En Mann Ek Makkal: K Annamalai To Be Joined By PM Modi For The Padayatra | K Annamalai News | N18V

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Namaste J hind I'm sitting in Kai in front of a person who for last 101 days has been traversing across the length and breadth of the state of Tamil Nadu with the yman ym yatra state president of the BJP anamal namaskar sir welome sir today 101st day you were in the singur assembly constituency we've seen what is happening and I was watching you had two Union ministers and you had WTI shasan also there as you look back at 101 days 226 assembly constituency where you started where you are what's changed so when we started it was a BJP yatra uh a group of BJP leaders kakas we all assembled in rameshwaram with a big ambition we wanted the party to go very deep we wanted to take prime minister to the nuk and cranny of Tamil Nadu to the hearts of all tamilan it was a very ambitious project the way it was conceived I don't think any body in our country has conceived a project where you go assembly to assembly normally you go in a straight road or you Traverse in some way or you skip certain parts and when the idea itself was so big that people thought it will fail but at 226th assembly constituency when we ended sir eight more to go I would say this has become a moment from a BJP yatra which honorable hm Amit Shah G was kind enough to come and inaugurate it to a people's M where you see 80% of the crowd who come don't don't belong to BJP and they come they want to participate be a part of this history and and understand very gently also this yatra is for the up liment of their lives so this massive change has happened second sir as a party our CS have become confident so this is a state of big things where people en ruling they do big things big pandals big meetings they do everything in a big way Tamil NAD you know it is over the toop kind of State in politics but now the kakas in 226 assembly constituencies every constituency the Karas putting their heart and soul I I would I would very well say now we have created a lot of leaders in the ground Jami they are in the ground they recognized by the people and they feel happy that people have come for them and they have a leader in their own locality in their own village 50 people came because they went and requested you should attend the yatra so these two things are very important for me sir we have created leaders in the the ground this leaders will emerge in the next 5 10 years you will see p presidents you will see mlas you will see MPS and the yatra has become a mass moment so you feel it's become a mass moment many say that it's a lot of hype on social media and okay in one street of one assembly constituency are able to create some interest in intrigue people want to come take selfies this is not going to happen many people have tried this it's not going to translate into Political gains for the BJP how would you respond to that the beautiful part of the whole thing sir uh the yatra when the opposition parties uh in fact Mr chief minister Stalin said on day one it is a p yatra it's a yatra of sin day one when we started then they said who will come for BJP no crowd then they said oh crowds are coming paid crowd then they said crowds are coming but they coming from opposite party just to see what is happening then they said people are coming because they want entertainment then they said no no people are coming with curiosity because I'm seeing the whole face sir though it is 101 day the yra of course have taken some breaks for Chennai fled and South Tamil Nadu fled so it is literally about we are we are on the field for almost July 28 till now correct so I'm seeing the transition of opposition parties the way they speak so as we speak now the opposition parties are like oh fine people have come but I'm very sure they will not vote so this is the last step the next step is the acknowledgement which only the elections can give so we all can speak in the AA but I'm very sure 2024 the elections will be an acknowledgement not this yatas the many number of things we have done but the yatas is one of the important things that we are doing that Tamil Nadu is going to tell the whole India that look after 1967 a national party under the leadership of honorable prime minister Narendra Modi G JP NAD Amit Shah all senior leaders our Tamil Nadu hardworking leaders is has come to ground in Tamil Nadu and this is going to be a Preferred Choice easier set said than done sir but but this transition at the emotional level mind level has happened because people understand oh this part is going through a lot of struggle going through a local constituency picking up issues talking in fact giving Solutions received more than 17,000 petitions solving it and all the leaders from the center taking time coming not only the leaders attend their meeting they do other kinds of thing along with the yatra so lot of leaders have come sir today Raj Chandra Shar G what did he do morning he met the malayali community of of katur then he had had an address with 2,500 young college students on the vision of Narendra Modi G for India then evening so this ministers they spread around so they speak a lot of things they meet lot of community