Encounters with Christ: Mary and Martha (Part 6) | Pastor Roger Jimenez VBC

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amen all right we were there in Luke chapter number 10 and we are going through the series and encounters with Christ and we've been going through and looking at these different conversations that Jesus had with different individuals and we started with Nicodemus we talked about the woman at the well the woman caught in adultery Jesus in the house of Simon the rich young ruler and today we're dealing with Mary and Martha next week we will deal with Zacchaeus and then we'll be done we done with this series and we move on to something different and we've just kind of been a fly on the wall just listening and we haven't purposely we haven't been studying the parables unless the parables is part of the conversation and we haven't been studying the miracles those will be series for another day we've just been looking at these encounters these conversations these interactions that Jesus had with individuals so we've kind of just listened in and watched him deal with people talk to people preach the gospel to people and today we see him with Mary and Martha and the conversations primarily between Jesus and Martha but Mary's part of it you're there in Luke chapter 10 look at verse number 38 Luke chapter 10 verse 38 Bible says this now it came to pass as they went that he that's Jesus entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house and she had a sister called Mary was also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word now this is the same Martha and Mary that later on we find out that there they have a another famous brother named Lazarus member Lazarus dies and Jesus resurrects him from the dead and this is the same Mary that's the same Martha Lazarus or there's a family is very close to Jesus he had he was good friends with them and here Jesus is invited over to basically have dinner with Mary and Martha and when he is at this meeting he has this conversation with Martha about Mary and about serving in general and there are several negative lessons that Martha that we can learn from the story of Martha and I want to just point those out to you this morning quickly we won't be any longer than we need to be if you're taking notes and I encourage you to take notes on the back of course the week there's a place for you to write down some sermon notes and I want you to notice just some negative things about Martha Martha in this story is not really highlighted as he's a positive person I do think she was say then I do think that she loved the Lord but she's being used here sometimes when you study the Bible I teach the guys that that when I teach them on on teaching and preaching and I told him you got to look at a passage and ask yourself why did God give us the story why did God give us this text why did God give us this chapter and when you look at this passage and you ask yourself why did God give us a story about Martha and about Mary I believe that the primary reason is to show us how to serve properly or to show us someone who's serving in an improper or an improper way now I want you to notice several things from this story and the first is this and if you want to write some notes down write this down I'd encourage you to do that number one I'd like you to notice that Martha was drained spiritually Martha was drained spiritually she was spiritually drained and I want you to notice that she was serving the Lord but there was a certain way in which she was serving Luke chapter 10 look verse 40 notice what the Bible says but Martha was cumbered you see outward cumbered there the word cumbered means to be hindered it means to be hampered it means to be impeded notice what the Bible says Martha was cumbered about much serving I want you to notice that Martha was actually serving she was working for the Lord now here's the wrong application to this passage and let me just go ahead and give this this disclaimer this passage or this story is in no way teaching us that it is wrong to serve there is absolutely nothing wrong with serving and if you take that application from this passage is going to put you at odds with all sorts of other passages in the Bible where God actually tells us that we ought to serve him that we ought to work for him that we were created for work and that we were created to be his that we were to be Co Labour's with him all throughout the Bible we're told that we ought to work with God and were for God and be involved in the service of the Lord so sometimes people will look at this passage and they'll say the application here is that we shouldn't work that hard for the Lord no that's not the application the application is this that there is a wrong way to work for the Lord there is a wrong way to serve the Lord here we are told that she was serving much but she was cumbered about much serving what does that mean it means that her serving was actually hindering her or handicapping her it was actually hampering her or impeding her from serving the Lord see she was working for the Lord but her work for the Lord her service for the Lord was actually hindering her spiritual growth and noticed the contrast the contrast to Martha is Mary look at verse 39 and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his work now what is the application here with Mary the application look Jesus of course is physically here having dinner with them talking to them teaching them and Mary chooses to take time out of her busy schedule and sit down at Jesus feet and she heard his word you say how do we apply that today to us well what Jesus is the word and the idea is this that we ought to take time to make sure that we are spending time with God and His Word we ought to make sure that we are spending time and we are taking time with the Word of God with the Bible and we're spending time with Jesus and we're hearing the word and letting it help us and here's what you need to understand Mary excuse me Martha was working for the Lord here's the application say what was wrong with why what Martha was doing she was working for the Lord but she was not walking with the Lord you understand what I just said do you understand that you can serve God and yet not be spiritual do you understand that you can be doing things and having motion for God and and and and have actions that are serving and working but here we're told that her working was actually hindering her her working was actually