(ENG) [FULL 3-4부] 💚GOT7💚 in 가든스튜디오! 덩어리들 덕분에 웃는 사람 나 나 나🙋‍♂️ / GOT7 영재의 친한친구 / MBC 220523 방송

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[GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friend Part 3] GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friend, Thursday, Part 3. Best Friend Show <Stage 8>!! Even if scattered, GOT7 comes together as one name! We're here as a whole group. The members are on the move. I came into the Garden Studio first. Hello, everyone! so many people here today! I feel so great. feeling good today, everyone? the members will all be here shortly. The garden studio is decorated beautifully. and you guys saw it earlier right? it said "GOT7 X Best Friend" at the opening it was an opening show! And the staff gave me a chance. "Turn off the microphone of the member you want" chance! if the talk's going on for too long, I'll turn their mic off for a bit for smooth progress. Let me check the real-time reactions Ah, and also! The banner behind me! and you guys all received slogans right? our producer got them made! thank you by number 0300: "I came to see the Garden but there are so many people oh and also I hear we have all of GOT7's albums here starting from the first album! it's probably the albums that we gave to MBC right so let's read the comments by number 0300: "I came to see the Garden but there are so many people I came to support GOT7! I'm feeling happy na na na~" by number 0421: "I got pushed out from the Garden Studio and I'm watching from a café. GOT7 still got it!!!!" I see my reflection from here too, so I think there are more people out there than I think anyway, thank you, I'll bring our members soon after the commercials! Best Friends part 3 and 4 are sponsored by the following: (advertisers) (commercials) Best Friend Show <Stage 8>!! Now that we’re in a larger stage, let’s invite today’s stars once again! First, GOT7's Leader, Jay B! The leader who lost 4kg and became slim!  I AM the leader of GOT7! Jay B is coming in. Now, we need to do super sexy aegyo, right? now take a turn. no, not there! take a lap around here like this and return to your seat! Next! GOT7's oldest member! Handsome Mark is coming in! Like the oldest! Let's go with ripe super sexy cuteness! you have to take a lap. like this, looking at the fans! very good. "Next! GOT7's fairy beauty!" Jackson is here! "If You Do," the song he wanted at the fan concert yesterday! Now, time for the Super Sexy Aegyo! take a lap and say hello to our fans too! Next! GOT7's Lee Byung Hun!!  Jinyoung is coming in. Wasn't it me? I thought it was me. we thought youth would last forever, but he'll turn 30 soon! Look at those eyes! worth a million dollars!!! This is the dancing machine's super sexy aegyo! Show us!“ now take a lap looking at your fans. slow as ever, it's getting loose~ one of the youngest members of GOT7, BamBam coming in first! Show us a super sexy aegyo! One, two, three!!! He is the youngest but He is a super oldie, right? Now, full of hip-hop swag~ Yugyeom! Come in!! The gift-like smile with great teeth with super sexy aegyo! I love it! he was listening to the music! So cool. Youngjae, don't you need to do it too? Nope. Did you like the entrance song? By the way, we just can’t miss out on DalD, can we? DalD, go out and come in. Eminem is here, too Drive me to the moon, Youngjae! A visual that doesn't need modifiers! This is the DJ's super sexy aegyo!!!! This is what a bowling ball looks like! Let's go! I am so tired Did you all like your intro songs? I really liked them. We came here to the garden studio. Why don't we say hello to our fans again? Come and get it! Hello we're GOT7! you can hear us right? we can hear them too right? can they hear us outside? oh they can? so many of you are here! let me hear your scream! everyone together, shee~ no one's doing it… let's read some texts! Yugyeom, could you read it? oh you don't have a prompter! right, number 0702 "The entrance is already so GOT7, my eardrums are ready to get bursted!" you'd even hear us with earplugs on. Mark, read the next one please! by 7127: "Laced with subtle craziness, I love you Best Friends and GOT7!" thank you I don't think we're subtle. I think we're just out there crazy. C.R.A.Z.Y LOL Let's go with the next keyword! Keyword number four! <BamBam!