people so that is why we are very confident sir the elections can only be the marer of some success but the emotion the people turnout uh even in social media even in real media even in the ground or even the opposition political parties negativity that is also an acceptable barometer the more negativity opposition people talk against a party accept it with two hands because that is also an indicator so on all indicators I think we are doing well sir 39 seats of Tamil Nadu are very critical to achieve what the Prime Minister said on the floor of parliament 370 seats for the BJP I'm not even coming to 400 par for NDA because that adds only another 30 40 seats 400 but 370 for the BJP means Kerala Tamil Nadu Andra Telangana and odisa 121 seats and it's not even 12 to 15 seats in this and if you take away odisa then not even 10 seats out of 100 39 seats how many many seats you think the BJP can win this time or even put up a fight so the prime minister is putting his heart and soul um this 2024 January the first event he came to Tamil NAD again one more event he came to Chennai I'm talking of this year alone 27 he's here in padam this month 28 he's in tutui 28 the PM is in thel val again March 1 week is expected to come to Tamil NAD so so prime minister is leading from the front as a person the most busiest person in our country the prime minister of our nation has decided to give his time more than any other state to Tamil Nadu in terms of his visit coming meeting people now this is an indicator that pm has taken the results from Tamil Nadu very seriously and we all know PM is one guy who's not very concerned about results per se and he believes in the process he wants to put his heart and soul into the ground that is what all of us are doing sir this 39 seats you know for a fact I know for a fact in 35 seats BJP never had a history of winning yes that's a fact that's an acknowledge fact in four seats we have a history of winning at different points of time 99 2014 2021 assembly elections in four places now in 35 seats if I say something now it might appear very bombastic because I've seen the ground sir I've seen the emotional connect I know in a place like dhuburi if I say for an outsider they'll say oh BJP is okay with in kungu are BJP is okay with South but what about North but we had the highest turnout in the north we had the highest youth youth in an area where they said BJP is not even there now many of times when our team we sit down we analyze why why it happened what it happened sir because those are the places the aspiration is more they believe the Davidian politics or the so-called dvan development model did not touch them I keep reeling out statistics sir four districts of our state it contributes 30 2% of the state economic output KATU where we are sitting now changal Patu Chennai kipur four districts the yesterday I was in karur my my home District karur contributes 1.3% there is a district arur .9% so this are the areas where people are coming out more they said look the development did not touch me 70 years of Davidian politics have disgusted me I'm left alone I'm only listening to empty promises same people in TV they watch modiji's development in in YouTube and Twitter they they they they try and understand modi's vision of viit bat develop bat so it is youth woman middle class with a child they are coming out in large numbers trying to see what is their vision of course we are also very bold sir not only are we using this yatra of course Very importantly to propagate prime minister's message we are also giving out certain policy suggestions as we come in the yatra in 226 we have literally told our Manifesto for 2026 in three speeches we have covered education when BJP comes to power in Tamil Nadu what is our education model Tamil Nadu doesn't have nooda schools we said in two one district will bring two nooda schools it will be in the name of kamaraja we will bring because Tamil NAD there is a distinction between halves and Have Nots we have given a very realistic policy assessment of alcoholism in our state tasm Mark alternate Revenue model opening up to shop we have spoken about polic men reforms and police we have spoken about re reforms and land Revenue Act we have spoken about reforms in Temple Administration hnc in sang so now people don't see this yatra alone sir in 226 the party has broadly given a broad outline of if we come to power this is what you will expect from us so we have given very clear distinctive idea and we have gone one step further also in terms of job creation we have said a certain percentage of jobs will be reserved for a family where no government job has entered into that family for Generations no government job from that family a certain percentage will go to them so every this has become a big debatable topic DMK response to they know how will you give DMK response what is your Revenue methodology you please give us they say you don't want uh hnc how will you run temples please tell us so many television channels have taken this as a 8:00 p.m. Prime Time debate this and that so I would say overall the vision of prime Minister the work we have done going forward what BJP intends to bring to the table we are not just a party one trick pony which will just