Encontré Una Cajita Fuerte En Esté Almacén Abandonado | Pagué $475 | Almacén Abandonado

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9 and I even like it We and it's a 6 up look at them you walk now It is also have them in the one that I here massera The movies arrive a 6 But on top of the nair polis clothes it's fine Well, what's up, we're at the auction, I bought that one, I liked it, I don't think I can tie some 374 percent Solomon but 400 in 35 or 10% later to see how it goes That I'm going to go through this unit that I bought here after I bought it, there is a man whose behavior auctions he said supposedly the boy the tennis box he didn't have to do that sir but I know if he did is what he said there was a tennis box and we looked at that is how he had that but we still need to see if those two have that looks like york in the black up here you can see that it is a safe you cannot see Here is the rest, weights were seen down there, television looks great, looks like some 54 inches wholesale or 55 whatever it is and back here you don't see so much you see the furniture up here you see another piece of furniture above that is a large piece of furniture be a bed and the reason why I threw it it's these jackets they looked old to me if you don't know it's comfort and nanas looked old here from the hands hopefully the age of this camera be more than 20 years because I do well with old clothes look at these giorgis also that looking at it well they don't look old that's not good that I wanted them to be old but berta let's give it let's see what was paradita it's like a little table or something and we got the wood is the television television is better than the notebook of what I thought it seems to me that it is measure 55 that is the model The date is 2017 January 2017 that has been a television more better than I thought it was going to be I hope it is death I am not sure I do not see believe that it does work here I think there are 200 dollars back very well hopefully it serves Unai farc of 64 But here What you look at is a letter from gio manzana Gerais and they are letters Well here we will see sometimes we buy shoes For the blues but they are fine you can see the camera in a cleaner but they are clean clean clean Ah I didn't leave the label It's 62 and you can see that xxi of 6-2 but this is still sold in parts and that is the old one so they don't pay it too A little more For weeks Y Today to make rice For jewelry Maybe we found it could be fine yes no The blame and another one for paperwork I'm going to spend with her A jacket to sell is like work is fine 24 95 The blanket like I used to spend my money They were good of this box By strata It seems like wines less than two minutes A helmet shape Such as can not be seen For cultivation Of course back is personal Today for rural coasts to conclude hair and it is also who knows and that is why he tells me that I must be people will be I do not I understand but in the future if not only I guess 50 Pepsi and He is a person in the place has never noticed a red pepsi That is said in Chinese Korver in 1964 Dead ah those are those are here I also think there are about five homes here maybe Bob Marley Clothing sweaters after is passed With ordinary collection bottles File is there like 367 there are many guardians of the solidarity flag Of collection and for many beings You are already doing it happening and with freedom and the gloves Gloves because don't tell me anything A jolt I already have my gloves because I already know that everyone keeps telling me about the gloves dear to gloves gloves are missing With baseball gloves the commission Animal body I don't like to sell my own gifts or I go back to the good ones Something good smoking This is one of the things I kept thinking about in an easy safe room. It's fun to open safes. and something Good I don't know how they can I will have the door You hear something I don't know how good you can hear come on camera but here I know something inside we can't open The closed We may find the code in one place But what we are going to do is continue to see if we find the code to hear the code if we find it If we don't find it, we're going to have fun Grab one thing to break the threads we break three points that were inside us Come on paper Films Nothing is not I didn't tell myself the name if I was to imagine it's not of this thing you can really see things there First to see is to say eyes I didn't think I had I thought The arms and maybe we had a little fun with these and we had a little fun right now is cool Thank you how to listen to music that you think is kept for the pistolite and movies Y How do degrees Plus Job Yes low by fret all Plus I do not know how but cooking before but I know I sat and thought that in here there are some maybe 15 dollars or 20 dollars heal We will find the horns and the Clothes and remove personal items and we are going to lower these clothes from above these are rivas 42 by 32 those think they pay me like 5 dollars each It's another pair More or less for some 33 without players what they don't pay shirts shirts to mass if this is what I wanted to see like I thought I was going to be that we look older but that doesn't have much time for me tired of flying I saw that the sisters walked older or I jumped that they should be older but this new love is about to smell you smell is a resident and my son already with them of sexuality It's a trauma that looks new like new heaven but sanders I already flat another and is at number 22 Polino and we will continue with the clothes but hope maybe singular Universe is not left I thought and you were so old when they are old I do well but anyway they have the pants or maybe at 10 dollars there with comiso you are a box jacket maybe five young people there and this I think this nap is old but I don't know how much this is worth that too Look at this s we look old this at me But I don't know I don't know how far it will be Very good file This era of That Other is that I am and I finished this thing that will go to the auction there are more things there that