ENG SUB《诛仙2》Jade Dynasty S2 EP27-EP35 合集 Full Version | 腾讯视频 - 动漫

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How long will this rain last? I need to deliver goods. Innkeeper, bring a pot of wine. Coming right up. What I said is true. Don't doubt it. You must be kidding. It's really true. This is just too unlucky. Alas, times are tough now. The righteous and cult forces are constantly at war, causing great chaos across the world. I heard that the cult has three big demons, known as the Three Princes. Senior, your face is thin with many wrinkles, but the facial structure is not damaged, (Xiao Huan) indicating your life is tough but safe. It's just that a small scar on the brow hinders the life line, indicating in your old age, there may be a great disaster. Considering your age now, it's better to speak less to avoid calamity. (Fortunetelling) Thank you, miss, for your guidance. Do you know the cause (Zhou Yixian) of that battle back then? Grandfather. Haven't you looked at my fate and said that I would be wealthy in old age and unscathed? Senior, you know about the battle? (It was stemmed from a disciple of the Qingyun Sect,) (Zhang Xiaofan.) (He possessed the supreme true methods of both Buddhism and Taoism.) (The weapon he used was forged with the cult's Blood-Striking Bead,) (the evil Dementor and blood.) (By a twist of fate,) (he met Bi Yao from the cult.) Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan's secrets were soon exposed. The three major sects gathered for a public trial at Qingyun. The Ghost King united all the cult sects and attacked Qingyun Sect. (As the situation became critical,) (the Qingyun Sect Master, Daoxuan, wielded the ancient Zhuxian Sword) (to annihilate the horde of demons.) (At the critical moment,) (Bi Yao stood in front of Zhang Xiaofan.) What happened to Miss Bi Yao afterwards? The spell she cast was the Lovestruck Spell, which required burning away her own essence, blood, and soul. So she passed away. A beauty doomed to die young, alas. What about Zhang Xiaofan? Things remain but people change. He wanders alone in distant lands. =Jade Dynasty= =Episode 27= (Ghost King Sect, Sha Sheng, Yan Hui) Junior, don't you dare be impudent. Red Devil Eyes. Blood Prince. Will you surrender or not? I surrender. I beg you, don't kill me. I surrender. You, you. Forget it. Forget it. The Lianxue Sect's eight-hundred-year foundation comes to an end today. (Lianxue Sect, Lin Feng) (Lianxue Sect, Lady Meimao) Nonsense. Laoda, (Lianxue Sect, Yegou) by the founder's statue, we swore never to betray. (Lianxue Sect, Nian Laoda) How could you...? Circumstances overpower men. Yegou, come over here quickly. I will never be a traitor. Since childhood, I had no one to rely on and was always bullied. Until the Lianxue Sect took me in. In this life, I am committed to the Lianxue Sect. Even in death, I will have no regrets. Fine, you're noble. Then you can hold up the Lianxue Sect alone. (Order) (Guiwu Sect, Vice Leader, Gui Li) You... You just kill me. You want to kill me. If you want to kill me, do it. I-I'm not afraid of you. I won't kill you. From now on, stay by my side. You've destroyed the Lianxue Sect and yet you want me to follow you? Without me, the cult sects will manage to kill you, and so will the righteous sects. If you're dead, the Lianxue Sect will truly perish. I must survive to revive it. Why do you do this? Hey, Zhang Xiaofan. What's wrong with Dahuang? Laowu, the dishes today are too salty. Then let Laoliu cook tomorrow. No. Our master has ordered me to clean the house tomorrow. (Qingyun Sect's Master of Spirit, Water Kirin) What's going on? Master of Spirit. (Qingyun Sect) Thank you, junior sister Lu, for lending a hand. (Qingyun Sect, Fenghui Peak, Zeng Shushu) The skill demonstrated by that sword (Qingyun Sect, Longshou Peak, Qi Hao) was truly impressive. Why did the Master of Spirit lose such temper? Fortunately, no one was injured. (Qingyun Sect, Xiaozhu Peak, Lu Xueqi) Bi Yao, I'm back. I have wiped out another sect for your father. Right at the same place where we first met, the Siling Abyss. You must still remember, right? When there was only one person left, I suddenly thought of you. I remembered that's where we met. I didn't have the heart to kill him. When I returned, I also visited Dazhu Peak. The black-jointed bamboo you once sat by is still there. It turns out nothing has changed. Bi Yao. Only you. The sect leader has something to see him. In these past ten years, every time he returns, he wants to see Bi Yao first. You'd better stay away from him. (Ghost King Sect, Zhu Que, Qing Long) The sect leader has cultivated him, but he probably harbors some resentment because of Bi Yao. Ten years have gone. Your progress is much better than I expected. Senior. Today, the Master sent a message. The younger generation of Qingyun Sect is gathering at Tongtian Peak. There must be something important. You go ahead. A fine young man need not behave like this. Go on. The grace of your teaching is etched in my heart. I shall use this sword to vanquish demons in the future to repay the sect and not to fail my life's