Okay? Oh, I'll put on my shoes. Uncle. We are now legally married. Why are you still so shy? Okay, I'm going to work. I'm going to work. Be good and stay home. Uncle is so gentle But he loves Yan Yurou He only married me for the sake of the baby This is it Uncle forgot his computer Hey, Grandma! I'm almost at your office Why are you here all of a sudden, Grandma? Tell me, Grandma. Are you in love? I'm going to see my granddaughter-in-law. I'm going to meet my grandson's daughter-in-law. Why are you here? Brother Shao Huai I heard from my aunt. You haven't been eating properly lately That's why I'm here for you Get out of the way Shao Huai I remember when I was little. My old mother even betrothed us I'm already married I'm not interested in you If you dare to mess with me again. Don't blame me for being rude to you Gu Shao Huai You must be mine The position of Mrs. Gu I'm sure it'll be mine, too Gu Shao Huai You must be mine The position of Mrs. Gu Must be mine, too Where's the cleaner from? She's stumbling around This is the Gu family. Who are you? I'm the fiancee of Mr. Gu. I'm Mr. Gu's fiancée. I'm also the future mistress of Gu. Why did you find me such a granddaughter-in-law? Find me such a granddaughter-in-law? Clean up after yourself. Don't let me see a single strand of hair. Or I won't spare you. Granny, are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. Is Mr. Gu here? Who are you? What do you want with Mr. Gu? I'm Mu Xiao Xiao I'm here to deliver this for him Don't call me "Junior You're not qualified Let me tell you something, my dear I'm Gu Shao-Huai's fiancee Don't even think about Gu Shaozhun! Mu Xiao Xiao You're pregnant Mu Xiao Xiao You're pregnant You're pregnant out of wedlock You're carrying someone else's child How dare you seduce Shao Huai? Let's take a look at this little darling She's so young to be seducing someone else This is the Gu Group People like her She doesn't deserve to be here I'd like to see. Who's the old man you work for? Who's the one who got in here? Mu Xiao Xiao Let me see The baby in your belly is How can that be? It can't be! It must be a fake! Who is this? Tell me! You want to use this to seduce Mr. Junior You want to ruin our relationship? I'll smash your face Husband and wife? Have you ever been in the Gu family? You're a janitor You don't get to talk here. Get out of here! Everything that happens here today. I'll take care of it. You're a garbage collector. Who do you think you are? Get the hell out of here! Don't do it! Grandma, let's go. Grandma, what are you doing here? Grandma! What are you doing here? Shao Huai What did you call her? This is my grandma. Gu Group. She and Grandpa built it I thought Grandma was a stranger I just wanted to ask her to leave. From now on. Don't let me see you I'll never see you again. Let's go. Grandma! Xiao Xiao. Good girl. My birthday party is next week You and Shao Huai Come with me Xiao Xiao Next time Don't wander off You're still carrying our baby. You're still carrying our baby. What happened today? How dangerous! What if I hurt you? What should we do? Yan Yurou said she's Uncle's fiancee. What's the relationship between you and him? That's right. Since you can't be bothered I'll take you somewhere tomorrow Where? You'll see. Tickets for the jewelry auction tomorrow. Get me two tickets. I can do that. But You've never been interested in such occasions. You've never been interested in such occasions. No, I'm not. But If I can make her laugh. Why not? Oh, by the way. I heard that Tomorrow, the big star Yan Yurou Is going to the auction She's your rumored girlfriend Don't you think I'm not interested in her What's more I'm already married. Watch your mouth from now on. Be careful Ajussi Do you really want to participate in the auction For the auction? Yes, I do. But I don't have any money. Don't worry. I'm here with you. I'll show you how to use your face. Uh-huh. He's coming! He's here. Mr. Gu. I heard you never attend these parties. Why did you suddenly show up today? Is it because of the lady next to you? May I ask who the lady next to you is? It was rumored on the internet You and Ms. Yan Yurou are dating. Is that true? Are you two really getting close? Mr. Gu? Please answer the question positively I'm sorry, sir. Excuse me. Mr. Gu. Please answer the question. It's this woman again She must have lied to Shao Huai That's why he's so protective of her. She's not a simple woman. She's been so well guarded by Mr. Gu There's no trace of her It's as if she appeared out of nowhere So what? You want to fight me? She doesn't deserve it. I'm going to meet her. Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this auction I am the auctioneer for this auction Next, let's welcome The first item in this auction From the Ming Dynasty. A white jade bracelet with twining flowers. 8. Starting price, 8 million dollars. Welcome to the bidding. 8.05 million. 8.1 million once. Uncle. Why did you bring me here? Didn't you say I have nothing to do at home Now you're here. But Mrs. Gu. In the future. I'll see more of you on these occasions. This time. I'm just bringing you here to get acquainted. Have some fun. Get someone to watch that woman. Take more photos Yen Yurou Why is she here? What's wrong? Are you scared? Don't be. I'm here 8.5 million Do you still have it? Xiao Xiao What do you think of this antique jade bracelet? What do you think? My grandma said She wants you and me to go to her birthday party. Just in time. I'll take a picture of it As a gift from you to her. A gift from you to her. What do you think? Mrs. Gu's birthday banquet. What's the matter? Are you scared? I'm not. I don't have any money. We've already got a license. You don't even know what you're talking about. I don't care. Pay it back in installments. My eyes! Why does this thing look It's so strange. Ajussi said it's an antique. 8.5 million a time. I'll offer 9. Nine million. Ajusshi. We don't want this. What's wrong with her? Isn't this a slap in Mr. Gu's face? How dare you show your face in front of Mr. Gu? I'm waiting to see how this woman I'll wait to see how she's going to end up. Mr. Gu! Look at this. This bracelet. Do you still want it? I'll pay 10 million dollars. 10 million once. Congratulations, Ms. Yan. The first item in this auction The first item in the auction From the Ming Dynasty. A white jade bracelet with chengzhihua flowers Shao Huai For you I'll do anything for you She spent 10 million dollars on a fake And she's still so happy That girl Next, let's welcome The second item in this auction A painting by Wu Daozi from the Tang Dynasty. Eighty-seven Immortals The bidding price is 20 million dollars Xiao Xiao. What do you think of this painting? Next, let's welcome The second item in this auction A painting by Wu Daozi from the Tang Dynasty. Eighty-seven Immortals The bidding price is 20 million dollars. Xiao Xiao. What do you think of this painting? It's a fake too. But it's a fake. But what? But it doesn't look like it's from a recent grave. It must be at least five years old. Anyway, it's purposely aged. It's not from the Tang Dynasty. Baby! How come I didn't realize you You're so capable. Actually. I knew it all along. The real one. It's in our house. It was taken five years ago. Mr. Gu. You know it's a fake. Aren't you deliberately teasing me? Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu! Can't you stand to watch? You're such a cutie! 21 million a time Hey, sweetie. Are you sleepy? Twenty-five million times. Let's go home and sleep. Hey, Uncle. Don't go. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving Shao Huai Are you in there? Uncle! There's someone there Xiao Xiao Wait for me What are you doing here? Shao Huai Can you do it? Don't be so cold to me What happened yesterday It was a complete misunderstanding I'm sorry I have nothing to say to you In fact, the bracelet at the auction I wanted to give it to Mrs. Gu as a birthday gift. I didn't know yesterday She's Mrs. Gu. I advise you Don't show up at the birthday banquet. My grandma. She only likes Xiao Xiao. That's right. This thing you bought It's fake Shao Huai What do you mean by that? I met you first Why should this girl of unknown origin She's the one who's in charge Why? Baby Dad should like Yan Yurou They're the right couple Mommy can't break them up What should we do? Let's sleep Uncle. I want to ask you something. What do you mean? I just want to say I didn't get anything good at the auction. What about the gift for Grandma? It's okay. Wait till tomorrow. I'll take you somewhere. We'll go there. You'll see. I want to know too. What's the secret of that little girl? What other secrets she has. Yoo-hoo! Mr. Gu. Why didn't you tell me you were coming? You're just in time. My store. We just got a new batch of goods. New goods? That's good. My grandma's birthday party is in two days. I'll give her a birthday gift. Mrs. Gu's birthday gift. You'll have to go inside! Ding. Please. I'm not a child. Go ahead. This is for Mrs. Gu. She'll love it. Rustic. Such a poor thing. Give it to Mrs. Gu. Isn't this a slap in Mr. Gu's face? What about her? A statue of Goddess of Mercy. No one wants it. And you say it's a good thing? You've never seen money before, have you? You're so cute. But this statue of the Goddess of Mercy It's a good thing. For you, my dear. It's a good thing. But for us Stop it! Ms. Mu You're also in the company of Mr. Junior. But This is what you It's a birthday gift for Grandma Gu But Mr. Gu said Mr. Gu said. I can choose whatever I want. Ms. Mu Perhaps you don't know much about Mr. Gu's identity You don't know much about Mr. Gu's identity. The Gu family is the biggest family in the capital The Gu family is the most important family in the Imperial City. This birthday gift of yours You can't even deliver it to Grandma Gu's eyes I'm afraid you wouldn't even enter