Endocrine Organs and their products, Part 1

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hello my goal in this video is to go over the main and different organs in the body and a little bit about how they work color coding is going to be very important on this page because I'm going to give you the names of lots of organs and I'm going to give you the names of lots of hormones and a lot of information about how they work so let's use blue whenever we're going to talk about the name of an endocrine organ we'll start out with the pituitary gland so right here this is the anterior pituitary gland that means this is the part that's facing the front of your body but pituitary gland is often called the master gland because it makes so many hormones that regulate other organs in fact it makes seven different ones the anterior part does and then the posterior part which we'll talk about in a minute releases a couple others okay so now we're going to use pink for the name of the hormone the first one is adrenocorticotropic hormone or ACTH and it targets the adrenal gland and causes the adrenal gland to release steroid hormones and on another page of your notes we'll talk more about those specific steroid hormones aldosterone cortisone and testosterone since adrenocorticotropic hormone causes the adrenal gland to release steroid hormones you can see that the target of ACTH is the adrenal gland and what we mean by that is the adrenal gland must have receptors on it that can bind ACTH and then be stimulated by it so the way a hormone can work is by binding to a receptor on a cell it can only affect cells that have a receptor for it it's kind of like how a neuron can only stimulate another neuron or a target if that target or other neuron has receptors to bind it to bind to the neurotransmitters okay so then the next one going back to our pink and we could actually number these because there are seven follicle stimulating hormone and I'm going to put three right along with it luteinizing hormone these are reproductive hormones that target the ovaries and testes they cause the ovaries or testes to produce steroid hormones estrogen in the case of ovaries and testosterone in the case of the testes and then the interplay of those hormones also causes the maturation of sperm and eggs okay next up get your pink again thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH I guess I forgot to give you a Crenn Amir there's always an acronym for the endocrine system it seems like acronym acronym acronym okay so a thyroid stimulating hormone is going to target the thyroid gland so what that means is that the thyroid gland has receptors that can bind at the swarm own and other organs don't and the effect is causes the thyroid gland to produce more dioxin especially input more to produce thyroxine which is another hormone and then that hormone will eventually affect the metabolism of different organs okay next up number five growth hormone now this hormone can find receptors on pretty much every cell in the body and the effect that it has on all of those cells is repair and growth so when we're a child then that's a really important job of growth hormone is to help us get taller and get bigger muscles and throughout our life it's important in stimulating repair of damages to cells and muscles okay next up so get your pink again prolactin PRL you know there's an acronym for every one of these what this one is really important that is targeting the mammary glands and causing them to produce milk prolactin has many effects in our brain too and to be perfectly honest I think that there are effects of these that have not yet been elucidated we don't really know all of what prolactin is doing for example men make prolactin but in a healthy situation they're not producing milk and then the last hormone from the anterior pituitary gland is melania site stimulating hormone or MSH and it very specifically targets our melanocytes those are found in our skin and helps them to produce pigment melanoma is a kind of cancer in which melanocytes are dividing too much and also with some abnormalities in them okay so these seven hormones come out of the pituitary gland which is located in your brain and then the backside of the pituitary gland is called the posterior pituitary glands highlight that pink right there but use another blue arrow and this is the posterior pituitary gland we'll write about it way over on the side of the page posterior pituitary gland okay and it releases two hormones that are actually made in the hypothalamus but released from the pituitary gland so let's see we need our green for the target oh sorry first a pink for the name so the first hormone is called anti diuretic hormone you can kind of tell in its name what it's going to do right it's going to work against diuresis which is urination so antidiuretic hormone ADH helps us conserve water and it does that by targeting the kidneys and it causes them to reabsorb more water and in times of stress this helps us to raise our blood pressure or if we just don't have enough water around it can help us to keep from getting as dehydrated as we might otherwise get so this can either increase blood pressure or reduce dehydration okay and then the second hormone that's released from the posterior pituitary gland is oxytocin oxytocin is another interesting hormone that is released in men but when I first tell you its function you might be surprised because it had it has receptors on the uterus and the mammary glands but also in the brain and it causes the simplistic explanation is that it causes the mammary glands to release milk or so we call that milk ejection or milk letdown so when the baby suckles then there's then there's a signal that goes from the nipple up to the brain oxytocin is released and then oxytocin causes the mammary gland to let the milk out of the ducts and then the baby can get milk only when it needs to and the woman should not be leaking all the time can take a month or so for that to get all worked out with a new mother but ultimately it is a good way to conserve the milk right so she's not losing it unless the baby needs it and the baby gets just the amount that it needs it also is important for uterine contractions and this is really important after the baby is born whenever the baby suckles then the uterus will contract and it helps the uterus to return to its normal size it also happens this is what causes labor to progress the uterine contractions get stronger stronger and more and more oxytocin is released causing more and more strong contractions here's the other cool thing though in the brain we see that oxytocin is associated with bonding and interestingly oxytocin is released during orgasm - and may also be associated with the bonding that can occur in a sexual relationship but also along with bonding causes great relaxation and this seems to be helpful to new mothers the when they're breastfeeding then they might they might have a sense of well-being that is believed to have some relationship to the release of oxytocin during that breastfeeding ok so a complicated hormone we don't know all of what it does that's for sure and let's talk a little more about another part of this system that controls the pituitary gland is the hypothalamus hypothalamus of course the part of the brain part of the diencephalon and the hypothalamus is what controls the pituitary gland so right here you can use a black pen and I highlighted this in green the hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland I'll just put pg4 pituitary gland so what this means is since the hypothalamus is part of our limbic system if we are emotionally upset if we're angry if we're having any kind of strong emotions that can affect all of these hormones and how they're working in our body so there is definitely a mind-body connection when it comes to the functioning of the pituitary gland in fact you might have even heard of people that when they are very stressed out have trouble getting pregnant and you can see that maybe follicle stimulating hormone maybe nice and hormone could be disturbed during times of great stress okay so we're going to do one more organ in this video and then I'm going to go to a part two so this cute little organ right here it's actually a gland sorry looks like the ear but it's actually meant to be a pineal gland in the brain we just may be right this right here some people call it the pineal gland that's probably the correct pronunciation and this gland makes one it's also if by the way this is found in the epithalamus of the brain so let's see Pete for I put blue for the name pineal gland and then pink for the hormone and we'll put Mela tonin and then green for the function so melatonin is released from the pineal gland in the dark and it causes us to become sleepy okay good so we'll come back for part two of endocrine organs in the next video
Channel: susannaheinze
Views: 83,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: endocrine organs, hormones, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, testes
Id: 71QSmaicR24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2015
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