ENG SUB【在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love】END EP30 林亦扬弹吉他浪漫求婚殷果,暴雪里的奇遇落下帷幕(吴磊、赵今麦)

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♪How I wish to see you but I can't, so I close my eyes♪ ♪Your voice makes my heart ache out of longing♪ ♪Like the day we met♪ ♪The colors are so brilliant♪ ♪And warm♪ ♪My uneasiness and timidness fade away♪ ♪Your warmth makes me brave♪ ♪Like a small animal♪ ♪I curl up next to you♪ ♪So tender♪ ♪I often wonder♪ ♪what changed everything♪ ♪I come prepared with limitless love♪ ♪I arrive on time to see you grow strong♪ ♪I'm here to stay♪ ♪We face the peaceful and disturbing days together♪ ♪Falling in love♪ ♪The world is so sweet♪ ♪ Fulfill our unfulfilled promises♪ ♪Falling in love you♪ ♪Two brave hearts♪ ♪Trek through the highest mountains until forever♪ =Amidst a Snowstorm of Love= =Episode 30= (Lin's Yin) (Check the Moments) (Zheng Yi told me) (she never saw one long-distance couple around her would work out.) (Will we be the exception?) (Zheng Yi, her best friend.) (What are you doing?) (I want to go see him.) (Zheng Yi said I might be crazy.) (I really need to meet this best friend, as she never says anything good.) (Focus on training) ♪Love connects into a thread of emotion♪ (Tried to make him to confess, but...) (I heard a woman is talking next to him as he calls me.) (The accent is so thick, and I can't hear it out.) (He said he doesn't know her.) (Is she the one who wants to sleep with him?) (Graduation prom? Who is it? Did I talk to someone?) (Tried to make him to confess, but failed... It's a sign of breakup.) (Oh my. Why is it a sign of breakup?) (We had a video call today, he seems happy, crisis is relieved.) (Crisis is relieved.) ♪Listen to the sound of dancing snow♪ (Today is my birthday, I can't believe he came back, with heavy dark circles.) (He opened the room door barefoot.) (He obviously fell asleep.) (The room and the bed are large.) (I felt strange that he held my hand.) (Later, he sat at the desk while I was on the sofa.) (We're sitting face to face, I really want to hug him.) (But he didn't do it, and I was too shy to do it.) (But then he pulled me over and hugged me.) (He stinks with the smell after a long flight.) (You know, I love you so.) I wanted to scare you. You are so vigilant. Where did you go? Get you water. That burner account was supposed to be a gift for your birthday next year. But seeing you play so hard today, I decided to give it to you in advance. Lin Yiyang, the team doctor is looking for you. Thank you. I really like it. I'll head over first. Go over. Where's Yiyang? To the treatment room. Have you seen Weibo? Yes. That's it? It's fine, I get used to it. Get used to it? Yes, I've read all the bad reviews. I've trained my whole life for this moment on the court. Why can't people put themselves in other... Wait, wait, wait. I'm not talking about it. Lin Yiyang gets the trending topic. I know. So as Xiaodong and Jiang Yang, right? Did you really see it? Did you see his posts from burner account? Burner account? I think he doesn't use Weibo, does he have a burner account? These were all dug up by netizens after the game. His fans wanted to go and comfort him, but he doesn't even have a Weibo account. So they searched and noticed us from Dongxin City are following this account, so they dug it out. We have all followed this burner account. But there's nothing on it, only has forwarded news and videos about a female player's games. (Forwarded Weibo) (I love this couple.) (Did he get her or not?) You must be so happy. No one would have thought that the man who is so popular on the court would be like a little fan, using his Weibo burner account to keep forwarding your videos and news. And he even saved screenshots of your videos on Weibo. No matter who, would have been very moved. But everyone still thinks that this man has not yet succeeded and is still struggling to pursue. It's really enviable. What did you say? Nothing much. Okay. There's a letter from the association letting our Chinese team take the lead, to go out and meet the fans, who have been waiting. Let's not let them down, shall we? Alright, pack up and let's go. Okay, we are