covering her her working was actually impeding her from her growing spiritually why because you can work for the Lord and yet not be walking with the Lord and by the way this is why people get drained spiritually while serving the Lord you say what because they serve the Lord in the flesh because they're not getting their source or their nutrients they're not getting renewed through the word and through the Lord Jesus Christ but they are getting they're doing it just out of the flesh they're not doing it from the spirit they're not doing it from the proper source I mean look the Bible talks a lot about this and I'll just give you some passages just to kind of look at good middle Book of Psalms Psalm 1 very first Psalm if you open your Bible just right in the center you're more than likely following the Book of Psalms go to Psalm 1 and let me just say this I believe that the primary application and I like this story about Mary and Martha one of the reasons that I don't go to the story a lot is because I believe that the primary application for this story is meant for people who are in full-time ministry or who are serving the Lord in full-time ministry honestly the primary application for this story in my opinion is that it should be applied to pastors and pastors wives it should be applied to staff people people who work for church full-time and their wives it should be applied to evangelists missionaries the people who are serving the Lord because here's the honest truth it is very easy it is very easy to begin to work for the Lord and to get so busy working for God that you forget to walk with God so you you you get so busy writing sermons you don't read the Bible you get so busy doing things for God that you're not spending time with God I do think that that's probably the primary application obviously I'm not preaching to 197 people here this morning I'm not preaching to 197 preachers so I'm gonna apply this to you but the application to you church member the application to you volunteer the application to you a non full-time ministry worker is this that you can work for the Lord and not be walking with the Lord and you say well what's the problem if I've read my Bible if I don't pray if I'm not spiritual but I show up to all the services I serve I sing in the choir I'm in the orchestra I'm an usher III show up for the work days I'm doing whatever what's the problem with me working and yet not walking me serving and yet not being spiritual here's the problem you will get drained you will not make it you will not last long I remember a pastor told me this years ago that and I don't know he said statistics that is I'm not sure where you got this from but he said that in church life you can basically count on the fact that most people will quit living the Christian life we're not talking about losing your salvation but they'll quit walking with God and serving the Lord within the first three years or really after third year mark of just kind of giving their life to God and serving for God and if they can make it past those three years they'll usually quit at the seven year mark I remember that always stuck with me and when I started pastoring and I started kind of watching people and I started kind of taking notes on people I realized that a lot of times when we have you know we have people that come in and out people that will be here for a few weeks get offended and leave I'm not talk about those people but whenever we've had people that were part of this church meeting they were Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night soul-winners they were working for a lot for God they were in it and then they just kind of quit or they just kind of have some major problem or they just kind of left it seems you know it and this is just anecdotal evidence but I found that that statistic is very much true it usually happens around the three-year mark so I'm going to just get connected for about three years and then they'll quit or they'll get connected for about seven years and then they'll quit and you say why is that here's why I believe that is because they are working for God but they are not walking with God and when you work for the Lord but you don't walk with the Lord you will get drained you say pastor how can I be the type of Christian that works for God and works with God for years because listen to me the Christian life is not measured by years and honestly people like to walk around and brag and boast about all these things I'm not impressed with how many years you've been doing anything you know the Christian life is measured by decades come don't talk to me about two or three years come talk to me two or three decades you been soul winning for two decades then then we can talk then I'll be impressed when you've been serving God for three decades then we can talk then we'll be impressed and you say well why you say well why is that why is that the center because so many so few people make it to that mark so few people actually work with God for a lifetime you say why because the Christian life have not done properly please understand this the Christian life have not done properly will drain you it'll burn you up you cannot sustain walking with God in your flesh you understand that you cannot sustain living the Christian life living by standards living with integrity doing right you cannot sustain that in your flesh you must do it in the spirit and if you find yourself being a Martha who's walking working for God but not walking with God she's serving the Lord but she's not spiritual she's not focused on the spiritual aspect you will burn out so let's talk about this how do not be drained spiritually when serving the Lord well here's the secret the secret isn't do less that's called getting back slidden you know the term backslidden means you're doing last and you used to do look at me remember if you're if you're doing less today for Christ and you did in the past you are by definition backslidden so the secret is up well I got to do lots no no the secret is you got to get plugged in to the source that already knew you someone look at verse 2 knows what the Bible says but his delight but his delight and notice verse 1 says you know blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor walketh through the waves there's no set a zero scornful am i way all of that if you do in the flesh it'll wear on you living the separated life living the life that takes the higher road that takes the higher ground that walks