expectations. Thanks a lot. I was already a man waiting for death. Thank you for agreeing to let him stay with me for ten years. (Qingyun Sect Master, Daoyun) Back then, I risked a serious crime to save you behind the backs of our elders. You never thanked me. Yet now you thank me for this young man. You used to be resolute in killing. But I hear this time, you spared someone called Reverend Yegou. Speaking of which, the Blood-Striking Bead on your weapon is still the relic of the Black Heart Elder. You and the Lianxue Sect also share some kinship. (Ghost King Sect Leader, Ghost King) Have you heard the rumor recently that a rare talisman has appeared in the western swamps? Forces from all sides have already gathered. The Changsheng Sect, whose head temple is there, is more eager to get it. What do you think? Among the cult sects nowadays, the Ghost King Sect and the Wandu Sect are the strongest, with the Hehuan Sect and the Changsheng Sect inferior. All four major sects wish to consume each other. War is inevitable sooner or later. Given that, how should we respond? We should strike first. Against whom? Changsheng Sect. Why? The leader of Changsheng Sect, Yuyangzi, is proud and aloof. The rare talisman appeared. We can just wait for the Changsheng Sect and the righteous sects to battle. After they have worn each other down, we can unite the Wandu Sect and the Hehuan Sect to make our move. Victory in a single battle. What? Nothing. Your thoughts are no different from mine. These ten years, you gave me two volumes of Heavenly Book and imparted all of your life's learning to me. If I didn't see that, I would fail you. I indeed taught you something, but you must rely on your own comprehension. You managed to achieve great success in just ten years. A rare feat, indeed. The Wandu Sect and the Hehuan Sect will cooperate. The detailed arrangements are clearly written in this letter. You must head to the Swamp of Death immediately. All the forces of the Ghost King Sect are at your command. There's one more thing. Even now, you still refer to the Holy Sect as the cult? I've been in the sect for ten years. Here it's daily battles, bloodshed, and deceit. Hardly worthy of 'Holy. And what about the righteous sects where you came from? The evils done by the righteous people are no better than those of the cult. So? What is righteous in your heart? I don't know. - Greetings, Master. - Greetings, Master. No need for formalities. (Qingyun Sect, Xiaozhu Peak, Wen Min) (Qingyun Sect, Tongtian Peak, Xiao Yicai) Fellow disciples, Recently, I heard that, in the western marshes, a rare talisman will appear. (Qingyun Sect, Dazhu Peak, Song Daren) and the cult sects have swarmed there. Rare talismans belong to those with virtue. They must never fall into the cult, helping bad people. So the Master has decided to select outstanding talents to rush to the marshes to slay demons and eliminate evil, upholding righteousness. Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley have also sent disciples there. Everyone on this journey must not tarnish the reputation of our sect. Rest assured, Master. We will definitely not let down the prestige of Qingyun Sect. (Fenxiang Valley, Yan Hong) (Fenxiang Valley, Li Xun) The wind is rising. - Xiao Huan, let's go. - Let's go. =Episode 28= (Changsheng Sect) Unworthy disciple, Yuyangzi kneels and bows. Now our sect is in decline, and surrounded by formidable enemies. Even a day's safety cannot be guaranteed. Fortunately, a rare talisman emerged. I'm praying for the patriarch's blessing to secure the rare talisman, to vanquish the enemies, and to restore the sect's prestige. (Dawang Village) Dawang Village. (Fortunetelling) The golden light's news came from here. Could there be some awesome talisman buried in this swamp? The Swamp of Death teems with poisonous insects. The swamps are everywhere. All forces are determined to seize it. The talisman has not yet emerged, but righteous and demonic forces clashed fiercely over it. Retreat. Senior Faxiang. Fellow Taoists, Qingyun Sect is here to help. Mr. Xiao, it's been a while. Guys, we can't allow the cult disciples escape. Let's chase! (That brat) (disappeared in the blink of an eye.) (I've really hit bad luck) (to get into this shabby village.) Right judgment from iron mouth. The brush adjudicates yin and yang. To know of past and future events, come and have a look. There's also an ancestral sachet. Wearing it wards off evil, repels epidemics, and prevents all poisons. Swindler. (Fortunetelling) The Changsheng Sect leader, Yuyangzi has given the order. Get lost! All unrelated people, leave now. Scram! Hurry up! Scram! Changsheng Sect is bullying people. Violators will be killed without mercy! How could you...? Get lost! (Fortunetelling) Miss, fortunetelling. What would you like to know? Face reading, palmistry, or a character test? Kid, didn't you hear me tell you to leave? Character test. To see my fortune in this trip to the swamp. Kill him! Watch out! Wandu Sect. You are... (Qin Wuyan) My name is Qin Wuyan. Let's go! Hurry up! Hurry! (Qin Wuyan) Yan, a position of the utmost yang with double