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[Renaissance, great songs that should make a comeback, episode 181 / includes sponsorship] [(Jaedici)] Where are the guys? [(welcoming bells)] SHINee~ [The first for 'great songs that should make a comeback,' SHINee with refreshing charms] Come in, SHINee~!! [Welcome/(excited)] [Welcome/(we finally meet)] [The singers of 'View,' a great song that should make a comeback] Hi~ I missed you so much! - It's been so long! - Oh no! [MINHO] [TAEMIN / ONEW] [(Welcome)] Finally, my obsession to MMTG. I DM'd you. [(DM from KEY)] I was shocked. [(to MMTG)] I was watching YouTube and I fell in love... [(Happy)] [(To Jaejae)] What did you say? I said I enjoyed the show so much. - He's been calling since last year. - I'm someone who was meant to appear in the show. [(You've waited long)] [(You're here)] You were someone who was meant to appear in the show, and finally.. Anyways, welcome. And rumors say MINHO copied my hairstyle... [MINHO dyed his hair in burning red] - Exactly the same tone. - I heard that a lot. [I love MMTG / Hi Jaejae] Those who dye their hair red know that the bathroom floor becomes red. [Relatable] Right. - Must be hard. - That's how life is. [(Amazing)] - I'm sick of it~ That's how things work~ - So sick of it~ I need to go home and clean up dog poop. [(Life of being a daddy to CommeDe & Garcon)] [Sick of it] Oh no~ Anyways, Jaedici the rich family.. [Jaedici is/the one who tries to sponsor capable artists for a K-POP Renaissance] Do you know about great songs that should make a comeback? - We know that 'View' was selected as one of them. - Correct. [Sharp] - But the standard is a bit hazy. - Right. It's different from great songs that you secretly listen to [(listening)] But you need to ask yourself 'why do I want them to come back?' [(Right)] [(At the time)] The regret of not seeing their stage at Inkigayo with my own eyes [The meaning behind 'great songs that should make a comeback' / The regret of not supporting that song at the time] I think they'll wait for that - if it makes its comeback at a music show.. - I agree. [Subscribe / like] [The main corner / Look into SHINee's candidates for great songs that should make a comeback] [The standard] The three categories are 'the song is really good' 'the performance is really good' or 'the song is very modern' ['great songs that should make a comeback' for the party planner?] [Candidate no.1] Down down down [(laughter)] What about this song? So beautiful [(surprised)] [(dancing)] [(wow)] She's sitting down but it's as if she's standing up dancing. [(wow)] Is this a drinking party? [(joke)] A glass of beer please. [(At MMTG, filming = semi drinking party)] [(Getting used to it)] - There were a lot of comments saying whether this song is worth having another comeback. So we did a survey - For real? [Is SHINee's 'View' one of the great songs that should make a comeback? / Yes / No / The result of the survey was] [Their opinions/ View of SHINee themselves / kids nowadays must know who SHINee is] [It is a great song that should make a comeback / At first it was new and weird] [But with every year passing by, it still sounds refreshing and new that it's hard to believe it was out in 2015] [I think it is more suitable to listen to now like a futuristic song / I didn't know it before but now I know it's a great song] But there are some who think this is not that kind of song. It's being used as the BGM for 'Where Is My Home' too much, so I'm sorry but it's hard to bear. With the view shots at 'Where is My Home' It's used a bit too often. For any ocean view or mountain view, it just plays Very Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful [Jiri-mountain is in front of me] [Beautiful View] We were there for the show back then and the staff there kept thanking us. [(Not for the show)] For the song 'View' I don't remember how much I danced to that that day. [(A perfect song 'View')] So it's hard to bear... [Subscribe/Like] [The reason it should make a comeback/ 1 Too good of a song] Right. We were too early. Right. - I heard that KEY picked 'View' as your best song. - Right. Right. KEY loves the song. Why do you love it so much? - I love the mood with the instrumentals as if it's music that plays at a select shop with its melody line. - Right. There are a lot of songs with a house genre but at that time, it was unprecedented as an idol song. [(The song was)] not supposed to be major but somewhat major... [That new refreshing mood when I first heard View, I'd never forget that] It was so new. How was it for you, TAEMIN? I was the opposite