with integrity all of that will drain you you say well how do we do that how do we do that and not get drink but his delight is in the law of the Lord notice the focus is on the Word of God his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law that he meditate day and night and notice what the Bible says when you're little is in the law of the Lord and when you delight yourself and you meditate upon the word day and night here's the promise from God verse 3 and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water he's going to be like a tree he said your Christianity can be like a tree that is planted near the source that provides nutrients the source that strengthens said he says he shall be like a tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the river and notice you say what's the result what's the result of getting connected to this is my boat talk talk about being washed by the water of the word here the rivers is being used in an illustration the waters being used in illustration of God's Word and here's what he says Christian when you are a tree they gets your roots down deep in the water in the river notice what it says he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his season and by the way that's like about soul-winning salmon see somebody saved in a long time maybe you need to spend a lot more time in the Bible maybe need to spend a little more time in the word and I'm not saying that's the only reason you wouldn't see somebody saved obviously we go to difficult areas we understand that but here the Bible says he that bringeth forth his fruit in his season notice don't miss this that's what I want you to see his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he do it so prosper see if you are a tree if your Christian life is a tree that has leaves that are withering all you are all that that should just signal you that should just tell you that you are not connected to the word that you don't have your roots in the water you're doing it in the flash and you won't last very long go to Jeremiah chapter 17 let me show you same thing from another pastor Jeremiah chapter 17 here there in Psalm I'll do me a favor put your keep your place there in Psalms we're gonna leave it we're gonna come back to it keep your place in Psalms but go proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon isaiah jeremiah proverbs ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah and let me just say this if you've ever said these words or thought these words if you've ever said or thought to yourself o churches just kind of burning me out churches I'm just kind of getting a little tired of Church it's a little too much or just realize that when you're feeling that way what you should be realizing in your mind whether you understand it or not is this that you're probably the problem is not Church the problem is you and the fact that you are not connected into the work because look a tree that's planted by the rivers of water it's it's it's its leaf shall not wither it'll be strong it'll be renewed it'll be strengthened say why do Christians burn now here's why they burn out there's a pastor is it because of too much work too much church too much serving maybe we need to pray scale back the the the church services maybe it's too bad you really because the Bible says so much the more the Bible says forsaking not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching Oh ever needs a scale back no maybe you need to get connected to the word look if church wears you out there's something wrong with you spiritually do understand that when you're actually walking with God you're actually in the word when Christ is your life know that church actually will renew you and strengthen you you'll spend a whole week at work to spend all week with the world you're spent all week up there in the world and then you'll physically be tired on Wednesday night you show up to church on on Wednesday night you get around God's people you start singing God's phrases you study God's Word and all sudden man you're feeling you're feeling renewed you say why because the Word of God will renew you the Word of God will strengthen you Jeremiah 17 verse 8 notice what the Bible says Jeremiah 17 and verse 8 the Bible says this for he shall be as a tree this is very similar to what we just read in Psalm 1 for he shall be as a tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the river this is talking about the source so talking about getting your roots connected to the source notice what happens to the Christian that gets the roots deep down in the water of God's Word notice and shall not see when he cometh you understand that he says when a tree gets or gets rooted down gets its its its roots down in the water it shall not see when he cometh when everything gets hot when everything gets to dry here's the here's a picture he's giving you you think it imagine a tree that's over by a river and it's got its roots connected to that river it's getting its source in its nutrients from that River he says when everything gets hot and all the other trees begin to die begin to wither begin to have their leaves die and the begin to wither this tree the tree connected to the water it shall not see when he cometh and you know the truth matter is this when the heat comes when the hard times comes when things get difficult and everybody else is complaining and everybody else is too much I can't do it other Christians are like well I'm fine you say oh well what are they just different no you know maybe they just got their roots out of the word he got the roots out in the water they don't oh really persecution came I didn't notice oh really hard times came I didn't notice oh really things got difficult I didn't notice he says he shall not see when he cometh but her leaves shall be green and shall not be careful in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit see when everybody else is in a drought a tree that has its roots planted in the river water it shall not see when he cometh the Bible says because its source because its renewal comes from the Word of God let me give you another example go to John chapter 8 this is throughout all the Bible John chapter 15 in the mute says what you have Matthew Mark Luke John maybe you're here this morning you're saying man I'm getting a little burnt out I'm getting a little tired Church again soul-winning again look if you've ever said these words I remember one church used to be exciting I