the Gu family's door. It'll be thrown out as garbage. But this Guanyin has one side. That's right. Such a poor thing. How can it be sent to Mrs. Gu's birthday banquet? Take a look. This is a gift from Yu Rou to Mrs. Gu. An imperial green jadeite. And a gold necklace. This is something you You can't even buy it. It's not as good as mine. What are you saying? Are you saying that I I spent tens of millions of dollars on. It's not as valuable as your stupid stone statue. What are you arguing about? Uncle Look at my statue Shao Huai! I'm here to buy a new birthday present for Grandma Gu I'm here to buy a birthday present for Grandma Gu I saw Ms. Mu here So I came to say hello I thought she'd be buying a gift for Grandma Gu I thought she was also buying a gift for Grandma Gu. So I said a few words. But Ms. Mu didn't seem very happy She seemed to misunderstand me I said her gift was bad Nonsense You're the one who said my statue was poor. It would embarrass Mr. Gu Uncle. Do you feel ashamed too? Who said that? As long as you bought it. Mr. Gu. No way! Where's the statue of the Goddess of Mercy? It's an inferior product. I can't give it to Mrs. Gu. If this gets out. I'll lose my business. Yes, Ms. Mu. The boss has said so. Why don't you Why don't you pick another one? I don't care Ajussi Buy it for me. Yes, sir. No need I'll give it away for free. As long as you tell me again. It's from my store. Then This is mine. See if it's worth anything. It's a piece of junk. What's wrong with it? If I'm not mistaken This is Tianshan Ice Jade It's made of Jade Ruyi. It's my fault. This is really Tianshan Ice Jade In summer, it can protect you from the heat. In winter, it warms up when touched. It's crystal clear. If you look at the market. There's no market for it. It's just an ordinary Inside a Bodhisattva statue It's just a piece of jade that fell out of a statue of a Bodhisattva. How can it be white jade from the Han Dynasty? Boss. You're not mistaken, are you? I've been playing with jade since I was born. How could I be mistaken? This pile of crap. Even if you carve flowers Can't beat this Ice jade from the Tianshan Mountain. Why didn't I realize this treasure? Don't be like this. Give me an estimate. I won't give you a penny less There are rules in this business A deal is a deal. No regrets I'll wrap it up for you Mu Xiao Xiao, right? You dare to compete with me? Then I advise you to try it What it means to lose your reputation I've got the CEO of Gu's company here Gu Shao Huai's big news Uncle Look at that antique store owner Not only did he not charge us He even gave us such a nice box Xiao Xiao How did you find That ordinary Guanyin statue There's a Jade Ruin inside Would you believe me if I said I didn't know? In fact, I had a feeling at that time It wasn't too ordinary But Inside the statue of the Goddess of Mercy Is not simple If it was a coincidence before Then this time she explains it like this Could it be that this little girl Really has something She's not even aware of it. Are you interested in this? I know Su Zhiyuan If you're interested. I can introduce him to you Are you talking about that Master Su, the leading antique collector? You little guy You know a lot. That Master Su He wanted me to be his disciple It was hard for me to refuse. 1 After all, in that profession. You can't get married. I'm with Uncle now. No need, Uncle. It's just a hobby. But in the future. I'll become better and better I'll make our baby proud. What are you talking about, you little fool? Come on. No matter what. You're the greatest mom he's ever had. If this little guy If he disrespects you. I'll kill him. I'm gonna take this. Don't be silly. Ajussi, he doesn't belong to you at all. Sina, "Shocked! Strange woman and Gu's group president Gu Shao Huai many, times in and out of Gu's villa] Explosion! The first heir of the Gu family, the most powerful family in the empire, has been rumored to be in a relationship with popular actress Yan Yurou. Recently, several paparazzi found another young woman in and out of the Gu family's villa with their son. 122 Who is this person? Dare to dig our Rou Rou's corner, a woman called Mu Xiao Xiao, home. Flesh! Call her home. A total of 5 articles, seeking a chance encounter, to see if she dares to be a mistress, to her hobo a, no wonder the idea of hitting the I got a marriage license with my uncle. I'm not a mistress. What are these people writing? ! - (LAUGHS) Junior! Junior! Junior, here's the first news. The woman in the photo is called Mo Xiao Xiao, G Her family owns a cake store. I heard she's a hobo. No wonder she's got her eye on Mr. Gu. What? Upstairs, if you want to name your baby. E What? I'm looking for the address of the cake store. I'm not a mistress. I'm not a cheater. Mom and Dad know. Mom and Dad will kill me if they find out. You're the one who stole Zoe's house. This is it, isn't it? Let's go. Let's go ask. What would you like? Have a seat. Is this Mu Xiao Xiao's house? She's not home. What are you doing here? I'm her parents. She really doesn't live here If you have a grudge against her Go find her somewhere else. A mistress's mom. What good is she? Old Mu. Come out and take a look What's going on? Who is it? Who is it? Mu Xiao Xiao You little cutie How dare you be a mistress outside Now they've come to the store Come back quickly! I didn't do it I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I go back? Xiao Xiao! Your diploma came through. You'd better come back soon. Or your mom will tear it up. Why are you talking to her? The diploma is her treasure. I promise she'll be back soon. You said she's suspicious. If she suspects that she's not ours, what's wrong with that? She'll just bite the bullet. But she's a lucky girl. She's got a rich man on the side. No way! When she comes back this time. She's going to squeeze her for millions of dollars. Mom and Dad! You still know how to come back? You said you went out to look for a job But you're still working as a mistress. Why are you so shameless? Your father and I are in trouble. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't hit me! I'm not a mistress. It's all over the internet. Then how come you're the only one being rumored? I see You're the one who's shameless. You want to seduce a man? You're shameless. We still have to be ashamed. Am I really your biological child? Why don't you believe me? I was really exempted from the post. Okay, okay, okay. You said you're not a mistress, right? Your husband is rich, right? Then it's not a big deal for your husband to take some money It's not too much to ask, right? Now your brother is going to study abroad. Let your husband Take a million dollars. You two go out and rob for money. Is 1 million a lot? Let me tell you. If you can't get 1 million today. I'll burn your diploma. Even if you beat me to death I can not get 1 million Xiao Xiao What are you chasing after? This little cutie When she cries When she came back crying and begging for us. Baby! Come on, come on, come on. I asked a friend I've bought you some antique appraisal books. Take a look All of them It's the middle of the night. Why are you wearing sunglasses at home? Take them off It's bad for your eyes. Behave yourself. Take them off. Hey! What's wrong with your eyes? What happened to your eyes? Did someone bully you? Tell me. What happened to your eyes? Did someone bully you? Tell Uncle. Uncle. Don't ask. Come back here. Sit still. Tell Uncle. Ajussi I don't feel comfortable with you. Tell me. Who bullied you? How should I tell him? Do you think I've been taken for a mistress on the Internet? I'm being treated like a mistress on the Internet? Tell me. Uncle What will you do with Yan Yurou from now on? I don't understand what you're saying Aren't you and Yan Yurou a couple? Who told you we're a couple? We have nothing to do with each other And what's more? Don't read that nonsense on the internet You'll never read anything on the internet again You know what? Really? Did you get a license with me? Now you're backing out, right? No, I'm not. I'm really not backing out. I really haven't. Uncle. I'm going home to rest. We've already got a license. Why are you so shy? Go check for me What's happened to Xiao Xiao in the past few days? What's going on? Boss Ms. Mu The young lady came home yesterday It seems she didn't get along with her parents What's more? And what? What? And? It's rumored that the young lady Has been rumored She's been fleshed out on the internet And someone went to Mu's Cake Shop to make trouble Flesh What's going on? Who did it? Who did it? Yan Yurou How nice! Very good I guess I was too kind to her after all. You must go now Yes, ma'am. Ling Hao. You'd better have something serious to say to me. Shao Huai. Are you coming to the party tonight? No. You're always like this. How long has it been since we've gotten together? Let's get together tonight Everyone's coming. There's gonna be a lot of celebrities. I'm not like you now. Hey, wait a minute. You mean Yan Yurou will be there? She's coming! Wait for me Shao Huai What are you doing? You're going to avenge our girl's death After today Tomorrow We'll buy the most expensive villa Gu Shao is here. Aiya! Is my makeup still intact? You've been doing this all day. You're really in the mood. What a thing to say. Drink up. Drink up. Mr. Gu. I've finally met you. Let me give you a toast. Mr. Yi is in a bad mood today. Let's do it. I'll drink to you. You heard I was here. He's really here. I knew it. He wouldn't be so cruel to me Young-joon. Can we have a drink together? Of course It's not a big deal for Su Yu-rou to make a fuss over the news. Now that she's seen Mr. Gu. You really dare to stick it to him Just wait and see. She'll get it later Damn it! I knew you wouldn't refuse me. Why not? Even I wanted to play a little game with you. I knew you wouldn't