ENG【現在去泰國安全嗎?】行前必看! 遇到黑警勒索怎麼辦?你是扒手的目標嗎?如何保障人身安全?|Ommi幹什麼

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Chatuchak Weekend Market, I personally feel that it is very dangerous. You are a favorite target of pickpockets. After you push him away from here, someone will open the things and take them away. If you are disobedient , they will beat you and finally sell you. Hello , welcome back to our channel. -I am Tammi. -Owen. After the previous Thailand series was uploaded, many netizens left us private messages about this issue. We have compiled things that you should pay attention to when traveling in Thailand to share with you. In May this year, the World Health Organization announced an epidemic . An event that no longer constitutes a public health emergency is actually no different from the lifting of the lockdown. Many people will definitely choose to travel to Thailand this summer, so we have combined our own, some netizens’ and Thai friends’ experiences and have some things to share with you. First of all, Thailand After all, it is a Buddhist country , so it encourages people to do good. The population of Buddhists in the country has reached 95%, so the security is not bad. However, in the past two years , there have been a lot more criminals in Thailand because Cambodia deceived people before. There are many cases of fraud and extortion of ransom from family members. The Cambodian government is vigorously cracking down on crime, but the fraud industry will not disappear. These bad guys will not disappear without seeing them and then move to countries adjacent to Thailand, such as Myanmar and Liao The current statement of the fraud group is that they will go to Thailand to find easy and high-paying jobs such as buying Buddha cards, jewelry, snacks, etc. at 104 Labor Bank or the One-One Job Search website to trick you into going to Thailand. They will help you book a flight and apply for a visa. In the end, even the hotel and shuttle bus are prepared for you , making you feel that you can go straight to work as soon as you get there. After you believe him and meet him at the local area, he invites you to get on the bus. Everything changes after you get on the bus. First of all, he They will ask you to take out your passport and mobile phone. If you don't care about them in the car, they may take out the gun and the knife. If you don't listen then, they will drive the car to the border of Thailand and sneak you across the river. Send you to Myanmar to commit fraud. If you don't obey, they will beat you. Finally, they will sell you and hold you for ransom from your family. However, human smuggling is not a business every day. They still need income and food when they are free . People are all desperadoes and criminals. They can't work well, so their sideline business in Thailand now is fraud and theft. You can watch the previous videos. We have encountered these things. The first way is to exchange counterfeit money with you , that's it. The one we met last time was right, but his deception was not very shrewd and he may be a kind person, so he didn’t take strong measures. He turned around and left without succeeding. The second type usually happens at night markets when you buy. When you were buying something, you gave him a banknote. After he collected the money from you, he secretly changed it into a counterfeit banknote and then told you that the banknote you just took was a counterfeit banknote. I will give it to you now if you want to buy it from me. After all, we are not often frivolous, so we may think, why is this happening , but we are still buying things at the moment , so subconsciously we will take out another real banknote from our wallet and follow him. Congratulations. The way to crack this scam is that you can take a photo of the invoice number of each bill when you go out or when you come out of the club. If there is such a dispute, just take the money and call the police directly. Usually after you take out the photo, they will calculate it for you. I think this action can be done. Suppose you go out with 10,000 baht today. 1,000 baht only takes 10 And you can take all ten of them into one photo. It won’t take too much time. Will it appear in places where credit cards cannot be swiped, like night markets? It won’t appear in department stores . After all, it won’t appear in department stores at night markets. Companies all have surveillance cameras, and they may be a little afraid of them. The third type is fake police . They have been around for a long time. They will wear police uniforms on the road and see you looking like a tourist , and they usually look for girls, for example . If you are a single girl or a group of girls hanging out, they think it is easier to bully them. They may stop you and say, hey, we are the police and want to check your passport and your visa. At this time, if you take out your passport, they will say Hey, there is something wrong with you. Your passport has been notified now , and you have to pay the fine on the spot. Otherwise, I will arrest you. At this time , they usually take out the handcuffs. Some people think that when they see the handcuffs, How could such a thing happen? He will tell you that if you pay now, you will be fine. I can call the police station and tell you to