fire, but it is suppressed by the middle character "Wu". From extreme yang comes yin, and the mountain path winds around. (Qin Wuyan) The character "Qin" implies the West. It is greatly beneficial for places of yin and cold in the West. The swamp journey implies good fortune. I'm grateful for your words. Thank you in advance. Thank you, sir. Ten taels of silver. Here are twenty. I have a friend who also wishes to go to Swamp of Death. Miss, would you divine for him as well? His name is Gui Li. Sir, I am sorry. He must be present for the divination. Miss, character test. (Gui Li) (Gui Li) (Yin spirit and ghostly body,) (what the world fears.) Young master, choosing such a grim name shows your disbelief in ghosts and gods. Then why ask me? Miss, you are mistaken this time. How so? At the beginning of creation, the Heavenly Fiend King parted the heavens and the earth. The Underworld Holy Mother created all living beings. This is the truth of our Sacred Sect. How can I not believe? Blood Prince. Poison Prince. Nothing. Please go on. Go on. I have long heard of your great name. Meeting you today is a real bless to me. It seems that you can surely get the rare talisman. If Poison God desires it, who would dare to contend with him? My master has long ceased to care about worldly affairs. Since you have no interest, it's best to let Uncle Master Yuyangzi, who manages this place, decide. (Fortunetelling) You've grown up. Little girl, you're quite good at telling fortunes. How about give me a reading? What's the rush? It's not like I can eat him, is it? I can't read. Just give me a face reading. What would you like to ask? I want to know if I will achieve great success. You have a unique face, one in ten thousand, yet not the visage of one who will establish a successful career. Virtue lines are squeezed to the side by the three lines on your forehead, and they are interrupted, lacking in follow-through. Without the aid of a benefactor, achievements in this life may be difficult. You! Ten taels of silver. Thank you, sir. I have a great responsibility. You're talking nonsense, and you dare to charge me money! You monkey! What are you doing? How dare you! Dare to steal my money? Someday, I will settle the score with you and that stinky boy. Thank you, little monkey. Here, it's very tasty. Three years have passed, and you still love candied hawthorns. Sister! Why are you here? Go and report to our leader. The Righteous has been led to the Abyss. Yes. Sister, will we be a burden to you? Not at all. I came here not to hurry on my way. Look, Xiao Huan. Seems to be something there. Madam Jin, we have agreed to discuss matters. Why haven't you showed up? Three days ago, my Hehuan disciple died from Black Toad Powder of Wandu Sect. Was it your doing? If I were to take action, why would I need to use poison? Since this matter involves my Wandu Sect, I will give you an explanation. I hope you prioritize the greater good. You rest here for now. I will return shortly. That thing is still usable. Hmm. Be careful. Why is the rain so heavy? Why is it here? Little monkey, what are you doing here? It's you. Little girl, do you want an umbrella? Mister, please, lend me the umbrella. No way. You can't even predict the rain, yet you dared to babble about my future. Mister... It's okay, Mister. Just keep it for yourself. I am a bad guy. I am a bad guy. Mister, what did you say? None of your business! Here you go. Mister? Little girl, you're pretending to be pitiable. Detestable. Mister, you're really kind. I'm a natural-born bad one. Righteousness cannot taint my evil. I'm destined to oppose you good people all my life. What are you laughing at? I am a bad guy. I am a bad guy. A wet dog. You're not any better. The rain has stopped. Watch out. Xiao Huan! Xiao Huan. Don't be afraid. Dead. How did these three come together? Could it be...? Isn't this a Fish-man? What is a Fish-man? This is among the Great Mountains of Ten Thousand, and one of the sixty-three tribes, the Fish-man Tribe. The Great Mountains of Ten Thousand are thousands of miles away. How could they be here? I don't know that. What we just talked about, what do you two think? Hmm. Okay. Sister, if you see those two in the future, avoid them if possible. Okay. Mister's umbrella. One stone stirs up a thousand waves. Something tremendous is about to happen. (Changsheng Sect) Leader, the fish has taken the bait. They've reached the Abyss. The Ghost King Sect and the Wandu Sect nearly fought in Dawang Village. The Hehuan Sect watched the fight from the sidelines. Three Princes have entered the swamp, and did not bring many people. =Episode 29= What's wrong with him? This... Has this monkey gone crazy? Raining. Lending umbrella. Crazy, crazy. This monkey must be crazy. Why are you looking at me? It was raining heavily, and you lent your umbrella to that fortunetelling girl. You brat! Listen, I used to be thuggish, killing as many as a thousand or at least eight hundred people. No matter how many people you've killed, it's none of my business. And the girl whom you lent the umbrella to has nothing to do with me, either. After the