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(Who can stay calm with this beat?) (Club vibe) (Familiar change in sound) (I am coming) YOONA was the fastest! <Tears> by So Chan Whee - Say that again - So Chan Whee's <Tears> So Chan "Whee", or "Wee"? Be clear with that "Whee"~ Correct answer! (Worrying afterward) (How should I sing this?) You should hold the notes "Merci-less" like this "Merci-less" Take your time (Am I doing this?) Everyone, make your line (Challengers are coming) Me too! (Challengers are coming) (*people talking*) (Lining up single file) You've all had braised chicken, come on! Line up, everyone! YOONA will be the first one If I find anything that does not satisfy the criteria The chance will go to the next person YOONA, this is SOOYOUNG's favorite song She sings it for her high notes practice She sings it every day (Getting ready) I will look forward to your magical high notes Play the music! (I will end before it goes to you) - Go, YOONA - Raise the volume (<Tears> by So Chan Whee) (Paused) Huh... (Okay, they skipped the melody) IM YOONA! IM YOONA! (Thank god they resume) (Let's go, <Tears>) ♪ Let’s regard this as if nothing had happened ♪ ♪ Let’s regard each other as strangers ♪ ♪ Oh→ oh↗ oh↘ Aren’t you ♪ ♪ able to send me? ♪ (YOONA's pro skill) (I can send you) ♪ You should forget me ♪ ♪ I know it won’t be easy for you ♪ (Lyrics friendly acting) (Boom, the ex-boyfriend) ♪ But my heart aches ♪ The notes go high! ♪ Hate me rather ♪ ♪ Rather, rather, rather ♪ ♪ Don’t show any more affection for me ♪ ♪ Do not show ♪ ♪ Don’t look for me anymore ♪ (Was that sound from YOONA for real?) (Roaring YOONA) (Bombshell) No, no! ("Your ex did not choose you") (I am not gonna put my mic down) (Going wild) (Leader Taeng's self-dispatch to protect her member) (Her stage is now continued as acoustic Ver.) (How close are you coming?) Call the police! We need the police She is drunken (She is getting a bit scary) (YOONA, you are drunken already!) (Applicant 01. waiting in a mess) YOONA, you did fine (Our big sister is here) Everything was alright, YOONA I would like to keep the melody part SOOYOUNG, will you stay here all night? Please call a cab! Where do you head for? Gangnam-gu office? - O.. Obama? - Oh my gosh (LOL) You said, Obama! (*Korean short for "Drink, I will take you home") (HAETNIM is almost crying) I am here because you said "Obama"! YOONA! Let's give applause to YOONA, everyone You made it! (Amazing drunken performance) You sounded like JK Kim Dong Uk ♪ To my foolish love... urhhh♪ We love your skill! (YOONA's new skill) Let's move on (SOOYOUNG's <Tears>) (Plopping down) Ew, I hate it!! I can't watch her (When your emotions explode...) Oh no! (When your emotions take over your body...) Someone call the police! (This is why she needed the melody part) Why is she doing this? Urghhh! (Resurrected) (Hot and bold beginning) (S-E-X-Y) One Two One, two, three Let's go (Let's ride it) "It is her favorite song" "For her high notes practicing" (<Tears> expert with 20 years of practice) (I will show you the real <Tears>) SOOYOUNG You are out! Out! You are out! You missed the timing The timing was wrong (Ha-ha) (She put her whole effort into the melody) No more chance (Please) (Nope, nope, nope) (Merciless) We are the merciless team You failed (Here is another merciless one) Play the music, with no melody part SEOHYUN, the third applicant It is coming! (Skipping to highlights) (Leader Taengoo 👀) ♪ Do not ♪ ♪ Condemn me ♪ ♪ As a merciless woman ♪ Continue! (Nice vibe) ♪ I only choose to part for a while for you ♪ ♪ Do not forget ♪ ♪ My love ♪ ♪ You are always in my mind ♪ (SEOHYUN, the vocal queen) (What a clear note) ♪ Until sorrow disappears ♪ ♪ Forever ♪ (SEOHYUN's perfect stage!) (*Check her full clip on YouTube channel) What's wrong, Ms. YOONA? Did you also consider her performance? YOONA, where is your purse? This was not a singing competition... (YOONA's drunk behavior: repeat what she said) (Now the crab is her purse) (And YOONA was not the only one...) (Chaotic SNSD universe) Excuse me... What is this place? (It seems their taxi driver arrives) Luxury! Luxury taxi (Mine is the luxury one) (Nucksal lost his cap) Is anyone going to Geumho-dong? Me! (Homing instinct) Go back to your place, <Galaxy Express 999> (No difference between them) (Skit: going to the galaxy) (Karaoke music quiz: 12ROUND) (Boom Boom) (Hold on, this song is...!) SOOYOUNG! - Britney Spears? - Are we even doing pop songs? (Call back your memory!) Britney Spears... Your time is ended Britney Spears... "Your time is over" You come here! Hey! (Explode) Hey, hey! (You reach my limit) You come! Hey! (Calm down, SOOYOUNG) Just let her punch you Then she will move back (SOOYOUNG is saving her punch) There is the time limit - Get ready, and go! - Britney Spears... <Oops!...I Did It Again> You are correct! ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ (Introduction with Dance) (Britney SOO-pea-YOUNG-s) (Seductive) (Spread) (I am the HOT GIRL around here) (Fall on) (Femme Fatale) (Everyone, ready for "Oops"!) ♪ Oops I did it again ♪ ♪ I @#!@#! your heart♪ (You don't know the lyrics?) (Doesn't matter) (We all used to listen to songs regardless of lyrics) (Here goes the final) SOOYOUNG, you are passed (It was seductive for real) This is the easy one (Dad Jokes Quiz - 3ROUND) Q. What does Sul Woon Do sing while he is dressing up? Narae! (A step behind) Tell your answer (I am ready) Top-bottom, top-bottom~ (*the word "Shanghai" from the original lyrics sounds alike) <Love Twist>, correct! (*the word "Shanghai" from the original lyrics sounds alike) (Ms. Narae, dance before you go) (She never gets embarrassed) Top-bottom, top-bottom (She is our twist machine) (Sneak) (Make my way) (Party Girl YURI is here) (Sudden twist attack) (Very sudden) (The camera is even lost) See her angle (Sharp) (She is about to step out from the screen) (Faint) (YURI took over the stage) What was it? The angle was so weird Her angle had its rhythm This is the gift for your rhythm (Presenting the pink towel) People from #AmazingSaturday, we should learn this While YURI was acting as SNSD... I guess it was hard to suppress yourself YURI was scolded a lot in her early days People told her to stay (Sounds reasonable) (Dad Jokes Quiz - 4ROUND) Q. What do we call Cinderella Q. who does not get to sleep? No - sleep HYO! Baekseolgi (*snow-white rice cake) - Wait, why? - Why is it "Baekseolgi"? Perhaps it is related to princess Snow White... (Give up) You are so positive Let's go! (The crazy girl with pure eyes) What was "Baekseolgi" really... I will give you a hint, again Cinderella cannot sleep "Cannot sleep" (*Sounds "mot-zza" in Korean) - Mot-zza... - Non-sleep? SEOHYUN! (I got it) (I got it too) SEOHYUN! Mozzarella (Correct) I also knew it! (Blowing off steam) Congratulations! (Play <Cinderella> for Mozzarella!) (Excited SEOHYUN's Cinderella stage) (Fabulous stage presence) (Synchronized moves and outstanding YURI) (YURI went to her own world, again) (Everyone laughing to death) (Pros do not care) (SNSD tries their best everywhere) (So professional) (Unexpected walkout) What is she? (You two, take my ending) (Professional ending fairy) (Craftsmen don't blame their tools) (So cool) Q. If we shoot without effort? (Shoot without effort?) Without effort? (Shoot without...?) HYO! Bang-ya... What? (What kind of answer is that?) (Giving applause) (HYO's failed high-five wraps up) "Ba-ang"... (Born funny) Bang-ya, bang-ya She deserves the prize (Searching) Wait, what is that? (The crab for her inCREdible answer) Well done (Is this alright?) It was a nice try, but you failed (Failed genius) How do you express the gun's sound? "Bbang" Bbeong? Seyoon! - Tang-suyuk - It is wrong Ttook (It is not) Octopus tang-tang? (*Chopped octopus) (What a nice comb) I will try to present it (Ah...!) TAEYEON! (Three volunteers) Seolleongtang (*Korean food) Taengoo, you are right! (*Selleong = doing roughly) (Get rid of this frozen mood with your gunshots!) (This is how to shoot) (DDU-DU DDU-DU) (Supporting fire) (Just... fire) (What are you doing, sir?) (Leader Taengoo's great performance) (Dad Jokes Quiz - 6ROUND) Q. Guess what "O-ba-ma" stands for (while you are drinking) Nucksal! - "Drink a lot, today" - Wrong YURI! - "Bottom-up, today!" - Wrong TAEYEON - "Let's drink until we crumble" - Nope HYO! "Today will be our last!" Wrong (Quite extreme) The answer does not have that strong tone "O" stands for "today" (Then what are "Ba" and "Ma"?) "Today, make your pants get wet" Please give us some hints "Phew, how will I go home?" "You will be alright, O-ba-ma!" - I have heard it before... - I cannot remember its meaning YOONA! Today... (YOONA's first trial of Dad Jokes) "Today I will take you home, so let's drink for now!" "Today I will take you home, so drink" (Will there be her beginner's luck?) "Today, I will walk you home so drink!" You are correct! (Today I will walk you home so drink?) I did not expect that (What a sweet answer) (Dad Jokes Quiz 7ROUND) Q. Name the singer who always gets zero for their exam Nucksal! (I have the feeling!) - Baek Ji-Young - Oh yes, he might be right Nucksal, you are correct! (*Baek Ji = a blank paper) (Shake) (*The blank paper = zero point) (Standing up) (Queen of the Twist left her seat) .