criticize DMK every day say DMK is bad DMK is bad DMK but we have gone beyond it we said DMK is bad but how are we good so please listen to us this is what we bring to the table so this is the overall thing that has brought a lot of youths women the so-called aspirational class out to see okay this is the party of my choice which I'm very fairly confident sir even this 35 seats where we never had a history of winning H you will see a massive jump perception wise mind wise for anybody sitting outside Tamil Nadu watching what is this crazy thing happening inside that state you will see States sir I'm I I'm I'm definitely not a person who is going over the top to say this is the number that is a number but I'm going to say with a single line that we are going to make history in 2024 that is for certain sir but you think the BJP is ready to contest all 39 seats in all 39 seats we have candidates sir it is not that we don't have candidates all 39 seats we have interest all 39 seats we have an idea because we did homework long time back we have put constituency incharges for all the 234 constituencies months ahead of other parties we have put parliamentary incharges for all 39 seats months of other party so preparation is 2-e old so we have anticipated we have worked a lot of things in the ground we have introduced lot of leaders we have introduced them to the people that is one part sir second part we are very clear National Democratic Alliance our parliamentary board they take a call tomorrow an alliance Partners contesting in a seat we will fight if it is their our seat and our C also ready leaders also ready now gone are the days when people say oh BJP might be there but where are the leaders because we are very conscious sir we are going against fight time MP six time MPS correct multiple ministers and unlike other state this is a state where people are in politics you you take TR biology for example stur what is his age 83 when he enter politics how many times MP how many times minister so taking on this kind of people so we are very conscious of the fact our opposite party is not only powerful their candidates are not only well known they're Ed into the system very deeply well very deeply entrenched and that's why I'm asking you that a big player like the admk not part of the NDA many within the admk and the political Circle say that the only reason why EPS walked out of the NDA is K namalay how would you respond to that an if anal is out of the equation Swami and admk will walk back into the N I reserve my comments on this sir only thing I can say uh every Alliance partner BJP we have treated with respect and of course BJP have decided that when we when we show Tamil Nadu that we are serious about it we told 2026 we want to come to power that is where the first friction started and they said oh how can you say that you are want to come to power in 2026 we want to come to power in 2026 then of course our Cs and leaders respond there's nothing wrong it is a people's mandate I'm talking of threee old history if you look back the friction points that got generated here and there so BJP we believe we don't want to hurt anybody we are very clear but of course we want to tell Tamil NAD people look this is us this is we as a party and this is our plan tomorrow we just don't want to come to the table and say DMK is bad vote for us people don't vote like this like that sir you have to say DMK is bad but people are asking what about you you tell us what you doing what's the solution or alternative you're going to but in this case many would say that moment you make it a three-way fight DMK admk BJP plus their allies however you were to say you're splitting the votes and that will only work to the advantage of the incumbent that is a DMK how would you see that that's a very traditional political way of thinking sir politics changes so fast 1991 one of the worst elections for DMK because DMK won two seats two two two assembly members assembly if it take dmk's vote share was about 20 21 22% sir 2014 Parliament one of the worst elections for DMK got routed literally dmk's v share was about 22 so I believe dmk's vot share is somewhere between 20 to 22 as a party as a party that is what they bring to the table that is their C vote that is why DMK every time they Stitch a larger Alliance they want Congress they want this they want cost based party they want to make it more than 31 32 33 and I believe the two Davidian parties in Tamil Nadu they are between 20 to 22% each of them at different points of time so you're saying overall about 44% votes is with the dravidian parties that's it so there's a clear 55% clearly that is against the dravidian parties which a newcomer like vijayant will have a certain question of 10% for some time kamalasan will have some 6 s% for some time a person like San will have couple of percentage 5 6% for some time so this are very floating Wes and newcomer it goes it waits again newcomer comes it goes so you see this this a this a voting base that keep shifting now this 55% now I believe it is more than 55% it is waiting for a stable third party he doesn't want a party that comes comes in the Horizon be there for a certain point of time vanishes this 55% will decide so why am I bothered