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hey what's up guys the rank 107th player in the world just devised a new fast-pace strategy to outpace and out maneuver the best players in the game instead of using buildings on defense this deck relies on fast-paced counter pushes when you're defending with theol barbarians Rascals and dark prins none of your units are going to Decay on your side of the map like a building W instead they'll counter push applying pressure to the opponent forcing out Elixir or giving you damage there's always action on the map when you're playing this deck so it's a lot more fun than the standard control Decks that are always on defense and I'm happy The Deck shows the pure strength of the underplayed Rascals you have a ton of log arrows in spell bait with the Rascals of ball bomber and Goblin drill and opponents can waste spells to try to finish off a little prince barbarians or a dark Prince Shield giving you the ability to incessantly spam bait and rack up a ridiculous amount of damage and while almost every evolution in Clash rail is getting nerfed a fall barbarians are getting a rework while they lose 12% of their health their ability lasts 50% longer so they'll stay raged up attacking with a faster attack speed for a lot longer it's time to slash our opponents with our Barb that are bound to get buffed and a sir dominance and big Barbarian love to everyone that's supporting the Channel with Creator code sir tag it's time to smash SM I really wish he had an S there it's just was so more fitting man we got to change your name for you so he's going to go in for a skeleton split at the start and he's also going to have Archer Queen so if we wanted to we could hypothetically poison plus arrows and take a Nega -2 trade to kill the queen it's a lot of Elixir spent I oh wait what the heck yo SM really to get smashed by the dark Prince's malice what is it called a mallice malice is a different type of thing guys but I guess we are pretty malice to our opponent so that makes sense all right anyway enough dictionary words here guys we're going to be going in for the bomber in the middle and we're going to Solve the Riddle of Defending against this mini. Pekka I think it's really good for us to decide to go for Little Prince because we were able to cycle a lot of stuff viciously here if he goes Expo we go in for Rascals and even if he logs it's fine because then he doesn't have the small spells that he probably needs to go and counteract our Evo bomber so our strategy right now oh wow he has log and arrows never mind this not good this is really not good my guy is log for the drill arrows for the aggressive decision of us going in for the Evo bomber and then also he's probably going to have some other stuff tucked away in a nook and cranny to kill en counter rest that I haven't even figured out yet anyway we're going to figure out something here go for a drill and let's go for Dark Prince Let's Go for Evo bomber might as well spam everything cuz if he goes in for a mini Pekka we should be able to lock on the mini Pekka and hit the tower dude he isn't ready let's freaking go that's what I'm talking about bomber is blasting us away with sweet sweet damage and Rascals might be able to Keep Us Alive yes thick boy soaking it up for the squad and he is really SpongeBob right now he is bobbing up and down until he's dead and you know what we're going to give him a name we're going to call him Fred he deserves some respect put some respect on that Rascal's name because without him I think we would have wound up dead now I'm pretty sure we are able to finish off the Expo and then just defend because we got a lot of thick tanks in Our Deck with the Dark Prince The Rascals and then of course the little Prince's guardian and we successfully exterminated Expo easily small got smashed shout out to Fred the Rascal for tanking it for the team because without him we surely wouldn't have won and we're starting the day strong at 3,500 in the world all right we are matching into a top 621 player so if we're playing against people at this skill level we have to level up our skill youall already know or we are slaughtered I'm going to cycle my Rascals in the back first play which is not necessarily a card that you want to be dropping because a lot of times your opponents won't necessarily know what your deck is right and you don't want to reveal the Rascals until they are like wait that's a card I can't counter you want to cycle the bombers and you want a cycle of The Archers like or I guess the Little Prince which is basically an overpowered Archer if you can do that then your opponent won't really get a clue on what you're going to do so I know he's running graveyard right we see cards that are very indicative of graveyard we see little prince we see baby dragon there isn't really anything he could be playing but for us he's still trying to figure things out I'm going to go for barbarians here because we want to get to the evolution and we'll probably Force out something he doesn't want to cycle like the bar barel and then he still has to respond because guess what we've got got Dark Prince got the bomber and then he needs to respond to that cuz the dagger Duchess is not necessarily equipped with zero daggers to deal with the Dark Prince barreling at her all right bar barel is out of cycle so I think I can go for Rascal here and get a good play if he poisons it's a bad decision because guess what he has to deal with the Rascal and the Goblin drill at the same time there's a lot floating at him also if he pops the ability then we can bomb her and that