leaving then. Let's go. Let's go. Let me help you. Don't move your arm. I'll do it myself. Don't move. Do you still want to play in the future? Slow down. Zipper. Turn around. You have a Weibo burner account? Yes, I usually use it to save stuff. Some videos, news, things like that. It's convenient to save things on Weibo. I didn't tell you because it's nothing special. (Comments have soared, and you still don't know.) What's wrong? I didn't think you'd save up my videos. Of course. When I can't see you, watching your videos makes me happy too. Hurry up. Coach, you should lead the way. Today, you guys are the protagonists. Let's go. Just go. There are too many fans. Everyone, keep formation. Keep up with the teammates ahead, don't accept any gifts, and don't stay too long. (Lin Yiyang) (Yin Guo, Guo) Lin Yiyang, go for it! Where are you going? You don't talk on the phone. Everyone is here. No one has left. This competition was too exhausting. We all agreed to go have some fun. Where are we going? It's like the first time we've been hanging out together since we were kids. When we were kids, none of us had money, except you. We won't even dream of going on a spring outing. It's hard to get everyone together now since we've grown up. I think we mentioned it once, right? Someone said it's no fun hanging out if we couldn't gather everyone. Mind your words. ♪Worth cherishing in my past♪ What's that? Rainbow. - Where is it? - Really. Really, did you see it? How did you find such a beautiful place? With all my heart. What? You are such a sweet-talker. I mean it. Just spend some time with all my heart, I found this place thinking of you. Alright. Give it to me. I'll take the photo. Come on, let's say cheese. Come on. Here we go. ♪Until I hug you when the snow stops♪ ♪Nothing about love has been part of my life♪ ♪The two of us got so close♪ ♪I start kissing you♪ ♪Love you so♪ ♪Love you so♪ Thank you for the gift you gave me after the competition. Not at all. I should do so anyway. What do you mean? The women's team took the important gold medal at a time when the men's team was under the most pressure. Alright, I'll accept this thanks on behalf of everyone. What else? What? Nothing else? To celebrate the first time we represented our country together. This is indeed worth celebrating. What else? Anything else? Anything else? Please enjoy. Okay, thank you. This is too sweet. Too sweet? I didn't expect it to be this sweet. Then order a new one. Never mind. I don't want to waste it. It's okay. I'll drink it. You'd order. Alright, you never let others touch your stuff when you were a kid, so it was all an act. You are not fair. Now, you share a drink with your girlfriend. Don't you always eat food I don't like? Is there a problem? Fireworks. We'd gather later, don't forget it. So beautiful, there are even fireworks. So beautiful, there are even fireworks. Did the hotel do this? So beautiful. What's wrong? You're not right, really. It must be because it's too hot here. I think it's over. Let's go over, your friend should have arrived. Okay, but you have to promise me not to drink too much. What makes you think we'd drink? I bet you would, we're all having fun. We still have a few days, don't knock yourself out drinking on the first day, and spend the next few days sober up. Rest assured, not tonight. Alright, let's go. Wu Wei? You are Zheng Yi? Who else would you expect? Why are you alone? They said to have a lot of people? They'll be here soon. I'd like to have a drink alone first. Do you want it? Aren't we supposed to be drinking wine? Yes. I had a drink before I came. You take a look. Zheng Yi. You're here. Be careful. You arrive early. You look amazing today. Lin Yiyang. Zheng Yi. Hello, alumnus. Hello. You got my best friend, and I can't believe I only met you today. Alright, take a seat. Lin Yiyang, sit down. I have something to ask you. When you first saw her comment about you on her Moments that you are not that handsome, what did you think? What are you doing? Don't you want to know? That question is really quite old. Come on, I really want to know. Don't you? To be honest, nothing. My first thought was that you came to Hursin. You'd