[ENG] *대결아님* 20여 년 단골! 현주엽 최애 영화배우와 함께한 수원갈비 먹방!! ▷본수원갈비◁

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You look handsome than before Kwang Jae Park/Guest "Don't you think so?" Don't you lie hahahahahaha MUK BOSS JOOYUP We are not sponsored by any company or advertise any product Since you are here as a guest today You're saying you lied on purpose? No, that's not true Wow, really You haven't changed a bit (Nice seeing you again Prod. Choi) You lost a lot of weight You looked big even on a black shirt (Such mischievous) You become healthier You could look just a little more handsome But you can lose your humorous appearance and lose everything (In a wrong place) What brought you guys here? Driving my car My car Since he had a success on his diet I wanted to treat him a nice meal It must've been hard I need to continue to do this Oh, really? Today will be my cheating day By the way, I really wanted to come here I really love this place What do you mean you like this place and wanted to come Not sure... I visited here few years ago when my friend had a performance in Suwon Hi~ (Cutting off) Order now I would like to have two grills on each side Are we grilling separately? Of course, that is why we sat like this Since you grill real nicely No way (Oh, man...) So, you can bring two galbis two on each side two marinated galbis on both sides By the way, do you ever run out of galbi soup? Not yet! We are going to order two galbi soups later on Please, set them aside Ordered: 1. Galbi 2. Marinated galbi and two galbi soup Total: 3.6kg So, continue on your story now At Suwon Move on Charcoals No, this is not what I meant One for here Two serving sizes each, here and there More? As if this guy and I are separate customers Galbi!!!! This one looks good, so I shall Don't we get the same thing? I was just joking Something's falling from this Just oils Producer Choi has never ever done this for me before (cry cry) (Wow!) It never had oils before Mine has oils, too But he cares none I was going to, though Wow, really SO HOT Today's menu (2+2 galbi, 2+2 marinated galbi) Galbi Marinated galbi Can you hand me over the apron, please? Are you wearing the apron looking nicely since you're an actor? No I used to spill Kimchi sauce on my shirt It bothered me so much that I couldn't do anything So I used to bring extra clothes with me In case I spill any food When I cared about my car years ago I would go back home and cancel my appointment when it rained (sensitive) I prefer using grills one for each person like this Producer Choi Have you had a lunch, right? Yes, I had Actually I'm not in a good condition Oh, really? I might have more after this (WHAT?) Well Amatuers always grill that way My favorite is to cut and eat the bone like this That's the best That is why I eat galbi When I'm with you, I always have galbi Last episode from 'YANG PYEONG GALBI' When I have galbi I should call Kwang Jae Oh, I love galbi When I first came here 20 years ago!! in my memories this place was made of red bricks like a normal second story house Older women (cooks) would gather around and marinate galbi This restaurant was like that But now it's like a big company Galbi was so delicious even then It will be perfect grilling the bone, too Can I have start first? Go ahead~ First bite of galbi Hmmm How is it? Kwang Jae It is melting in my mouth Now, hand me over some plates, please I will give you big pieces What a nice service they get I could give you mine, too No, it is okay You are our guest Wow, it's been a while First bite of galbi Hmmm The meat is very juicy Delicious It seems as the juice was trapped inside Honestly, compared to Korean beef It has less strong smell But if you just taste without thinking about it, it is still very delicious Kwang Jae, you gave up on these? I think I was crazy Concentrated Grilling Cutting I saw the last episode He was drunk and was about to punch you Oh, yeah, he can fight (Last episode) Though you could not recognize I am good at fighting hahahahahahaha Oh, you were crazy Agreed For real, alcohol makes people brave Remember last time We were doing an arm wrestling If I just hold for 3 seconds Not even winning, just holding Just holding it You said you would buy me alcohol for the rest of my life When it started, I lost right away After the incident I realized not to bother you whatsoever There is a person who's better than me though So hot All of a sudden You start worrying about how much is left What he means by it is If I give him some He does not say that Since I did not give him Look, he's holding the dish (Want some galbi) That is like anonymous complaint Here we go, take some And stay little quieter, please Let me eat One of the reasons I like this restaurant is Even for marinated galbi there is marbling in the meat For typical marinated beef people would use less quality meat But that is not the case for here Oh, the oil That is why you need to wear an