Ender 3 v2 How to change your old nozzle!

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welcome folks i am tech neighbors today we're going to be taking a look at how to remove one of these now these are old nozzles that i've gone through on a few of my printers we're going to be replacing it with a new nozzle and i do have several different sizes here and several different types so this guy is going to use an e3d v6 and it is going to be a 0.4 millimeter nozzle that we are taking off so we are going to replace it with a 0.4 millimeter nozzle as well and i have a new one of those right here so i know it's hard to see the 0.4 on there because my camera doesn't want to focus but trust me it's the right size we'll show you how to replace that right now techniverse channel is brought to you by these fine patreon supporters check us out on patreon at patreon.com techniverse so the first thing we need to do obviously is turn on the machine because we are going to need it warm for this process if you try to do this while it's cold you're gonna have a really hard time prying it loose and getting it unattached from the filament that is still technically running through it inside there so we'll go ahead we'll go down to prepare and we'll select preheat pla and while that's heating up we'll go ahead and remove this cover here now it is a little bit tricky to do this way but i prefer to only remove the one screw and that is gonna be right here this machine screw i gotta get the right size allen wrench first that should work and then removing this one screw we can tilt the cover back and we'll be able to take it off completely this will save us some time putting it back together just need to be careful when removing the actual cover itself it's not quite there yet here we go oh for shame always dropping screws so there's the one we need i'm going to set it right here in this drawer where i can find it easily and then we're going to tilt it kind of to the side just a little bit you don't want to break anything and then it should just slide right out now the other thing that's going to be in our way during this process is the silicone sock now i have replacement silicone socks and i might just get rid of this one we'll see what kind of shape it's in i haven't changed the printhead on here yet actually came off pretty easily so um and i can see here [Music] a wrench will work there is one that's the right size but i do have a better tool for this hang on just one second here while i fetch it where did i set it that's the question okay well we'll use the wrench since you probably have one of those handy anyway that you come with all the machines and it's the tool that you're supposed to technically be taking it off with so find the right one nope oh there the tool i'm looking for is right here okay so there's actually two of these in here and i definitely recommend if you can getting a hold of one like this because this fits the nozzle perfectly it's got a hole in case you leak any plastic so you don't have any issues we're going to go ahead and raise this guy up using the move method move z and we're gonna give it a good 65 millimeters that way we have room to maneuver underneath um yeah i can't remember which printer in particular this one came with but this is the tool i use most often like i said you can use a wrench this works really well because remember this is almost i mean it's 200 degrees celsius so it's really really hot you don't want to touch it with your hands so oh unfortunately that's for the wrong size so here we are back to using the wrench let's use the wrench um if you find a tool like that for this size nozzle i definitely recommend it they are awesome um these little metal wrenches will heat up relatively quickly make sure turn it to the left there we go get it loose and yeah this wrench is already getting kind of hot so the other thing to remember is once you remove this nozzle when you place the other nozzle in there it is going to be cold you will have a couple seconds to get that threading proper but it will heat up super fast as well so you're going to want to thread it in there make sure it's not cross threaded and then you're going to want to make sure that you use the wrench to tighten it the rest of the way so let's you know it's hard to see with my head in here let's see if i can get behind it there we go that's better there's the hole make sure it's not cross threaded give it a couple good turns and it's getting warm already now one of the things you'll note when changing the nozzle on this is you don't want to butt it all the way up against the heating element here but it is going to be determined how far it goes in is going to be determined by where your heat break this pipe in between the heater block and this guy here um so and i know you can't see this from the camera but there is about a little over a half a millimeter gap there which is exactly what i want i can't tighten it anymore so it should be in place let's go ahead and see if since we're heated up we can get a straight extrusion out of here so we're going to go into move again into the extruder and we'll kick out 15 millimeters and see what we get you can see the extruder turning it is feeding filament doesn't seem to want to be coming out i wonder if it got packed there we go yeah they got retracted a little bit so it wasn't quite up against the machine so we're getting a nice straight extrusion which is perfect um the other thing is this nozzle isn't exactly the same as the stock one i don't know what's up with that but i am going to need to re-level this because it's at a slightly different height so let's get the silicone sock back on and then we will see what's up with putting the cover back on re-leveling and starting a test print here sock is on i have to replace that if i don't put some new glue on it but for now it'll hold let's go ahead cover back on and again you're gonna go from the opposite direction this time you're gonna line up with that little hole there and it kind of just pops right in so where's my right here we go place that in from the back where we got it and it's as simple as that now luckily this guy's already heated up if i want to do a test run but like i said first we need to make sure that it's properly leveled so let's go back in the menu [Music] back control no it isn't prepare auto home and i'm fully expecting this to crash into the bed because it's sticking out a little bit further than it should be but we can fix that i'm making some micro adjustments i need to tighten my tighten my nut down there all right so let's disable the steppers so i can move it by hand and way too tight there we go a little bit better honestly that nozzle is so old i think a little bit of the height difference is just where because it's not that far off here and that's it we've changed the novel we should be good to go let's go ahead and start a test print we're doing some arc welder prints so let's do our cylinder with arc welder turned on and we will check it out we should get a really good print because that new nozzle everything should flow pretty much perfectly oh yes we're getting a gorgeous flow let's see how it works going into this cylinder here all right everything seems to be looking phenomenal the flow on that nozzle is perfect and we are getting a good print so i'm gonna go ahead and shut this guy down as you can see i've got a lot of printing and dusting on this machine to do so we're gonna take care of a little maintenance before we actually get into a longer print and you will see this machine back up and running in the arc welder video that is coming soon that's gonna be it for this video guys pay no attention to the mess going on behind me pay more attention to the mess going on on my shirt check this out finally got the merch available that's right finally hit 10k so the merch is finally here make sure you check out the teespring merchandise bar below the video and thanks for watching don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe because we have more videos coming your way in fact i've thrown a couple of suggestions videos for you to watch on the screen right now so go ahead and check those out when you get done don't forget to pop over and check out the merchandise there's plenty of stuff to see and thanks for watching guys
Channel: Technivorous 3d Printing
Views: 84,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technivore, technivorous, 3dprinter, 3dprinting, 3d printer, 3d printed, ender 3, ender 3 pro, ender 3 v2, ender 3 v2 nozzle change, ender 3 v2 nozzle cleaning, ender 3 v2 nozzle upgrade, ender 3 v2 nozzle size, change a 3d printer nozzle, how to change a nozzle, 3d printer nozzle change, 3d printer nozzle cleaning, 3d printer nozzle size, ender 3 v2 maintenance, ender 3 maintanence, creality ender
Id: k1CKOb0YM4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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