[SUB](여자)아이들 우기, K-pop 최고의 퀸카 TOMBOY에서 NxDE로 어그로 끌던 SUPER LADYㅣ노빠꾸탁재훈 시즌2 EP.89

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- What do I do for a living? - You're extremely famous in South Korea... a lame...a comedian [NO BRAKE TAK] Today, you asked why it's so cold, and since we don't have a heater, I brought this! Hold on Let me turn it on... C'mon dude, you can do better That was crappy No, but... In front of such a beautiful lady, what's with this food..? Are we celebrating something? The holiday is coming up right? Well I guess so... Actually, she's from abroad but speaks Korean well and other languages too... I heard she's multi-lingual You're from abroad? But hold up guys... Since it's my first time on NO BRAKE TAK Oh, it must be heavy... Oh, it's not heavy First, take this And let me explain We have a national holiday in February, right? And as Lunar New Year is approaching, sharing is caring, right? So, since I really like meat, I prepared this ♥ [Just the way I like it] This is pretty damn heavy [♥Only the best from Mom's Korean Beef♥] And this isn't just any Korean beef, it's A++ grade! - You sure it's A++? - It sure is And honestly, there's no point in me talking about the taste It's right in front of you. Try cooking it It's our first time cooking meat here at NO BRAKE TAK It's your first? Sorry, but aren't you here to be investigated? Yeah that's right LOL - Just forget about it for a moment - Forget what tho... There's food here, 'Mom's Korean Beef' This is called shrimp meat (rib-eye) coz it looks like a shrimp Guys, listen to that...just listen to it Look at dat marbling... Just look at the marbling... you can tell it's top grade I mean, you can tell it's A++ right away There's really no stop to this Whenever we have company dinners, it's always cheap pork belly with the detectives That's right Having 'Mom's Korean Beef' here is something else Just wrap this up for the holidays and 'Ah~ My son, my daughter, they've made it big' will be the talk of the town No more 'When are you getting married?' questions -Right? -Right~ It feels almost too precious to eat... Want me to take a pic for you or something? - Did you just say a pic? - Yeah, you said it's too good to be true Here, try this Wow~ This is cooked perfectly! - Oh wow, thanks - Try it, go on Isn't that the rib-eye from earlier? Whoa~ Just look at this rib-eye - Wow~ - It just melts away It just disappeared? It's really delicious♥ - Do you like meat? - Yes♥ - What do you like? - Not a fan of bloody stuff - You're not into blood? - Crispy crispy? - Wow, it really is A++ - I'ts no joke! - The meat is screaming double A - Oh...cool story dude - Was that bad? - LOL no... I could see what you were trynna do there This is the real deal There are over 50 billion products on Naver [Naver's 50 billion products, weekly number 1] It's no.1? Yes. It was the weekly number 1 Oh that's a huge deal! Mom's Korean Beef! Not sure whose mom it is But this mom sure knows her meat... Definitely not mine lol Yeah, not mine either Doesn't seem like my mom too Maybe the owner's mom? This mom's beef is delicious♥ Since it's named after a mom You know you can trust this [Reasonable prices, premium cuts] There are various cuts available From around 100,000 to 200,000 won, there's all sorts of choices [※For more details, check the pinned comment※] There's also an event for 50 subscribers So check the description and pinned comment below - Do you drink? - I'm all about kaoliang - Kaoliang? - Yeah, I'm Chinese Shall we speak a bit of Chinese? Can you speak Chinese? - yī èr sān sì - Oh ok~~ - yī èr, plus èr - + èr - Chinese~ - Not bad [Chinese song~] - You don't understand? - No For real though... - You're not Chinese, are you? - Of course I am But Chinese people usually understand... [Chinese song 222] Ah, the pronunciation was on point - Was it good? - Yeah, of course Oh, thank you - It's really tasty - Delicious♥ When it's this tasty, how do we say 'delicious' in Korean style? Finger-lickin' good LOL - Oh you're good - That's right [<Statement> Name: YUQI - Brought her in for a free (G)I-DLE fame ride - Nice to meet you - Yes! Nice to meet you - We had a feast thanks to you - Yes! - So...who is this person...? - Who...? I'll read the profile - Her name is YUQI - Yes, that's right! Real name 宋雨琦 (Sòng Yǔqí)? Sòng Yǔqí Born September 23, 1999, 24 years old Height 163cm, blood type O - Member of the group (G)I-DLE - (G)I-DLE! Unlike her cute looks, she has a husky voice and is all about real talent! With her excellent Korean-style jokes and speaking skills, she caused confusion making people think she's Korean Who told you about the cute looks? My loving fans♥ Was it done in the office? No, it's true, Anyone can see I'm cute, right? Where in China are you from? My hometown? Beijing! When did you start learning Korean? Precisely, I came to Korea in 2026, so from then - 2026? - Oh! 2016 LOL You don't seem to have arrived yet? Who are you? From the future? 