say no. Why not? Even I want to play a little game with you. What little game? You're so bad Do you want to play a game with me? Hey, Shao-Huai You're not picky about what you eat now Shao Huai I'm coming But We're not staying here, are we? Is this what you're wearing to serve me? Sexy photo shoots of big stars. You can sell this shit for a lot of money. How can you face your fans like this? Yan Yurou Can you tell me how you feel now? Ms. Yan, in light of this situation Do you have anything to say? Can you tell us how you feel right now? Don't shoot! This time. This is a lesson for you. If it happens again. I'll make you disappear forever. I thought Mr. Gu wasn't such a picky eater. Big Star, your license. Why don't you play with us? Happy birthday, baby. What's this? A Miao silver hat? Of course not. This is the key to the 30 villas. It's the key to the 30 villas. From now on I'll wait for you to become a chartered housewife. Ajusshi. I still want to work. I don't want to be a canary You're still pregnant with the baby I'm afraid you'll be too tired I used to carry boxes I had no problem going up and down Uncle I'm begging you. Please let me go to work Okay? I'm really scared of you. How about this? You come to my company and work for me. And be my secretary. I'll do that. You're under my watchful eye I can also feel more at ease So you're your assistant So you're not afraid of me checking up on you? You're welcome to check up on me. That's even closer to you. I'm going to bed. The baby needs to rest. Good night. - Good night. What about here? It's the Gu Group. Baby. From now on. You'll be my assistant. Hey, baby. Do you want me to go to the secretarial department Do you want me to go to the secretary's office and do the paperwork for you? No, no, no. You promised me. You can't be special. Then I'll ask Secretary Xue to arrange something for you This one You can't refuse Uh-huh Assistant Wu General Manager There's a girl coming over to check in later. Assistant to the President's Office Someone to replace Wang so soon Who knows? Looks like it's another parachute in. No wonder Manager Jiang doesn't like her. We'll give her a hard time later. Hello, Mr. Chiang. I'm here to apply for a job. Where's your diploma? Which school did you graduate from? My diploma. I forgot it. Can I apply for employment first? Then I'll get the documents. Where are you from? Don't you know the rules? Our Gu Group's Employment standards you have not read? How The company is your family run ah You can do whatever you want. No, you don't. Do you know the rules? I just Okay, okay. Don't talk about it. We don't have all the information. I can't do it. Find a way. Or else Next time you apply for a job. Do you really have to go back To get a diploma from mom and dad? But They're going to ask me for money again. But without my diploma. I can't find a job. Welcome, Kou. You little cutie. You came back pretty fast. One million dollars is ready. I don't have a million dollars yet. Give me your diploma. I'll go to work and make money. With the money you're making. How long will it take to make a million dollars? Oh, I know. You must've been taken in by a rich man. It's great now. He doesn't want you anymore. You can't get your hands on the money either. Tiny. You've been a real pain in the ass. Mom and Dad I'm your daughter. How can you say How can you say such evil things about me? This, this, this. We care about you, too. I just want my diploma back. Good Get 1 million dollars Then I'll give you my diploma. I'm just a I'm just a tool that you picked up? A tool to make money for you? I just want my diploma back Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me? Because you're a sucker. You're shameless. You let someone play with your belly. You deserve it. I'll give you a million dollars. I'll give you a million dollars. Give me your diploma. Let me go free Okay. Wait for me. Sign this. I'll give you your diploma. I'll sign it. I'll sign it. I'll sign it as a token of my appreciation For raising me. In a month's time I'll pay you back 1 million dollars. I've been in a meeting today Why haven't I seen you reporting? I'm still working. Big companies are really different. There are a lot of rules. Rules? Do you want me to help you? No, I'm fine. I can do it myself. By the way, Uncle How much does your assistant get paid a month? How much do you pay? About 20,000 to 30,000 dollars. I have to work early. I need to get a million dollars as soon as possible. So that I can get away from them once and for all. Hello, sir. I'm here to apply for a job. I have all my documents. I'm not available right now. Come back when I'm free. But? But what? But I've read your profile. A new graduate. I can't even wait this long. What's wrong with you? What do you want to learn, post-00? You want to straighten up the workplace, right? But the office will be closing soon. How am I supposed to do my job? Do you need to teach me? Love to wait. Not wait to go Our company We don't need people like you Young lady. What are you doing here? Young lady. Why are you here? Young lady. Well, well, well. I didn't know. I'm an HR specialist at the company. It's like this. We're Gu's That's how we We treat new employees like this Secretary Xue No need to explain We're here We can't accommodate a Buddha like you Pack up and leave Secretary Xue don't I Here Secretary Xue What are you doing here? If you hadn't come You'll drive them away Young Madam Are you all right? Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am. I'll take care of the young lady myself. Hurry up! Did you hear me? Yes, yes, yes. I'll take care of it right away. Young lady. This way, please. Mr. Jiang. Please help me. I don't want to be fired. I reminded you this morning I told you to process Ms. Mu's reinstatement on time. I didn't realize How dare you disobey me? Pack your things and leave now! The company doesn't need people like you. Mr. Jiang. Young lady. This way, please. Young lady. You can stay on the sofa Take a rest first. The president will be here after the meeting. If there's anything you need. Call me anytime. Thank you, Mr. Xue Secretary Xue It's the right thing to do Uncle You're back Did I disturb you? Go back to sleep Hey, sweetie. Why are you so shy? Let's not do this at work anymore. I'm here to work. I won't. You won't let me kiss you now. Then I'll go home I'll kiss you again You're doing it again. I'm going to work first. Okay, then. Whatever you say. I'll go back to work. We'll go home together after work This stock is good. It's bound to go up. Which one? T&T. You're so sure? You studied finance in college? No, I didn't. But I'm a good judge of character. Okay. - Okay. Then we'll listen to the baby. Okay. Uncle. Why did you buy so much? What if I made a mistake and lost money? I'll buy what I want. I'll take it as I bought it for you to play with. If I lose money. You can make it back for me. I'll do it. I'm a good judge of character. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure of it. If you don't look. Whose baby is it? Mr. President. Look at this plan. Any questions? It took our finance department three days To make this This plan is Redo it. Mr. President? The question is You are questioning me No, I'm not. The cost of this acquisition is too great. A company like this is not worth investing in. It's better to spend less money To invest in a live streaming company You'll make more money. You're just an assistant. Who are you to tell me what to do? This plan is the result of our calculations Summarized Did you know that? Have you compared it with the basic cost of the industry? Our cost It's the equivalent of charity. Oh, no. I forgot to compare this cost. You're the one who should shut up. She's right. You know. Why I haven't approved I've been holding off on approving this program? It's because no one will ever invest To invest in such a sunset industry. What's more. Who gave you permission to tell her what to do? Get out of here. Let's go, let's go, let's go! Uncle You were so powerful just now. So handsome! Hey, kid! You're playing with fire Hey, Xiao Xiao You really haven't studied Financial knowledge? Why do you know so much? And jewelry appraisal. What's wrong, Uncle? Look at this. The stock you bought last time It's gone up like crazy. Really? Yes, I did. I didn't let you lose any money. I'll make you a cup of coffee. Hey, Tiny. Why are you so sensitive to finance? And all those things that other people No one else has access to. How could a family so rotten to the core How could they give birth to a girl How could such a pure and innocent girl be born? Coffee. Uncle. What's this? This is the money I made from the last stock market. This is for you. For me. I can't. It's your money. I've already taken back the capital. The rest is for you. Think about it. If it wasn't for you. I wouldn't have bought this stock Isn't that right? Keep it. Thank you, Uncle. I've earned the money you asked for. From now on, I'm leaving this house. Don't interfere with my life anymore. I've earned the money you asked for. I'm leaving this house. Don't interfere with my life anymore. One million dollars. Ten million, ten million, ten million, ten million. Where's the note? One million dollars. What note? Isn't this your gift to me? You girl Honor your parents' money You still need a receipt. You're shameless! Mom! You didn't keep your word. What did I say? You little girl. You came up with a million dollars so quickly. You must have other money on you. I don't have any more. What do you want? My stomach Just fill it up for me. You're the only one with money, aren't you? You little cutie! I'll beat you to death! How come it's you again? Oops! Xiao Xiao My stomach Go to the hospital Okay, okay, okay. Oops, someone's dead He hit someone Doctors How is it? The doctor Is it the baby him