about splitting votes sir so my head and our head the part is very clear 55% of vot is outside the loop that of course 20% might vote for one dividian party because it thinks this dividian party is bad I'll vote for this guy that's the alternate model of but I believe that 58% are not ridian party hardcore voters they're waiting that is what elections have told us at different points of time so I am very optimistic in a three-way fight in a state like Tamil Nadu a party that crosses 28 29% in our state in in a pure arithmetic calculation you are the winner so this election let us wait for any traditional person saying oh BJP has grown that I accept keep seeing this TV where lot ofs keep saying but BJP is going to be a w cutter it'll allow this party to come I refuse to believe that theory because I believe sir the so-called neutralist if they decide for me it is not a and b there is also a c let me vote for C I don't think that traditional mindset is going to work this time so you're saying that it will split four ways or three ways and anybody who gets closer to 30% in this three-way fight gets the Mandate but would you also accept that for that to happen not just an anamal needs to contest but beyond the Prime Minister coming regularly the Prime Minister also needs to contest from Tam Nadu would you think the dynamic will change if PM decides to contest from Tamil Nadu sir 20 uh 2004 if I may very honest sir though I belong to I'm a kakara you know I came into the politics for honorable PM I'm here because of honorable PM I sweat it out because of honorable PM now 2004 was a was was an election where candidates was 50% party was 50% 2009 candidates 50% party 50% when PM Modi G came in Modi G Party 60% candidate 40% 2019 Modi G Party 80% candidate 20% this time I'm giving it in writing Modi G BJP party 95% candidate 5% so the shift we are seeing where candidates are becoming redundant across India they're like look Modi has to come to power he has to cross 400 what I have to do I have to vote BJP this is the model I'm seeing in Karnataka I'm seeing in all states of this country sir I'm sure the same model is going to work now so every place I specifically mention a lot of our leaders speak look candidate for you doesn't matter you're voting for Modi that is modi's guarantee we are not giving you candidates guarantee candidate is answerable to the party we have a system to monitor candidate is answerable to Modi G Modi G is answerable to you simple calculation so 95% this time in Tamil Nadu across India the pattern will be here 95% Modi G Party 5% candidate because they know this democracy is going through a flow now it is going through a flow where the Trust on Modi G is the pulling Factor but if PM were to agree like the last time when he said WRA Varanasi so if he decides saying War and say tupur or katur you think that will make a difference will that change sir it is a party call let me also ask you would analay and the BJP Carter here want the PM to announce one of the constituencies and contest from Tamil Nadu to show the intent sir that the BJP is serious you know I'm not a very parochial person in terms of mindset I would ideally want pm to contest in pm to have the same impact in all the 543 seats as if the PM is contesting every part is important I would ideally prefer pm to have the same impact in all the 39 seats as if he's contesting now the now the question before me is can we create the same magic even if the PM is not contesting that is what the whole toil and hard works are if PM is contesting one of the seats why this Hardware canil because then that's when the exponential benefit that the BJP needs in Tamil Nadu to breach this wall will come that there is a there is a there is a sentiment which says if the PM is so intent on his commitment to Tamil Nadu and the South Beyond Karnataka then he should contest from here and 2024 is the best time I'm I'm asking you you you're planning something very big in pal I I I my personal belief sir people of Tamil Nadu has gone gone beyond that measure of only if somebody is contesting here then probably I I know that that person is trusting my soil and my people now the emotional connect with PM is so deep you see the 11 day 11 day Anan PM it yeah I was coming to that r how much of an impact huh okay please sorry sir the last two days of hisan happened in Tamil and like many katas I also had the privilege of watching the whole thing happening very closely as a Kaka from the outside what is happening and that I would say is something that has moved the needle probably we all say the last strong camel's back you put that last one the camel will break Ki Tamil SRA Tam PM doing everything for Tamil Nadu culture taking the language across tural of course many things but that so you could see the toil in his face a person coming here fasting sleeping in the floor in rameshwaram going to uh sangam present in the kber manap which which no no Tamil politician of dvan politician cared about the whole thing what we what we talk now we believe probably it is the last strong camel's back of course Ram Temple is the big thing in Tamil NAD it is politicians will say oh Ram Temple and aoda how is it going to benefit us do you think it going to benefit sir it is not