get the point, amazing. I can't believe you ever hated him. No. Girl, you are good. Indeed, someone who could win over our Duncuo is not ordinary. No, I want to explain. I was just joking at that time, really. What? What? Let's order something. Why did you ask that, Zheng Yi? What's wrong? I wanted to liven things up. No one would do so. Do you care I asked him that? No, it made me embarrassed. Tuning it for you took me a few minutes. Annoying. Don't be nervous. What? D-Didn't you say you don't know how to play guitar? Right, but he learned from me for 70 days. What are you going to do? ♪Hello, I never was so sure to say it out♪ ♪But maybe it's too much to hold it down♪ ♪To look away, the night sky♪ ♪Hello, you never were so fond of memories♪ ♪It takes forever just to find the love♪ (We haven't formally met yet.) (How would you like to meet?) (My name is Yin Guo.) (I know, you mentioned it in the first message you sent me.) ♪Dive in the direction of us♪ ♪And let the starlight out and shine♪ (Do you want to pursue someone?) (I saw what Wu Wei posted something on his Moments.) (I still saw it, even though it was deleted right away.) ♪So fight away to find our love♪ ♪Love and shine♪ (Can you tell I want to pursue you?) ♪Love and shine♪ ♪The only way to find ourselves through♪ ♪Love and shine♪ ♪No matter how the snow is falling♪ (I won and I'm dedicating this game to you.) My Queen. ♪Hello, I never was so sure to say it out♪ ♪But maybe it's too much to hold it down♪ ♪To look away, the night sky♪ ♪Hello, you never were so fond of memories♪ ♪It takes forever just to find the love♪ ♪To live a life, under the star light♪ ♪So would you say it back♪ ♪Dive in the direction of us♪ (She's so perfect.) And I might have to spend the rest of my life seeking for her love. ♪There's nothing our faith can't do♪ ♪So fight away to find our love♪ ♪Love and shine♪ (Make a wish. Whatever you want, I will fulfill it.) (Things to go well today.) (I will protect you today.) That's my home, my place. There's a movie called The Truman Show. Truman lives in a false world, being watched by everyone every day. Everyone knows his world is a sham except himself. Until one day, a girl appeared in his world and told him the truth, letting him know that his world is a sham. I've been creating a false world for myself for over a decade. It looks nice but that's not what I want. Later, in my world, a girl also appeared. She brought me out. When I first added you on Wechat, I read your Moments at the train station for more than an hour. In your Moments, there's a lot of my previous life and socials. Thank you. Thank you. Actually, actually I haven't... You've given me so much. I've seen every one of your games more than once. It's you who helped me get over the hurdle and get me back on the court. It's you who gave me the courage to return to reality. That day, when you won the game, you've crossed half the court to hold my hand and shared the joy of victory with me. Do you know? What you gave me not only joy, but also a crazy love of a sport and the pride of being a king of the game. These are things I've lost and couldn't get back for a long time. Thank you. Thank you. You... Yin Guo, I like you. I love you. I want to marry you. You... Will you marry me? ♪Like the day we met♪ ♪The colors are so brilliant♪ Congratulations! ♪My uneasiness and timidness fade away♪ ♪Your warmth makes me brave♪ ♪Like a small animal♪ Be happy, Guo. Be happy, Lin Yiyang. I'm a terrible guitar player and a terrible singer. No. I've been practicing all day, but... It's good. If I say it's good, it's good. I really like it. ♪Fulfill our unfulfilled promises♪ ♪Falling in love♪ ♪Two brave hearts♪ ♪Trek through the highest mountains until forever♪ (Three years later) (Dongxin City Billiards Club) I didn't retire to come back to take over Dongxin City. Everyone respects you after so many years. Why do you leave at this time? I was called to take over temporarily. Back then, Mr. He had just passed away, and you had to undergo surgery. Later, new management and operation models were proposed, I've been through the first few tough years for you. Now it's time for me to rest. Now you said so. I've worked