Energy Future Unveiled! THORIUM Molten Salt Reactors

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I'm Thomas Dan Peterson I'm one of the co-inventors of a new nuclear technology that can transform the green energy space we are in coping atomics we are big Believers of this what it says on the back of our t-shirts uh entity equals prosperity and we believe that there's lots of people in this world who would like to have the same Prosperity level as I've experienced in my life and even people who want to improve beyond that um coping atomics has developed a new type of nuclear technology that is completely different from all the other types of nuclear technologies we've seen out there one of the key benefits is that we can supply green energy at a lower cost than any other technology and we're willing to do price matches we can beat anything fossil fuels wind and solar Fusion whatever on price and of course that's a that's an important Game Changer the second thing the nuclear industry has been used to a situation where the taxpayers and the governments was running the show and we've seen some terrible situations in the past where a huge cost overruns and very delayed nuclear power plant projects we don't want to take that pathway the uh the the projects we want to run uh coping atomics will finance build own and operate the power plants we will also decommission and recycle the power plants at the end of life so it's a completely commercial uh nuclear power station uh it's the same as you find with other Energy Technologies where it's also commercial plants whether it be gas fire power plants or wind Parks or whatever and then the third thing we list there is also really really important it's about the nuclear waste our new technology is able to take spent fuel from classical nuclear reactors and burn that spend Fuel and get 10 times more energy out of it when we burn it compared to when the first reactors were using it so it's it's phenomenal that we can now get so much additional entity out of that fuel instead of putting it in deep geological storage and of course the the waste that comes out of our reactors are much less much less of a problem it only needs to be stored for 300 years above ground versus the normal 100 000 years in deep geological storage so it's really a game changer and one of the reasons this technology is possible now is because we're using a new type of fuel called Forum thorium is a metal it's an element in the periodic table a ball this size made out of form can supply you with all the energy you need for your entire life not just electricity but everything for cooking your food heating your house all the products you need all Transportation your share of roads and houses and hospitals so it's really amazing that you can get all that energy out of this little bowl and there's plenty of form on this planet we will never run out of it there's a storm in almost all countries of this uh this planet and the cost of the ball like this is a roughly 100 so it's it's phenomenal and it will change the the energy sector the the second thing we bring into this equation is that we go into Mass manufacture these reactors on assembly lines so it's not like the classical nuclear reactors where it's built on site and it takes 10 years and it like they imply employ 5000 people or whatever we built them on an assembly line just like we build cars and airplanes we can build one reactor every day and these reactors fit inside roughly the same as a 40-foot shipping container so you can easily move them around on trucks um so that's again a game changer um this is a picture of what a nuclear power plant like ours look like in this case it's a one gigawatt nuclear power plant and the building we built is similar to any other Distribution Center uh that you see in logistics companies we humans can build those buildings in two months and then inside you see an array of nuclear reactors in this case for one gigawatt electric you need 25 reactors on a row and we need a few extra boxes to be able to swap things in and out uh during the lifetime of the plant in the next couple of pictures there are some close-up and one of the things in in these type new type of reactors inside the reactive building there's not supposed to be any humans for the 50 years that the reactors are operating we we operate everything remote controls the cranes we will have robots in there that are remote controls so no humans in the building so no problems with humans making mistakes and there's some more pictures of what it looks like so the building in the foreground is what coping Atomic supplies and build own and operate that's the nuclear power plant itself and then we generate heat and then that heat needs to be converted into electricity so the the things you see there in the background the the buffer tanks the big round tanks and the steam generators and in the buildings in the background you would have the steam turbines those things behind our building is operated by other companies we only operate the nuclear building itself um then there's this overview and this really tells you why this is a huge game changer for the uh first of all the green transition but also for the energy sector as a whole uh when you compare the amount of energy you need to put into a system versus the amount of energy you get out of the system throughout the lifetime it's really game changing the on the right hand side the orange pillow there is the coping atomics waste burner we are at least an order of magnitude more efficient than any other energy system that we compare to and the the one the purple one called lwr that's short for light water reactors that are the all the traditional reactors that are built all over the world we have roughly 400 of those and then all the hydrocarbons and then of course wind and solar and the fun thing here is I I go and make these speeches and then people say to me oh but the the wind and solar numbers are wrong they should be 4.5 or something and I'm like you know even if we were to double those numbers which is from physics completely impossible but still doesn't matter it you know it won't be competitive in the future but for now it's good um we also a lot of times we are asked to compare this new type of nuclear technology that we are developing to the more uh classical nuclear technologies and on the left hand side in this table we have our coping Atomic waste burner technology on the right hand side we have the the traditional uranium-based light water reactors and I understand that Poland for example have just decided to build 10 of those power plants on the right hand side then in the middle column we have sort of what is a commonly termed uranium-based molten soil reactors