(Dancing is essential for Baek Ji-Young's song) What is wrong with here? (Unknown dance virus) (Why are you doing this, SNSD) ("No reason") (Something flew) Oops (Her earring fell off) - Oops - Be careful (Returning with her earrings) What made you this enthusiastic? You danced so hard (I don't know either, sir) Let's make toast, then Can somebody make one? - Alright, so we... - Well done you, today! Boom, can you wait for us? (It is time for our toast) We are about to make toast I am not drunken yet (Every boss gets drunk before me) Excuse me, isn't that for collecting bones? Just make your toast (Bone collecter's SWAG) Today, I will walk you home so drink! Obama! Obama! (Same place, different world) Obama~ (Finishing her bones) (Karaoke background music quiz 8ROUND) Play the music (Recalling their memory) YURI! (YURI is the fastest) Sung by Son Dam Bi <Akkil&%#&%something> (Alien's language doesn't count) "Akkili-" (Yes, the song is from Son Dam Bi) (The origin of "Save You in My Heart" pose) (Do you all remember its title?) - I definitely know the song - I cannot remember its name Attili-ssal? (YURI again) Son Dam Bi's <Attili-SITE> (What does it even mean?) Wrong, that is not the answer Son Dam Bi's <Attili-SIGN> "Everyone wants it... Attili-site"? HYO! Son Dam Bi's <MAGIC>? Nope, you are wrong (Holding her arm) (Look at me) The name of TAEYEON's recent TV show! (Another hint) TIFFANY! (Oops... It seems she knows) Son Dam Bi's <QUEEN... DOM> 99% correct! SOOYOUNG! Son Dam Bi's <QUEEN> Correct! I have said it earlier You changed your answer (QUEEN-DUMB) ♪ Wake Up Wake Wake Up♪ (Everybody, now Wake Up!) (The signature dance of <QUEEN>) ♪ Everyone wants it ♪ ♪ Until you decide ♪ (The actual lyrics are "until you decide", not "attili-site") (Dementia prevention) (Everyone's magic spell) ("Attili-site") According to our pre-interview with SNSD There is a huge difference between TAEYEON and Taengoo at the show Really? How is she different? Well, she... She is usually without emotions SEOHYUN drops a fact bomb She reacts to us without emotions, in usual But at #Amazing Saturday, she looks so active I agree I found her new side through this show While we work as SNSD She doesn't like to get too much attention Don't you like getting attention? That is what I'm saying! She acts so differently here She stands on her chair, and does something more! "There is the news!" (Taengoo, the attention hater) (Taengoo, the focus-shot hater) (Come, everybody) "The answer is Do, dude" (Her words with 100% emotions) (Sometimes, the attention hater plays the Flute with her hair) - I have never imagined - I didn't know you were like that You love to get attention Every time I get attention, she yells (This is Taengoo that we know) She always blocks HANHAE I have heard the word "dude" three times (LOL) (She definitely has another persona) - We can see her special side here - I have never expected it It is because you are close with our members, right? I mean I need to earn money, right? (Honest Taengoo) I can be like this or that (Her persona for a living) She is the only one we rely on here It is lucky to have that member Today is my tough day
Channel: tvN D ENT
Views: 1,271,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Saturday, Girl’s Generation, KEY, Nuksal, SHINee, Taeyeon, forever 1, tvN, tvN D ENT, 갓구운클립, 갓클립, 김동현, 넉살, 놀라운 토요일 224회, 놀라운 토요일 소녀시대, 놀라운 토요일 퀴즈, 놀라운토요일, 놀라운토요일 다시보기, 놀라운토요일 하이라이트, 놀라운토요일레전드, 놀토, 놀토 다시보기, 놀토 레전드, 놀토 소녀시대, 놀토 퀴즈, 놀토 하이라이트, 놀토224회, 문세윤박나래, 붐, 서현, 소녀시대, 소녀시대 forever1, 소녀시대 완전체, 소녀시대 컴백, 소녀시대 키, 수영, 신동엽, 써니, 유리, 윤아, 입짧은햇님, 키, 키 소녀시대 춤, 태연, 티비엔, 티파니, 포에버 원, 포에버원, 피오, 한해, 효연, girls generation, SNSD, FOREVER 1, taengoo, TAEYEON, amazing saturday, amazing saturday snsd, SNSD tv show
Id: eHkLPf57E_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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