[EN] ※고막주의※ 와썹맨의 쭈니형과 제시가 뭉쳤다! 본격 고막 힐링 아니죠, 고막 파괴 인터뷰🎤 《제시의 쇼!터뷰》 EP.26 by 모비딕 Mobidic

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*Coming up next in Korean Word Puzzle Interview* PD-nim: The first question is "Proverb Quiz" WAT DA FAK IS proverb? *ehem* Proverb is like, you know 'Kill Two Birds with One Stone' Translation: yOu sLay tWo fReaKin bIrdiES wiTh onE sTone [Show!terview with Jessi] (TODAY ON WASSUP MAN) YO! WASSUP MAN IS HERE (SAMCHEONG-DONG BAAAM) WHERE WE ATTTTTTT saMSeONg-dONg PD-nim: Sam'cheong'-dong lol O! SAMCHEONG-DONG! Hey! Hey! HEY! HEY!! KNOCK IT OFF!!! THIS IS MY SHOW! THIS IS MY SHOW! THIS IS THE JESSI SHOW! WAZZAAP! JESSI SAY #@^%#^ BRUH *keep calm and this is not Lululala* YO GURL YO GURL GOT FAKIN' BIG TRAP YO This is SHOW!TERVIEW This is SHOW!TERVIEW (ANYWHO LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN HOMIES!) (TODAY ON SHOW!TERVIEW WITH JESSI) SHOWTERVIEW WITH JESSI (JESSI BAAAM) LETS GET IT BABE! Today we're having the hottest... *side-eye* SNAP OUT OF IT! *...person here* This cray tension from the beginning Wassup Man is HERE! Wassup Man is HERE! Joon Park of god! Oh ma gawwd! Oh ma gawwd! He's on TV! Whatcha doin' in the tub? The bathhouse is too small for all of us How old is this?? Dis is older than me tho *hey* YO YOU WASH UP? [Clean Yourself Before You Get In the Bathtub] You wash up or not And be honest I washed up... Dunno Gurl Dunno Gurl You rly TANNED *yo yo man, oppa you're the same!* Two Peas in a Pod YO MAN! ME! To be frank, recently I haven't seen the sun because of COVID-19 And yet, how did you make yourself that tanned? Yup... Yup... I strongly got TANNED EP.26 Wassup Man came down to screw around Show!terview [Warm-up Interview] I mean this guy is slaying so badly What brings you here? You freakin sent me DMs!! To come over here! You poked me up to come out AND WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME? Ahhh that's what it is! YOU GAVE MY IDEA A PASS??? *LMAO* The Best Korean-American Collab of all time! I came here cuz you called me! WHY WOULD I EVEN BOTHER THEM? *say this program belongs to where?* SBS! oOoOh s H e E T ! %%# His words have cut out very often His words have cut out very often (1 swearing per 1 word) (anywho the interview resumes) This is Jessi Show and (anywho the interview resumes) we're having Joon Park oppa today Joon oppa Wassup Q. How old are you right now? 51 51 Korean age: 52 *NEVER AGED* After a month, I'll be turning 53! *DAFAQ* Hey listen Hey listen You know I'm 31 in America But I'm 33 here O you were born in 1988? Dang, you were born when I was a sophomore in college! When I was a freshman your mom and dad were like *BAMMMM* AhA THEY GAVE ME A BIRTH! Before they GIVE YOU A BIRTH Have no clue how to put this Have no clue how to put this (Not joking.) MMMM K MMMM K Where to go? *faq dis* Totally Lost And she changed a lot (ME???) In 2005 In 2005 Jessi Ho~ *ESKIUSMI OPPA* JESSICA H.O Jessica, a 16-year-old little girl, is 33 now! In 2005, apparently, In 2005, apparently, god went on hiatus And back when you debuted I was like dAmN gRUL cuz she's Korean American, pretty and so cutie pie ♬ DaNaAnaNanAnaNA ♬ That's what I remember and now she's That's what I remember and now she's *YOOOO BRUH* *oppa* I was like... *wipping his drool off* I was like... the first time I saw her... HEY! KNOCK IT OUT! The sound is echoing, hold your horses! *Hey this is bathhouse!* You used to have a very deep voice You used to have a very deep voice when you were a kid Maybe my voice got brighter? NOPE Or prolly cuz I quit smoking? o.O I thought you were *censored* chain smoking aRgGhhr! aRgGhhr! oPpAAHRH! AHHHH CUT IT OUT! ANYWAYS! You know what our voice sounds like? I know Our throats are DIFFERENT! I KNOW!!! *WARNING* LOWER YOUR VOLUME DOWN WHILE PLAYING My voice won't come out if I speak low keep saying low like thi.. MY THROAT WON'T OPEN! If you came here as a guest in my show, you're not allowed to behave like this Is that so? I'll make the staffs to edit you out When I watched "Wassup Man" When I watched "Wassup Man" he wasn't this loud and noisy tho Oh they cut out well Oh. *People say* That uh... That uh... The subscribers... His words have cut out very often His words have cut out very often ("Wassup Man" PD-nim, I'm with you) [Keyword Interview] Time to find out more about Joon Park by keywords Do you know what a keyword interview is? This is YOUR PROGRAM! (Advice from the one who came before on YouTube) The First Keyword 1. god yo let's get it! ♬ GOOD BYE ♬ ♬ GOOD BYE ♬ ♬ (DON'T GO) ♬ ♬ BE HAPPY ♬ ♬ BE HAPPY ♬ ♬ (DON'T LEAVE ME) ♬ coMa sCHerRe tHemsCHe Fact: Joon was a rapper Q. How did you join god? Apparently, I moved to Korea in 1996 His sister was a costume designer for the movie "Beat" Jung Woo Sung's manager found my picture My sister had a keyring with my photo, he looked at it and said 'Who's this?' 