> oh we're still doing this thing? yeah we have to! According to the recent survey by BamBam,  You say the number of newIGOT7s has increased? Also, a new song came out today, So hoping that there will be more fans in the future! Let’s have a Self-Promotions time, A.K.A <Self Charm guide> for our newIGOT7s. we have this headwear here it's an Ahgase headband so put this on and say a charm one by one all of us? one at a time then starting with Bam Bam! well then… GOT7 is… if you fall for us, you'll have great contents waiting and also.. we're something different from what you've seen in K-Pop Oh my god, we have a special vibe within K-Pop sorry to interrupt, but it's a self-PR, not team-PR oh self-PR? You know I'm the best, bruh! right so that's enough? I think so Let's move on to Yugyeom let's only to Bam Bam! Because it's BamBam's KEYWORD then do the team-PR, Bam Bam okay so us GOT7 is… (Jackson) but then when you do self-PR why are you like, "I'm the best man" and then for the team you're like "we are…" first off, GOT7 is, like I've said before even if you've been with another group I don't think you'll see a group like us we have our own special vibe and we're also all all-rounders dancing, singing, producing, rapping, acting, everything we can do everything, even martial arts! we're a performance-strong group and you'll have fun seeing us so stop by for a bit, have a taste, and if you like it, become an IGOT7! It's a bit loose IGOT7, do you think you're convinced? (yes) is there anything more you need? (aegyo) oh aegyo~ Bam Bam, show them! I can't do aegyo! show them! give the sound effect until he does it! once more! again! wait! I don't know what aegyo to do! just do it… do it! cut. it's getting too lose. let's do the next keyword right away. Keyword number five! <Yugyeom!> Yugyeom, you were the first member of GOT7 to visit Chin Chin, right? I have a question, why was it Yugyeom? because on that day I had my album out yes he had two of his singles oh, okay Jackson, do you need water? I'll get it on my own, continue please You brought your solo song then! Yugyeom, do you listen to other members' solo songs? yes, I listen to them each time they're released which songs did you listen to? we did promotions together so I listend to Bam Bam's "Ribbon" a lot and I also liked when Youngjae came to my agency and filmed a dance challenge together with Bam Bam and I it was really funny and it wasn't even Yugyeom's song, it was mine yeah and the AOMG logo was behind us I was really embarrassed when recording the video challenge to your song why? because I was mid-schedule, and we were on the streets and there were elderly people passing by and we were dancing so the elders were like, looking at us weirdly The fans asked a lot of questions about  each other's solo songs… Before you ask us how it was,  the question is whether we know them or not. So I prepared a <surprise quiz> I'll turn on the members' solo songs for only one second. If you know it, raise your hand and shout out your name! we won't even know our own songs. I'm nervous. Yugyeom is answering right? everyone is doing this. lift your hand up if you know the answer! alright then, play the song right away please! Jackson doesn't know! JayB! This is Jinyoung's DIVE! correct! I'm sorry Jinyoung, you saw that? oh no, I can't get yours right though that was Jinyoung's DIVE! Let's hear the next one. Bam Bam? Jackson's "Magic Man" Nope. It's me! I was faster! Me me me! on the count of three! one two three! one two three! okay Yugyeom Jackson's "Blow!" Correct! let us hear the song for a bit Who are you? what man? Magic Man! that's the name of the album. I said the name of the album this was Jackson's "Blow." Let's hear the next song ah, this one's Mark's! go ahead "Lonely"? Is it not? Mark's "Save Me"! it's not? Jackson! I know this though I'll just stay put can we hear it again? It's not "Save Me?" Mark! Oh it's Bam Bam's! the new song! I know it, the one with two people dancing! this is going insane~ oh I know it the one where he's wearing something colorful it's not "Ribbon"! it's the one after It's released after the song where we dance together I know I know Don't say "I know" just say the title please tell us the first letter the first letter? "S" Mark! "Slow Mo!" ah, that's right. this song was Bam Bam's "Slow Mo"! what do you think of this, Bam Bam? it's my fault it's okay, that happens I really liked this song that's the meanest comment! if you liked it, then why don't you sing a verse! I got a lot of views for this one! you really didn't know it? I misheard you. Sorry I really liked this part. Let me announce the results. all members got 1 point each. so I think member love is fair. we wrapped it up well. we can't wrap it up badly~ Alright, let's listen to a song at this point. Bam Bam's "Slow Mo"! (Bam Bam - Slow Mo) I really like this song thank you for playing it this comment was sent in by 8823 JayB, please read it "Now Jinyoung can't say anything to Bam Bam about not watching is dramas anymore hehehe" did you all watch "Yaksha:Ruthless Operations"? oh of course! I really watched it I was probably the first one to text him Jackson saw it and he saw it I haven't seen yet I saw too I only saw 20 minutes of it while eating but Jinyoung doesn't have any screen time yet I saw him in trailers, but he wasn't in it! so I watched the episode that he came out on. number 5871 says: "Can you tell us what you talked about while the song was playing?" we were saying that the "Stop Stop It" album turned out better than we thought it would stop catching mosquitos here! we already have mosquitos this was what we were doing I said that the "Stop Stop It" album was cool yeah the identifier album more than toughts it's like the hair from "Girls Girls Girls" I think the convo is getting loose let's read the next one Slow m... by 7103: "I'm an IGOT7 standing at the very back of the Garden Studio and also a Soulmate!" keep reading! "Please make a heart above your head for us!" oh okay~ one two three! now we're going to listen to one of GOT7's new songs, what do you want to listen to? "Na Na Na" we already heard that one "Don't Care About Me"! oh I like that one the one that Jinyoung and Yugyeom made you all agree with the choice? alright then Jinyoung please tell us about the song! "Don't Care About Me" holds the message that no matter how hard the road is, we can go any where with IGOT7' it's a very lovely song it shows that we survived yes we survived what's with your face, Jinyoung? because it's a very lovely song. please listen to it! We'll be back after GOT7's "Don't Care About Me"! (GOT7 -Don't Care About Me) (Part 3 is end, soon Part 4 starts) (GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friend, Part 4) The golden hands are here to use gift cheats. "Incredible, unbelievable, beautiful, gorgeous premium, lovely, so cute, lucky gift! For how many people? Get, seven people! Members, surprised? Originally, this segment was called <Get Three People> Where we give a lucky gift to three people every day So not because of us, but an actual segment? Yes, an actual segment. So today, specially, If GOT7 solves the mission, Not three but "Get seven people" We are going to give a lucky gift to seven people. To our listeners~ all you need to do is send us a text message supporting us Since we have to give the gifts… You are confident with the missions right? of course~ Before the mission, who can do the intro comment well? "Incredible, unbelievable, beautiful, gorgeous, premium, lovely, so cute, lucky gift! even I can't do it properly hearing you do it earlier, I thought wow… you're a great MC "Incredible, unbelievable, beautiful, gorgeous, premium, lovely, so cute" Can you try it? Fast! I think Jinyoung will do it well I'm not good... Okay, I'll give it a go Everyone try one by one! you can't see the prompt but it says here, "we won't do this, it's getting too loose!" thank you, let's move on! Now, let's do the real mission The mission is 'Things I want GOT7 to do in Chin Chin' The fans requested it themselves! Who wants to pick? Please come here and spin it. I'll do it! It's this! Put it in and spin it. Draw it out and tell us. I used to do it a lot when i was child paid 100 won, 500 won Oh. Random dance. So Easy Now! Today's GOT7 mission! Random Dance!! Members.. can you do it? Of course! There's so many... How many times do we have to get right? Stay, and if you know how to dance, just go out and dance! Not bad! The song was chosen by the production team. How many to succeed? three! Go out if you know the song! no, let's just all stand there! Then, shall we play the music? Let's go! GOT7 - Hard Carry GOT7 - I Like You GOT7 - NANANA we are So good! To easy, it's boring! And so! No, This easy is happy so did we succeed or fail guys? success! After the show, we'll post the seven prize winners on Chin Chin's playlist page, so check it out! We'll read some more real-time messages BamBam, read please! "Wow, the random dance is so high quality!" A comment by Kim Hee Yeon says, "Oh my gosh T.T so good!" number 4475 says "DalD, how do you feel watching members do the mission?" Oh.. It's fun! Comfortable, and happy! This place is so happy. Park Seon Young says "Good thing I attended the fan concert. They're questions from the past lol" It's true. We did them at the encore 'I Like You' too You flustered, but you did it, so it was