Siling Abyss event, you surprised me again today. I didn't know that you would play the hero to save the girl. I was born a bad buy, never playing the hero. Besides, the girl is not that pre... Indeed, she looks really pretty. Where is he? Where is he? Monster of Devil Sect is playing hide and seek. Help me! Help! Catch me! Help me! Could it be that Monster of Devil Sect lured us here on purpose? Senior Xiao, what do you mean? It's said that there's the Abyss in the Swamp of Death. No one can reach the bottom nor survive. This must be it. What's your suggestion? As it's getting late, they're hidden in the dark. I suggest that we encamp here and wait until dawn. What do you think? We agree. (Changsheng Sect) Leader, disciples of three sects haven't shown up, but the Three Princes are not ordinary folks. If we don't deal with them, I'm afraid... There is no turning back. As long as we focus on the Righteous and obtain the rare talisman, we shall fear no other sects. You lead a group of disciples and go with the plan, and the rest of you... Yes! Senior Zeng. We've checked every place. Thank you. Senior Faxiang, what's your opinion? Senior Xiao, it's too dangerous here. We must be careful. Lu. Senior, Changsheng Sect is in decline, so in the future... I am considering it too. The valley master ordered us to first... Senior Li, the cult is devious. In case of emergency, we should be prepared soon. You're overthinking it. Changsheng Sect is in decline and doomed. Even if Yuyangzi is formidable, what great trouble can one single person stir up? You shall rest well and save strength to prepare for tomorrow's action. (Changsheng Sect has attacked the Righteous for days,) (secretly gathering the main forces.) (Tonight,) (they will surely launch an attack.) The feigned defeat during the day is working. Today, your blood will be sacrificed to the ancestors of Changsheng Sect. Attack! (Three sects' elites of the Righteous) (are not easy to deal with.) What? We've been waiting for you. Since Yuyangzi has risked it all, let's give him a push. They really came in full force. Let's cut them off. What? This grand formation is so tricky. Exhaust yourself in this formation. Lin! Watch out! Stop him! Quick! No! Lin! Leader, they killed nearly 30% of our disciples. Senior Xiao, you're a genius. I'm impressed. Your effort is everything. Amitabha Buddha. He is extremely powerful. You must fight against him together. Do not fight on your own. As a senior, you snuck up on us. Weren't you afraid of being the joke to everyone? And you, the so-called righteous sects, ambushed us as well. As juniors, we have to watch out for the villains. Who'd know here comes... You're dead meat now! Supreme yang generates yin. Supreme yin generates yang. Yin and yang empower each other. The circle of life carries on. Great spell. No life or death. Xuanqing generates everything. Yin and yang return to one. Nothing remains. Yes! You two, follow the plan. Leader! You retreat first. I will cover for you. Don't escape. I'll feint, and you look for chances to attack. Break! Seven Stars Return! Think you can trap me? That's funny. Burning Flame. Rise! Yin-yang Shield! Buddha's Mercy! What? Golden Body! What a bunch of creeps. You're tricked. He disappeared. Monster, try this! Song! The weapon is so powerful! Senior Faxiang! It's not over yet. The evil weapon is much stronger now. With such a unique skill, why didn't he use it? Was it because of the formation? I see. Brothers, cover me. I'll check it out. Qian generates three yins. Kun generates three yangs. Since he uses yin and yang to form the power of the five elements, the center of spiritual energy must be the formation's eye. Found it! Senior Fashan! Senior Song! What? Pricks... Don't you leave! Now! The mysterious power of heaven transforms into Divine Thunder! You've missed the chance! No! This is... The glory of heaven sharpens the sword! =Episode 30= Eliminate him. Don't give him a chance to escape! How arrogant. What can you do to me? Miss Lu. The mysterious power of heaven transforms into Divine Thunder! The glory of heaven sharpens the sword! I will make you pay a hundredfold for what you did to me today in the future. Do not chase him. Dangers lurk all around in the swamp. Be careful. Okay. You're very thoughtful. Many thanks, Mr. Li. Xueqi, are you okay? Today, the Changsheng Sect was defeated. The cult won't be as cocky anymore. Leader. Leader, are you okay? Leader. Leader. I... I'm fine. I just expelled the congested blood. It's no serious harm. Go to sleep. After dawn, the leader has his own plans. Leader. Get back all our people. After daybreak, we will immediately enter the marsh to look for the rare talisman. But... There's no other choice. I didn't expect the Righteous to be so powerful. I just forcibly broke through using the Blood Curse Technique. Now I am suffering backlash, and my cultivation level is greatly reduced. Leader. The three major factions are watching us covetously from the shadows. If we step back, we will fall into an abyss. All we can do is go all out to seize the rare talisman. There may be a glimmer of hope. Yes. Please