doesn't extend far enough now we can guarantee a good Splash locking onto Little Prince and hitting the tower and then probably getting back to barbarians eventually right it's not ideal he's going to get damage guaranteed but just gets the charge right doesn't get more than that oh he gets another hit that kind of sucks I was hoping that wouldn't happen anyway we can go in for The Little Prince here he'll probably go bar on this we want to drop our little prince off to the side because we predicted the baril now we know with the daggers depleted we should be able to pop through with another ability cuz now the baby dragon is going to be kind of locked in place the Evo Knight will definitely die and if he zaps to reset the Little Prince he still loses the baby dragon and he spends two elixir in the process of doing that so how are we going to win this one what is our strategy probably going for the same Strat of going for Rascals and then going for the the drill because the entirety of his push is not necessarily going to work so well if he loses the Little Prince which get sniped by The Rascals so if you make that play and they feel like The Little Prince with its abysmal range is going to be able to do anything it just dies every time to the five elixir and they're spending six elixir on on defense that's one of the reasons why this deck is cheeky right now in the meta and very strong okay so we're going to go for Rascals in the other side then we're going to go in for a drill just because we know we can apply more pressure and I believe if we pop the ability here the baby dragon won't lock on our precious little prince and then I mean look at that his little prince might even die again it's crazy to be able to get that type of TR every single time that that works it's kind of funny because now he's pressured to go in for his Ram Rider directly in oh wow he went for Evo zap I was going to say he wouldn't be get damage but with the Neo zap it does make sense we go for Rascals here little prince on top of the baby dragon it doesn't make that much sense for us to do that he want to go in for The Little Prince afterward then we can pop the bomber here and then we can go in for the drill we're trying to go opposite lane of our opponent so then he's cycling cards that he doesn't want to like this little prince is going into the abyss it's not going to give him any value he's cycling that directly into the dagger Duchess which would annihilate it and he has all his damage accumulated in the right hand side so it's not like he's going to get anything meaningful so we just run it back we go in for our Rascals we take a little bit of damage preserve our health of our units go in for the bomber when we can and then we're to get ready to go for another drill our strategy is always this this is how you play the matchup you continuously do the same tactics shamelessly going to go dark Prince and then we're going to go in for a Barbarian so then we know that the Pekka is not going to be able to kill the barbarians and we keep everything relatively healthy then we go for rasal left hand side because he's trying to go at a 3,000 HP Tower which I don't think is going to go so well for him spoiler alert all right I do enjoy going in for Little Prince abilities here I think that's our going to be our best bet just so his little prince does end up doing damage to that but doesn't take it out if he Lightnings I don't even think he kills so pretty good for us I might be better off going for the evil bomber at the river right now with the drill because he's going to have to go for the Knight and he does and then he goes in for the Pekka so really well played from our opponent going for the Pekka there but still loses the Pekka then we have the three card cycle so I think we're a okay going Rascals off to the side going for another drill because we know he doesn't have that much to apply pressure like if he lightnings how is that going to work well for him he loses the baby dragon here to The Little Prince for sure and then I guess he might try to do something else but the Barbarians at the river are not going to let that Ram Rider pass so I feel like this guy is failing and flailing while we're able to just constantly barrage all of our stuff at the river right now waiting for the drill fing through with arrows and he just doesn't have much to deal with this like if he goes in for a ram Rider right at the river go into the my barbarians I dare you my dude barbarians are too strong and that feels wrong wait our Tower I I guess it was a little bit lower on the right hand side but yeah I didn't expect the lightning to come through there I was like wait not going to be able for the lightning cuz he has to defend the entire time because that EV bomber a little bit closer than I anticipated but poison was coming down and we ticked away with the w as you can see this guy was incredibly ticked off too he was not happy after that loss if you play against Bridge bam like Ram white or a battle Ram it's practically impossible for them to penetrate through your evil barbarians your Rascals and your little prince ability even if they're a top ladder player like this guy that finished 621 in the world world at over 2,800 medals evil barbarians are Beyond broken if your opponent doesn't have a ton of Splash damage we got to retire the dagger Duchess after that ridiculously long match and put in the princess Tower showcasing that the deck can be played with any tower all right so this guy's got Lava Hound in the banner and we do not love playing against that cuz we don't have any buildings and