apron We need the experts to help us out The pros Wow, thank you We've got so much to eat: galbi soup, cold noodle... (Grilling marinated galbi) Marinated ones are so good (Still on just galbi) Hmmm Back then (gobble gobble) (looking far) To have galbi You had to make an appointment, but not now, right? Right, you can just walk in now First bite of marinated galbi! Just the right amount of sauce So, you've got to taste this one Share this Am I eating slow? You definitely are not at your own pace now since you are on a diet (marinated galbi) Ohhh It's so delicious, wow! (marinated galbi) Ahh, you really are Come here He is very smart controlling people I felt the same when I first met him He is very smart But he is not good at utilizing it hahahahaha (missed out) Let me see your dish I will give you some Isn't that part that you like the most? I do like this part but... The sauce is good Let him have this and chew for a long time I really think my stomach shrunk Oh, I did not teach you like this I am very disappointed I was on a different TV show I cried Did you cry? Why did you cry? I don't know why, but at that time It came very strongly Sentimental feelings In dramas or movies I always get strong roles like fighting with someone People think I am such a strong person I am not so strong I am very vulnerable Hmmm (Putting an apron on) Excuse me~ For real I am not that hungry I do not like the number "4." I want to make it to "5" I would like one more marinated galbi AND I would like a doenjang-jjigae (soybean soup) I would like two galbi soups as well Why are you cutting them so thin I want to grill for them For who? Grilling for them Are you full? I am a little... Already? Thank you (marinated galbi) (Good welfare from Kwang Jae) Wow, thank you It taste different since they are cut into smaller pieces Give him more You've got to understand the cue I understood it completely 'Oh, since they are cut small, it's really comfortable to eat' That is what I heard I will try to cut this as small as I can (Please) Don't mind me What you said now was like 'Please, keep that in mind' Small, tiny It taste so good Just enough fat (gobble) Dessert Galbi Soup! Hi Could you put it on this? Yes, thank you Doenjang-jjigae (Soybean soup) Wow, there are plenty of ribs Hmmm Wow, look at this It comes out like this I won't be able to use my hands Try some galbi soup Yah, put rice on like this For marinated galbi You have to eat with rice Like this This One second Put three pieces on the rice Try on, so delicious Galbi Wrap Wow, this galbi soup is amazing! It has a new taste compared to this galbi Wow, galbi soup is really good, too (Staring at) Left overs You lost your specialty You're no use (Not happy) We have no connection now Let me have your plate, please hahahaha I never thought I would not be able to finish like this Hmmm You go like "hmmm" and chew forever cannot even finish the rice Wow, thank you + galbi soup + rice (Finally done~) (so hot) Wow It was a nice meal Summary First of all the quality of meat even though it was from the U.S. just the meat itself was great and the marinated galbi was not less quality than the plain galbi The quality of meat was good And the sauce was not too much So it was good Galbi soup was super Doenjang-jjigae was great, too The price is very good It went up compared to years ago Isn't the price not bad, right? It is not super pricey It is affordable when you come with a family Or with co-workers after work Overall, the price is reasonable One more good point is galbi is all about biting and chewing off the bone If you want the experience this is a perfect place to go Something to consider is there are not many private rooms and it is not easy to reserve a room And they have limited galbi soup Oh, also they put green onions in the soup It is hard to take them out Anyways, today we had a light meal at a BBQ restaurant with Kwang Jae who doesn't eat much Post-credits scenes When I was on 'Let's Play Basketball' I was really shocked Why? The staff came in to put on the mics Ji-won Woo Kyung-Eun Moon They were searching for them They would not know them, of course The staffs are young They are in the early 20s But they knew me meanwhile haha
Channel: 먹보스 쭈엽이
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Keywords: 현주엽, 주엽, 쭈엽, 현주엽TV, 주엽TV, 주엽티비, 농구감독, 농구선수, 농구대잔치, 당나귀귀, KBS, 먹방, 타노스, 쭈엽티비, 먹신먹왕, 개인유튜브, 박광재, 정호영, 헤이지니, 지역먹방, 쿡방, 소고기, 갈빗살, 먹보스, 쭈엽이, 채널, 농구, 인성, 서장훈, 도티, 안정환, 허재, 백덩크, 빡침, 원푸드트립, 아들, 뭉쳐야쏜다, 쭈엽TV, 치맛살, 등심, 새우살, 차돌박이, mukbang, mukboss, hyunjooyup, 한우, 1++, 투뿔, ASMR, 제인, Jane, 홍유, 문복희, 백종원, 설기양, 떵개떵, 쯔양, 입짧은햇님, 밥굽남, 히밥, 수빙수, 먹신, 머크라테스, 소박하게, 약소하게, 부족하게, mccoi, 메코이, 술고래, 술방, 혼술, 광마니, 요리, 최피디, 최 PD, 채끝, 싸움, 쌈짱, 먹보스쭈엽이, 레시피, 굽는법, 만들기, 한입, 도가니살, 채끝살, 뭉쏜, 푸드트립, 맛집, 캄보디아, HyunJooYup, DrinkingMukBang, MukBang, KoreanFood
Id: A4VIwoPH6js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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