have some rest. I will return shortly. Who's there? Come out! Leader. Where is Meng Ji? He still hasn't returned yet? Mr. Yuyangzi, are you looking for him? Qin Wuyan! Greetings. You can even recognize me when I'm in the shadows. I'm impressed. You harmed fellow sect members so brutally. Don't you fear that after death, the Heavenly Fiend King will make your soul suffer? What a serious accusation. Don't you think so, Madam Jin? You... Aren't you...? It smells good. Don't look into her eyes. It's an illusion. Mr. Yuyangzi, I pay my respects to you. You're wily. You murdered my disciples and framed the Wandu Sect. It was so despicable. How are you gonna face the Heavenly Fiend King and the Underworld Holy Mother? Well said. So the three of you have long formed an alliance. Ridiculous. I even thought of pitting you against each other. I thought I was the hunter, but turns out I'm the prey all along. The Changsheng Sect has reached the end of its fate. Those who step outside the circle may not die. I surrender. I surrender. You... You ungrateful man! Leader... Leader. Leader. There are always younger and better people. I am getting old. Who would've thought that our sect that had lasted for hundreds of years would meet its end in my generation? I have nowhere to turn. I might as well surrender to you. My power must be of some use to you, right? You're senior and stronger than me. If you join the Ghost King Sect, my position would be gone. (Changsheng Sect) That's awesome. You can come up with such a good idea even now. I'm impressed. You fought so fiercely just now. Did you get hurt? Let me look. Just minor injuries. We devote ourselves to the people. Eliminating the cult is our duty. Even if it means death, we will go without hesitation. What a simpleton. Song Daren is really a blockhead. Senior, you've bullied him for so many years. Why not treat him better on this trip? He is too obedient. I heard that Mr. Tian was quite clever when sweet-talking Ms. Su into marrying him. Why did his disciple turn out to be so foolish? Yes. The members of the Dazhu Peak are all honest. After this battle, the Changsheng Sect is no longer a threat. We've searched the outer marsh for days and haven't got any clue of the talisman. Are you going to venture into the inner marsh to investigate? Exactly. But the inner marsh is shrouded in poisonous gases and infested with venomous insects and beasts. Isn't that too dangerous? I'm going to let the majority of us continue searching in the outer marsh, and a few fellow disciples of high rank will accompany me into the inner marsh. What do you two think? Okay. Mr. Yuyangzi, this hero for an era will rest here eternally. The matter is over. Everyone, see you around. Could you please show some mercy later in the inner marsh? Vice leader, you and Shasheng will guard the outer marsh and watch for any disturbances from the Wandu and Hehuan Sects. Vice leader, word from the headquarters. The two Holy Envoys, Qing Long and Zhu Que, set out for the Swamp of Death a few days ago. Do not let it get out. Act as usual. Yes. This place is perilous. If you don't want to die, leave right away. You brat! I will go wherever I please. None of your business. This miasma is exceptionally toxic. Don't let it touch you. Activate your weapons for protection. (Dawang Village) The internal strife within the cult, the schemer plotting in the shadows and the rare talisman. I'm afraid the world will once again be plunged into misery again. Will Ping be alright? (Fortunetelling) We should worry about ourselves. Grandfather. Sir? Sir, hold on. Your umbrella. Thank you for that day. Sir, the world is large. Hope we'll meet again. Grandfather, let's go. Let's go. This miasma is pretty toxic. We must not be careless. Everyone, be careful. They all say the miasma is scary. I don't think so. Mr. Li, we haven't entered the inner marsh. Don't let down your guard. What is this? This is... =Episode 31= What is this? Junior sister! That's... Faxiang, have you seen anyone else? (I've been flying inside this miasma for so long,) (and I still can't see the end.) This miasma is perilous. (Could it be...?) (It might lead me out.) (There are so many beasts and poisonous insects) (in this place.) Watch out! This marsh forest is more treacherous than expected. Thank you, Mr. Xiao. No need to thank me. We're in the same boat. It's what I should do. Before it gets dark, let's go ahead and join them. Yeah. Devil! (She shows no mercy upon seeing me.) (Which righteous sect is she from?) (It's a Daoist technique.) (Is she from Qingyun?) (I have to go.) (I'll make it quick.) (Next time you see him,) (he will be your sworn enemy.) (You must remember it.) Gray, you recognized her too, right? Why didn't she kill me? Doesn't she detest the cult? (The Blood-Striking Bead manipulates one's mind imperceptibly.) (Without the help of Daoist and Buddhist cultivation methods) (and the pure yang power of the Flame Disk,) (I would already...) Let's go. Faxiang! Li Xun! Faxiang! Li Xun! Sir, how come it's just you alone? You are? What a coincidence. I'm alone too. Since we met here, why don't