remember when soul-winning used to be exciting I remember when look here's all you're saying just please translation I'm back someone I need to get right with God I need to get in the word because a Christian that's connected in the Word of God they don't get tired I'm not talked about physically obviously we all get tired physically you need to take a day to rest and have your body renewed but spiritually they don't get trained they can burn for Christ and not burn out when they're connected to the work John 15 looking verse three notice what Jesus said now ye are clean John 15 verse 3 now ye are clean through notice the emphasis of the word now ye are clean through the word which I've spoken unto you now who's the word remember Jesus notice what he says in verse 4 abide in me and I in you as the branch now we're using a different algae before was a tree with its roots in the waters now the analogy is a branch notice as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine so we're talking about a vine that's the source and the branch is coming off the vine except to abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth isn't it funny how consistent the Bible is those same bringeth forth much fruit we saw it in Psalms we saw in Jeremiah we see it in John if you get connected to the word if you get connected to the vine if you get connected to the source God promises you'll bring forth fruit maybe you had a quick complaining about how difficult it is to go soul-winning in Sacramento you have spent more time in the Word of God maybe I could complain myself how hard it is to go soul-winning it hard hey maybe your problem is we need to get connected in the vine because there's plenty how other people get people saved it's funny how other people can do soul-winning for years and years and years and years and years and not get burnt out and it's not that they're ultra spiritual or they're better than you is that maybe they've learned the secret than staying in the race and staying in the course and staying in it for decades it's connected to how much time you spend with God because you can work for the Lord and not walk with the Lord I am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me Christian without me he can do nothing notice verse 6 if a man abide not in me this is Martha you serve but you're not spiritual you work but you're not walking if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch people try to take this verse to teach you can lose your salvation look this is a parable this is an analogy you not get your doctrine from parables gotta get your doctrine from clear statements in the Bible you can look at a story and twist it whatever way you can but here's what I believe the application to the circus I know you can't lose your salvation I was clear about that you said what do you think this is talk about here's what he's saying if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch notice these words and is withered see the tree is funded by the rivers of water it brings for this fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither but a Christian who's not abiding in Christ the Bible says he will wither what do you think this re I think it's talking about not staying in the in the fight not staying in the Christian life not staying in the course if a man abide not at me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned what's he saying here's what he's saying and please understand this your word you say is this parable about us doing less you will never find that gardener in the Bible the Bible says you know the Bible says to be steadfast always abounding in the work of the Lord he never tells you to do less work for the Lord he says you got to be abounding and the work for Lord but here's what he's saying your work for Jesus should be an outgrowth of your walk with Jesus your work for Jesus should not be at the expense of your walk with Jesus because we learned from Martha that you can walk with the Lord you can work for the Lord and not walk with the Lord you can serve and not be spiritual and you say well what can we expect from that here's all we can expect from that is that you will not last you will not last long you will get drained you will get burnt you'll begin to say things and think things like maybe it's too much maybe the church is keeping me too busy maybe it's a it's just not sustainable and you're right it's not sustainable in the flash you can't do it in the flesh you can't do it unless you're connected to the vine so I want you to notice if you go back to Luke chapter 10 we see that Martha was drained spiritually why because she was working for the Lord but she's not walking with because she was serving but she was not spiritual like you noticed secondly this morning not only was Martha drained spiritually but Martha was disrupted socially Martha was a disgruntled church member we've got some Martha's a Verity Baptist Church right now in fact every Church has a Martha in it we've got several I'm sure Martha was a disgruntled Church member she was drained spiritually and she was disgruntled socially and let me just say this look we ought to take some introspection this morning you gotta ask yourself am I the Martha in my Martha or my Mary are you a disgruntled church member you say how could I tell we'll take this test I'll help you out notice let's look at the characteristics of Martha why was she this gruntal number one she was complaining Luke 10 look at verse 40 but Martha was cumbered about much serving and came to him and said notice what she says Lord does though not care you know what you're doing complaining it's not fair I'm not getting the recognition then listen just runs a church member I don't know if I'm disgruntled well you know you know and by the way we do too mm-hmm but let's just let's just quantify it what makes you a disgruntled church member do you complain and I realized that from time to time all of us complain but are you just a complainer constantly complaining she was complaining I mean she's got the Lord Jesus Christ having dinner at her house and she can ask for anything she can pray about anything she can ask him anything and she's worried with just her Lord does thou not care notice she was complaining known as secondly she was comparing Lord does thou not care verse 14 knows what she says that my sister has left me to serve alone no she's comparing herself with her sister well I'm doing this while she's doing it to them I will say that we