okay. We're not done with our keywords! Did you say something? He says yay. Oh, okay. Keyword number six, <Jinyoung>!!! At the beginning of your debut, when you fell while performing your high-level movements, The members didn't say, "Are you okay?" and you said you were upset because they laughed. We said this on the fan concert The production crew came to the concert. Ah. So up to date ... They may not've been there to enjoy, but to work. Ah.. Pre-investigation… The crew is amazing. Now, if I could hear ‘Are you okay?’ again... from who do you want to hear it the most? From Mark and Jackson. They're the ones who did best, so if they said it's okay, it would've given me strength to stand up again Well then, these sweet words! "Are you okay? It’s okay~~" Not "Are you okay?" but "It's okay~ you can" But when I'm hurt? Okay You do once Getting loose lets get over with it Next Let's have some time to say these words to each other. Words like "Are you okay? It’s okay~~" "Now I can say so”!! No matter what the members confess, no matter what they say, You just have to say, It's okay!" You can think of it as a variation of Of course, game, right? You pointed out the script exactly! Good! Then… it's okay… Not saying it for three years… Skin care shop again No need.. for one chicken wing… Hold the hand of the person next to you and do it while calling their name. I want to say one to Jay B It's okay if you're a give-me-a-bite… It's annoying, but it's okay… Since we don’t live in the dorm anymore… You're going to steal it from someone Thank you It's okay It's okay Me too, for Jackson Do it to the person you want to! It's okay to take out my instant rice… You can eat it now… Buy him a rice cooker You have to say, It's okay I got sleep paralysis because of you… Did you like Chicken Wing that much? Do the air conditioner one too Me or you? Mark you go I recall you asked me to look for your hat? Actually, I kept saying no because I was lazy… Now you can say it I'm sorry I broke the air conditioner in anger It's okay. Do you want to say something to our manager? Manager, I'm sorry… I have something to say too At the Asia Song Festival I'm sorry for repeatedly saying we should lay vertically on the mat.. It's okay Always saying it's enough… It's okay No I'm okay Can you say enough? enough Oh one more bgm is end...? Mark, it's okay to through the Macbook… I was only a trainee and it was my dream to have a Macbook I was jealous you could throw the MacBook like that You tell him too It's okay not to be friends No need to be best friends He threw the MacBook Ohora Done? Yes done. It's so heart-warming! It's nice to do this today following yesterday, it wraps things up. Good good. Jinyoung's the keyword, so we prepared something. It's Jinyoung's graduate album. Here in Chin Chin I have a graduate colleague Here is Jinyoung's photo Aww so cute! When I was at Cheongdam the hair looks similar from now It's okay… It looks like a reference photo of barber shop cut like this photo okay okay There were also cute photos There was also this photo What was this? I don’t remember Not this He's a freshman Cute. Cute. It's okay Jinyoung.. You did great That's it. The rest are other people so I have it covered. I really worked hard in school. Right Right Have fun with school mates, too. You're also friends with the PD here. I talked just now with him Hey friend You're really the same age as him? Same high school That's why my friend brought my graduation album Really close? No, he was in another class. It's okay… What's his surname? Baek. Baek, he says. It's so heart-warming! Let's move on to the next keyword! Keyword number seven. <Mark!> We have a question from [ha_bbo.bbo] Mark's comment at yesterday's fan concert was so cool. "You can quit being a fan. I'll make you regret it!" The god of esteem, Mark! After meeting the members again This is why GOT7 is so cool. Was there a moment that you felt so? Mark? Focus, please! It's okay… It's okay you said no When we met again… I did feel something while doing solo activities. I think our members are so cool. At what moment? Just on stage… Mark speaks so beautifully I'm fine I think it's good It's okay But why couldn't you get "Slow Mo" correct? It's okay to say wrong answer We can't be friends Mark threw his laptop I even threw away that t-shirt… By the way... Yesterday, since the members kept saying, "Don't quit being a fan." There were a lot of requests like this! "Please make a contract to prohibit IGOT7 from quitting!" we actually had an idea for the next album that we'll include a