we team up and travel together? You cult! Monks are merciful, but why are you trying to kill me? Cut the crap! Don't run. Such a strong fragrance of flowers. Stick to the plan. Zeng. Lin, stay there! Zeng, this is... This is called the Giant Bladderwort. Insects and beasts are its favorite. Luckily, Zeng knows about it. Otherwise, I really wouldn't know how to escape. Watch out, Lin! Amitabha. It's a crazy coincidence that the three of us met in such a dangerous place. Do you agree, Faxiang? Yeah. This flower is fierce. It's not safe to stay here. Let's go. Yeah. Lin, let's go. =Episode 32= I was too busy rushing on my way here and didn't realize the scenery was actually quite nice. What's so special about some grass? It's not gold. Grandfather, why is money all you think about? You're not living up to your name. So materialistic. How dare you say that? Even though I am a hermit who enlightens the masses, without those worldly things, I... Grandfather, look. What is that guy following us for? You're asking me? Maybe he harbors lustful thoughts about you? Grandfather, I can't believe you'd say something like that. He is one of the cult. Although Reverend Yegou doesn't have a good reputation, I've never heard of him harming women. He wouldn't be thinking of robbing a pauper like me, would he? Grandfather, you're much richer than a pauper. Keep your voice down. Oh, no. Is he going to start it? Grandfather, stop your little trick. Although this is the evasion technique passed down from the ancestor, you can't control where you go. If we get to the deadly marsh by mistake, we will probably die. Well... I can't be that unlucky, can I? Do you think you're a lucky man? No. You said it. Ping gave me a weapon. Handling him won't be difficult. That makes sense. We've seen too many experts lately. We've overestimated him. But he doesn't seem to be a bad person. Didn't he lend us an umbrella? What do you mean by "us"? He lent it to you! I was drenched. You unfilial girl. I wanted to share it. But you refused. Anyway, you just talk back and make me angry. Grandfather, let me carry your luggage. Oh, come on. We've been sleeping rough lately. Once we get to the town, I'll treat you to a good meal. That's more like it. But you have to pay. Money? I don't have any. Grandfather, you're the best. Are those Fish-men here for the rare talisman too? There are many poisonous insects here. The firelight alone is not enough for protection. With this barrier, we need not worry about common poisons. Faxiang, you're super skilled. I'm impressed. Lin, why aren't you resting yet? You're still up too. As a monk, meditating is my rest. For the past ten years, I've seldom been able to fall sleep. Why? As soon as I close my eyes, I see my parents and fellow villagers dying tragically. And Xiaofan. Do you still think of Zhang? He has joined the cult and now holds a high position as a deputy sect leader. It's known to all that sooner or later, he will be the next Ghost King. Over the years, he has killed countless and developed a bloodlust. Even others in the cult fear him. The Righteous consider him a great peril. Enough! If one day we encounter him, how will you treat him? He is my buddy. I know he has now sunk into the wrong path and is unable to turn back. But even though we're on opposite sides and we'll have to fight someday, in my heart I still consider him as my buddy. He is my only buddy for life. Someone has been here. These poisonous insects move in an orderly manner. They must be driven by someone. These traces. Were they left by the giant beast in the miasma yesterday? Someone fought here. The Buddhist Devil-Quelling Roar. A fellow from the Tianyin Temple. Listen. Li Xun. They're coming after us. How come there are so many giant ants? The cult only knows these crap tricks! These giant ants are controlled by them? Yes. After I got lost, I encountered a man nearby. He commanded these ants to besiege me. You sound righteous. But I remember you were the first to attack me, weren't you? Since you are one of the cult, I must kill you. Hiding in the shadows is no heroic act. That's what you do, not what I do. At such a young age, he can command thousands of poisonous insects. Are you Qin Wuyan, the one known as the Poison Master? So you are Master Faxiang from the Tianyin Temple. They say among the young disciples of the three major righteous sects, you're the most outstanding. Wise and virtuous. After seeing you today, I found it true. Nice to meet you. What do we do? Should we go or fight? Since the giant ants are controlled by him, after we defeat him, they will leave on their own. Lin's words make sense. Correct. Four against one. How can we flee in panic? Fight. Let's split into two groups. Li and Zeng restrain the giant ants. Lin and I join hands to attack Qin Wuyan. What do you all think? Quite impressive. It's the dagger, Yearning Eraser! What a shame. It's a great weapon. Across the miles, my yearning persists. A thousand emotions, deep within. Through years and decades, my affection stays. I dare not sever this tie. You are a young talent, but you have strayed onto the wrong