2016, 2016... sorry~ So you did that...illegal... - What's it called again? - Illegal stay Have you been staying illegally until now? No! For your info, I got the E-6 VISA - E6? - ARTIST Visa Oh, so you received a visa Yes, it's called cultural entertainment So you were aware of appearing here on NO BRAKE TAK, right? - Yes yes yes - That you're gonna be questioned? I'm sure you haven't been catching up on our show... I haven't watched it fully, but you know... I'm a Super Star so I've got my hands full Oh, what an honor I don't have much time but I do watch a lot of short videos Many of my close friends appeared, so I did watch it a fair bit You don't even know who we are, right? Kyu-jin & Jae-hoon What do I do for a living? - Me? - No, ME Oh bro... you mean you LOL hold up Did you just say bro? - Senior, senior, it's senior - BRO! What's up BB♥ BRO & BB relationship - We're not on street-name terms - You're so famous You can't spit it out coz you don't know Can I say it? You're so famous in South Korea A lame...a comedian Yeah, well he did win the Grand Prize at the Entertainment Awards You're also a singer and an actor It's been a while since I loaded this gun... - Since she's a '99-liner - I'm very young Just spit the truth if you don't know... No, but I really do! That's why! - Have you seen the SISTAR19 episode recently? - Yeah - Why? What do you like about it? - They're so cool Say what's on your mind Don't just spit words I don't usually watch a lot of entertainment shows - Then what do you watch? - Dramas and movies, all that stuff - Any recent dramas you watched? - My Devil - My Demon - Yes, My Demon. Oh, it's demon Didn't you see me there? - I appeared in it! - For real?! Yeah, I was in it Did you appear as a demon? Not the demon LOL - Not as a monster but... - Then what did you play? I was in episodes 7 and 8 How far have you watched? Ah, just up to episode 6 - What a pity! - Wow~ I would've seen you if I saw just one more - Wow that was smooth - I'll watch it when I get home You seem young But you're quite good at bluffing - So what have you been up to? - I made a comeback - You're making a comeback? - Yeah, on January 29th So, what did you do during your break? I've been really busy I'm like crazy about work Even Warren Buffett finds time for a cup of tea I don't even have time for that, I love drinking But I really couldn't this year - You like drinking? - Yes, kaoliang! - Maotai? - Yes, Maotai That's some expensive stuff Wow... a '99-liner using this sign? A '99-liner drinking Maotai and being like 'show me dem $$$'? It's not THAT expensive What do you drink it with? I really like squid OH!!!!! I love Korean beef!!!! Really love it♥ That was quick I love meat, so Korean beef is a must! Drinking Chinese liquor, but the side dish is Korean beef - Perfect pairing - It's global, you know - Diplomacy in your mouth - Exactly, exactly. - Super Lady is the... - Title track The title is quite bold... Wanna know about the song? I came all prepared - She's ready - Coz this.. Is for all the Super Ladies out there About the beauty and strength each one holds - Gimmie dat - Boldly... yes Just do it without looking It's a really cool song It expresses confidence! It's different from what's written here Aren't you supposed to say what's written here? I made it short for everyone lol confidence is key... So it's just about confidence and nothin else? UGH...they've mixed in difficult words Then show us in action! The song is a bit tough to sing But the dance is really easy - Song Yuqi! - Yes Why do you talk so much? LOL I'm naturally talkative Anyway, this time, it's all about confidence! Where's my camera? Stop going on about confidence! Did you do something wrong? - Did you commit a crime or something? - You must have next-level confidence You must've done something embarrassing No, no, I'm just naturally confident What's all this confidence about Power walking is the key dance move this time Geez stop talking and get to it already Ok, ok, fine I'll do it Ready, set, go ♪Lady Lady Call Me Super Lady♪ It goes like this - Just keep walking like this, Super Lady... - Right...you know...it's a bit... It's kinda like back in the KARA days... No, it's too cramped here, I was shocked This used to be Shin Jung-hwan's thing No, it's not!!! Collarbone, dislocation dance What are you doing? Boom! You have to walk like this Head up and walk confidently! Why... why so confident? - Oh wow~ Super Lady - With a look like this Ready to FUNK IT UP - FUNK IT UP - That scared me for a bit Just like this