'Attractive'? I have a unique face The manager wanted to recruit Joon as a singer They asked me: What do you need to move to Korea? Since I'm originally a graphic design major Since I'm originally a graphic design major offer me a graphic designer job and just need a place where I and my dog can live That should do it! So I said okay, came back to the states, packed all my stuff and flew back I was told that oranges were expensive in Korea I took a box of oranges with me *proudly made in California* While I was passing through the airport security, While I was passing through the airport security, the staff asked me "What's this?" I said "Oranges" He said "Those are not allowed" (Half-Century-Old's TMI is going on) Back then it was Kimpo International Airport! He unpacked and said "Looks pretty good, give me some." So I gave him like five of them OKAY PASS NEXTTTTT Took a minute talking about his journey coming out of the airport And later on As soon as I moved to Korea, *fak* the financial crisis hit hOly gUacAmOle... But NO ONE came to pick me up at the airport! *Hopeless* People asked you to move here! Kimpo Airport in the 1990s was particularly colder than usual I knew my aunt lives in Banpo (* T/N: Neighborhood of Gangnam) So I took a cab to Banpo (* T/N: Neighborhood of Gangnam) Do you know how much it cost me? 100,800 KRW (*T/N: Around 100 bucks) HEY BACK THEN IT ONLY COST YOU 20 BUCKS DAT DOUCHE WAS A CROOK! Anyways, the cab arrived at the destination Anyways, the cab arrived at the destination said I don't have Korean Money I only have US dollars, and the driver said "100 dollars please" So I gave him 100 bucks They'll love it even more! And then he looked at me "What's this?" - "What's this?" - "Oranges." "Give me some, will ya?" So I gave him some as well! So he moved to Korea against numerous hardships So god What was the question? How did you join the group? 'He mentioned these hard times on the air numerous times.' 'He mentioned these hard times on the air numerous times.' (Please refer to Wikipedia) I have a question! What is "god" mean? To be honest, you know what? To be honest, you know what? Let me tell you something Frankly speaking This is the first time! This is the first time! The first time ever I'm revealing this in here! OoOoOooOooO *no it's not!* DON'T GO TOO FAR GUYS This is the first time ever I'm telling this This is the first time ever I'm telling this Real fact Not god but to be frank, but I wanted to say "god" Wanted to go with simply "god" Meaning we're not gods but GOD but everyone has GOD in their hearts... ...so we're like God and stuff god - Little men god - Little men I wanted to name the group like this They said NO They said NO WHY? Speaking of the word 'god', that reminds of a traditional hat to Koreans (*T/N: Gat, the traditional hat, sounds the same) Um-hmm And back then everything has to be three words Like H.O.T. Like H.O.T. or S.E.S. So we go with 'god' And they fit the meaning into the name Groove Over Dose WoW Okay, if so! Q. When you were in the group, back then, Q. When you were in the group, back then, who did you pick the fight the most? Hey lewk One is 12 year age gap One is 12 years age gap, two of them are 9 years gap And the other one is 11 years gap Oh, oppa was Oh, oppa was the youngest? *LUL* *O LAWD* YO IF I'M THE YOUNGEST THEY'RE ALL YO IF I'M THE YOUNGEST THEY'RE ALL SENIORS (Senior Citizen Boyz) Second one! The Second Keyword: Hollywood *o snap* Why did you bring up Hollywood? True, y tho? True, y tho? I dunno either! This is my first time, hang on That one is epic fail bammm You made your Hollywood debut? Rather not watch it Rather not watch it yeah, yeah, yeah They reached me out They reached me out They wanted me to be on "Speed Racer" "Speed Racer" Half-Century-Old