about you build one Temple and the Ws is going to come so BJP doesn't believe when you switch on the switch here lights will glow here it is not that theory sir the theory is two things one ram is so connected to Tamil Nadu as is connected to the rest of our bat because this state what has happened very purposefully very deviously very deviously Karam if you look at you go to all small towns of Tamil Nadu you will have a Karam Club I don't think I don't think any other God has got a club or any other a book that is written for a particular God has got a club so and if you look at Karam it is across the world some of the finest Kar speakers reside in Tamil NAD now why very purposefully the ridian politicians decided this has to be given a stop this cannot allow to penetrate people cannot have Kamar kamam conference like a weekend thing or people cannot do this chanting everything that is when very deviously they they Chapel they brought a chapel Mala to Lord Rama they said Lord Rama is an outsider why L Rama is so viciously in the Davidian politicians mind so viciously treated is an outsider so viciously because they knew Karam and the impact Karam resonates with Tamil people and the way you see the Karam clubs in a small town they very carefully very deviously said let us stop this whole thing let us portray him as an outsider I'm I'm very very sad and sorry that when the whole thing happened a coun cultural political movement could have stopped it in a matter of months if there is an opposite countercultural movement then they could have literally stopped it there was a huge gap given till P MGR came and openly he said that that he's a pro Hindu then Madame J came so that Gap was filled by this devious people now we are breaching that Gap after many many decades now to say look Ram Temple okay let us talk about Rama now of course Raman Swami has got a connect of course sangam has got a connect because the inside is a personal God of Lord Rama which was gifted to vishna it came these are two sir we have 150 Lama temples in Tamil Nadu which are thousand years old and this yatra we have vised about 30 32 of it you go to dhuri dhuri there is a place where Rama did did TI he did a sha Puja for L Shiva there is a temple so of all places you go to arra where Lord Rama's father the great king he came he did a tapasa because he wanted a children he did a heaven Lord Rama was born because in arani in the Putra kameswar Temple his father did a tapas then you go you you Skip One District you go near tanjur you go to suan Temple when Jadu for Jadu the last right was performed by Lama in tanjur so you have aam there so it it is beyond my mind how this so-called a politician for about up two decades they very deviously covered everything made sure this Temple so in the yatra there's an important thing we do sir we speak about the temple we visit the temple we highlight the temple so we make sure that look it is connected but this this G homunda what I'm talking in Su Temple the J G it is it is thousands and thousands of years old it was there even before the ridian word came into a papa terminology the Putra kameswar Temple you go and check the uh the stone thing inside the archaological thing inside it was there even before the word ridion got coin Lord Rama's father came did Heaven because he wanted a child then Lord Rama was born so anybody in their right mind nobody will deny oh Lord Rama is an outsider so now people are realizing you you see you see aodha sir yeah they say 37 lakh people have vised in 3 weeks correct how many Taman sir every second person I meet in the street in the Prasad an we went to aoda we took a flight we went there we came back take aod Prasad h I I'm not sure whether utar Pradesh government has got a data outside where they see how many state people are coming who are those people if somebody is publishing that data I would say Tamil Nadu would be number one or number two sir there are trains also applying to Nowa trains trains running it is it is going from every single part so so let me ask you is it the ram Mand Ram laa pran prti in audya or is it the prime minister's B and anusham that you think has as you said the last dra on the camel's back so we are very emotional people and Tamil Nadu is a state that highly reverse a saint that that reverse that reverse a person who has forsaked everything for doing a moral duty this is this is a land of Nas and alar Nar and alar are not names sir they are they are Saints because they forsake lot of things to achieve achieve a Morality In the society and you talk all the big names here so we don't treat them a scholarly intellectual this is a state that reverse reverse the Detachment part the state always loves somebody's detached and mod sense of Detachment of course the sense of Detachment in everything it does but very specially the 11 day anustan he did absolute sense of Detachment sacrificing food the way he behaved in rameshwaram when he stayed in the mut when the Swami came out and next day he gave an interview that SPG people have removed the cart and he slept on the floor and and you see you see Raman Swami Temple he went to all the all the SRA the where himself P Water did the holy dip he respected the tradition of that land he went