with the other members. [(Surprised)] Is that so? For me, I was scared to accept something new because that was the turning point for SHINee where there was a change in our style [(Understandable)/(That was the turning point)] Right, totally.. So different. [Powerful stage by SHINee before 'View'] [Modern and refreshing mood with 'View'] And the styling... [(picking words)] I mean... it took time for people to get used to that and at the time Are you talking about the fashion? Hold on. - Is there a corner for that? - Wait up. Don't go too far~! [(Key is going ahead with the song and the talk)] Going far ahead~ I know~ With the talk~ [(In a hurry)] Go quickly. Wait up. The lyrics are so pretty... [(I know)] The lyrics are so pretty. They say that it's used as an example for synesthesia in Korean classes. - JONGHYUN wrote the lyrics. - Right. [Tasting and smelling the starlight] [Feeling the weight of the scent] [(With the lyrics)] This song never gets old because of that. - The lyrics work a lot -Right There's a story behind it. The lyrics for 'View' was not originally from JONGHYUN and there was one already made before he made his lyrics. - From Kim Eana? - No.. The lyrics were about love. [(A new fact)] For real? But reading JONGHYUN's lyrics, 'this is it!' and I called the center director [(After the recording)] "Isn't JONGHYUN's lyrics much better?' and that's how it changed. [(In addition)/(nods)] - At the last minute. - Last minute? - So we love 'View' a lot too. - Right~ me too. I don't know why I love it so much since I didn't make it. - And a song that's house doesn't have a peak point. - None. So at that time people said 'the song doesn't have a structure' 'The song just ends without a highlight' [Saw the color and shape of the sound] [(A calm melody)] [The end] Because Koreans have to have the vocals and the ad-libs [Heart-pounding K-POP structure 1/ Vocal + ad-lib] Dance break & rap [Heart-pounding K-POP structure 1/ Dance break & rap] All of that should be in there to feel like it's that type of song. [Heart-pounding K-POP structure 1/ Vocal + ad-lib + Dance break & rap] [(Right)] Yes. [(A round of applause)] There's no dance break! [(A high pitch)] There's no screaming! [(At least)] Your ears must hurt 2 minutes into the song. [(The ad-lib)] It must burst out like a firecracker [(Firecracker high pitch)] I thought it was an SM A&R team. [(Jaedici with the knowledge of K-POP)] So that's what people said. [(That was)] Yes~ - The pronunciation of 'sensitive girl' is.. - Girl. They didn't even request for that but I just did it. [(As KEY wanted)] [I feel sensitive] [I feel sensitive Girl] KEY is great at English. [(KEY is the English teacher of TAEMIN)] You've been to Sydney and LA during your youth.. [Looking back] I only tasted the Western culture and I was into toadyism. You've been there for 6 months Those who've been there for 6 months get that disease. [(Right)] For real! As if that's my second home and I say 'oh, this smells like the States' [(Gets it)] That must be why, I have something I prepared. [('View' stage in 2015 SBS Gayo Daejeon)] - It's the end of the year. - Isn't this the 'sensitive'? [(interlude)] [Sensitive] [(Embarrassing)] [I feel sensitive)] [(Surprised)] See how he's acting cool. I'm so proud of myself with that footage. [Legend video sens, sensitive KEY.mp4] - You're proud? - So proud! The A&R team kept telling us - like what? - Make sure you do 'sensitive' right [(to KEY)] And it's amazing how KEY got annoyed since they kept telling him that. [I'm sick of it] "I won't do that part wrong, so stop talking about it" And I didn't get it wrong before. [(sad)] I did great during the rehearsals too but for the on-air show, 'sensitive' [Sensitive] [(A sad story)] Goosebumps up on the back~ [(Cold)] He's not the one who gets things wrong... [Sad] And I have no idea why they decided to extend that part.. [(sympathetic)] It's as if they wanted me to get it wrong. - I have no idea. - They changed things up. We laughed. [(Excited)] Right?! I could see MINHO's cheekbones going up. [(focus on MINHO's cheekbones)/puffy] [(laughing)] Things like this, could last forever. I have something to tease him about. But I get no damage. - I must've re-watched that a few times. - Sure~ 'Pretty cute' and - And for TAEMIN you use a lot of air.. - Right [(TAEMIN's part with 71.8% of air] [(Breathing but with the melody)] [(Surprised)] Yes... Isn't that Soyou? [(Imitating Soyou's singing)] Before I turn 30~ [(The original airy singing by Soyou)] [(A perfect duet)] Maybe they'll marry each other. Such a great combination. [(Jaedici with a