will go to the auction too but more wanted show them everything that came out those things Most was in things like ten dollars fifteen out there is the clothes came out good jogging clothes a few things for nine is this tense that is something that I liked more this camera here there are some free there are more more football here the gun comes out I think there are about 100 have something out there is an ipod is that pomp That thing for Nicaragua would say no jewelry came out or forgot the phone ssl 6 I think that on the part they come we put 40 dollars in the ebay but I hardly do not in a universe I don't know how much I'm going to grab these I thought there are some 57 dollars there is the car that came out is because those little things came out the lame these I thought there are about 15 men maybe 20 dollars is this furniture cited that came out I think there are about five dollars there this one is damaged there it does not think that they will buy it if I am not going to tell it is the television I found the remote for television this concord endow Chinese is from Samson and it seems to me that this is the rope also I think that if the television serves it is 100 if it is 55 inches I think that about 150 200 dollars is what I can earn for it here are some weights and open those two which where in 10 15 dollars you weigh the same with the table here maybe about 30-40 dollars here it is to bed the same with that I think between those two looks half flat I don't know if they can see also the chapita I think that about 20-30 dollars can be taken out I had happy about 20 30 goals and that's all that came out for this unit already pay too much 475 plus 10% above the price you pay is charged by 10% software 475 plus 47 homes out there is what I paid as 522 out there in what I pay is I think that here are some 450 euros counted are missing 72 dollars to get them this is the only thing I need is the new video against these shoes I think it's easy 30-40 dollars for those times it's me I think there we are the money is there back with the profit going to be there in clothes I think I'm going to get a little more to tell you the truth of 450 and 400 to 550 there are things seeing that here is only one thing we need is this thing is small safe but it's the only thing that maybe won't save or maybe it will help us get some money to not work for free once and work for free but maybe this is going to save us maybe this is going to be our gain and what we are going to do I did not find the code will check it again when the water arrives and goes to the house then check to see if maybe the code can be there, go to the pages if it's not here that open it and we must see to see if we have profit inside I think it will be fun or maybe I don't even look for the code to long fat massa to open it because that's how it gets more funny let's see what we go home thanks for watching everything sweating almost in a calorie god bless see you now goodbye believe here i am this the cigar television and I think it's an asthma a smart television of the smart because if you tell me web says applications is served and very well I think that 150 200 dollars are there over there you have to fit They changed that television served and I think that there are 525 dollars today counting everything and then I think that up to 520 dollars luck we are going to load this and we will know if we win something or we will know if it works for free you take to work for taxes to see Yes i am something With coins or something I don't know what it is but I think that this can't can't be completely closed you can see have the codes don't look at any codes in any Man nothing codes In the box we are going to break something to see if it works for free to see if not to see what happens I A key out there because let's not see Do not I'm going to have to swallow something With that tool inside they have some pins look like metal things to try to break this to see if we can open it I Like you want to win Ah Ah ah ah Beard to ah It's called there they have common has another thing to get in is trying to grab to break that We have ah 2 A low Y I know that maybe we can get the code from the Internet of all neighbors, but hey is going to take away the emotion I think it's cool have been broken like knowing today what to see if we work for free to see if we hit something good let's see what happens here We're He exaggerates and you can't make a chain and back looks metal but At east of sbs 20 the saints of yuan let's see what and hopefully they love each other It is not If you can see there he is like a boy and the other one so fought the oven No but you know that here between another box another little bag with Estrada a broken silver there spit a dog with It's like in the dogs of estrada the brand but the glass is broken mind and this days That stomach to think Today is late Is the code maybe on the internet or something like that but also I think that maybe he took money from the unit this and that is all for everything thanks be able I hope you liked the excitement of this I like to open these expensive ropes is good fun because you never know what is going to touching one has never touched me anything good but that's all nice thanks for watching if you like functional the aic subscribe if you want and let's continue the other adventure God willing see you soon in another unit of a friend to have fun God bless you for another goodbye
Channel: Comprando Depositos Abandonados
Views: 749,300
Rating: 4.7411685 out of 5
Keywords: storage wars espanol, almacenes abandonados, subasta de contenedores, subastadecontenedores, buscando tesoro, que compre, comprando bodegas abandonadas, depositos abandonados, storage auction, storage auction videos, subasta, videos de storage, real storage subasta, bought a storage unit, compre un storage, compre un estorage, subasta de bodegas, bodegas abandonadas, quien da mas?, quien da mas, Almacen Abandonado, almacenes, subasta de almacenes
Id: aD73WraPQpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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