we don't have tornadoes so it is going to be a difficult match up if he plays this really well if he's going to have a lav Hound deck and he starts it at the start and then goes in for a balloon it's for us to defend unless we go in for like Rascals and little prins and then pop the Lava Hound with a lot of damage and then arrows on the lava pups and then kill the balloon afterward but the one big benefit that we have is we're running princess Tower over the dagger Duchess dagger Duchess has her daggers depleted and can't break through a lava hound and then hurt the balloon so we get more consistent damage with the princess Tower that's a huge benefit for us actually also he's going to go for a zap so that means that you know he's not necess going to be able to Fireball zap away our little prince so that's very cool and this is what I was talking about earlier you want to be able to do something like this unfortunately I do to go for a drill to go and pull back the balloon and then I think I can go arrows on everything here ideally what happens is we're able to keep the little prce still targeting the balloon that was perfectly played on our end like that could not have been any better so what happens is The Little Prince will still lock onto something and retain its fast attack speed if there's something nearby but if it's just the Lava Hound and there's no balloon nearby then what happens is The Little Prince retargets and then loses a fast attack speed and then you lose the game so using the goblin drill on defense and then finding that with the arrows is what secured the awesome defense for us and that's how you're going to win this match up it's really really tough and we're still not guaranteed the W cuz he has a huge match up Advantage but I'd love to win this game it would make me very happy so youall already know we're going to be going for a drill again and then we're going to run it back with the bomber in the middle and the reason why we're playing so aggressive is cuz I can't guarantee that I defend the left hand side in fact I bet you I do lose this Tower if he goes in for a good Lava Hound push it's very very bad for me also we know that he's going to have arrows so it means that we're not safe dropping our Rascals we're hoping that we're able to go in for Little Prince poison arrows but it's just really unreliable here so he doesn't have barbs in cycle so there is that what if we do this if we go for evolve barbarians Dark Prince and then make a big push and then we try to use our Rascal but the RAS are just going to die the arrows I think we're just better off dropping our little prince again I could poison to guarantee the tower but I think the tower might be done anyway let's run it back with our drill and then try to go and pop the ability on the miner and maybe we're going to be able to kill the miner this time with the Goblin I really really hope this works out we're going to have to poison as well just because it slows down the Lava Hound and it slows down the balloon so that's going to be our best defense possible and I still think he gets another shot if he zaps man he didn't do it all right thank goodness all right how are we going to win this though if we go for Rascals we're going to be able to kill the skeleton dragon and then I think that he's probably not going to be able to three Crown us there is that benefit for us go for a dark Prince and then I think that the Rascal retargets that's good we can go for a bomber here I should dropped them all in conjunction so then we would have Force the arrows because now he's able to arrows on that instead we to force a poison on defense I mean this is our best possible play and it's still not working super well for us I know his arrows are out of cycle so I can get Rascals down he's lava hounding oh no no that's an inferno Dragon that's a freaking Inferno Dragon oh no please just die this is really really really scary oh my gosh as you can see this is one of the worst match ups you could get and I played it so well but I still don't know if I'm able to win it is really the only match up that scares me in this I could poison but I don't think that's going to be good enough we have to go in for a dark Prince and then we probably need to use a drill on defense actually screw it let's go for Rascals here I think they probably lock on the tower if we're not unlucky all right we're going to go in for a poison cuz we need to kill the skeleton dragons and then we also probably need to go in for a little prince to finish off the rest of the skeleton dragons and then I mean we're going to go arrows as well I don't know if we're able to kill the balloon it's going to be so freaking close if he arrows is a little prince doesn't die oh my gosh dude he used his arrows so we can go bomber and we can predict his barbs he has to drop barbs here is he able toop the bomber I don't think so I think we barely win the game wow I played a lot better than that guy that was a really really close match and not an easy game so if you guys are wondering what is the worst match up for this deck it is definitely a lob Hound deck because obviously you don't have a way of removing the barbarians so The Barbarians are able to body block you every time especially if they have evolve zap to reset your little prince and arrows to destroy your Rascals you got to love that this deck has massive outplay potential like you saw in the First Defense with the Little Prince yo this guy finished 207 in the world so he's actually going to be very good at the game you already know best play for us is to go in for Barbarians in the back