soulmate)] Very similar. Seems very familiar. [(Feeling familiar with each other)] [(continuing on)] Anyways your breath was 90. This song is modern so I was singing in a modern style with a wet voice. Like Ariana Grande. [(nods)] Right. [(Perfect combo)] [(Perfect combo)] [(Almost sharing the same soul)] You two... [(Interesting)] [(Soulmates Jae-KEY)] [Headache] It's like there are two KEYs. Call me if you 're free. [(At MMTG)] I'll just come here for fun. [Subscribe/Like] Finally we can talk about this part. Outfits~ [Reason to make a comeback / it’s so modern] [KEY is in charge of the outfits] [(the outfits)] They were going to be suits at first but KEY told them not to do it. Suits don’t go well with deep house music. We went for something more raw while we were doing this. So they are t-shirts that are from the markets. [(Basic clothes as stage outfits)] - We were criticized a lot at that time for the outfits... - Yeah! - Other singers would have beaded jackets on... - Those have to be custom-made. [custom-made outfits were common at the time] We were the only ones that didn’t look so fierce. The clothes in the middle. [(MINHO’s tank)] We were doing the ending and other singers were all wearing suits but I’d be the one with a tank top on, so I was so embarrassed! [(whisper)] “Hey, this is so embarrassing, what do I do?” [(whisper)] “Pretend you don’t care.” “It’s okay, keep your head up!” [let’s keep our heads up)/it’s okay, pretend you don’t care] That was actually super embarrassing. You had really long belts and high-waist pants... and I heard that you were criticized for a lot of things. I had a fantasy to be like those skating boys. [the freeness of skateboarders] The reason why Key went for this style [(for the show)] Tokyo Dome [(Key custom made these outfits for the concert in Tokyo Dome)] Right x2 You made a uniform. [(Key did)] Key prepared a PPT [(PPT made by Key)] You did that? I styled all of it. You didn’t know? I didn’t. [(upset)] You only know yourself, you don’t care about others. You only remember I stole your blueberries. [(he must have been very upset for his blueberries)] I didn’t even know you did such a huge thing~ What are you talking about. We’re talking about ‘View!’~! Why didn’t you talk about how passionate you were at styling the outfits. [(Taemin’s dizzy clothes and awkward pants)] - Taemin.... - I mean... This is the practice video for ‘Lucifer’. - It’s the same clothes but why does it look different in the pictures? - Is it a magic eye? This is so ahead of it’s time~ [(the magic eye shirt that changes patterns)] - Did you throw that shirt away? - I burned it! [(heartbroken)] Why didn't you wear socks? [(pants)] - What kind of pants are those? - The awkward-ness is the whole point. - Do you think those will be in trend again? - No. I was way ahead of my time. [Subscribe/Like] [Reason for another comeback / 3. the performance is too good] [(nostalgic)] It’s so long ago~ [(wow)] [(simple and modern performance)] [(wow)] [(proud)] How is this 5 years ago? - The performance isn’t too overwhelming. - Yeah x2 We used to do it super tight but we loosened it up for the first time for ‘View’. [(for the first time)] We experimented a lot at the time. [(good eye)] Taemin could have done 3 turns and all that. [(Taemin is known for his turns)] [(Taemin is the main dancer)] But you’re right. I was really bummed I couldn’t. I still remember when we talked about the dance moves. We weren’t out of breath even when the song was over. [(‘View’ wasn’t enough to make Taemin feel out of breath)] [(says it’s a problem)] I’m not out of breath. [(oh I remember)] Right. x2 [(how can you not be out of breath)] - It didn’t feel like I was giving my all. - Yeah. It was for the first time because of ‘View’ that not being out of breath was actually not bad. The performance doesn’t have to be so tight! So that’s how ‘MOVE’ came out. [(Taemin learned how to fill the stage even with the least movement)] You learned it from that~ [(proud)] [(the big brothers are speechless of maknae’s PR)] Look how he connected it to his song ‘MOVE’. [(Taemin is the best)] Yeah. You're saying this because you want to talk about ‘MOVE’? [(embarrassed)] Yeah. His MOVE. Please go watch it. No wonder you were talking so hard. I have to talk about something. [(cute)] Good to see you grow. He’s that professional. It’s the only way to survive. [(bow)] Thank you. [Subsribe/Like] [What is the song SHINee chooses?] [Candidate 2] [(wow)] [the all-time legendary performance of K-POP] [(excited)] [(incredible adlibs)] That’s insane! We were in battle mode at that time. Sherlock