Anyway, that's the overall vibe - Doing it like this - How far have you gone? Just as far as I can Feels like I'll hurt my back This dance seems too dangerous No, no, it's not It's ok for you coz you're young But if I did it, I think my back would break No, I'm not that young anymore I'm half 50 Honestly though!!! These days... We're really not that young There's someone actually in their fifties here... - You're fifty years old?!! - Over fifty Holy moly for real?? You look so young, I had no idea It says here you never get nervous since your debut? Yeah... I don't see why I should be nervous - Even today? - Variety shows don't make me nervous at all You should be a little nervous, it helps you perform better Nah...I find it more comfortable to just let go You're really confident in yourself Yeah, I'm overflowing with confidence 'Queencard' was a huge hit, right? Yes, it seems it received a lot of love♥ But I heard that Soyeon made the song being inspired by you Is that true? Yeah, she's been saying that I didn't know that 'Queencard' is also a song full of confidence That's right Since I'm always brimming with confidence I guess she got inspired by me You're just too perfect And you said that's the problem, being too exceptional In my 20-something years of life My constant dilemma is I hardly find anything I'm bad at You don't have any weaknesses? But it seems like many in (G)I-DLE are like that Who else have you met? Well, Miyeon has high self-esteem Miyeon just has a princess syndrome And you're different from that? I'm the real deal! Miyeon unnie is just pretense, and I'm all about the real stuff How many members are there? - Five - Five... Among the five, who's the most... Prettiest? What are your eyes saying right now? - Oh..! You're number 1? - DER...Of course If you say that, other members might be... No, they all agree I'm sure they do How bad are the rest of the 4 then? Well, they're almost as pretty as me But among them, I slightly... you know... - Stand out a bit? - Just slightly... pop! Is this something... the company teaches you? Teach what LOL - 'You guys are perfect' - No, not at all It seems like (G)I-DLE has that vibe 'Guys, just keep pushing it' The company kept saying 'don't cross the line' which made us push it even further Oh the company rather says Guys, stay humble... But you're like how can we when we're this good? People at CUBE seems a bit... Like, does the company ever say 'You should just leave' And you're like, 'Why should I?' Exactly... In Beijing, in China, do they all recognize you? I have to take a flight to go there Before landing, I always worry - About what? - That I won't be able to get off the plane Because too many people might crowd around me - Your confidence really is next-level - Yeah Does anyone approach in the plane? Or try to be flirty? Flirting?! Like some guy saying 'Excuse me, can I have your number?' I'm sure they can't approach me coz I'm too pretty Wouldn't they all think that? Detective Shin, from what I see, I think she's letting her guard down I see an opportunity right here right now You wan't me to approach you? Oh...no thanks Why though? He's gearing up his courage to approach you Oh really? Then go ahead and try - On the plane? - On the plane! So I'm a passenger? - Play the pilot~ - The pilot?! To YUQI in seat A3 - Oh, what? - To the cockpit... Please come to the cockpit for a moment To the cockpit? LOL Then I should go! I'll go! He's like 'Sit in the co-pilot's seat for a moment' Uh why? What's up? - Have you every controlled this? - OH GOSH, yeah I have - Wanna try? - I honestly have - Is the plane flying right now? - Yes, we're mid-flight! Poor passengers! What have they done wrong?! If she's controlling like this I'll be like this from the back, like making pottery Cut the crap dude, that's not even allowed You have 8.46 million Instagram followers? Oh, is that so? - Do you follow back? - No, I don't - Why not? - The company won't let me Ugh playing hard to get hey? All you do is keep bragging! I want to, but the company... Make sure to investigate her properly! - So, if you get permission from the company, it's ok? - Yeah, get permission How much longer is your contract with the company? Only 1 year and 3 months left - Huh? You're counting your days aren't you? - No, no, no Yay!!! Only 1 year and 3 months!! You're literally over the moon LOL - I've never seen you smile so big - Ha ha no - That was your only genuine moment - No, it's not - 1 year and 6 months left, you said? - No! 3 months, 3 months! - 4 months? Ah! It's 3 months - Can't wait, huh? No!! 3 months LOL Do you know how it seems? When guys in the military count down their discharge date, they literally count every single day Yay! Only 1 year and 3 months~ No, no, no~ I love