and Spam The Evolution so if our opponent spams in the other side we have Little Prince to knock things back we also have the Dark Prince for charging capabilities generally we do not see opponents running the princess Tower like us 90% of the people are just running tager Duchess so it's refreshing to see a foe that is a little bit more respectable anyway he's going to pop the ability and he's also going to have a Elixir collector so maybe he's not running a respectable deck maybe he's just running giant there's a high likelihood that he's just going to be spamming me with Giants or golems in a couple seconds so you know it's it is probably going to be a skilless deck again pretty insane how many people are running beat down in this meta the good thing about our deck is if it's not a lav Hound deck we have a really good match up since we have poison for the night witch and then we also end up having barbarians for bridge bam so it's kind of what we're looking for you know this is definitely uh one of those strategies that I am not destroyed by anyway we can go in for the Dark Prince for primary focus of finishing off the bomber so he doesn't get lucky enough to Splash onto our barbarians going arrows as well I think he's also going to force an arrows from us I hope not though you know what with Princess Tower I don't have to respond to that it was dagger Duchess I would have had to spend Elixir the awesome thing about this is no arrows in cycle for a guy so now what is he going to do when we go Rascals and we go for Evo bomber I think he's bound to get blasted so I'm faced with the potential of poisoning that or I could go Rascals and Evo bomber and try to make something happen here with the drill so I think I'm going to go for that instead oh he's also going to EV a bomber a this guy's evil wait wait wait this is a lot of damage this is quite good it very very good we not only forced out an evolution but we got a lot of damage on the tower so I'll take that also no bomber in cycle means that I can go for a drill and deliberately play a bit more aggressive bomber was the biggest downside for us because it's able to destroy our barbarians so if our barbarians are in a bad spot that's kind of the way that we lose the game at least in my opinion I think that's the scariest thing in this game so we're just going to use the Evo bomber there on the left hand side to get some extra damage and then we're going to go for barbarians if he doesn't have Fireball I think he instantly loses right yo he's actually going to try to break through this with just zap what the heck bro what are you thinking my guy so top 200 players has gotten increasingly more desperate now that is what we' like to see so genuinely I want to go Rascals but at the same time I think it's better for us to augment the push in the right so we can force out extra Elixir and then maybe get him to go for Little Prince like that that's awesome we can also go in for a drill here little prince locks onto his which is huge if we can kill that little prince that would have been big didn't happen but it's all good we just go in for this we can play a little bit defensive right now we can get in with our Rascals and then I think I can get away with arrows as well on the other side if I want it I don't necessarily want it just yet I'm hoping that he drops more stuff nearby if he does then that's going to be a bit of a better value for us I don't think I have to do anything else I mean I could poison on the right hand side so we don't lose the night Wich bats but I'm pretty sure that the princess Tower finishes off the rest of his stuff and holding the arrows came up in a big way if I overcommitted with the arrows earlier then he had the potential of using the Evo bomber but the Evo bomber is the main thing that's scary not the regular bomber the regular bomber is not going to kill all right so he'll probably make a prediction here I think he will yeah he's good enough to do that so you got to respect good players you can't just do dumb decisions into good players cuz then you're going to lose going to be dumbfounded on defense you're just going to be like wait I have no Elixir so yeah don't fall into that trap card it's one of the worst feelings in the game when you've had a game one and then you just overc commit like an idiot and you lose y'all let me know Down Below in the comments section how often have you guys done that cuz it's happened quite often to me all right we're going to go for Evo bomber here I think this is going to be okay we might be able to Splash onto the tower maybe it's hiding with the Dark Prince that would have been really funny oh the Dark Prince almost locked Tower dude this is crazy we're going to go for a poison guaranteed getting e value got a little prce right in front he's popping ability in like 2 seconds for sure but if we go for barbarians even though he pops the ability his giant gets popped too so as you can see tremendous value for me I can go for arrows here I should be able to snipe uh well nope never mind I don't snipe anything but we do snipe the tower what the heck dude the goblin found its way through the night which and locked in the tower that is one of the most unfair things about Goblin drill even when a top 200 player matches your Elixir spent on offense with defense they still take damage the drill goblins are supremely sneaky that guy was way better than I expected to he finished at 207 in the world at over 3,100 medals one of the best players I beat in the minute and it's all thanks to the Evo barbarians so this guy's got the evolved Valk in the banner which