dare not make ourselves of the number or compare ourselves with them some that commend themselves but they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing them selves among themselves are not wise and here we've got Martha the disgruntled church member and her real problem is that she's drained spiritually her real problems that she's a carnal Christian her real problem is that she's not walking with God she may be working for God but she's not working with the Lord she may be serving but she's not spiritual and that shows up in her life as complaining as comparing Lord does thou not care that my sister had left me to serve alone notice thirdly she was criticizing knows what she says the Unversed forty bid her therefore that she helped me what is he doing criticizing she's not doing the right thing make her do the right thing make her do what I'm doing because she's complaining and she's comparing and she's critical and here's the truth here's the truth she's disgruntled because she's upset because she's walking with work she's serving God but she's not walking with God and here's the truth and here's the honest truth if you don't get connected to the vine you'll be disgruntled too I would you think living the Christian life is worth it if we're not doing it for God I mean if I'm gonna do if I'm gonna live for myself I mean why don't I just go make a lot of money somewhere and go live a real comfortable life somewhere and forget all the persecution forget all the backstabbing forget all the people talking you know crap about you forget all that I'm gonna do it for me now if I'm doing it for the Lord I'm not being being sustained with the Lord and if I'm walking with the Lord and if I'm connected to the Lord that's different but she was drained spiritually she was disgruntled socially she was complaining she was comparing she was criticizing and let me just tell you something Martha's make serving God miserable I mean imagine Mary Mary's living there she's like we get to have dinner with Jesus I'm gonna go sit at the feet of Jesus I'm gonna go spend time with Jesus and she's sitting there you don't think she can overhear I mean unless just lives in some mansion Martha Martha is probably you ever you know when people talk loud enough for you to hear Lord does though not care make her do I'm upset I'm disgruntled I'm burnt out I'm upset and let me tell you something serving God with people like Martha is miserable and look here's the here's the thing go to Acts chapter 20 let me show you this I've showed you this before but I want to show it to you again except for 20 you're there in Luke you got John acts I accept it 20 here's the thing I would rather do less I would rather do less with people that are happy to serve God then to accomplish much with people they're just negative and critical and cynical and ugly and mean few months ago I was a guest speaking somewhere and I preached a sermon called the best of the worst church members and and Martha would fall in that category she was the best of the worst she was she was getting things done but she was ruining relationships in the process she was getting things done but she couldn't get things done without comparing and complaining and criticizing and ruining the joy you know the Bible says that we as a church ought to be like a family bible says that we as a church are to be like an army the Bible says that we as a church are to be like a body the Bible says that we as a church are to be like a building when these days I'm gonna preach a series on a Sunday nights everything that the Bible compares the church to you know that all those things only work if they're working together you can't win battles when you're fighting each other your body won't be healthy when it's fighting itself and look when you got you say oh man the martyrs the martyrs are great they're doing so much no you know what sometimes I'd rather do less and not have Martha because the truth is this notice what Paul says except to 20 verse 24 but none of these things move me neither count I my life dear unto myself acts 20:24 so that I might notice these words so that I might finish my course now usually when we talk about Peter or Paul excuse me we talk about finishing the course we look at first Timothy and we and we look at that when he says I'm gonna finish my course and I'm gonna get things done and I'm gonna get things accomplished and all that's good you know that's great but I want you to notice and then the next step to 20 he says that I might finish my course and look you've got to finish your course you you you should strive for finishing your course you should strive for finishing what God has told you to do but notice he says finish my course don't miss this with joy understand what I just said see Martha might finish her course ugly upset irritable and irritated ruining relationships I don't want to be Martha I don't wanna be around Martha see you say pastor are you do you want to be in it for the long run yeah I want to be able to long run but I want to be in it for the long run with joy you say well how do you do that well well you go back to point number one get connected to the vine get connected to the word get your roots down into the water and you can finish this thing out with joy look look it's not just about finishing your course and look at some of you need to just decide you're gonna finish the course cuz you're about to quit and and you need to just you know realize that I'm back so it in and I just need to make a decision to get right with God but understand this once you get right with God get connected to the word and then get some joy back in your life and you'll get joy in your life when you quit comparing when you quit complaining when you quit criticizing the site look I don't want look pastors do you believe in divorce I don't believe in divorce I don't believe any divorce covers any couples should ever get divorced I think you made a vow to your spouse you got to stick with it till death do us part but listen to me it'd be better if you finish that course of marriage with joy not just stay married to the bitter end good night who wants to live with you you want I want to finish my marriage with joy I want to finish my ministry with joy I want to finish you know what God has given my wife and I to raise our children let's do that with joy not critical not cynical not comparing not complaining see we see that Martha was drained spiritually she was disgruntled so let me