Cube - YUQI - Yes Your motto is 'Live kindly,' right? - What, you a criminal or something? - LOL no way - Were you a vandalist? - No - What then? - I'm just super nice! Live kindly! I wish everyone around me would live kindly too What's the nicest thing you've ever done? Appearing here lol Oh, appearing on NO BRAKE TAK? Sorry, I was just joking Why joke around with us? - What did we do wrong?! - No, it's not like that We're treating you super nicely here - No, I love it - Was our questioning intense or what? - Why keep joking around? - No, it's coz I love it so much - What do you love? - You two! You meant that just as much as your feelings about your remaining contract period No, no, it wasn't There were two genuine things earlier - Being happy about the 1 year and 3 months - No LOL And how being here was the nicest thing you've done So it seems like our YUQI is really talented You can speak, what, a gazillion... - Why? - Oh, come on~ Enough is enough honestly! - You took it way too far - Why? Does this even make sense? Speaking twenty-five languages? Are you an alien or what? I can speak alien too! Honestly! Ah, Detective Shin, what is this... - Start with Chinese - Does this make sense? I speak Chinese - Korean - English, Thai, Japanese Okay, up to here, it's believable That's doable, five languages Because of the members too Now, you've got fifteen left Even if I name countries, I couldn't fill that list You might as well say you can speak African I can speak African If you're caught lying, you'll have to bid farewell to the world Go on, try! More! Spanish French Hindi Malay Tagalog Is this Monopoly or what? Your Korean is good, I'll give you that Chinese is a given - How about Japanese? - Japanese! - Sumimasen - Konnichiwa watashiwa YUQI desu Is that all? Oh? Korean beef, oishii desune - Uh, oishii - Oishiidesuka? - Oh, soudesu - Ah, hontoni oishii desune~ Yappari~ Oishiidesu Hey, lock her up! She's a fraud! This girl... she's tricking us Look! There's one spot left in the fraud section - From what I see - Just one spot for fraud!!! - Put her picture right there - What is this! From what I see today Her speaking ability is like elementary school level Hello, I am this old, this person That's all she's doing - What? French? - French, French~ FRRRench - Huh? - You should start it off I don't know anything tho... Henry - Mbappé - What's that? Paris Saint-Germain's Lee Kang-in Oh I see what you're doing - Bonjour~ - Bonjou~ Bonjou~ - Je t'aime - Je t'aime Je t'aime~ No, don't just repeat what we say Do it yourself, don't just copy us Oh, French is a bit... I learned it when I was 3 so I forgot a lot You're about to get angry, aren't you? No, no, I learned it when I was 3 Earlier, you said you could speak Hindi too Don't they mostly speak English in India? - There's a separate Indian language - Show us - Eeeeiiii~ - Eeeeiiii~ Sarandé Sarandé Eeeii~ Isn't that a Chungcheong-do dialect? Eeeeiiii~ Gyogyogyo~ - You ain't gonna do it no more? - Nah... That's not it What's with this girl seriously I'm like scared now You can do the Busan dialect? Busan dialect! What chu on bout? Is that it? Sir gimmie dis here - Givy giv you what? - One SSSOUP - What? - SSOUP SSSSSOUP Pork Soup One pork ssssoup Will boil the hell of it for ya Yo boil it for me, I'll wait Why speak casually? I'm a senior! I'll...i'll wait sir kk, here ya go here ya go Whew, sir, this yummo yummo - Yummo? - Yummo - What's yu...yummo? - Yummo? YUMMO! - Oh as in ttengcho? - Ttengcho? - You know what ttencho is? - Nahhh me not knowie [Investigation Report] [Human Papago... * NOTE * Beta Service] - YUQI, we're done with the investigation today - Yes How should I say this... you're ambitious and it's really good - Seems like a promising future! - What do you mean? You don't think you can make more? - Can't make more now! - Why...? I'm already dying right now UGH! I really DESPISE that mindset I sincerely think you still have a bright future Huh...? Keep it up till your last breath!! Wait, let's check if she lied about her age From what I see, she seems like she was born in '65 That's how old my mom is... - U r... mom? - That's my boy Kyujin Oh, my mom uses dialect too Kyujin-ah~ Wha chu on about! Thank you, YUQI, for coming on our show today - I'll enjoy 'Mom's Korean Beef' - Yes - You can go now! - I can leave? I'll enjoy the A++ grade Korean beef Thank you [NO BRAKE TAK Interrogation Room] - You've got a killer body? - How can I prove it here? Sigh...well off we go!
Channel: 노빠꾸탁재훈
Views: 1,726,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 신규진, 탁반장, 노빡구, 노빡탁, 탁제훈, 행주, 노바구, 노빡꾸, 싱규진, shQKRN, 노빠꾸탁재훈, 노빡, 시즌, 시즌2
Id: 7ZqERcFR4iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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