is an exceptionally scary card for our deck our Rascals and our drill are not going to be happy if we're playing against that lav Hound in the back Clash why do you have to run it back with that that is the worst match up for our deck and we're played it again we beat it the first time but you know I don't know Clash I don't know what you're thinking why are you trying to do me so dirty right now so I'm going to go Rascals early hopefully he doesn't arrows this we'll have to wait and see great I'm happy that you have fly machine instead of running like balloon right now you ballooned and arrowed me I would have been a very sad sir we're able to go for barbarians and I think that's going to be a good play because oh wow that's even better than I thought he went for minor into the barbarians that's huge and then I'm pretty sure the girl Rascals win this interaction against the fly machine too maybe I'm wrong wait no no we didn't have a tank we're we're kind kind of screwed there uh we could go a little prince but that's also ambitious I think we're just better off letting that die and then go for a bomber to tank for the fly machine so we don't take that much damage on our Tower and we also cycle to the evolution only taking one shot so not bad right we'll take that we'll take that he's going to lav out in the back there's no doubt about it but like every flavor of lob and class sh is just being thrown at us and we really have to get the ultimate test cuz the first game was so sketchy it was like a was like I don't know if you can do it again Jake I don't think you can so they they had to run it back all right he's going to arrows I mean he's not going to be able to kill the Dark Prince with that the Canon ear is not as good into our deck as the dagger Dutchess dagger duess is mad annoying when you go for the drill and then it gets evaporated it's not a fun time so I guess we can go for barbarians here I like going little prince on top of the lav Hound as you guys remember I think it's better for us to do this and then go for Rascals first though we're going to go barbarians directly into the Canon here we'll probably Force out a lot of Elixir The Rascals have the highest damage per second that we have available for us so that's what we're going to run right now decides of spaming into us I think that's okay we can go for Little Prince we can eat most of the damage uh and go in for bomber afterward this is generally going to be pretty awesome if we're able to go get a good arrows down or we go dark Prince no it locked under our little prince that sucks all right I'm going to arrows we're fine here but it could have been a lot better if it had locked not on The Little Prince we probably would have been able to secure a much better defense all right if I go barbs wait for out Barbarians from our opponent I think it's better for us to go Rascals and go opposite lane pressure if we can get barbs from him we can Splash onto that with the bomber also forcing out the arrows means he doesn't have any arrows for our bomber so the bomber is bound to Splash right look at the barbs getting deleted out here that's huge value so he's going to Inferno Dragon kind of as expected go in for Little Prince Let's Go barbarians the tank for The Inferno Dragon if he goes in for a fly machine guaranteed good poison value so we have to snag that and then we'll arrows on everything else I could pop the ability but I don't think that's the best play I think it's better for us to conserve Elixir and arrows on the Fly machine and also the rest of his stuff here because as long as The Inferno Dragon dies we're in a decent spot also for go Rascals again I bet you he arrows is so I think our strategy right now is to force out the Arrows with the Rascals and then go in for the evil bomber afterward I think that's how we're going to win this game maybe it will or it won't work but we'll have to find out he's lava hounding so that's an ambitious s Elixir investment he is forced the arrows that's huge value for me if we go for barbarians right now I bet you he doesn't have the G to do anything else like he has to go in he has to drop barbs down the middle right oh he doesn't do it he's going to drop barbs eventually yep he's going to go for his barbs but he's also dropping minor too so he's spent a lot of elixir our barbs are flying through the Evo bomber is in the middle of the pack how did the Flying Machine hit the bomber how did the Flying Machine hit the bomber I have no idea how that happened but we still secure the bag we went all in for the win when we saw the seven Elixir invested in the back from the right hand side and it was the right decision melting the Lava Hound players left-and Tower robbing him of the win you got to love Decks that can still beat the most difficult matchups slash like button if you enjoyed today's video subscribe for more daily content and have an amazing rest for your day [Music]
Channel: SirTagCR - Clash Royale
Views: 118,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash royale, clash royal, clash, royale, clash royale best deck, clash royale deck, sirtagcr, sirtag, cr, sir tag, clash royale gameplay, best clash royale deck, evolved barbarians deck, evo barbs deck, evolved barbarians, clash royale barbarian evolution, barbarian evolution clash royale, clash royale meta, best deck in clash royale, evolution barbarian, clash royale barbarian, clash royale evo barbs deck, clash royale evolution barbarian, clash royale evolved barbarians
Id: t40zXOgdAWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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