hyung's first role in hollywood movie The second audition was The second audition was "Dragonball Evolution" "Dragonball Evolution" Could you show us the scene that you were playing? Actually, the scene goes well with this place The scene I auditioned for was... The scene I auditioned for was... you know Emmy Rossum, right? In the movie, Emmy was trapped down here And it's my first time seeing her there Then you have to sit here Joon's first Hollywood debut Check out his global acting And then I'd be like... - Hey! - Hey! You need any help out? Done *LUL* Oh so he was an extra (EXTRA) Last Keyword "Marriage" Q. How has your life changed since you got married? But I don't think he hasn't changed because Every person has their own energy, but could it possible to be changed by marriage? But is there anything that changed? Nothing's changed, but here's a thing One thing that's definitely changed My... uh wait My... uh... My... little... WAT ARE YOU SAYIN The First Guest Ever Who Asks Korean to Jessi Oppa's sight...? *mumbles* Ahh fak dis Ahh fak dis It was my fault to ask you sCrEw yOU DON'T ASK ME AT FIRST PLACE (They're wrapping up anyhow) At my current stage, At my current stage, I've lost a lot of my private time People say 'Marriage is a Beautiful Entrapment' But here's a thing But here's a thing Let me tell you something Let's say I'm having a day off And I got a phone call 'Hey hyung, come on over!' But then while I'm reading the message My little girl says 'Daddy, daddy!' *Daddy smile* I text back 'Next time bro' As soon as I open my eyes in the morning and play around with my little girl That's the only difference I do whatever I want to do You'd better not waste your private time You'd better not waste your private time If you get married Of course Of course I learned it A marvelous experience with keeping my time, but my goal in life is changed Why don't you send a video message to your wife? Ha! This is so cringy, man! I was with her a little while ago! JUST DO IT ALREADY! Hey Hon ;) Via my eyes *LOL* DAFUQ YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! You're wearing sunglasses on... My wife can read from my sunglasses (LOVE YOU HUN) [Korean Word Puzzle Interview] Korean Americans' Match of the Century [Korean Word Puzzle] Battle I won the first prize in "Woorimal battle" Jackson from GOT7 and me... OH MY GAWD YOU JOKING???? OH MY GAWD YOU JOKING???? JACKSON????? ME NAILED IT Of course you win! But next to me But next to me, there were two people who came Korea to study Korean But he lived in Korea longer than me, But he lived in Korea longer than me, he should have more experience (Here goes the Korean quiz y'all guys have been looking forward to seeing!) PD-nim: The first question is PD-nim: The first question is "Proverb Quiz" WAT DA FUQ IS proverb? *ehem* Proverb is like, you know 'Kill Two Birds with One Stone' Translation: yOu sLay tWo fReaKin bIrdiES wiTh onE sTone That was the most catchy and easy explanation wut da faq is dat...? mmmm...k... *shurg* No.1 'Shell OOO through the back hole' What's OOO? (*T/N: The answer is The Pumpkin Seed) OKAY I GOT THIS ONE!! The dung hole? The dung hole? Oh the back hole... Through the back hole... Back hole... I know bung hole... Back hole... I know bung hole... but I've never heard of back hole tho Somewhat more chaotic than "Woorimal battle" It isn't a poop? PD-nim: I knew this gonna happen sooo... Changed to Korean Consonant Quiz AHA!!!!! I GOT IT! (Those who presses the quiz buzzer first) Joon, the answer is? Shell "The Sunflower Seed" through the back hole That's the answer? "The Sunflower Seed" WRONG! Through the back hole... ARGHGHH!!! Sorry. I know! I KNOW THE ANSWER! Didn't know this corner is this intense Rather bring violence during the quiz *No? Not The Sunflower Seeds?* Rather bring violence during the quiz *I KNOW!* / *YES OR NO?* Nuclear attack Wait! Wait! GIVE ME A CHANCE! DARN! And why are you got mad at us tho... *all her moves* (Have no idea why both of them feel frustrated) BEEP! WRONG! Shell "The Pumpkin Seed" through the back hole He got the answer right tho... BUT Y THO? WHY YOU SHELL THROUGH YOUR BUNGHOLE???? (Trying his best to give them an explanation) Oh talk behind someone's back! "Shell the pumpkin seed through the back hole": 'A wolf in sheep's clothing', Backstabber Second Proverb Quiz! 