and sometimes they're called Advanced reactors so we try to make some comparison between those and of course the first row is about Mining and you see how big the difference is for traditional light water reactors we need a hundred times more mining to run the same amount of energy production and of course all that Mining cost energy and then you have to transport all those materials to somewhere where you do the refining of the materials and then you have to do the enrichment which is also an expensive process and very delicate so just the two first line you see that there's a huge expense for traditional reactors it's typical for traditional reactors that they need to load 20 tons of uranium every other year so it's it's an ongoing process for a lot of fuel production and again if you look at the the waste storage down here we only need to store our waste for 300 years above ground versus the other ones that needs to store it for 100 000 years so really a game changer and of course all of this translates into the entity price in general we say that we can be four times cheaper than traditional nuclear power plants the ones that are being built today and we can be half price of the so-called Advanced nuclear reactors and that's why we say very confidently that we can beat anyone on price but I I think really really the important thing here is to take home is the deployment speed we can we can Mass manufacture these reactors and install them really really quickly this is something that nobody else can do one of our production lines or one of our assembly lines can install 15 gigawatts of electricity per year there is no other company or no other country in the world that can currently install 15 gigawatt of electricity green base load electricity per year so just one assembly line can can really rip so a lot of times people say oh but nuclear is dangerous and actually I don't know where the the majority in the public got that idea that nuclear is dangerous it's it's so far away from the truth these are numbers from international studies and they're put out again and again and you can see that nuclear energy down here is on par with wind and solar and this is even including the death from Chernobyl and um and if you compare a lot of times if people want to install a new power plant they're thinking should we make a nuclear power plant or a cold power plant that's a lot of times that's the choice coal or nuclear and you can see that coal-fired power plants is when you measure it in depth per terawatt hour of electricity manufacturer produced it's a thousand times more dangerous it's not like a little bit more dangerous it's a thousand times more dangerous like you know I don't I don't know why people call nuclear dangers and this is even including some of the accidents we had and I don't know if you guys know this but the the reactors that were used at Chernobyl when the accident happened there are still eight of those reactors running today and they have been running now for 40 years you'll know how many people they killed in those 40 years zero zero people so this is considered the most dangerous reactor we have in the world and many people have asked us to shut them down because it's dangerous but still they haven't killed a single person and I admit that it's not a perfect design and the stuff we make today is much much better but still uh there's no profile power plant anywhere in the world that can claim that they killed zero people during their lifetime so in comparison I I don't get it why people call nuclear dangers um then I want to talk a little bit about nuclear waste because a lot of times that's misunderstood by the majority of the of the public so this icon up here represent spent nuclear fuel from classical nuclear reactors and it's radioactive yes if you look inside that drum what is actually in there 95 of the atoms in there are uranium atoms they are exactly the same atoms as what we got out of the ground many years earlier from mining they have not changed at all it's not super dangerous you they are radioactive but you can eat it and you won't die from it uh your the uranium atoms but the other part that makes it problematic is these five percent up there they are fishing products and then the Long Live actinides and they are dangerous to be frank and what we can do that areas we can separate that out and take the the orange part the one percent is longer vaccinites and plutonium we can put that into our waste burners down here and then we mix that with thorium and we make it possible to burn that nuclear waste and turn it into fission products fission products are still radioactive but they only need to be stored above ground for 300 years so we turn a problem that is very expensive and very difficult to solve for politicians into a problem that is manageable and where we know the solution for storage very well um I should say that it's expensive to do this separation and it has been known for many years how to do it but it was just too expensive for the the old regimes to do it economically and that's why we did not do it but because we can make a lot of money from the energy that we produces we are not able to pay for this process of separation and in this way we're able to solve this problem with a spending curfew um then you might ask okay so that's great but when is this technology coming uh Copenhagen atomics is already building the first form reactors in Copenhagen and testing them we are the only company in the world currently building full-scale form reactors we plan to have the first demonstration reactor ready in 2025 and we plan to have the first commercial reactor ready in 2028 and then shortly after that we will start the assembly line production and right now we are looking for a first few select countries to be the first ones to install this new energy source of course there's a limit to how much we can produce of this in the beginning so we can only Supply maybe one or two countries in the beginning and that's what we're negotiating right now which countries should be the first ones um and I hope there will be a European country among those and also we are looking for investors we think this technology can easily make a 100x on return on investment for investors who invest Now sort of 100x and 10 years so that's um yeah so if you're interested in investing or hearing more about about this technology then feel free to come to our booth it's right around the corner out here and that concludes my my talk
Channel: Copenhagen Atomics
Views: 501,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuclear, nuclear waste, technology
Id: 27IntvWo4mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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