give you one one last thing on this point go to proverbs 22 if you kept your plays and songs right after Psalms you have the book of Proverbs proverbs 22 when people are disgruntled let me just let me just help you out trying to help you as a pastor when people are disgruntled it's better for them if they're not gonna get right with God it's better for them to leave you understand that it's okay for some people to leave so let's people get really discouraged don't left so what I think I'll praise the Lord sometimes people leave and I think to myself that's an answer to prayer say pastor I can't believe you would say that you know that there are people there are people right now I'm gonna tell you their names and I want to show you my perilous but there are people right now and my wife and I are praying lord help them get right with God help them get right or help them get out because they're angry bitter critical complaining comparing spirit is hurting the cause of Christ I can't believe you say that proverbs 22 lubbers 10 proverbs 22 verse 10 cast out the scorner cast out the scorner and contentions chabela they strife and reproach shall cease know what I believe I believe that there are some people have they left the gossiping what all of a sudden it's just stopped if they left the strife the pinning against each other the clicks and the I don't like you and all that was just good you say white because you cast out this corner contingencies Strife's go out you cast out this and reproach and strife and contentions go out so look look at me maybe you're here this where you say hey I think he's talking about me look let me help you out in something you ever have to ask yourself while I'm preaching is he talking about me yeah it's you I can't believe it's called the Holy Spirit of God all right I mean you think I just get up here to preach to fake people that don't have problems so 197 people here this morning with a lot of issues I wonder if you start yes it's you you're the problem you're disgruntled in your crib I'm a complainer I'm a criticize ER I'm a cynical I'm angry I'm causing all sorts of problems it's me get you and look if you're here's why you say that's me and I'm not getting me I'm not getting ready to get right with God then do us all a favor and just go and for the rest of you be okay with that it's okay sometimes reboard go now look I realize and you's a problem and here's a problem with what I just said is that in nine years of ministry I've never seen this I'm not saying it hasn't happened I've just never seen it in nine years of ministry and I've never known a pastor who's said this I've known lots of pastors who are gonna attest to what I'm gonna tell you right now most people when they leave the church they can't just be honest and say listen brother here's because you know a friend will call and say hey I haven't seen you in church in awhile and most people can't say this they can't say here's the truth I'm not right with God I'm backslidden remember that Martha sermon that was me most people don't have the courage to say this you know what most people do they have to figure out something that they're against so they can leave and say well here's why we left look most the time you just know this just understand this most of the time when people leave the reason they left or is not the real reason that's the reason they want to tell you that's not the real reason and we have to be okay with that you know my wife know we we got a market we you know we stay up on stay nights and we just got to kind of talk how's church today how are people doing there's certain people we're praying for and it's not a negative thing we're just not praying them how are they doing if they didn't you know they seem okay they're going through something you know whatever there's some people they're problem people and we just kind of house so and so how's Martha doing well you know and what we'll just kind of talk through some of these things you know we'll stay up on sending item which is just kind of rehearse the day and ha how are things going and and and how's the spirit of the church and these things and you know sometimes well-well say man I've noticed so and so it's been kind of complaining a little bit I've notice also they've been a little critical their spirits been different and my wife will say well step two they're gonna start picking something apart sure enough a couple weeks you start bringing up I don't like you know things we've been doing for years it's funny I didn't bother you for three years but now all of a sudden I don't really like how we do this and here's all it is and here's all it is they're looking for their reason to be able to leave and look and you say that's why I bring this I mean bringing this up to help you those of you the Mary's the the Mary's I'm just trying to help you it's okay when people leave sometimes it's better when they leave go back to Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 where we learn from the encounter with Martha we learned that Martha was drained spiritually because you can work for the Lord and not walk with the Lord and when you work for the Lord and you don't walk with the Lord when you serve the Lord in your out spiritual you will burn out and it's not just you it's all of us look I'm not preaching to two preachers here but I do have several staff people here this morning and listen all of you staff guys and staff wives you better make sure you're in the word because this job will knock you out we deal with a lot of a lot of things and a lot of burdens and a lot of problems and you better make sure you're connected to that Viner you're not gonna make it better Christians than you and better pastors than me I've quit because they forgot that you can't work for God without walking with God we see that Martha was disgruntled socially so how can i how can I do introspection and inspect myself well ask yourself honestly truthfully how's your complaining how's your comparing how's your criticism if you can put a check by all of those hey you're not doing well spiritually I'm just trying to help you out you're not doing well spiritually like notice thirdly Martha was disappointed by the Savior she was drained spiritually she was disgruntled socially she was disappointed by the Savior notice Luke chapter 10 in verse 41 and jesus answered and said unto her Martha Martha thou are careful and troubled about many things and she came specifically your sister Mary you know