path. Why not turn back? You think I've fallen, but I find your obsession stupid. There are so many paths in life. Why do you think yours is the right one and mine is the wrong one? Among the countless paths, the pure and the impure are separated. Uphold righteousness and eradicate evil with the sword. Faxiang, now you're still trying to enlighten him? Come on, or I'll be eaten by these ants. Then you'll have to recite a mantra for my death. Mr. Qin, watch out. Freeze. No wonder you're the strongest of the Tianyin Temple. (These four people are skilled.) (I can't defeat them even with the help of the ants.) (I will be at a disadvantage.) Let's end it here for tonight. Lu. Stop him! Gui Li, I'll pay you back for your strike! Is it him? Yep. Li. Oh, no. The ants are poisonous. =Episode 33= Cease your presumption! Fashan. Are you alright? Xiao, be careful. This woman is from the Hehuan Sect. It's tough to fight her. Do you have a grudge against me? Are you trying to kill me? You're Jin Ping'er, famous as Master Miao, right? You know me? I've heard about you. The Tianyin Temple and the Qingyun Sect both belong to the righteous side. So it's the right thing to fight you. Which branch of the Qingyun Sect are you from? Well, I am Xiao Yicai from the Tongtian Peak of the Qingyun Sect. This is Miss Yan Hong from the Fenxiang Valley. Witch! Interesting. Three people, three sects. It's unknown to whom the rare talisman will finally belong. In any case, I must not let you cult get it. (Fortunetelling) I'm really getting old. After just a short walk, I'm already out of breath. (Fortunetelling) You're still a fortune-teller? Grandfather. Xiao Huan. Step back. Come back when I tell you. Grandfather. Go. Sorry. Sir, do you know him? He... Why have you aged so much? I am not a cultivator. But you. You should not have... I have heard about your daughter's matter. Back when we were young, you once divined for me using Astral Augury. Do you still remember? You said that my fate had an overly strong killing energy, which would afflict my wife and child. As it turned out, I lost my wife and my child. Your prediction came true. Both you and I are already one foot in the grave. I'll be honest. Say it. I have no clue about Astral Augury. Back then, I couldn't stand your smug face so I said that to deceive you. You needn't dwell on it any longer. What? The world is like a fleeting show. Will we see each other again? Take good care of yourself. I am quite well. It's you who has enemies all over the world. Worry about yourself. Grandfather. He is... Little girl, don't you recognize me? Just call me Wan Renwang. The road is long. Lovers are infatuated. The sky's high and the sea's wide. And all living beings crawl beneath. You see all the people as mere pawns. But aren't you in the game too? Our leader trusts Gui Li the most. Why should we hide our intentions from him? I gave him the Heavenly Book. I thought it would take him at least 30 years to be accomplished. But he's been making great progress. It's been just ten years, and he's already this skilled. If such a person were to take charge of the Ghost King Sect, the sect would have good prospects. It's just that... That must be a sign of the rare talisman. Go! This time, the golden light is much brighter than before. The rare talisman is about to appear, I guess. ♪Reunion♪ ♪Is not by agreement♪ ♪Time♪ Why didn't you kill me? ♪Silently♪ Zhang! ♪Pleading for the soul to listen♪ 10 years ago, in the Yuqing Hall, why did you go out of your way to protect me and speak up for me? Are you still the Zhang Xiaofan from back then? Lu! Be careful! ♪Clouds of Wushan mountain, do you recall the whispers♪ ♪The moon above the sea has endured countless years♪ ♪Shadows of bamboo and shining dews haven't changed a bit♪ ♪Now a thousand words can't beat a heartless sword♪ Come back. Zhang. I haven't used that name for a long time. ♪Is it reality or merely a fantasy♪ ♪Heart stops, so does the blowing wind♪ Will you kill me? Yes, I will. So, when you can kill me, go ahead without hesitation. ♪Is it a dream softly chanting♪ Go back. I can't go back anymore. Right? ♪Hard to reveal my true feelings♪ The golden light must be accompanied by the yellow bird. But it's the Heavenly Bird, an ancient divine beast. Can we really handle it? Why worry so much? Back then in Mount Liubo by the Eastern Sea, our leader used the Dragon Trap spell on the Dragon-Tamer Cauldron to successfully subdue the Kui Ox. So the Beastblood Circle recorded on the cauldron does possess unfathomable power. Our leader is brilliant. I believe in him. But I think the Beastblood Circle is too sinister. Youji, it's not our place to have a say in this matter. Ever since the incident with Biyao, our leader has changed a lot. As subordinates, we need to pay attention. Yes. Hurry. (So their target is the rare talisman too.) What's that sound? Someone wants to take the talisman! Kill! You monsters! Kill! Strange. There isn't a single animal here. These trees must have been around for at least hundreds of years. Why is there a wooden wall in this forest? Could it be...? This wooden wall is actually