much harder than you. You know me. I like to be free and easy. Alright, but you have to agree to one condition. Say it. Take care of my kid for a winter vacation. Otherwise, I'd be too busy. Fine, okay. Thanks, I appreciate it. I want a teacher to learn billiards. The one there, your son? No, I'm his godfather. Okay. Yiyang, Yin Guo is still asleep? Dealing with jet lag, she probably just woke up. Where's the kid? Practicing inside. He's that little. Don't you let him rest? I asked him what he wants to do, he said he just wants to practice. I'll go check on him. Little Stone. Is he here? Has your brother come? Yes, he's on the way for you. I've been waiting for him. You can't beat him anyway. I've been growing and developing. I'll win it all back when I grow up. Then keep your voice down, don't let my brother hear you. He just said it to me on purpose. Uncle Meng, I send you WeChat messages, but you never replies. If you want me to reply, beat me. Sooner or later, it will happen. If not for knowing he's Jiang Yang's son, I'd have thought Xiaodong was his real dad. Your turn. Alright. 9-Ball in, awesome. Yin Guo, have some coffee to warm your hands. Thank you. My wife, gorgeous, huh? Beautiful. Take you to some nice food. Then I'll call them both out. Sun Zhou is here. If they get hungry, he'll order some pizza and pasta for them. It's rare for Xiaodong to come, keep me company. If Jiang Yang knows it, he'd be upset for his son. We didn't have such conditions when we were kids. Let's go. Bye. Bye, boss. - Bye bye. - Good night. Go inside. Thank you. Are you hungry? No. I'll buy you a milk tea to drink. No, we're going to eat soon. Where are we going now? Now... Hi. Why is there no one? Did you book the whole place? Maybe everyone is busy tonight, except us. ♪Hello, I never was so sure to say it out♪ ♪But maybe it's too much to hold it down♪ ♪To look away, the night sky♪ ♪Hello, you never were so fond of memories♪ ♪It takes forever just to find the love♪ ♪To live a life, under the star light♪ ♪So would you say it back♪ ♪Dive in the direction of us♪ ♪And let the starlight out and shine♪ ♪It's just you and me♪ ♪There's nothing our faith can't do♪ ♪So fight away to find our love♪ ♪Love and shine♪ ♪We might've made a few mistakes but♪ ♪Love and shine♪ ♪The only way to find ourselves through♪ ♪Love and shine♪ ♪No matter how the snow is falling♪ (I used to feel empty no matter how hard I tried.) (If life is unfair, why do we struggle?) (There's no place I have to go.) (There's nothing I really want.) (There's none I have to be with.) (Until I meet you amidst a snowstorm of love.) (The End) ♪Waste the entire winter♪ ♪Paint our holiday♪ ♪See the clouds on the mountain and walk along the seaside♪ ♪Chase after the sunrise and sunset♪ ♪Spend our time carefree♪ ♪Create memories in a season of our lives♪ ♪Call out to you in the wind, and recall you in my dreams♪ ♪Breathe onto the glass♪ ♪I know everything is going to fade away♪ ♪Like the beach washed by the waves♪ ♪The surprises and regrets will be gone♪ ♪But my heart will be full of blossoms♪ ♪I know everything is going to change♪ ♪Like the beautified image of summer♪ ♪The thrills, the joy, the sorrow, the smiley face covered in sweat♪ ♪But my love is not complete without you♪ ♪The bitter and sweetness spread between my lips♪ ♪I still look forward to miracles♪ ♪The laughter and tears both speak of sweet sorrow♪ ♪How I wish it all ends on this very day♪ ♪This very day♪
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Keywords: 腾讯视频, tencent video, wetv, 騰訊視頻, we tv, tencent, 腾讯, 腾讯视頻, 企鹅影视, 吴磊, 吳磊, 赵今麦, 趙今麥, 王星越, 陈靖可, 丁笑滢, 吴磊 电视剧, 赵今麦 电视剧, 王星越 电视剧, Wu Lei, Leo Wu, Zhao Jinmai, Angel Zhao, Chen Jingke, Wu Lei drama, Zhao Jinmai drama, Chen Jingke drama, 在暴雪时分, Amidst a Snowstorm of Love, 在暴雪时分 电视剧, 在暴雪时分 第一集, 在暴雪时分 预告, 在暴雪时分 eng sub, amidst a snowstorm of love drama, amidst a snowstorm of love eng sub, amidst a snowstorm of love ep1, amidst a snowstorm of love trailer, 在暴雪時分, 在暴雪時分 電視劇, 在暴雪時分 預告, 在暴雪時分 第一集
Id: F1H131PxvwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 42sec (2802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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