was the best... we might not know high-end bags but we do know SHINee is back. [(yeah)] This was when ‘SHINee’s back’ started. - There were 2 songs ‘Clue’ and ‘Note’ - Yeah. [producer Lee Sooman] [combine ‘Clue’ and ‘Note’] Because both are too good to do separately, [(wise)] He said to combine the 2. Wow. A lot of people thought ‘Clue’ was better in the beginning and ‘Note’ was better in the end... [Sherlock’s original song 1 Clue/ the verse seems to be repeating] [Sherlock’s original song 2 Note/ the chorus seems to keep repeating] - So you made the perfect song by combining the 2. - Yeah. We must see the choreography for this. I still remember how shocked I was seeing this performance for the first time. [(the intro makes your heart pound)] [(moving slowly)] [(you can’t not react to this)] [(still perfect even after all this time)] [(this is so catchy)] [(their moves are so in sync)] Look how tough you guys are! Wow, we’re so young. [Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibeom, Choi Minho] [(Sherlock)] [(wow)] I love this part. [(the moves make it seem like they’re after images)] [(they spread and then go back to one place)] [(applause)] This... [(this song)] This is such a legendary song that will live on through the history of Kpop. [(nod)] We feel the same. It’s so good. [(this song)] - I’m so proud that this song is a part of my career. - Yeah. There were a lot of tweaks in the moves. [(with the members)] We made the parts that you liked together. It was really fun. We ran around because we were so excited. There was this kind of performance as well? [(The stage and standing ground seem closer)] [(surprised)] I remember this! This was for the representatives of the Olympics! Do you remember the athletes of Korea? We tried not to look at anyone that day. [(heads down)] I mean, stages need some personal space. [(of course)] [(Peekaboo)] We did Back Back and they’re right there. [(closer than they thought)] If you look there... [(your eyes meet as soon as you raise your head)] You come back [(eyes so big)] They were like this. [(yesss)] - Yeah, the crowd... - Yeah x2 - The people in the audience must have been super surprised. - It was like that. We’re not the only ones that were embarrassed, they were too.. Since you’re right in front of them... [(dance moves)] I saw someone say hi while we were doing this. ‘Hello’. Me. [(hello)] They were turning around It was... [(bow)] [(he’s so polite)] No way. There were incidents that seemed impossible. Stop lying! [(nice to meet you)] For real, we’d greet each other with our eyes... But more than this, the people in the back orchestra at KBS... [(remembers)] [(on stage)] - They always stay seated. - Yeah. [(when SHINee did their performance)] They put down their instruments to watch We were like BACK BACK BACK [(turn around) / locking eyes] and when we face each other Do you know the silent greeting. [silent] Yeah! [(Encore)] There are 2 people. People who stay interested and say hi, or people who try to face away from you! [(automatically faces away)] - Like this... - It is a bit overwhelming... - But there really are people who say hi. - They must have great personalities. So I think some people were confused. You made a mistake in this performance. [(I think I know)] Oh this. [everyone was wrong except for Taemin in Sherlock] [he was the only one right but it felt like he was the wrong one] [the fans were wrong too / everyone but Taemin was wrong] [my friend used this as reference for her presentation on crowd psychology / lol] I mean... [(the winner's smile)] If you were standing there it wouldn’t have shown. [(embarrassed)] The fact that he’s the only one turning around and smiling... [(Taemin is the only one that’s right)] How cute. I can still remember the faces of the members. [the 4 wrong members are standing still, why is this so funny / as if everyone is waiting for Taemin to walk over to the end] - That was the first day of the concert, right? - Yeah. I don’t know why the song was made longer for that. I know, right. [(The one in charge)] He wanted to make it cooler but had too much work so the only way was to make the song longer. [(doesn’t like it)] We wouldn’t have been wrong if the song didn’t change. [(the story)] I think we’re going too far... - I have a problem with it. - What kind of problem?! A ballad song for instance, it’d be good if we could just sing, but you always have to be riding on something. [(I get it)] - Like a lift...! - There’s a map of how you have to move~ So you have to do certain things while you sing but I always got it wrong~ [(Taemin didn’t