cancel your case. If you have encountered such a fake police incident, the way to solve it is Don’t do anything. Don’t take out your passport. Don’t take out your wallet. Call the police station directly or tell him to take me to the police station and we will handle it . Don’t have any conflict with him on the spot. You can pretend to listen to whatever he says. I understand , but just stand firm and say that when we go to the police station, we usually tell you directly. The fourth type is that there will be people soliciting customers on the roadside. For example, in massage parlors or bars, they will lie to you and say, "Hey, I have a happy one in my current store." Hour, as long as the usual half price, I have some coupons here. If you buy with me, you can go to the address on the coupon. It is very cheap and cost-effective , and it can be used tomorrow. Then you can get this coupon when you have time. You can go there. It’s very cost-effective. Scams like this often appear on Roasan Road . Is there really such a place with his coupon? Is there such a place ? And it will have a map or address printed on it. Anyway, it’s fake. The thing is , make it look like a business card. It may have a dotted line on the street corner. If you just tear it off, it feels like it has this kind of thing. It is very professional . It will definitely cost money to print it , and maybe even more. Colorful prints usually appear on Baoshan Road and Sukunyi, because this place is a bar and massage place. There are many Maserati places. After you buy it, when you go to the store, you will say, this is not our store. You've been deceived by the things being sold , so don't be cheap and buy it directly in the store . It's safer to buy it at K Look like we did. The fifth type is tuk-tuks and taxis, they will lie. The place you want to go to now is closed, such as the Grand Palace or the Emerald Buddha Temple. Then you will tell him that it is closed today or is under construction today, so you can't go. Then he will take you to other places, which may be some small temples. Ah , or some small attractions , because there are many temples in Thailand, so in fact, if you don’t do any special homework, you don’t know if this is what it is. When you arrive, you can go to buy tickets or there are some shopping stores . After you go in, the shopping store will sell you some low-quality things to cheat the money inside . We used to use bot and rap to make mobile experiences in Bangkok. It was a good experience. If you are interested, you can watch our previous videos. There are many pickpockets now , especially in attractions where credit cards cannot be swiped. In crowded and noisy places, you must pay attention to the fact that many netizens have their bags cut open in Chatuchak Weekend Market . So I personally feel that Chatuchak Weekend Market is very dangerous because there are many pickpockets in that place. Many netizens share this They said that their bags were met by brothers in Chatuchak Weekend Market . I have some photos for your reference. Many of them are touching L cards. You have two of me. You are a pickpocket’s favorite target. Why do you have yellow skin and dark eyes? I'm a girl and you have a magic L brand bag. I'll cover the logo first . Why do you say this bag is an easy target ? You can also see that the photos we just took are all L brand. I and ours are from Thailand. When chatting with friends, they also shared that it is said that most of our Chinese , especially girls, who have more L cards on their backs, carry money with them and it is cash because Kaduka cannot swipe cards. Kaduka Market is a place suitable for girls to go shopping. And you are Chinese , so in the eyes of people all over the world, you are someone who likes to carry cash with you. Plus, the L brand is a well-known brand, which means that you may have good financial ability, so you become a target. The L brand bag factory is very It's thin and its material is very strong. The person who is going to start today will not be able to deform the whole bag after cutting it from this side. When the bag deforms, people carrying it will find that they may shout for help and they may not be able to run away in time . If you When you go to the Chatuchak Weekend Market , it just so happens that you are bringing a Magic L brand bag this time. I suggest you change your bag to go out that day , or you can put an organizer bag inside the original bag. Things may be cut open today. It wasn’t crawled away so quickly. So I wasn’t stolen because I didn’t carry that bag? There might be someone in front of you who is more worthy of stealing. Don’t think that it’s okay to carry a hard-shell bag. Like I have a Thai one. My friend is very funny. A Thai man was crawled away by a Thai man. His bag was very good, it was hard-shelled and could never be separated. But because his bag was so good, the zipper opened without making any sound and was very slippery, so he was opened by someone. After taking it away, the general saying is that you must be extra careful in these crowded places . Usually this kind of pickpocket group is a multi-person crime. First, there will be a group of people to attract your attention, and other people will take your things away. If you have If you feel that some people