to the last point arel munai he went there stood there with reverence bowed down then then all the many important things the PM did karar manapa where he said in our national Convention PM said the moment in his mind when he sat in that Kar manap listening to Kar ramayana from some of the greatest speakers in Tamil Nadu he said that is a moment He Will Carry till his last breath he he particularly recall this occas in our national Convention he said that will be in my blood so this is something that Tamil people know this our PM is a person of Detachment so this Ram Temple yes of course it is an occasion sir but the way a person took his responsibility and did Prana PR this is mood mountains in Tam so will you say final two three questions I know you have positive time it's a late in the night conversation that we are having with Mr Anal but he still has got engagements into the vrs so let me ask you this is this election now in Tamil Nadu between those who want to eradicate sanatan Dharma and those who want to bring back the temple culture and to free the temples from the strangled hold of government is this now that's how you will you draw this so we have uh we have unb the cat and we have let the cat roaming in the streets now so this was a touchy topic which nobody touched for a long time and we have touched a lot of things in the yatra time including some of the words that is put outside the what BJP is going to do about it what BJP is going to do about HR and see the plan and everything so now even per statue out we take it respectfully to a common place and we don't want de to anybody but that doesn't have any provision to stand outside the temple and when we said that a common man even many from the ridian party they said this is the right approach we are waiting for somebody like that and this is the right approach let people go to a common place let whoever wants go on Gand but in a in a place in a place where faith is worshipped let us not hurt that stop starting from this hnc the mismanagement the the large large amount of bul they have done hnc is happening even in your previous AAR as IPS where you served in Karnataka also this you seeing in Karnataka some of the greatest disservice they are doing in that Holy Land we are seeing sir now I would say a combination of sadana D eradication which not only UD Stalin spoke which also the DMK government partly was doing ra PR PR sir we had to go to Supreme Court knock the door in the mid night get our petition listed at 10:30 in the morning get an order at 10:40 serve it to DGP by about 11:15 then make sure the pran prista went 11 1130 even for the Finance Minister Madame Nala sitaraman who was inside a temple that doesn't have anything to do with hnc she was prevented from watching so people are watching it and they know okay I don't want this people and of course BJP has got a plan of course this is an important issue sir but we put it in a way that is understandable to a common man a common person has to understand very important not the intellectual class CL a person who's in a village who has got a small dity who is very concerned that that that the way he worships his Kul Temple over centuries should not be affected now hnc is entering that because hnc act says even in K Temple there is a dispute I will come inside so overall I would say Sir this election sadana Dharma eradication and strangling of government temples is going to play a major role in the way people people vote and make their choice of voting but that could also polarize the vote those who believe that you're talking only hinda temples the others may not come you are you okay or are you talking a language that polarizes the water because that's another accusation that you're pushing a Hindu agenda now so you are not looking at subas sir now we have to understand sir let us Define Hindu let us Define Hindu now I respect my Muslim brother and sister I respect my Christian brother and sister if somebody goes and touches their church or their mask I'll be the first person to condemn and I say that everybody should have the same right a Muslim brother and sister going to a mask free the Imam of that mask deciding how the mask should be run or a Christian father deciding how is Sunday should be what kind of donation the church should get what is the kind of sacrifice offering they should do the same right I think a Hindu temple should also have so if people call I'm polarizing they should get their headset if any of the opposition party here in Tamil Nadu they say Anam is polarizing I'm not doing they were only polarizing till now so what they were doing till 2024 is polarization not test and secondly sir and BJP as a party we celebrate ifar it's a party BJP Tamil NAD we celebrate ifar but what we do is we invite all our Muslim brothers and sisters we say let all of us who have our faith what we what we practice let us all celeberate each other Faith by not copying each other here we have politicians who will just remove Viti because they want to go go to a minority conference we don't do that even when we host an ifar I will be myself and I want my Muslim brother and sister to be themselves because we believe this is the real value of secularism last year we hosted Christmas by the