contract in the album and you'll stamp it then we'll gather together and we'll sign it we'll talk to the album company you like it? well then let's try making a few clauses let's think of a few contents one per each member it's important so we have to be serious we have to abide by these rules so I think we should have a penalty fee if they quit being fans they'd have to pay 70% back Jackson you're so serious I'm really serious, you can't joke around about contracts you can't you'll get in trouble Yugyeom? you can listen to other people's songs but you can't buy their albums only buy our albums! what if they got it as a gift? return it? sorry, I can only have GOT7 albums yeah but then if they listen to other people's songs, we won't get a lot of views but let's let them listen~ come on! how can they only listen to GOT7? anyone else? you can support other artists but don't turn your panel around to have another artist on the back half my heart will shred! I saw it a few times Only one panel I want to add this one which one? you're living busy lives, so you can forget us for a bit but come back. this is too cliché. you see? We aren't the problem. You are. you've loosened up the vibe, so we'll be back after ads! (advertisements) GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friends! Now, we have no time! The last one! Keyword number eight. <IGOT7!> The reason why we sing and dance IGOT7! We are"Ahgalovers”, after all. Aren’t we? we'll answer as many questions our fans sent in until the end of today! Bam Bam, go ahead and read it! by [ts_ggotnim] "Since you're here at Chin Chin, can you record 'GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friend' and a comment in your voices? okay, then let's say "GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friend, show a lot of love!" let's do sheesh! then show a lot of love, shee! and then roll back ready, five six seven eight GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friend, show a lot of love! Shee! this is great did you get that, writers? I'm real dizzy thank you comment by [ri_nyon0922] (similar to pronounciation of Korean curse word) Don't get me wrong Writers are also flustered, too no it's not a bad word! It's written in English! "Have a meeting about Jay B's hairstyle. He says he’s going to have a half buzz cut  after the radio… LOL" are you really going to? yes, it's planned. just do it until my length but then I can't donate the hair at that length so I can't help it for donation but it's such a good purpose and he's kept it long for a long time for it so I think we shouldn't stop him oh he shouldn't? why are you going against someone else's hair? many people are upset, because JayB is famous for his long hair! actually, I do like my long hair, but I did want to cut it and I did hold back but I set a goal of doing this so but seeing the reactions of fans, it splits in half some don’t want to see it cut some want you to please cut it right, many people say that but they don't want a buzz cut I don't think they want it that much but my hair grows fast I'll eat a lot of protein number 7148 asks: "How does it feel doing a group schedule? Ahgase here is crying of happiness! Mark, tell us!" I want to hear it from you I really love it too we always love being together we really have fun and the time goes so fast yes the time flies since practice Mark are you crying? there's a mosquito. my manager said, "Jinyoung, it's the first seeing you like this" my manager told me that too our energy when we're alone and together is different we all become the same when we're here I had a calm energy when I did my radio too I was always like that too, and today suddenly.. now we really need to say good bye. time went by too fast. So then, to the fans who came to the garden!  Jackson! Say good bye! guys! GOT7 Youngjae's Best Friends! Show a lot of love and our album is out, so share to your friends and share to your friend's friends and also here? oh not to the radio? but you have to speak into the mic! guys be careful on your way home take a safe ride back and leave comments! Jackson, you feeling good? yes then let's see your happy face! alright~ Today's last song is GOT7's "Forever Young" Chin Chin’s closing greetings, "Now we are close, right?” Let’s end by shouting this out all together. "Now we... are close, right? oh that's it? thank you everyone!
Channel: Mhz 므흐즈
Views: 776,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YrSlwIgNCW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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