get on the lift while singing)] [(I mean)] Why do we have to move while we sing... [(but)] - You also had wires during ‘Lucifer’. - Yeah. [(SHINee make you dance with me)] [(laying down)] [(the lyrics)/the chills] How do you know so much? This is nuts.... [(used to it)] [(you memorized all of it?)] [the remix version of LUCIFER] [(the performance perfectly in sync)] [(brings back memories of the concert)] [(shaking head)] [(=this song is LUCIFER)] I mean the chills... [(nostalgic)] [(=we are the SHINee x4)] [(never gonna let you down)] The chills... [(Amazing)] I got chills literally. So did I! I forgot about that. You know what, MINHO was rapping in that situation. [(She knows everything)] Even that one.. It got sharper and sharper day by day. [It got sharper and sharper day by day / I'm tired of your obsession] - You wanna hear a behind-the-scenes story? - What is it? [(Lower body)] This part was ridiculously hurting.. [(She can imagine the pain)] - That's why my eyes looked angry. - Right. I was mad cause it hurt. [(Turned the pain into charisma)] [(Interesting)] - By the way, she knows the exact lyrics. - I know. How do you know the lyrics? [(Abruptly)] I mean, how could you forget this? [(Tell me about it)] - Wolverine, like this. - Wolverine. x2 [(Here's the originator)] [(=SHINee make you dance with me)] [(=Just gonna be with you baby)] SHINee is going to make you dance. [(Shocking literal translation)] [(Singing together)] [(with you baby)] [(Nobody can resist singing this remix)] [(She's so in sync with us)] [(Incredible/(JAEDICI is amazing)] You know what? Back then, I was like does 'just gonna be with you' make sense? - In fact, that makes listeners think about the song once again. - Exactly. I have to admit. While some of the lyrics don't really make sense, they are fun to sing out. [(Great lyrics to sing)] It's absolutely good to sing the lyrics. [(The rhyme is somehow enchanting in a way even though it's in English for Koreans)] I'm never gonna let you down. This.. [(Clear)] This song is the Lucifer. This song is the Lucifer. [(Practiced English at school)] The lyrics are not that complicated if you translate them. [(Please)] I'm sorry. Let me go home.. [(Bright smile)] [(Joking)] Actually we talked about something like 'People in other countries shouldn't watch'.. [(TIFFANY's nice English rap)] Girls' Generation also has something like this. [(Automatic)] [(She even remembers this one?)] Yoo Young-jin likes that kind of stuff. [(Empathy)/(So true x2)] [(JAEJAE's father = Producer Yoo Young-jin)] There are a few words. Like 'get it'.. SUPER JUNIOR has made a comeback lately [(Stage)] and there was this intro part on Inkigayo. Director Yoo created something with the use of some letters in the alphabet. So I went 'Which word?'. [(You don't say!)/(=House)] Saying each letter of 'House' and then all of a sudden Galat Gelit Galat Gelit! [Galat Gelit Galat Gelit!] [(Can't believe what I just heard)] What does that mean? [(Standing)] SUPER JUNIOR members have no idea as well. [To be honest, we don't really understand that either] [(Addictive)] - Galat Gelit Galat Gelit! - Galat Gelit Galat Gelit! And then out of the blue Galat Gelit Galat Gelit! [WHY?] It was like... [(The intro deserves an applause)] I totally loved it! [(I love it too)] It's awesome. I fell in love with that song by just hearing that. - I told our members to watch it because that was so epic. - Well-educated people certainly know how to use filler words. Galat Gelit Galat Gelit! I'm sorry but when are we gonna move on to the next one? Galat Gelit Galat Gelit! We won't be able to go home today if we keep doing it this way.. [(Scary)] [(Having an emergency meeting. They can't go home)] [Important notice of the additional schedule] [Change of MMTG's schedule/ Every Mon, 5pm : MMTG Original] [Every Thu, 5pm : Renaissance Series] JAEJAE on Monday. [5pm, Mon, April 19 : Great Show for Premieres] JAEDICI on Thursday. [5pm, Thu, April 22 : Comnunmyeong SHINee Part 2] JAEJAE on Monday! JAEDICI on Thursday. What I'm saying is that it's twice a week. [Mon : MMTG Original / Thu : Renaissance Series Please watch our show] [Spreading new cultures / Subscribe / Like / MMTG]
Channel: MMTG 문명특급
Views: 6,878,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 문명특급, 스브스뉴스, 재재, SBS, 문특, mmtg, jaejae, 샤이니, shinee, 컴눈명, 재컴백, view, 뷰, 셜록, sherlock, 샤이니즈백, 민호, 태민, 키, 온유, 종현, minho, taemin, key, onew, jonghyun, shinee is back, 컴백, 김기범, 이태민, 최민호, 이진기, 김종현, k-pop, hidden gem
Id: siAsCLpgZTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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