while Martha please get this while Martha was disapproving of others it's funny how the Martha's always want to tell you how bad everybody else is doing how how they would do it different how they would do it better how if it was my decision if I could choose if I could do that I would never I would never wear I would never go does thou not care well Martha was disapproving of others Jesus says they weren't careful and troubled about many things verse 42 but one thing is needful and mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from her I want you notice while Martha was disapproving of others Jesus was disapproving of her and I think I think because we don't get to go to dinner with Jesus and have Jesus kind of tell us what he thinks about us right then in there I think there's gonna be a whole lot of Martha's who are going to get to the judgment seat of Christ and when I say Martha I'm not just talk about ladies there's some male Martha's here there's some Martin's I think there's gonna be some people are gonna stay are gonna get to the judgment seat of Christ and they're going to be surprised how disappointed Jesus was they're going to be disappointed at the judgment seat of Christ because what they were the experts and they were the ultra spiritual and they were just disapproving of everybody and they could tell you how everybody's doing it wrong and how they would do it better and that person's there isn't not person that while they were judging everyone Jesus was judging them and while they were disapproving of others Jesus was disapproving of them you're gonna get to the judgement seat of Christ go to Matthew chapter six I was really hesitant to go to this chapters passage because I feel like I've gone to this passage recently and I'm planning to go to this passage again for a one of our sermons in the dropdead series but I thought you know what maybe God just want maybe God just wants us in this passage maybe we just need it you know maybe maybe the reason that this keeps coming up over and over is because this is what we need right now but I think a lot of Christians because here's what the best of the worst church member thinks they think well I'm doing more than everyone else so I'm awesome and they don't realize that actions matter but so does attitude and motion matters but motives matter also and if you want to be approved of God and rewarded by God you better make sure your motions right and your motives are right you better make sure your actions are good and your attitude is good because there's two ways to lose your rewards one is by not working the other one is by having the wrong attitude while you're working doing it for the wrong reason Matthew six look at verse one take heed that you do not your alms before men o sweet and do our all we shouldn't do homes then no no no no backslidden one that's not what he's saying take heed that you do not your alms before men to be seen of them here's what he's saying don't do it for the wrong motives Martha why are you so busy why are you doing so much is it just to be seen of men and here's the point here's the point otherwise you have no reward of your father which is what he's saying when you sir look when you don't serve no rewards first Corinthians three very clear if you do nothing for God God says you'll be saved as of my fire you can go to heaven but there's no reward for no work but in Matthew 6 we're told but if you work for God for the wrong reason if you work for God with the wrong motive if you work for God with the wrong spirit if you do for God with the wrong attitude God says you'll lose your awards too he says take heed that you do not your alms before men to be seen of them otherwise you have no reward of your father which is in heaven looking first to therefore when thou doest thine arms he's not saying don't do your arms he says when thou doest thine arms do not sound a trumpet before thee here's how we would bring this up in in 2019 when thou doest thine arms don't put a picture on Facebook about it don't put a picture on on Twitter about it don't what a picture on Instagram about it therefore when they'll do is dine on you know you know that you're allowed to be a good parent and you don't have to post all your good parenting on social media in fact God says if you are just trying to be a good parent so that everyone else sees how great you are and in the process how much they stake God says that's fine but you have no reward for me he says when thou do is therefore when thou doest thine arms do not sound the trumpet before thee as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory of men know what I think you know what I think I think that guys like me that the Lord has given some small measure of platform and influence guys like me are gonna be really surprised when we get to heaven and we receive whatever rewards the Lord gives us and I hope the Lord gives us some reward I think we were gonna be surprised anything like well I would think pastors so-and-so was gonna get a lot of work and there's gonna be just some lowly meek and quiet church lady who just you know served God just quietly in a corner somewhere never talked about it never bragged about it never posted it anywhere never said anything never made an announcement about it because God says look it matters to me what you do but it also matters to me why you do it and he says look if you're doing it to have glory of men verily I say unto you they have their reward and look if you're living the Christian life to have glory of men to have people say wow you are so amazing that eventually will burn out because eventually eventually it's just not worth it eventually and look I'm speaking to you as a guy who you know here at varied about the church I'm your pastor and I praise the Lord for it I always think it's funny to me how true the Bible is Bible says that a prophet is not without honour saving his own country and I get that and I appreciate that and you guys are all loving and caring but you know here I'm just pastor Jimenez and I'm your pastor I've travel places I go places and people act like oh wow can you sign my Bible can you do this can you do that and I appreciate and I appreciate it I'm not saying that in a disrespect preciate that but let me tell you something that will not get you through the Christian life and if you are living the Christian life for the one week of red-hot preaching conference when people act like you're some great star you will not make so