Actually It's not that serious. Let's get to the bottom of this. Mr. Gu, don't look so anxious. In fact, everything is fine. It's probably because she's thin. She needs to pay more attention to her nutrition during pregnancy. That's great, Uncle. The baby is fine. Doctor! Why is she throwing up so much all of a sudden? It's probably because she's in shock. It's caused by the sudden onset of the pregnancy lobe. And that's why there's an unknown factor at work in her body. Hormonal effects caused by the shock. We need to observe for two days If you're fine. Then it's fine. If it's not. The fetus I may not be able to keep it. Miss. You should feel better after drinking this congee. What should we do? Why are you vomiting so much all of a sudden? Do you feel better? I'm a bit sleepy. I want to go to bed. Let's go upstairs and rest. Let's go. I'm not a patient person. I don't have much patience. Since you all dare to bully Xiao Xiao You should be prepared for retaliation Xue Cheng Mom and Dad Help me! Help me! Don't hit my son Shut up! You Mu Xiao Xiao You little cutie! You're all her lovers, aren't you? I knew that Y-head He's no good Luring these people to our home Luring wolves into our house Let them bully us If you dare to scold Xiao Xiao Today I'll kill your son No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let's talk this over. I owe you a note. Here's the note. Let my son go! Let him go! Please be merciful and spare us. I'm only beating you up today. If you do it again. You'll have to wait for your son to close his home Xue Cheng Seal their cake store Let their family leave the capital forever Don't worry I'm not leaving Really? Look at this. I got the computer back. Go to sleep now. I have to take this. Grandma! Bastard! You picked up the phone? When will you bring your girlfriend back? The Lu family's kids can even make soy sauce. It's been a while Something's come up with Xiao Xiao What? Earl really has a girlfriend Then bring her back Show me Okay, Grandma. I'll bring you back on your birthday. Hao, why didn't you do it earlier? What's wrong with you? Are you going to meet your parents? You're nervous. No, I'm not. Are you feeling better now? Ajussi! I'm afraid my wife won't like me. That's not true. You know how to find treasures and appraise them. And he can invest in stocks. And you. You're also a great treasure. Really? Of course it's true. Let's go. This is your home. It'll be your home from now on. Why did Earl bring his girlfriend out? You're not from one of the smaller families, are you? You're not from a small family, are you? You look like you're poor. I don't like the look of it. With a face like that. You want to enter our house? Yes, yes, yes. That's all. Let's see, you little darlings. Is it because you have too much time on your hands lately? Or is it because of the fund dividends? Dividends too often Good From today onwards Fund dividends will be suspended for half a year. Don't, brother. Looks like Yan Yurou was right. Big brother attaches great importance to this woman What else can we do? Fix her! Don't think you're good enough for the Gu family. You've got a lot of pain ahead of you. All right, all right. Let's not worry about those unrelated people. Don't worry. I'm here. No one will bully you You'll be fine. Don't worry, Uncle. If they bully you again. I'll stop paying I'll stop paying you your allowance for a year. Those cuties. I'm afraid they'll have to watch you every day. I'm afraid they'll have to look after you every day. They'll have to provide for you. Look! Is Mr. Gu holding a woman? I wonder what kind of lady she is. Why does she look so familiar? Of course she looks familiar. I don't know who's the one who's trying to climb up the ladder. I wonder who's the one who wants to get in with the rich and powerful. I see. I thought you smelled like a family. It's more than that. It also smells like bad cake. In our eyes. We've always thought Miss Yuru is the Gu family's daughter-in-law. Don't say that It's all because of Grandma Gu They like me too much What about this? It's not yet decided No, it's not Sister Yurou is the future The head of the Gu family That loser! I don't know what Young Master Gu likes about her How can she be compared to Yurou's sister? That's right. Grandma I'm back! Bastard! Xiao Xiao We meet again. Last time. Thanks to your help. I didn't know you were Mrs. Gu. Otherwise, last time at the Gu Group. You wouldn't have needed my help You two and Shao Huai What's going on now? Grandma We've got a license We've got a license Then you're our grandson's daughter-in-law Come, come, come. Sit down, sit down Xiao Xiao is really pregnant. She's a good grandson-in-law. Thank you, Madam. What do you mean, "Old Lady"? You two are married now. And you have a baby. You should Granny. Why wasn't she kicked out? I guess I underestimated her. There's no hurry. The door to the Gu family. It's not like any cat or dog can get in. That's good. That's good. Good, good, good. Good. The Zhao family of Yunzhou I present a jade laurel tree. The Qian family of Xuzhou A thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. The Sun family of Yongzhou. A painting of Tang Yin. Grandma Gu. What are you doing here? Our grandson's daughter-in-law. It's Mu Xiao Xiao. Not you. Grandma Gu Yurou is here to give you a birthday present She's here to give you a birthday present I couldn't find anything nice to give you I'll give you this jadeite necklace Gold necklace Ms. Mu I'm sure you've already I'm sure you've already given Grandma Gu To Grandma Gu. Grandma Gu Ms. Mu is amazing She's able to identify treasures with a single glance That's amazing! She's even better than Master Su Zhiyuan back then. Who's talking out of turn? Master Tang! You're here. How dare you! How dare you dishonor my master? Master Tang. Don't blame me for being ignorant. Two days ago, Ms. Mu had a look at a treasure appraisal. I was there at the time She's very sure of herself. It's impossible. That's nonsense Tianshan Ice Jade is a rare treasure There are only three pieces in the world And each has its own owner. Who's fooling around? Who's Ms. Mu? Master Tang Today is my wife's birthday banquet You dare to make trouble Ha ha ha! Mrs. Gu is furious. But My master's reputation Can not be affected Please enlighten me, Ms. Mu. Don't be afraid. Master Tang. Are you incapable of discernment? Or is it? Can you do that at the Gu family's birthday banquet? Others are afraid of the Gu family. I'm not. My master is the greatest treasure hunter in the world. I can't let my master's reputation I can't let my master's reputation be affected in any way. That's right. Master Tang. You should do justice to your master. Ms. Mu is probably a liar. She doesn't even dare to come forward. Master Tang. I'm Mu Xiao Xiao. Master Tang. I'm Mu Xiao Xiao Do you dare to compete with me? I'm just a beginner. I'm no match for you. And I'm no match for Master Su. Forget it If you don't want to compete. Kneel down and confess to my master Master Tang. I respect you as Master Su's disciple. How dare you humiliate me in public? I'm sure Xiao Xiao won't be bullied. That's right. If you bully Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao won't be afraid of you Xiao Xiao is now our granddaughter-in-law If you pick on her. You'll be insulting the Gu family. Aigoo, Grandma. She's just a commoner selling cakes. Why should she be in the Gu family? That's right, Grandma. Are you kidding? No way! We won't allow it. Grandma. Think it over. You can ask Grandpa. Grandpa won't agree either Mu Xiao Xiao I didn't want to make things worse But this time you must die Who's causing trouble in the Gu family? Grandpa! He's gone crazy over this woman. Crazy Unbridled. What woman? Xiao Xiao is my recognized granddaughter-in-law. Does anyone have a problem with that? Master Tang. I respect your master. But I don't necessarily respect you. If you want to cause trouble in the Gu family. You must be able to bear the consequences. Ha ha ha! People are afraid of the Gu family. I'm not. If Mu Xiao Xiao Doesn't dare to compete with me I'll make her kneel down and say "yes I'll compete with you But if you lose I have to say goodbye to grandpa and grandma. Grandma and Grandpa are elders. You can't be belittled. Today is Grandma's birthday. It can't be spoiled. I promise. I promise you If you lose You have to kneel down Don't! Grandma. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I messed up your birthday today. But Xiao Xiao won't lose. I believe in you. Master Tang. Ms. Mu. Since you claim to be better than my master Let's try our eyesight. I've just acquired a new treasure But? I don't know where it comes from I'd like to ask you to take a look at it. Ha ha ha! I only know it's a porcelain bowl But? I don't know what age it is. What material is it made of? This one Is this Yuan blue and white? It can't be Yuan Qinghua is so famous. Tang Yun-chuan can't possibly He can't see it. Father. Do you recognize this? Nonsense. Of course I can't tell. Can Xiao Xiao recognize it? Don't worry, Grandma. She'll be able to. This is indeed a porcelain. And it's the least common type of blue and white porcelain. Snowflake glaze. Because of the complicated craftsmanship That's why There are no more than three pieces in the world today And this bowl Is neither a tea bowl Nor is it a rice bowl Master Tang. I'm sure you know where it came from. My dear friend. You've got a good eye, don't you? I'm not as good as you, old man. Master Tang. You're welcome. Say hello to your master for me when you have time. How have you been? How are you? You know my master? Master Tang. If I had promised him. You would have called me "Little Sister" by now. How can that be? She's full of shit. She's just talking out of her ass. When Master Soo Jiwon retired He's out of touch with the world He's making things up here You, my friend Master Do you know someone Mo Xiao Xiao, do you know him? Master! I see. It seems This information is wrong Look at what she said. When Master Su Wanted to take her on as a disciple And she refused to her face Oh my god! Master Su even certified it This girl Where did she come from? You little cutie! I'll let you get away with it one more time. I'll kill you. Your parents? Are they really cake sellers? Don't ask You'd better ask Shao Huai Yes, yes, yes I'm an old man I'm so old I'm still judging people by their appearance I'm so sorry Master Tang. You've touched me. Mr. Gu. I'm sorry. Ha ha ha! Mrs. Gu. I'm sorry to have disturbed your birthday banquet. I'm so sorry. It's okay. Mrs. Gu is happy today. Let's all enjoy ourselves. Eat and drink well. Ha ha ha! Uncle My stomach. Little baby ah How come you're so great? I'm going to hide you Uncle I didn't embarrass you, did I? What are you talking about? You'll never embarrass me. After tonight. Everyone will know Who's the brightest of them all. Our wedding. Isn't it time for our wedding? Ajusshi. But I still want to have a career. You little fool. The money we made from the stock market last time. I can use it to invest. Or buy a store. Become a boss. But that money I know all about it. I'm sorry. I'll pay you back. Mu Xiao Xiao We are now legally married We have a marriage license and a child Do you have to be so angry with me? No, I don't I haven't finished yet And you earned that money. You have the right to use it. Ajusshi! What's wrong with you? My stomach. I'll call a doctor for you. Pregnant women are fine. It's probably just emotional I'm overworked today. If you're really worried You can hang some nutritional fluid I'm fine. I'm fine, Uncle. Doctor! Is the baby okay? Nothing so far. But Your symptoms Are more serious than the average pregnant woman During your next checkup. Let's go to the hospital for a thorough checkup. Yes, ma'am. Thank you, doctor. You're welcome. I'm sorry, sir. I won't do it again. Xiao Xiao Remember The money is yours And ah My stuff That belongs to you. I'll tell you what. I'll give you another million dollars To invest in some business If you lose, it's on me If you make a profit, it's on you. Okay. - Okay. This way It's a good way to kill some boring time. I can also do a little business I'm not mad anymore. Find out for me. Why is there a doctor today? I went to the Gu family villa. What's more? Get someone to give me 24 hours. Tighten up, Mu Xiao Xiao. Uncle. Look at the stocks I bought last time. I made 10 times the profit. How come you're so good? Honey Hubby will reward you today I'll take you to a big meal Really? Of course. What do you want to eat? Just tell me I want hot pot. We can go. Let's go. Liar! Are you pregnant? You really can't eat spicy food You don't want the baby to come out You don't want the baby to come out with acne all over his face, right? Mu Xiao Xiao, NEW DESIGN Aigoo! You're a good sister. Mom called me She said you ran away from the wedding. What's on your face? Are you Mr. Gu? Mr. Gu. I can't believe Xiao Xiao has fallen in love with the Gu family's young master. Such a great opportunity. I can't let her go. Xiao Xiao. What's wrong? I've been disliked by my family since I was a kid. My brother and I had meat every day. I could only eat cabbage and rice, NEW DESIGN. Even the spare ribs my father bought I could only eat the leftovers, KEW DESIGN. After that, I was there. We'll eat every day. Okay? Sister. Why are you running so fast? My legs are weak. Don't be afraid. I'm here. If you don't like it Ajussi Buy me a bottle of water. I'm thirsty, New Design. Brother! What are you doing? You're rich now. You don't even recognize me anymore? Have you fallen in love with him? He's the youngest member of the Gu family, NEW DESIGN. If that's the case. From now on, give me 100,000 dollars a month. Give me 100,000 dollars of pocket money every month. No, that's right. One million dollars. How can I give you money? You still want a million dollars, New Design. Your lover. She's also the heir of the Gu family. How can he not be rich? Don't involve him. Don't come to me again. Hey, you! You're good, you little cutie. Now that you're rich. You don't even recognize your parents and big brother anymore. Today I'll teach you a lesson on behalf of Dad. You want to die? Mu Xiao Xiao You're really something Since you've gotten better looking You've been hitting on one guy after another You little cutie Let me tell you You'd better keep your mouth shut You are Mr. Lu Are you okay, Xiao Xiao? Yes, I'm fine How is she? Is she okay? Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu. Let's go. Yes, sir. Wait for me! Uncle. I'm fine Just now. Thank you. Is a thank you enough? What are you guys doing? What are you going to do? Ajussi Why don't we Take Mr. Lu out for hot pot? Yes, sir. You today Did you smile at Lu Huojiao? Can not smile? I can't. You're mine. You're not Jealous? I'm not jealous. I like you. I do. Yes, I do. You're my favorite. Young master. Madame told you to take it easy. I've noticed that Your vomiting is much stronger than before. Tomorrow? We need to go to the hospital for a checkup. I've made the arrangements. Uncle And the hormone thing. Let's go to the hospital for a checkup too. So that it won't affect the baby. Good. No matter who is trying to harm you. I won't let him go. Doctor. Is the baby What's wrong with him? Speak up, if you're not a doctor. What's wrong? Don't bother the doctor The baby is healthy. It's developing well. Really? That's great, Uncle. Doctor! About the hormone thing. Will it affect the baby? That's what I'm talking about. What about this hormone? It's not just any hormone. It affects the human face. It leaves a mark. Like a birthmark. But Once you stop taking it for half a month. It won't appear again. Like a birthmark. It'll make you ugly. You're an old man. What about that? Will this affect her? Will it affect the baby? For the time being, it won't have any effect. Keep up the checkups. I'll keep an eye on her. Thank you, doctor. Don't bother. I'm getting old. I know my days are numbered I've lost my pearl for more than ten years. In my heart. I feel sorry for her. Dad. Please don't say that. We all need you Ajusshi. What do you think my parents Why are they feeding me hormones? I don't know. But I'm sure they don't have good intentions. Do they want me to be disfigured? Disfigurement? They want to hide Tiny's face. Tiny is their daughter. What's the reason for covering up their daughter's face? Let's just forget it. Let's go home first. Will Big Brother know about Yuanqing? In my life. As long as I can see Joo-joo once. I'll die for nothing! This young lady. What's your name? This little girl What's your name? What's your name? My name is Mu Xiao Xiao What a pretty name! Mr. Du. Mr. Du. If there's nothing else. We'll leave now. I have a hunch. Is she my granddaughter Zhu Zhu? Someone come here. Find out everything about her. Uncle. Who were those two people just now? Oh, you may have seen them on TV. You may have seen them on TV. Oh, I remember. They're the world's most powerful family The head of the Du family of Dragon Gate And the Du family's son But Dragon Sect is more than just business Let's go Uncle I'd like to go for a walk around the class again I'll go with you Let's go earn some milk money first I'll go by myself. I'll go by myself. Come back early then Xiao Xiao Why are you here alone? Where's Shao Huai? I need to talk to my brother Where's the money? Where's the money? Do you have it? Can we sit down and talk? Mu Xiao Xiao I've told you before. The Gu family is not easy to get into. Not to mention You don't even have a mother's family. Brother! The birthmark on my face is gone. Of course I saw it. You've had plastic surgery, haven't you? What about you? You spent a lot of money on that kid. You really spent a lot of money. I didn't have plastic surgery. I just haven't been taking my family's medicine. You're sick. Oh, I know. I know. I know. You're sick. That's why the Gu family They don't want you anymore, right? Mom forced me to take that medicine. If you take it. I'll get a birthmark. What do you mean? What do you mean? Mom wanted you to be ugly. To make you ugly, she purposely disfigured you. I didn't know that. You don't know, do you? What do I know? Good for you, Mu Xiao Xiao Now you're really hardened You want to fly to the sky, right? Normally A mother Wouldn't do that to her own flesh and blood To her own flesh and blood. A mother would never do something so inhumane to her own flesh and blood. Unless She's not her own. I'm not Mom and Dad's. You're lying! How can Xiao Xiao not be Mom and Dad's biological child? Good for you, Mo Xiao Xiao You don't want to support your parents You deliberately conspired with this little cutie Are you colluding? I'll kill you Be careful Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. What's the matter? Did you jump over the wall in a hurry? You'll be waiting for the Gu family's wrath. Xiao Xiao. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. I just feel relieved. That's good. I know, I know, I know. There. Tiny. I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry. I have to go and take care of it But I've already told Junior To come and pick you up I'm fine You go ahead and get busy I'm not my parents' son Xiao Xiao. Young master. No, no, no, no. It smells like sweat medicine. Is something wrong with the young lady? Go get someone. Save my wife! Get up! You little bitch! Your lover You want to drive me out of the capital? Let me tell you I've lived in the capital I've lived there for half a century You can't just kick me out! Let me tell you I want to torture you to I want to torture you to death I'll make you suffer. Who are my real parents? Why did you abduct me? What do you mean, your real parents? I'll tell you. You little bitch! I'm your real parents! I'm going to expose you on the Internet today. That's right. Self-media nowadays. They love women like you. Women who are about to marry into a rich family After we expose you. Let's see if you can still marry a rich man. Xiao Xiao You're really our son. Don't believe it! That liar out there We're not real at all My real parents They've tricked me since I was a child. You want to drain me of all my blood To raise your son. Who are you calling a cutie? You're not. My real parents! You lied to me since I was a child And you want to drain me of all my money To support your son. Who are you calling a cutie? Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death right now You still want to argue? If I'm my own son Why don't you ever You never cared about me. If I'm real. Why did you give me Why did you give me hormone pills to disfigure my face? Tell me. What hormones? What disfigurement? You're not going to say You don't know, do you? I really do not know this Oh, don't bullshit her. I'll tell you. You now call Your lover to call Let him take a million Take 10 million to earn you Mom, I'm sorry. What 10 million? A billion. Let him make you a billion dollars. Or else We'll tear up the ticket right now. You're dreaming You! One billion dollars for the ransom Looks like I've been too kind to you I've been too kind to you. I don't want to see them again. Yes, sir. Uncle. I want to go home. Let's go home now Don't let the Mu family go. I know, Grandma Uncle, don't Don't go after the Mu family Let's live a good life Don't pay any attention to them OK? OK But Xiao Xiao, you have to remember They don't like you It's not because you're a girl It's because you're not You're not a member of the Mu family Xiao Xiao Do you want to know Who your real parents are? Actually, I don't really want to know What if they too They abandoned me on purpose. It's okay. I have an uncle now. And a baby. Don't I? I'm your grandmother. Grandma? You're my family too. Good boy. Good boy. Grandma is here Xiao Xiao, will you marry me? I will protect you for the rest of my life. I will love you I will never let you be bullied in any way. I'll never let you be bullied in any way. What's wrong, baby? I'm hungry. I want a pastry. Pastry? The baby's hungry. You want a pastry? I'll send someone to buy you some I want to eat what you made I do Yes, ma'am Pastries in the middle of the night? Please go Yes, yes, yes. Ajussi You're so funny! You little guy You're laughing at me even though I'm cooking you something delicious. Be a good boy and stay here. Mister. Thank you, sir. You can eat the baby. Baby! Ajussi, I'm sleepy. Go to sleep. I'll stay with you. This dress. I think you'll like it. Hello, ma'am. This dress. It's our designer's newest model. It's the only one in the world. Really? It's the only one? Yes, it's the only one. But because it's the newest model. That's why the price is higher. Why don't you look over there? No, I like this one. Of course you do. Who doesn't? EW DESIGN. The question is, can you afford it? I've made myself clear. Are you really stupid or not? Do you think I can't afford it? How much is this dress? Three hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars. Is it gold-encrusted? If you can't afford it, get out. I hate poor people like you You can't afford it, but you still act like others Are you rich, NEW D? Why is it that every time I meet you You're always being bullied. Thank you, sir. I'll take care of it. Is this how you treat Is this how you treat your customers? Mr. Lu, I don't know who she is Forget it. This dress Wrap it up for me Don't look at him. I bought it, New Desi. Little girl. Have you gained weight lately? The Gu family's food is so good. Is it that good? Have you gained a lot of weight? I'm just kidding. Actually, it's not bad. Mr. Luk, new desi. You always help me I'll treat you to dinner Mr. Yan, the big star I've got the big news you asked for. I've got it for you I'll send it to you soon. I'll add 10 million dollars to the price. Uncle. You're back. You just went out. Look, I bought you a new suit. Do you like it? Of course I do. My baby bought it. I wish I'd done it sooner. I wish we'd announced our relationship earlier. So we can get married. Actually, it's good to be like this. I can't do that. I want the whole world to know You are my wife That's right. There's a party tomorrow. You're coming with me. That's not right, is it? Is Mr. Yi really going to be with the daughter of the cake store? With the daughter of the bakery? It's been so long. Who knows? I heard she's living in the Gu family. That's not true. The Gu family. Would they agree? You don't know that, do you? This Gu Shao Jun. He'll be furious with his wife. The Gu family's opponents Were driven to Africa. This woman's tactics She's really good at what she does Mu Xiao Xiao. Tonight, I'll make you lose your reputation I want you to die Gu Shaozhun is mine Shao Huai. I thought I didn't think you'd come today I didn't realize You brought Xiao Xiao with you You're here with her? Oh, her. She's so attached to me. She hasn't even left me for half a minute. You're in love. It really smells sour. The old iron tree has blossomed Let's try to understand Shao Huai What are you doing here? Aren't you with Xiao Xiao? She doesn't know her way around here If she gets bullied by the bad guys Then you You've crossed the line. You don't look like your usual self. Why are you still worried? I stole her away from you? I'm just afraid that you'll be caught in a dilemma. You're still too sensitive I'm just I just treat Xiao Xiao as my sister Why is the door locked? Anyone there? Why is it you? What do you want? I've told you before Gu Shao Huai He's mine. You little cutie! You've been picking on me over and over again. Today I'm going to kick your ass! You're not worthy of Shao Huai How can you be worthy of Shao Huai? The heir to the first family The heir to the most powerful family in South China His wife Will never be a woman like you A woman like you Who can afford to be his wife. I can learn. I can learn anything. Learn? How do you learn? There's something. It's something you're born with. Like blood. A commoner like you You're not worthy of the Young Lord You're not worthy to bear him children You'll only taint his noble bloodline. What do you want? I want you to leave him, of course Leave him? I won't leave him I'm not negotiating with you I'm informing you Let's talk about it Don't you want me to leave Shaojun? Then give me some money I knew it You're such a sweetie You approach him for his money Tell me How much? You little cutie! How dare you fool me? Where is he? I saw Ms. Mu went to the bathroom She hasn't come out yet That's outrageous! Leaving Xiao Xiao Leaving Xiao Xiao here alone Are you bullying Xiao Xiao? She doesn't have a mother's family? Help me! Help me! Hurry up! Help me! Help me! Run! Keep running! If I cut your face. Will Gu Shao Huai still want you? Help me! Xiao Xiao If anything happens to her I'll bury you with her Xiao Xiao! Get out of the way! I don't need you Xue Cheng Take Yan Yurou back Ask for clarification Mr. Du Thank you for tonight If you can't take care of her Don't hurt her either. Give it back to me. If you can't take care of her. Don't hurt her either. Give it back to me! No way! Xiao Xiao is my wife. No one can take her away from me. Not even you. You! Doctor! How is she? Mother and child are fine. She's just a little shaken up. She'll be hospitalized for one night. If there's no fever. She'll be discharged Gu Shao Huai You're such a sweetie. She's only 20 years old And you got her pregnant? You're inhuman! Mr. Du, this is a family matter. It's none of your business, is it? It's me. Mr. Du. She's my daughter. Even without a paternity test. She's connected by blood. She's She's just like her mother. But Master Du There's no mixing of blood in the Du family. Without a paternity test. Miss can't enter the Du family tree She won't be treated as a member of the Du family. What do you think? Then make one. Don't let anyone know Xiao Huai Xiao Xiao is fine now Don't worry It's my fault I should have arranged a bodyguard for Xiao Xiao I should have arranged a bodyguard for Xiao Xiao It's okay. Take good care of her here. I'm going to meet that Yan Yurou Mr. Du It's getting late. Time to go back Have the results come out yet? Yes Go home with the results. Show them to the old man. By the way. To make him happy. Yes, sir. I'm sorry. Uncle. You're awake. Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? My stomach. Don't worry Let's lie down. The doctor has examined you The doctor has examined you carefully There's nothing wrong Nothing? That's great. Then you should go and get some rest. I'm sorry, sir. Xiao Xiao. It's all my fault I knew that Yan Yurou I knew that Yan Yurou was always mean to you But I didn't take it seriously I don't blame you It's said that only those who are thieves There's no such thing as preventing a thief There's always a chance. You! Do you know who saved you? Who saved you? Wasn't it you? It was Master Du. He personally He carried you to the hospital. I don't think so. Was it because of the Gu family? Maybe. Get some rest first. When you're rested. We'll go home tomorrow. Okay? What did you find out, Master Hsi? What did you find out? Xiao Xiao is Master Du's daughter. What's that? Xiao Xiao is Mr. Du's daughter. Are you sure, Grandpa? I'm not 100% sure. But I'm pretty sure. You have to be prepared. If Xiao Xiao is really Master Du's daughter Then her status She's unattainable And you haven't announced your wedding yet Xiao Xiao could be a piece of A delicious piece of meat Other families Might just take a whiff of it and come over. Tiny is mine. That's why you've got to hurry up and get married to Tiny. And let everyone know Your marriage Tiny, no matter what you are. We will be together. See how clear it is here I knew I was right. She's our Zhu'er Dad. Now that we've found our Pearl. Take good care of yourself. I think it won't be long. You'll be a master in no time. It's great that we've finally found Zhu'er. It's not the right time to recognize her. Are those families in trouble again? Don't worry. There's been a lot of confusion lately. And I suspect The person who replaced Xiao Xiao. May be in our neighborhood. Okay, then. Let's use that chess piece first. You must protect Pearl She is the future heir She's the future heir of the Du family. We can't let anything go wrong. Throat! Uncle, you're awake! You're poking me like this How can I still sleep? Do you feel better? Much better. I'm just a little hungry. I'll be back in a minute. I'll have the doctor give you I'll ask the doctor to give you a closer look. If it's all right, we'll go home. Good girl. This is the chicken soup I made for you. Drink more What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you. I'll make a lot of specialties. Anything, Auntie Zhang. You're the best cook Mu Xiao Xiao It's me How dare you blackmail me? Do you believe me? Y, boss We're not sad Anyway, they They're not your real family Uncle Do you think I'm particularly popular? My real parents abandoned me. My adoptive parents also hate me. Who said that? We can't say that. Maybe they didn't abandon you on purpose. Maybe they lost you by accident. Or maybe they're looking for you right now. Looking for you all over the world right now. Forget it. Anyway, I have you now. I have a baby. And my father and grandparents. So many family members. Master Du What are you waiting for? Why don't you admit your little one to the public? Doesn't Su have another agenda? It's you she's after You're the one who caused the affair You're the one who started the affair Nonsense! I have no relationship with her I didn't talk to her. She told me everything. You promised her when you were a kid. When he grows up, he'll marry her. That's not true. Take care of it for me. Don't let her bother me again Okay, okay, okay. I'll go meet her then. Hey, Mr. Du. Yes, Mr. To. I'll be there on time How's Xiao Xiao doing? Very well. My own daughter. Her true identity Hasn't been released yet. The other top families Have already begun to make mischief My father's health is deteriorating The shareholders They're starting to stir up too. If that's the case. You shouldn't have gotten close to Tiny. Earth is just an ordinary person. From the beginning to the end. Has never enjoyed We've never been blessed by the Dukes. Now G, now you want to use your family's crisis And now you're going to use your family's crisis to affect her safety Don't worry. I won't admit it until the truth comes out. I won't admit it And I won't I won't put her in danger. I'm telling you in advance I want you to protect her. You don't have to. I'm her husband. Husband? Did I agree to this? We're already married Gu Shao Huai You're bullying her because she's young and naive She doesn't know what she's doing Or are you bullying her? She doesn't have the support of her mother's family Let me tell you She has one now. Her mother's family. When Tiny was a child When she suffered Your so-called mother's family Where were they? Qin Yi The future safety of the young lady. Starting today. You're in charge. Master Du. The master of the house told me. Qin Yi can't leave you. Why don't you Let Mr. Gu Mr. Gu to arrange for someone to take care of Miss. I've already arranged for someone to come. Why don't you leave? You want me to keep you for dinner? The first appearance of the Dragon Gate Du family's godfather. It's a huge sensation. Why didn't I realize it before? Now I feel so warm when I look at him. I envy Ms. Du. She has such a good father. Muhai. Come to the hospital tomorrow afternoon I'll give you some money. It's a small sum of money Muhai I'm not your daughter Isn't that so? Why are you talking nonsense again? Am I bullshitting you? Don't you know? Let's go. Let's go for a DNA test. I'm not going. Am I really not my own child? That's why you don't dare to take the test. What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? I'll give you pocket money. That's fine. Muk-hoi! I'm really not your child. No wonder your family You've been beating and scolding me since I was a kid. You didn't even treat me like a human being. You knew that already, didn't you? No way! This result is absolutely false Good for you, Mo Xiao Xiao You don't want to give away your adoptive parents. In order to avoid giving away your parents, you deliberately colluded with the hospital, right? You guys make me sick! From now on, you and I I have nothing to do with you Don't ever come back Do not pester me again Hey, Xiao Xiao. You have to give me pocket money What do I have to do with you? Even if I throw the money on the water table I won't give you a penny. Okay. You dare to fool me? I'll beat you to death Let's go. Yes, yes, yes. Uncle is so nice. I'm really not their biological child. That's great! My granddaughter. Two more months. She'll be pregnant. At the wedding. I'll be tossing and turning. It'll be tough. Grandma is thinking I'd like to get you married sooner. What do you think? Listen to Grandma Shao Huai You and Xiao Xiao's wedding has to be quick We don't want to be late for the wedding Mr. Xi's analysis makes sense There's been a lot of infighting in the Du family lately. And I've noticed Mr. Du's health He's getting worse by the day. If he's no longer with us. Master Du may not be able to control Those people underneath him. That's right. Once Xiao Xiao's identity is exposed. I'm afraid some people will jump over the fence. But Grandpa. That fake daughter is a real hunter. Is she going to be okay? Oh, no. If anything happens, it's their business. What's it got to do with us? What's it to do with us? Ms. Du has been assassinated. Ahem. Mr. Du. You don't have to be so polite. No one knows about this, do they, Mr. Du? Is she in danger? No one knows either. Recently. It's best if you don't let her go out. There's one more thing. My father's health is bad He wants to see Xiao Xiao again When Xiao Xiao was replaced. Her own mother was devastated She died before she was born The old man felt very guilty It took us so many years We finally found her We know that. We all know that. But she's pregnant with two babies. If she's not careful. Master Don't worry Xiao Xiao is my own daughter I'll take care of her Without a foolproof plan I won't let her risk her life. Uncle. Go to sleep Xiao Xiao If I could. I wish you were just A little girl in an ordinary cake store. Uncle Something happened to Ms. To It happened last night And Has been sent to Our private hospital It's not easy to be Miss To Ms. To is born with gold And she's loved and envied by everyone. Favored and envied by all And she has endless money How can it not be easy? I don't like it anyway I'm sure even Master Du Wouldn't want his daughter I'm sure even Mr. Du wouldn't want his daughter to get into trouble for being so high-profile. Why do you think so? Xiao Xiao If you were Ms. Du. Do you want to be like her? All I want is a daddy who dotes on me. The doctor said the baby is healthy. We're having the wedding now. It won't be so tiring How's it going? Xiao Xiao Are you ready to organize Our wedding? Of course I'm ready. Grandma told me You designed this dress yourself. Of course I did. It's the only one of its kind in the world. Ahem. You two are so close. Mr. Du. You don't have to be so polite. Just call me uncle. Uncle. No. I heard you two are getting married soon. This is a wedding gift for you. My precious daughter Your mom left it to you. I don't need it. I heard your parents treat you badly. Consider it a gift from your mother's family. Take it. Wish you all happiness forever Girl, I have something to do. I have to go. What's wrong? Are you sick? I feel that Mr. Du He's like a father to me. I'm so bad. How dare you try to steal someone else's father? Silly girl. He's your real father! Father! There's news from over there. Mr. Du He's dying. Life is a series of events. It's all about reunions and separations. Let's go. Father. The Du family is most concerned It's still Xiao Xiao. Uncle. Where are we? This is Mr. Du's hospital room He wants to see you Can you call me grandpa? Grandpa Good boy I have a present for you You must take it. Thank you, Grandpa. I'll treasure it. Good boy. Grandpa's here. For the rest of your life. Be happy. Let's go. Let's go home first. Let's not cry. Master Du did He died peacefully Uncle I don't know why I just want to cry I just can't stop crying. Baby Do you know why Mr. Du Why he gave you this jade tablet? Take a look at this. Actually You're the eldest daughter of the Du family. Mr. Du That's your real grandfather, the genetic locus. So it's not that they didn't want me They just lost me. Yes, they did. All these years They've been looking for you. Until the last time I ran into you at the hospital. That's why. I still have my mom and dad. And Grandpa. Of course You're the eldest daughter of the Du family. The future heiress of the Du family When the time comes I'll be much richer than your husband You mustn't dislike me I won't What about Ms. Du now? Is it because of me? Not exactly Don't worry about her. Mr. Du will take care of it I've given you the information. When will you do it? The big star. Mo Xiao Xiao is the mistress of the Gu family. I wouldn't dare go against the Gu family. How dare you fool me? That's not true. We're trying to kill Ms. Du Miss Du? Mu Xiao is Miss Du It's true Of course it's true Mu Xiao Xiao is the real Miss Du Only the Gu family knows this Otherwise You think they'd let a commoner To enter the Gu family? The Gu