'Others’ OO look bigger' No.2: 'Others’ OO look bigger' (*T/N: Means The grass always looks greener on the other side) JESSI!!! Oh, is this something sexual, aye? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) OHHOOOOO! Others’ POOP look bigger Others’ POOP look bigger BEEP WRONG! *NO CLUE* Other's Rice Cakes? Am I allowed to say this? Other's "Rice Cakes" look bigger! *And that's the answer* PD-nim: Why you aren't allowed to say thi Cuz it's rice cake... OH YOU CRAP Literally, rice cake (*T/N: Also a slang for 'get laid' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Third Proverb Quiz! "A O is born in a creek" What is creek? Creek means where water flows Somewhere water flows, it's like a stream Oooh you studied hard! In a creek... Showing off her sexy lips? This one shall be hard But this quiz is for Jessi! Last time we had "Delayed Justice"! (*T/N: In Korean: "Fly, Creek Dragon") A drugon is born? A dragon is born! (Wassup Man Style Edit) "A DRAGON is born in a creek" Jessi got the answer! Y tho?? Y tho?? Y THO?? Y tho?? Y THO?? WHY THO??? Y tho?? Y THO?? WHY THO??? Y???? Why a dragon borns in the water? I HAVE NO IDEA! Just how my brain remembers! "A DRAGON is born in a creek": Rags to riches, A poor person became wealthy socially successful AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I understood in English! Big Fish in Small Pond! BIG FISH IN SMALL POND! *LUL* But why did they use a dragon, instead of fish tho? Because a dragon is way bigger! Aha... 2 - 1 The fourth proverb quiz! "Even OOO will turn" I GOT THIS!!! JEEESSSSHIIIII!!!! It's like, like, like abbreviations! Something like what kiddos use like AFK! (She's inferring it with her body) I KNOW THE ANSWER!!! A WORM! A WORM!! THAT'S RIGHT! A WORM! (A worm celebration) And the long-awaited last question! The Jessi-biased question by Show!terview PD-nim! Could she able to answer the question right? Nunu Nana NUNU NANA!!! Nunu Nana is my fate, my destiny <3 OOF... (NuNu NaNa dance celebration) *Yo, one more! We just had two...* Both of us... SIT DOWN!!!! Sit down already so distracting... A bonus question for pissed Joon hyung Oh? *enigmatic* Jessi! Jessi! This is something bright, right? *Guess I've seen it somewhere...* The hint is god! god is the hint...? ♬ SKY ♬ Wait, isn't it your song? Wait, isn't it your song? Anything includes 'SKY'? Sky... Sky... spa... Now literally everyone would know the answer SKY BLUE BALLOON! WYYYYYYYYYY!! HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW OWN HIS SONG! It's been years since I've seen the song lol ♬ BLUE SKY WITH THE SKY BLUE BALLOONS ♬ ♬ BLUE SKY WITH THE SKY BLUE BALLOONS ♬ ♬ THEY WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEART ♬ [Wassup Man Interview] So you're on a roll from hosting "Wassup Man" I don't know Well you're killin' it! How many subscribers do you have? 2.32 million! Is that your channel though? No No Show!terview also belongs to SBS That channel belongs to Studio lululala They take all the dough YO I'M POOR AF!!! *LUL* I've been wearing these shoes for a year [How the "Wassup Man" Came Out] So here's how we got started... There was a tv program named "Paradise" But the rating turned out to be wasn't great so we started wassup man to promote the show At first, they suggested a format like "The God of Music" But as you know, I hate reading scripts That doesn't match my character at all So the producer asked me "So what do you want to do?" Without a script, let me bring a couple of camera crew with me And let me screw around in my own way He said okay and we shoot in Hongdae Brought an enormous success that he even didn't expect to see IT WAS JUST LUCK! Rather than just luck Oppa has his own charm and people fell in love with that point! That's correct And then later on And later on, people figure out to see my other aspects as well *true dat* That said, I'm pretty happy about that No matter how much you push yourself to the limit or how good you are, you can't hit a home run without luck The timing is also part of your luck And to be honest with you, study hard!! Those who're studying hard, don't take my word as just as I said GOTTA STUDY HARD Today's Conclusion: Studying is an effort Today's Conclusion: Studying is an effort (Effort won't betray you) He could've done well because he's