are approaching you, you should be careful at this time. They may talk to you or push you to distract your attention to other sides, and then take the opportunity to attack your bag. I used to lead a group. I always tell my customers that when your bag is carried in the front, it is yours, and if it is in the back, it belongs to someone else. When I go out to lead groups or travel by myself, I often wear vests with many pockets. It's your passport and money. You can put them in many places. I once met a big brother who was very funny. He secretly told me about Owen. I told you , guess where I hide the money. Where do I hide it? The bottom of the insole of the shoe will never disappear. I have also seen people hiding it in socks. It’s hard to walk in socks. It feels a bit noisy. There is also the Songkran Festival in Thailand in April when everyone goes to play. Be careful that there are groups that use water guns to keep shooting at the target's eyes and keep shooting at them. Then you must know how to do it. It will be uncomfortable if you get wet, etc. when your hands are blocking the water. Sometimes someone will steal your things , some are stealing necklaces , some are stealing sunglasses, bags, wallets, mobile phones, etc. You must pay attention to safety in everything. Secondly, some people will choose to go sightseeing in the red light district. If you are traveling, it is also a novel experience in the red light district. In other words, there are men, women, and third genders near Sukhumvit and Asok . They will solicit business. It is normal to have some physical contact there. They will provoke you and so on. Some of them are more enthusiastic and even directly hug you and ask you. If you want to take it home or something, you have to be careful. If he gets close to you, does anyone stretch out a third hand ? Because he just wants to attract your attention. If I still hug you like this , I might want to untie your necklace or say He might touch your butt and then take your wallet out of your pocket , so you have to be careful. Like when we went to Tobita Shinchi in Osaka, Japan , it is really different from Thailand. They have very strict rules. They are very strict and no one will come out. At most they will say hello to you and say something like that, so everyone must protect their belongings. The scams we shared today have been around for more than 20 years, but after the epidemic, There are many people who used to wash their hands but now return to their old jobs. After all, the epidemic has really affected a lot of people, so everyone must be extra careful when going out this year. If you dropped something today, you can go to the police station and file a record. They will check it all. They are like security guards or municipal management offices. If you go missing when you go to a department store, there are also people like building management who can assist you, but the chance of finding your things is very low. Thailand has a population of more than 70 million, which is three times that of Taiwan. There are many subway lines. It’s also very complicated, and there aren’t as many monitors as there are in Taiwan. Almost every shop and road in Taiwan has one. Thailand doesn’t have one because their urban planning is messy. Their intersections are fishbone-shaped, so their electric wires and lights are flying around. There are not many monitors left Are you a tourist again today? Maybe you are going to visit for 5 days and 7 days. If you really find it, will you have to fly back to get it? It is unlikely . The best way is to keep an eye on your bag at all times. If you have two Personally speaking , please help each other and pay attention. For example, when you are leaving for the Chinese New Year today, you look back when you get off the taxi. If you encounter some disputes while traveling, you can dial 1155, which is the official Thai police phone number. Both English and Chinese are available. You can use your mobile phone to make calls or public calls . If your sin card was bought in Taiwan, like when we bought a Thai sim card from Taiwan Mobile, we tried it but couldn't make calls because we had another one. The steam card you bought locally can only make calls. The above is the travel safety information we have compiled for you. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in front of the screen. If you like our friends, please remember to like, subscribe, share and turn on the little bell . Then we will do it next time See you bye bye
Channel: Ommi幹什麼
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Keywords: 泰國, 曼谷, 泰國自由行, 曼谷自由行, 自由行, 泰國旅遊, 曼谷旅遊, 詐騙, 喬德夜市, Jodd Fairs, Grab, Bolt, 泰式按摩, 水門市場, 吞武里市場, Thonburi Market Place, 海鮮, Thailand, Bangkok, 貨幣詐騙, 扒手, 旅遊詐騙, 美食, 泰國美食, 曼谷美食, 泰國必吃, 泰國交通, 柬埔寨, 潑水節, 犯罪, 寮國, 緬甸, 洽圖洽, 旅遊陷阱, 考山路, 素坤逸, 阿索克, asok, 紅燈區, gogobar, 成人秀, longchamp, klook, 泰國景點, 夜生活, Sukhumvit Road, Khaosan Road, 性交易, 假警察, 黑警, 旅遊安全, 按摩, 馬殺雞, massage, 泰銖, 網路詐騙, 假鈔, 嘟嘟車, 計程車, 大皇宮, 玉佛寺, 人口販賣, 人口走私, 護照, 簽證, 泰國警察, 漁夫背心, 泰國安全, 治安, 阻街女郎, 夜店, KK園區, 國際救援, 伴手禮, 泰國觀光, 泰國浴, vlog, 東南亞旅行, ladyboy, 泰國人妖, 記錄生活, 搭訕, 約會花錢, 約會, WALKING STREET, NANA PLAZA, 娜娜廣場, 暑假, 團伙作案, 免簽, 泰簽, 免簽證費, 旅遊簽證, 邊境
Id: V8kHo8JcJyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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