family is so calculating Mu Xiao Xiao! I'll let you die this time. You're awake! You didn't expect it, did you? We'd meet again. What do you want? You'll see. You hurt me last time. I already let you off the hook. Now you want to repay me with a favor I'm doing you a favor. You're the one who stole my brother You stole my brother I didn't steal him Gu Shaojun never loved you at all! If it weren't for you How could he not love me? Mu Xiao Xiao, you're such a cutie! You'd better let me go Or Shao-Huai won't let you go! How dare you talk to me like that? How dare you talk back to me? You think you can get away with this? You think Gu Shao Huai Gu Shao Huai could find you today? Do you think Yan Shaozhun can find you today? Let me tell you the truth I really didn't do this today You know what? There are too many people who want you dead. There are too many people who want you dead What do you mean? Don't you know? Ms. Du My name is Mu I don't know what you're talking about Why are you pretending? I've investigated everything You're not You're not that cake seller's son I don't know what you mean The night Mr. Du died. You were at Du's house How dare you deny it? You scared me to death So it's because of this that we're sure That's good Yen Yurou You're a celebrity even at your age Don't you know Those who went to Mr. Du's house that night Were all from famous families? That's impossible It was you and Gu Shao Huai that night You and Gu Shao Huai went there on the sly. The situation in the Du family was so complicated. It was so complicated Who wouldn't sneak off to visit Mr. Du? Stupid brain! Can't you tell? It's because the Yan family wasn't invited You're talking nonsense here Yan Yurou! How dare you lie to me? Tell me Is she the Du family's Miss or not? Of course he is No, I'm not I'm Mu Xiao Xiao My parents run a cake store I have a brother and a sister-in-law You can investigate She has a personal grudge against me She wants to use you to get back at me Don't listen to her She is Ms. To The real Miss To If that's the case Then you all must die If that's the case Then you all must die! Let go of me! Or else My husband Gu Shaozhun He won't let you go. I don't care if you're I don't care if you're the real Miss Du Since I've caught you I won't let you go Gu Shao Huai Who the hell is he? When I get the Du family I'll deal with the Gu family first You're a member of the Du family? You're the second master of the Du family Du Yunzhe. I didn't think anyone would remember me. So you're also Mr. Du's son? Then why did you arrest Ms. Du? She's your own niece. My brother is a sick man. Only when he's gone I'll have a chance to inherit the Du family He's your brother You're family What can't you do? Can't you work things out? That guy. For Dobaiju. I was sent abroad. He wouldn't let me come back for decades. Now he's finally dead. I want to take back the Du family. I want to take back everything I've lost. Mr. Du I have a way to help you Mu Xiao Xiao She's a member of the Gu family. The Gu family is very close to the Du family. We just need to use her as bait. And lure Du Baizhou and Gu Shaozhun out Then We'll get rid of them all. That makes sense. But you look familiar to me. Are you the daughter of Du Baizhou or not? I'm not. I can prove it. As long as I call her I'll call her parents. Everything will come out. Let me ask you Is Mu Xiao Xiao your Is Mu Xiao Xiao your real daughter or not? Of course she's my daughter You were sent by Mu Xiao Xiao, weren't you? Tell her Don't try to get rid of us You have to pay us all the money you need. Not a penny less Or we'll smear her on the internet So that she can't get married to a rich man. You bitch! You said two days ago Mu Xiao Xiao is not Your own daughter Yan Yurou Let's go! I know you want to be with Gu Shao Huai. But you can't talk such nonsense It doesn't matter I won't spare anyone Mr. Du, don't worry We'll get Xiao Xiao back. You must take care of yourself. It's my fault. I didn't take care of her. Xiao Xiao was implicated. No one knows who she really is. Unless there's a mole. Don't worry. The Gu family. Will never take Xiao Xiao's life It's a joke. How's it going? Young master. We've found it It's Yan Yurou For the Yan family's sake I let her go out of the Southland But she still dares to come back and attack Xiao Xiao Even if the king of heaven comes today Wouldn't be able to save her Young master. Our men have already gone there. I'll be right there. I'll be right there. Hey, baby. Dad will definitely come to save us Mu Xiao Xiao It's all because of you, you little cutie! It's all your fault Yan Yurou It's you! You're the one with the wrong mind You deserved it! How much longer? 10 minutes, young master Our men and Master Du's men have arrived. Don't worry. Young master. Whether we live or die. Charge forward! Baby! Hold on a little longer. Daddy will come to save you soon. Don't pretend. I think you just want to seduce Mr. Du. You're just a sweetie, you're just a pain in the ass Yan Yurou We're both women Why do you have to You have to be so pushy with me I don't want you to be such a cutie If it weren't for you I'd be in the Gu family. You're bleeding. You're really pregnant How dare you carry Gu Shao Huai's child? No wonder you're together So it's the belly that's holding it up You won't last long The Gu family will never allow someone like you To give birth to the Gu family's heir Yan Yurou! You don't know anything about love! You don't love Gu Shao Huai at all All you love is Gu family's youngest wife You're talking nonsense! What do you know? Wanting to marry into the Gu family Is every woman's dream. Don't pretend to be so noble. You don't know anything about love. You're the one who doesn't know love Mu Xiao Xiao, you deserve to die The baby in your belly deserves to die too Stop right there How dare you! Gu Shao Huai I know you're strong You're good at everything You're also a champion fighter But unfortunately You have your weaknesses What are your conditions? Just tell me. Let Doo Baek Jo come out. I want to talk to him. Are you out of your mind? Who am I to order him around? Change your terms. How much money do you want? Whatever you want. You think I care about that kind of money? Let Du Baizhou come out now. Or else I'll let your woman I'll let your woman die in front of you. Uncle. I love you. Qin Yi So it's you. Where's Du Baizhou? Let him out. Master and Mr. Du. How many chances have you had? You didn't cherish them. Not only that. You dared to hurt Mr. Du's daughter. The only heir to the Du family. This time. I'm afraid no one can save you. Take her away. Are you okay, Xiao Xiao? Uncle. I'm cold. Don't scare me, Xiao Xiao. The ambulance will be here soon Gu Shao Huai Why don't you love me? Mu Xiao Xiao Who are you to say? You stole Gu Shao Huai from me Yan Yurou I really regret knowing you I'm coming Xiao Xiao is fine She just fell asleep I know, I know, I know. Where's Du Yunchul? He's dead. I can't believe I let him die so easily. I was negligent this time. I really didn't think Du Yunchang dared to come back He was the one who He had Xiao Xiao replaced It was him! If we really talk about it Xiao Xiao is really lucky When Du Yunchul The person who ordered him to do it hasn't done it yet The Mu family Has already replaced Xiao Xiao Luckily, Du Yunchul Lost contact with that person again Otherwise I don't know what would have happened Sir! Please marry Xiao Xiao Marry her to me I will love her I won't let her suffer a bit Dad, you're back from the meeting Look at you, your heart's not in it. Are you remembering The Gu family's kid? No Oh, you're really ah The girl is too old to stay in the family. Later, when we propose marriage We'll just agree to your marriage. Really? You! You really piss me off! Dad! You don't want to see your daughter and grandson You don't want to see your daughter and grandson alone, do you? That's right, Baekju. Have mercy on them. Sit down. Uncle. Have you thought about me? You're a girl. What a scandal! Come back here. Let's go. Look at the way things are going today. I'm sure it's nothing serious. Uncle. Take a look at this. This is my small promise. 51% You guys We know Your Du family is a big family You're one of the world's most powerful families. Xiao Xiao You're going to Inherit everything in your family But I'm not one of them. He's not a money-grubber. That's right. My father was right. Our Gu family We've prepared this. Take a look. A prenuptial agreement. It seems You're serious this time. Of course. A small dowry. I don't want any of it. And The shares of the Gu family. Our Xiao Xiao holds 51%. In other words. If she wants to kick me out She can do it anytime Uncle. So many shares I can't take them. Boss. These shares It's worth it. Mr. Du We've come to ask for your hand in marriage This girl She's a good girl She deserves to be cherished by all of us Besides Xiao Xiao's belly It's getting bigger every day. Your family You don't have a small family It's not convenient to take care of her My dear father-in-law You think so? You're right. Let's talk about the marriage today. Let's talk about the marriage. Come and sit down. Let's sit down and talk. We must make this little wedding We'll make it a lively event Ladies and gentlemen Thank you all for coming Today is the day It's Xiao Xiao's wedding day It's also the day she recognizes her ancestor. Du Xiao Xiao She's my own daughter, Du Baizhou. In the future She'll be the head of the Du family Congratulations, Mr. Du, on finding your daughter. Congratulations, Miss Du. I wish Miss Du and Mr. Gu a happy marriage A hundred years of happiness. Uncle. What did you call me?
Channel: 宠爱短剧社
Views: 851,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 29sec (7409 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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