a good interviewer and witty! And that's Korean American thingy *wink* You’ve got a tan? Did Jessi really get tanned? That's a brilliant question! That's a brilliant question! People want to know! That's a brilliant question! People want to know! People are curious! How come Jessi always so tanned?? But one thing really interesting is He's also tanned and asking me back! This is the brightest skin... I bet god fans would know, the brightest skin I've ever had in my life! Please send the clip from SBS "Soonpoong clinic"! That's a real chocolate abs... Okay! Okay! You see and you'll know it! At that time, I couldn't see anything unless I open my eyelids(?) "10 years... from now?" "10 years?" But anyways oppa is You're way much more seonbae both as a singer and as a YouTuber Q. Any words you want to say to Jessi? Just Keep on Doing What You're Doing Just Keep on Doing What You're Doing *Thank you so much, oppa!* They're all saying the same lol If you're not feeling to do it but you're doing to make money, that's it I didn't start "Wassup Man" for money but tried to promote something else, but hit a home run You gotta enjoy this You gotta enjoy this There are no short cuts in life! Anything falls down as fast as it went up The baby sometimes crawls The baby sometimes crawls and walks... (That's a wonderful piece of life advice, but we'll play it a bit faster) A baby can walk while fall from running, or crawl again from walking, what if the baby falls down from learning how to jump? Therefore you should do what you like I wish you enjoy your work, and you work on what you want While shooting, just keep on doing what you want to do But you have to respect the line I respect the line A LOT! I respect the line very much! I'm the one who don't respect the line I'm the one who don't respect the line faq [Cookie Clip] First of all, thank you so much for being on the show! To be honest, To be honest, I've never seen anyone talk as much as I do *LUL* To be honest, I controlled myself quite a lot! What could've happened if he didn't control himself... But why is my Korean so good today? But why is my Korean so good today? Interesting... 0.0 You know why? You know why? You're not being self-conscious Whenever I'm with someone who's fluent in Korean I become nervous I mumble because I should not make any mistakes That's Right! So! So! Don't talk behind her back to much! I was the same while watching her: 'Dang... she's worse than me...' Dunno it's praising or roasting her... Hey but my Korean has improved quite a lot! Your Korean could become better! My brain got harden now! Same here as well, oppa! Reading is so hard! Let me take a look fUq dis I EVEN CAN'T SEE IT ANYMORE! DAT'S CAUSE YOU'RE WEARING SUNGLASSES! So the reason why I misread in that one radio program! KwAngdOnG JeJu KwAngdOnG JeJu sHipDAsU! (*T/N: It's Samdasoo not Shipdasu...) There's a countdown for the live radio program And you're supposed to read them in 12 secs and I was mumbling and ended up like that Same here! SsAnGYok moTOr CompAny! (*T/N: Ssangyok means cursing in Korean) These two Korean Americans are nailing it! (*T/N: Supposed to be Ssangyong Motor Company) Anyway, that's what it is! It's not that we can't speak Korean It's hard to learn Korean when you're somewhat aged An empty glass! An empty glass! It's easy to refill an empty glass If you fill something in where it's already foukin filled FREAKIN' overflows! AIN'T GONNA WORK BRAH And your head sucks up everything like a SPONGE I'M FUQIN 52 YEARS OLD DAFAQ YOU WANT ME TO LEARN! Why these people always get easily bad-tempered? sHEeit mY heAd is f**kin StoNe too O YOUR HEAD IS FAQIN BONEHEAD TOO (The show's over when your ear is bleeding...)
Channel: 모비딕 Mobidic
Views: 2,865,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 모비딕, SBS, mobidic, 제시, JESSI, 스브스, 토크, 토크쇼, 제시의쇼터뷰, 쇼터뷰, 숏터뷰, 양세형의숏터뷰, mc, 양세형, 제시발쇼, 제시쇼, 래퍼, 언프리티랩스타, 언니쓰, 쎈언니, 호현주, 피네이션, PNATION, PSY, 제시 런닝맨, 제시 유재석, 제시 조정식, 웹예능, 악인전, 식스센스, 놀면뭐하니, 제시 악인전, 인생은즐거워, 이효리, 제시 이효리, Jessi show, showterview, 힙합, 환불원정대, 엄정화, 화사, 제시 은비, 눈누난나, 제시 지민, 제시 전지적참견시점, 이상엽, 게스트, 연기자, 연기, 드라마, 박준형, 예고, god, 쭈니형, 쭌, 와썹맨, 룰루랄라, 지오디, 목욕탕, 속담, 퀴즈, 우리말 겨루기, 교포, 할리우드, 결혼, BAAM, 하늘색 풍선, 팬지, 거짓말
Id: sc9_SDAa8XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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