official BJP our leaders came everybody came we called the fathers and celebrated so Tamil Nadu over a point of time the politicians believe hosting an ifar means you have to do appeasement hosting a Christmas means you have to do appeasement now when we do something different it is very shocking to the established pattern of political thinking they say who this an or who is this BJP who are doing Hindu which is absolutely wrong which is a thorough misunderstanding and more importantly the Muslims and the Christian brothers and sisters of Tamil Nadu like our approach they say if they are so conscious about their religion they'll be conscious about my religion also they'll not take mine for granted since they're taking their for granted interesting analogy now 27th prime minister is coming there's something special that's planned do you want to tell us a little bird told me that this is a never before in Tamil Nadu not just Tamil Nadu all India what is the special thing I don't know the party is very ambitious and they want to receive PM in a very big way and uh I don't know sir they have taken 1,200 acre and the conference pandal itself is close to 530 acre it is it is just a some of the great thing our part is attempting our leaders and katas and uh the the crowd and the people who come out of love for prime minister Narendra Modi will be the highest Tamil NAD would have seen after 1947 and of course when I come on National Television when I make the statement I have to prove this in about 6 days time so I'm very consciously measuring my word and I'm talking the 27th of February will be historic because we are very confident that will be the turning point for all the hard work we have put and of course the joinings do happen you seeing lot of people joining tomorrow somebody will join next week somebody will join and uh BJP has become a preferred joob choice of people who want to come the professionals the technocrats and we have a startup cell sir how many political parties can claim and the person who joined our startup cell the head who heading our startup sell is an ex Intel engineer who has got patents to his name and he quit everything in us one day he was standing in our office he said I'm inspired by Modi G I want to do I'm sacrificing my whole thing what should I do we said okay let us start a startup sell so we run hackathons would you believe a political party in Tamil is run we run hackathon we want to solve some of the rural problems the party is running a hackathon challenge so we are completely we have a sport cell sir so we have three EX padmasri in sport who are part of Tamil Nadu BJP sport cell we have seven Olympians who are part of our Tamil NAD Sports we have Reinventing politics in a way because we believe professional should come in and without fear or favor they should do what they are doing outside and we say let us not do politics in a sports cell you take modi's Vision to the Village startup sell you take modi's Vision to the Village so so everything outcome will be in 27 so I have to read between the lines are more than a million people expected to come on 27th are there going to be some significant people joining the BJP on that day and is the PM going to make a big announcement about L SAA 2024 that PM sir is PM sir uh you know that uh uh his speeches are always electrifying of course it's it'll be the first political speech in Tam Nadu uh after 2021 so PM is yet to attend a political event in Tamil NAD he has attended a lot of public events so there first political event so all of us are watching with with great amount of interest and second of course joinings do happen sir but that is not the Forum where we say please come and join it happens in party officers in Delhi and in terms of numbers let me just keep my uh mouth shut for the day because I believe action should speak louder than words here uh let let our actions be strong than our words and it'll be historic sir finally final question we'll all watch people are also expecting a lot from you those who are coming to your Patra those who are starting to support you they have a whole host of expectations so are you up for that challenge very tough sir they expect so much um the the the good thing and bad thing uh in the current BJP now is all of us are measured to Modi G you ought to be like Modi at least even 10% of what Modi does you got to be punctual disciplined uh you got to be very emotional honest honest open uh proactive forward looking so so what Modi has done he has completely changed politics so of course we all carry the expect of modii which I believe the expectation of Modi is being transferred to us we are up for it sir else we will not be in politics and we are modi's food soldiers and we'll get it done sir day minus5 we spoke with analay Day Zero we spoke with him day 50 we spoke with him day one not one we are speaking with him and very very soon after a few Landmark announcements ahead of L SAA 2024 perhaps on the campaign Trail we look forward to speaking with you again on very kind of you to come sir thank you sir thank you
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Id: zMaQVaT-qS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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