appreciate the appreciation but make sure you're connected in the work I realize that God has given put people around here to bless you but realize that that won't get you through and feels like I'm not getting the attention that I deserve and the recognition that I do so much nothing you need you're doing for the wrong reason and you're disgruntled and you're critical and you're cynical and it's funny to me people get mad like Oh pastor doesn't give us the recognition we deserve and I'm like you're so critical in cynical and complaining and causing so many problems why would I recognize you it's like this you know it's like this circle this vicious circle why would I uplift someone that's in the middle of all the drama all the time when thou prays what verse five thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men verily I say unto you they have their reward please understand this and I don't know you say pastor you just brought this up a while ago I know and I'm gonna bring it up again look I'll do three about three weeks from now on Sunday night but bring this up again see why every I don't know I don't know it seems like it's just going with everything that we're you know putting together four sermons maybe God just needs us to hear this but police understand this motion matters but motives matter actions matter but attitude matters you can work for the Lord and not be walking with the Lord you say how do we know how do we know if that's us are you disgruntled are you complaining are you critical are you comparing are you burnt-out well you should be burnt out you're doing it in the flesh go to Luke chapter 10 look at verse 42 Luke chapter 10 verse 42 we have Martha the disgruntled church member but then we have Mary once your notice is real quickly look at Mary Luke chapter 10 let's talk about this how to make sure to do what you how to make sure that what you do for God last because I don't know about you but if I'm gonna give my life to something I want to make sure it lasts I want to make sure I get I don't want I didn't look don't give me recognition on earth just I want the credit in heaven I want that crown that I can cast at Jesus feet that's what I want knows what Jesus says but one thing is needful and mary has chosen the good part notice what he says which shall not be taken away from her you know what Jesus saying to Martha Martha is raising Martha Martha you're troubled and careful about many things and none of it is gonna last because you're doing much for the wrong reason and you have your reward but he says you see Mary you see Mary what she's doing what she's doing that shall not be taken away from her you say well how do we how do we make sure that that's us how do we make sure that what we do is actually something that will last verse 42 but one thing is needful see here's what I know here's what I know if you spend time at the feet of Jesus you will not help but to serve Jesus but if you serve Jesus without spending time with Jesus you will burn out so Jesus says to Martha Martha Mary's doing exactly what she needs to be doing one thing is needful and mary has chosen that good part go to second Corinthians chapter 4 we're done or this last place well okay second read these four you got Luke John acts Romans first grade in second Corinthians Luke John acts Romans first Corinthians second Corinthians you say pastor I don't want to burn out I want to stay with it and stay at it and I don't want to just do it I don't wanna do it for the wrong reasons I want to get rewards and I want God to be approve of what I'm doing I don't wanna be wasting my time well look in your flesh understand this in your flesh your flesh will get burnt out your flesh will get tired your flesh will get this great I'm not I'm not gonna stand up here and tell you I'm just always let's do something grip there's times when I get discouraged sometimes my wife gets discouraged it's human nature secondly news 416 says this but Paul says here's a secret to not quit he says for which cause we faint not now if you read the context of this chapter you'll find that he's talking about all the persecutions all the trials all the heartaches all the hard things and he says that's what he's referring to he says for which cause we faint not he says those things don't drain us those things don't cause us to faint we don't get drained we don't get knocked down we don't get out of the fight for which cause we faint not you say how do you do it Paul how do you go through the persecution through the imprisonment through the beatings through the people backstabbing you and lying about you how do you do it how do you get through it he says but though the outward man perish he says look am i in my flesh the outward man if it perishes the outward man gets tired the our man gets sad the our man gets discouraged the outward man wants to quit you know here's you know people think they look at passion think oh you guys must be spiritual every pastor I know quits a ministry about three times a day but though the outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day so how do you stay with it how do you faint not you make sure the inward man every day is renewed through the Word of God to spending time with Jesus to getting your roots down deep into the river and getting your brand attached to the vine otherwise you'll be drained and disgruntled and at the judgment seat of Christ disappointed let's bow our heads and have a word of Prayer how many Father thank you Lord for your word I think for the Bible thing for these stories you've given us and what I pray I pray that if there are people here who are disgruntled complaining comparing and criticizing that you would help them to get their hearts right but I pray that they genuinely get their hearts right they would apologize to some people they make things right and what have they refused to I pray you'd make them leave because I want to serve you and joy and sometimes Martha is just not worth keeping around but I pray you'd bless our church I pray you strengthen our church I pray you to help us to be filled with Christians that are working for you but not at the expense of walking with you and the matchless name of Christ we pray amen
Channel: Verity Baptist Church
Views: 1,071
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Id: hRMt96EE0Go
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Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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