a tree's roots! The world is so vast, with nothing too strange. Let's go. Let's take a good look at this tree. I guess the rare talisman is on this giant tree. =Episode 34= Gray, let's go. Run! (Heavenly Emperor's Treasure Vault) It seems the rare talisman is inside. I will take it. I will not let you people take it to harm more people. That's unfortunate. I am here to seize the talisman to kill even more people. I don't want to fight you. Step aside. Kill me and you shall pass. (Unleashing the energy,) (spirits as swords.) (Mind and body move as one.) (The thunder, heed my call!) (Heaven and earth shift.) (Behold my hand incantation!) Since you chose the evil path, why still use the Qingyun spells? Whether it's from Qingyun or the cult, I use them both to take lives. What will you do? 10 years ago, I was the one who lost. Today, show me what Buddhist, Taoist and cult techniques you've got. Okay. (The birth of Yin and Yang,) (rain descends!) (The water of earth,) (surge!) (The vast in the minute.) (No self, no form.) (Water back,) (charge!) (Led by the Four Symbols,) (the rivers flow into the sea.) (Devouring spirits and blood,) (eradicating all!) (Blood shadow,) (suppress!) (The netherworld,) (soul snatching!) (Calm water,) (freeze!) In just ten years, you've already broken through to the Shangqing Realm. Even Master Qingye was not better than you. (His Qingyun skill secretly contained the true power of Buddhism.) (Has he tread) (a unique path of cultivation?) (There are so many of them.) (If something happens to him,) (I would face some trouble.) Are you okay? Xiaofan. You... Jingyu. Mr. Gui Li, you have arrived so early. I wonder if you have obtained that rare talisman. Hey. Are you all right? There are so many of the Hehuan Sect. Why are you here alone? Bringing more of my men might just get more of them killed. We guard against each other, which actually give an advantage to the Righteous. When I came, I trapped three people from the Righteous. They won't be able to get here soon. Let's collaborate for the time being. How about it? Okay. After this matter, we'll talk again. She is truly terrifying. Thank you so much, Faxiang. Zhang. My name is Gui Li. Xiaofan. Don't be like this. We still regard you as... Amitabha. Zeng, be cautious with your words. If your elders of Qingyun learn of them, I fear you'll get severe penalties. Oh, no. It's that beast. It has actually come up. The Black Water Snake. What's going on? Earlier, we encountered this terrible creature below. With our level of cultivation, we could only run away. As a result, we became separated from Li Xun. I didn't expect it would actually climb up here. (Heavenly Emperor's Treasure Vault) This is bad. It has come for the thing in the treasure vault too. Amitabha. This is an ancient demonic beast. Humans are no match for it. We should leave quickly. (Heavenly) (Heavenly Emperor's Treasure Vault) Xiaofan! Why? You... You would risk your life to stop me. Come back. The spiritual energy here is abundant. The snake even can't hurt the flowers and trees here. With the help of the spiritual energy, we'll surely make it. Xiaofan! What? Lu! How could this happen? Just one step behind. Save them! Yes. Faxiang and I will lure this beast away. Even you have come. The Alluring Master is thoughtful, sharp and decisive. She mustn't be underestimated. Let's cast the magic circle. Don't ruin our leader's plan. Yes. =Episode 35= Xiaofan! Lu! Lin, your injury. It's not a problem. This beast's venom is strong. We're no match. Let's retreat! This just isn't working out. What in this vault makes it so reluctant to leave? With it blocking the door, we definitely can't get through. What is that? Could it be the legendary Heavenly Bird, the Yellow Bird? My injury has healed. Only God and I know the bitterness in your heart. I would like to stake my life on it. Where are we? I remember we flew into the treasure vault. You saved me? You were lucky and flew in before the stone door closed. So you don't owe me anything. If you want to kill me, just go ahead and do it. The Yellow Bird. It really is the legendary Yellow Bird. So it's the guardian of this vault. These two beasts are fighting each other. It's less likely for us to go in. What about Xiaofan and Lu? It seems our injuries have recovered thanks to this. Don't touch it. I want this thing. If you want to get it, you'll have to kill me first. This is... The Heavenly Book. This is the third volume of the Heavenly Book! (The Heavenly Book is abstruse.) (Without studying the first two volumes,) (there's no way to get started.) (Even so,) (there are still a few parts) (difficult to comprehend.) Such might. Definitely legendary ancient beasts. Go all out to protect it. Wait for it. According to ancient books, the Yellow Bird is the Black Water Snake's enemy. Gray. Well, even the Master of Spirit couldn't handle it. Gray. You...
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Id: aXspT43dwfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 30sec (8250 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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