NI-KI's video log It's almost 11 o'clock I'm going to go to a cafe
or someplace and paint which is one of my favorite things to do
[Painting!] Hello I've brought a sample I'm going to paint a landscape like this
[I prepared a sample!] As thinly as possible Next... I have to mix blue and white paint Like this Wow! Oh! [Drinking a beverage while painting] Now... I'm going to use black paint I should switch to a thinner brush [I'm drawing a tree] The sky and a tree First, the gradation... This is... I think trees are key elements when
drawing the sky above an open field A key detail! [I look so serious] Now... This is the most fun part Take white paint Wow! [Stars] I learned how to splatter paint at school Also, since I'm interested in painting I watch videos of YouTubers
and this is what they do So I tried it today Oh! Okay! Finally, I have to draw birds
[The final touch is to add three birds] I'm just going to draw three birds
Let me look it up That's tough I'm most nervous about this part It's either going to ruin it or upgrade it Slowly...
[Drawing the birds was the most difficult] [Slowly] Wow, it's done Finished!
[Finished] Done I finished it [Drying the painting] [Adding my autograph] The title of the painting is... "Nothingness"
[Title: Nothingness] Excellent Wow This is what I painted It took about an hour and a half
[Completed in an hour and a half] This is the result Drawing the birds was the most difficult I drew the shapes really carefully
[Drawing the birds was the most difficult] That was fun I'll draw many more paintings from now on
[It was fun] It was a nice landscape For ENGENE, who plan on coming here
this is where I painted I'm going to draw a mark... showing that I was here [Mark (N)] I drew an N, so if you come here
please try painting in this booth [EN-Log] We've come to play baseball!
[Next up, playing baseball with JAKE!] -We're here to play baseball
-Let's go -Okay
- It's going to be so fun Wow, just JAKE and me! -We're finally here!
-We went fishing with HEESEUNG before
[JAKE is so adorable] And this time, it's just the
two of us playing baseball -Wow
-Nice to meet you I've wanted to do this We're both baseball lovers I didn't know there was a place like this -Wow!
-What?! -Amazing!
[What?] Wow, this is amazing Wow! It's so cool! They said it's okay to
take the helmet off
[Start] -Wow
-This is scary You should hit a home run! [I'm watching JAKE] No! It's impossible to get 4 points! This is what I wanted!
[My spot] Oh? JAKE, it's a home run! Okay, number 4! Cleanup hitter, let's go!
[Fourth hitter] [Pit-a-pat] Wow, home run!
[Home run!] Home run! Home run!
[Another home run] Home run! How is that possible?
You hit it so lightly -Again?
-Yes Why would you
change the pitcher? You're going to lose anyway It's fun to play with JAKE JAY would be really bad at this, right? -Because he has a big butt
[JAY's big butt] Aw, it's over! No! Yeah NI-KI, don't say you're better at
playing baseball than me anymore I'm officially the best baseball player
in ENHYPEN -It's me, what are you talking about?
-Hey, what are you saying?
[We both got so emotional] -I'm going to take a picture of this
-I won!
[JAKE's pride, it's so cute] I hit a home run four times -ENGENE, look
-But you still lost
[I hit 4 home runs! (Awesome, right?)] Look! Four times!
[NI-KI 4 : JAKE 0] -Okay, but we had fun
-It was fun [JAKE and I are picking snacks] We're taking some snacks with us Although I won today, it was fun Stop it! It's pathetic You would've done the same
if you had won Now, we'll... -get back home, bye!
-Okay, bye-bye
[We're going home now! Bye-bye]