End Of Mating Season - Fighting For The Prize (FOR MATURE AUDIENCES) by Mark Easter

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[Music] when I fly horses I try to take my time to get down to them I don't rush down uh when I'm flying I do my best to slowly introduce the Drone to the horses as you can see from left to right there's a horse that's on the left big horse big male horse and he's kind of standing off from the rest of the crowd so that anytime we see something like that there's going to be a standoff somewhere this is the end of mating season so if we take a look as we orbit around here that uh there's a the next horse to the right is U uh is protecting the herd this is a standoff here so um when we saw this action we figured this would be a great flight so uh just hang around and Watch What Happens because it's it's really cool you're going to get into it here after a [Music] while this horse on the left is really big he's a big guy [Music] he's more he's marking his territory [Music] now as I fly in closer I always do it slow and never move in fast I just take the time to get ease in and the horses never mind they're they they they just uh it's like a big hummingbird around them they never seem to care which is cool I can move in close and say hi and have a good look at him this horse in particular he's been uh uh just rolling in the mud they love doing that so he's he's noticing me and moving around to his backside he's saying hi so I'm orbiting around to the left so I can see the rest of the herd and see what the horse ahead of him see he's posturing right now to let let this horse in front of us know that hey don't be messing around over here yeah so this is telling me that uh so right there I used the two times zoom and I zoomed into a closer shot and uh yeah that horse ahead of this one here in the front he's he's uh uh protecting the girls that are in the back there so I honestly don't know what the relationship is with this big one but uh he keeps his distance with the rest of them so again this is late uh late in The Mating Season and uh but there's some excited boys here I can tell you so I'm just I'm just hanging out with the Drone and letting the action [Music] happen and this this one he's keeping his space he's not wanting to to get in close so again it's curious we want to know what's going on and as I fly around like this Rose is on the binoculars and she's watching to see what's going on and uh it helps provide a visual perspective when I'm I can't see the whole [Music] field now these horses are starting to move in closer you see that black one that's a male horse he's a dominant horse that black one to the right there he's turning around and there's two females there and uh he's partial to those two so I'm just going to move to the right and I'll just orbit around a little bit so we can see these horses in the front they're really pretty this whole scene just looks beautiful the trees in the background it's late May right now it's May 25th now as you can see look in the back there that one the big horse he's way back there and he's just looking at what's going on he's not making any advance but he's he's checking out what's going on so I don't know if he's a member of this group or not I I really don't so I'm just trying to figure it out as we go and just watching the horses is such a beautiful display here and that horse in the front there with the the paint on the nose is just a beautiful horse so now they're all starting to move [Music] forward they do a lot of moving in single file and that horse there he's sniffing he or she is when they do do that there sniff in the air see what's going [Music] on so since they're they're not uh bothered by the Drone I'm just going to slowly move in and and uh oh look here they come look at that so let's just kind of just sit on these guys and guy and girls and uh move in and scratch some chinny chin chin they're they're they're saying hi there wonder what is that going on there weird bird floating there that's a pretty horse there look at that yeah and look there's a bird sitting on the back of that horse [Music] there I love flying this is my favorite thing to do and just let's just get in and say hi look at them all pretty this is awesome [Music] yeah so right now I can't see the horses on the left I don't know exactly what's going on so I'm just going to back up and kind of orbit to the right so I can see the rest of the the tribe here and I can tell by the the posturing in the back there that something's going on those two moving in the [Music] back yeah so they're communicating there yep yep yep something's about to happen here I just know it that horse there he's got the dangle going he's he's ready to do something he's he he's ready so uh [Music] just kind of communicating what is going on here that other horse next to him in the middle there on the right that that's a male as well so there's some communicating going on there again I don't know what their relationships are but uh they're constantly aware of that horse that's in the back there so uh just keep watching because the action's going to be happening here pretty quick so we're just going to take a look and just look at these beautiful horses that one in the middle looks kind of old to me so I think he's probably seen his day a little bit roughed up they're all good looking horses they're they're beautiful [Music] now that one in the middle there with a little bit of white face that's a female and that's that horse there is the target of the affection so just keep an eye on what's going on here so I'm I'm just going to keep orbiting around [Music] I'm backing up I want to get this horse here in in the shot as well see you can see something's going on with those horses there I can tell that that action's about to happen here so let's let's just take a look at what's going on here [Music] yeah this horse his Dingle is still dangling man he he's ready for something so he's sniffing other horses poop there that's a sign they can tell the the poop of every single horse out there they know what's going on who's who and what's what and I'm no horse veterinarian I'm just a drone pilot that loves flying and looking at beautiful Wild Horses it's pretty awesome now the the female there is kind of kind of looking at what's going on and it's it's interesting so something's about to happen it's like she's presenting so uh let's see what happens here look at that pretty background all the trees the trucky river is right behind them just on the other side of those trees there it's [Music] beautiful and we call this the ghost herd CU they'll just disappear into those trees now look what's about to happen see him pwing there something's going to happen here I just know it so I'm ready to see what's up I'm moving closer that horse is marking territory [Music] yeah here it goes yeah this guy's about to make his move here here he goes yep let's get down to business here but look at this black horse on the right check it out this is not good get off of there and then that the the big horse on the left comes in and check this out get after it during mating season this is what the stallions do they fight for their right to mate with females that ensures they can continue their bloodline it's magnificent to see this guy he's not done look at this he's going to come back around here oh yeah this is awesome so you're seeing it this is what horses do the males fight for the females not all the time but during a mating season that that's just how it how it how it goes this is Mother Nature so they break off now this guy is not through look at this I'm not done here so he's putting on quite a show [Music] here yeah come on man let's cut that stuff out that black horse I think that black horse is uh the boss the boss hos so he broke it up and he's going to go back to the front of the line here and take care of business with the the rest of the the herd yep so we'll just follow him and I know where they're going they're they're down here in the meadow and they're going to head back to those trees is the trucky river is right on the other side and that's what they're going to do so there you have it that's what horses do they'll get after it it's magnificent to watch all right so let's we'll just move along with them here as they head towards the uh the tree line move in a little closer here yeah now that black one he he's the boss hos of everybody and the the uh the big one in the back is just following along and right about here I get a warning on the Drone own dead battery it's like oh no so I'm going to have to return to home here pretty quick so let's uh milk it for all it's worth here yeah the Drone is telling me return to home return to home so I got to figure out what I'm going to do to end this so I kind of I'll just go back to the left here get in behind him there's that that horse there they're all beautiful horses look at that look at the the bird on the top of that horse there this is so beautiful and I got to go or I'm going to run out of battery so what do I do I'll just I got to end this so I know the river's there so let's just fly over and check it out I love flying so please like this video And subscribe and hit the bell and uh I try to fly all the time there's beautiful stuff out here so I'd like you to be able to subscribe become a member and and see all the beautiful stuff that we see
Channel: easterfilmsdotcom
Views: 115,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vj9WOFteOVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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