EMPTY NORTH KOREA HOTEL (Strange Experience)

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I was not paid by any company or government to make this video I do not condone support or promote the regime of North Korea in any manner whatsoever. Please do your own research North Korea North Korea the propaganda Kim jong-un his regime Human Rights prison camps for ballistic missile otto warmbier. It was a moment for the history books I am NOT a journalist I'm just some kid with a consumer camera who was lucky enough to gain access into the most isolated And controlled country in the world. This video series is a product of that Good morning guys, welcome back to Dprk Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Otherwise known as North Korea today working up on this seaside resort That's sitting on it here in the biggest seaport town of North Korea today We are heading to the mountains, I believe and we're going hiking there should be a pretty good trip Just having my morning coffee yet what do I normally do in the mornings here as I wake up about an hour before the bus leaves and the coffee and just Look out the window because from here I've got views. I've got the city over here and then over here. I have the Seat those shots that you just saw What I can see from the window, sir, pretty cool hotel room here and it's massive, you know I wasn't expecting it to be that's nice. It is extremely rich Oh, it's very old school design and things but I like its kind of rooms Yeah, I got a lot of character without any further ado. We've got a bed It's free our drive to the mountains and then I guess we'll be hiking in North Korea, so Yeah, let's go Morning morning, thank you. Oh good You Now guys so we've just been driving for maybe an hour or so Sorry about the footage being a bit bumpy, but the roads are really not the best So we've just stopped with this tea house on the beach here, beautiful We've only got like 10 minutes here, which is a shame but I've got to get moving so we can go hiking that's so amazing to seeing that that Farmland and the workers and things and it really is a time machine. I'll get a couple shots of this Beach area Get back on the road and we have lunch and then we go hiking You see all the buildings here at like from a different time period it's kind of trapped in time once you leave beyond yang and Pyongyang There's lots of modern buildings and things but once you go out of Pyongyang the capital then everything is back in time kind of So the are the mountain tsubame and we Okay, so it just arrived in this village here below what's called diamond mountain which we're gonna be climbing soon I'll show you the landscape. That's pretty beautiful but this hotel is like Seriously luxurious compared to all we've been staying in I'll give you a little tour in just the city But we're just here for a little while Just checking in and then we're going to it Lagoon and then we're having lunch and then we're Continental Let me show you this room and then I'll show you the view so that this is the door where you come in Then you've got a nice Bathroom. Yeah, it's really modern compared to where else we have been and Nice clean sheets and Then check that out Beautiful So, I'm not sure which one of these mountains Were gonna be climbing but it's been eight kilometres hike today. So we'll get all sort of here head off surprised again Instead of going to the lagoon we ended up driving straight to lunch. It was another incredible spread different kinds of mushrooms salads little wraps kimchi soup for the meat-eaters They brought out this boiling hot River stone that they had preheated and then they set the meat on top of it And if you wanted to you could cook your own meat. I believe it was pork. I'm not sure I didn't try it But my friends said it was delicious That guy said we've had lunch now we're walking out this mountain They were going to just under 900 meters above sea level today. This pathway is really nice through the trees We got these big beautiful bridges here and just huge mountains or surrounding us and you can see they've got Korean riding on them Some of this these engravings 10 meters high a few meters wide and one made a deep Some guys painting the bread shit Hello Sometimes they say things about the grand lady doesn't much love that one season Got another maybe arrow. So to go it's like eight kilometres and we're kind of allowed to walk on her own here So it's nice to get some breathing space These guys are just holding on to the side of this massive bridges painting them holding on with one hand Extreme Arrive to the top. It's wonderful majestic took that and the Scriptures captain's beside Alright guys, so we just made it to the top of this other mountain we climbed up from that waterfall You just saw and there's seriously if it you You will not believe this Check it out Seriously incredible this is some of the coolest nature I've seen well like most unique. It's just crazy how this was North Korea, you know Totally not expecting this and the walking trails are in great condition. They're all like freshly painted The reason that this is so well maintained is because it was originally made for South Korean tourists This whole area was leased by Hyundai the same company that makes the cars and they built the hotel that we're staying in is actually built by a South Korean company and still owned but now South Koreans aren't allowed in here anymore because of an incident where South Korean was shot long story. I'll explain evaded But yeah, this whole area was leased Thousands and thousands of South Korean tourists coming here that stopped after the incident, but this is actually the area where the South Koreans United with their families from North Korea when that happens It normally takes place in this area back down in the town where our hotel is pretty interesting Anyway, I'll show you some more shots of this whole area because it's truly something stunning Check it out So all done with that hike there and just out-of-this-world scenery and all to ourselves we were the only people there a few of us from the group went to the very top and as you could see from the Views there was absolutely stunning. So very lucky to have that all to ourselves. I mean who knows in the future? maybe it'll be really busy but For now, it's just us now We're heading to another kind of landscaping beautiful area some kind of a lagoon area Again, not sure what to expect that Let's go and see from here. We drove to the lagoon But on the way we passed this building and this building here is where the North and South Korean families Reunited when it does happen It's very rare when it has happened in the past that's happened at these buildings here pretty special location And then we arrived at the lagoon Beautiful Lagoon here and then we headed back to the hotel Alright guys back from there. Hi, if you see those last few clips, that was just cheating and villager pretty beautiful Just like the other walk. We did up that mountain incredible scenery. I think it's kind of similar to Chinese Scenery obviously but no tourists as I said before they used to be thousands and thousands of tourists here coming from South Korea But since an incident where the South Korean was shot, it's completely cut off the tourism I think this afternoon coming up put a ban on that since it happened so I think it's half Korean walked into a military base in which shop so That's all the details I know so that's just from what I've been told anyway, so now there's nobody yet There was no North Korean tourists up there and all that means or but they were doing lots of maintenance up there painting yet I don't know if that's because it's coming to summer time and they're expecting a lot of tourists or I really don't know that being So called lately. It was 38 degrees I think yesterday that in for it's 35 today Before I continue what I was saying that I just want to show you around this hotel because it's pretty interesting So I'll show you just one or two features that kind of to me and then we'll continue with the after they've I think a quick tour of the hotel is a something pretty interesting She still the plastic wrap on these light sheds But I'll take you for a walk down to the hotel lobby because it's unreal. I'll show you So on the tenth floor right now, normally they've been putting us really quite high up in the hotel rooms look at this Unreal But it's like super modern but you'll notice a few bits and pieces on the edges on Completely like finish like I'm not trying to make it look really bad Just showing some little things that no stuck out to me is a super beautiful hotel this cute painting down you're free Hopefully the hotel staff don't get we had me filming but they should be okay. I'll show you know, I probably won't talk too much Okay So this is the mountain where general Kim jong-il was born The grand entrance there I Know I've said it a lot but you have to remember that there was used to be heaps of tourists here, but now it's empty but here you can get a beer for like two euros or something and Three waters for one u.s. Dollar. There's no one around. That's really quite bizarre It looks like there's more upstairs. I'll go and see if I can Explore up this and they play this music seriously everywhere you go They got pool Table tennis That's the mountain ranges hello Karaoke Very beautiful and then you can always buy things though. We're selling bits and pieces It's the tiger which is the national animal I think I have a few up north but not many around this area Am I allowed to go up here? Can I yeah, okay It's really quite beautiful I guess that's where we're having dinner tonight Incredible at work you very It's unreal And I think our group are the only people staying in this whole place people behind me and my group Ten people in our group in this whole hotel 12 to 15 stories high, but like it's seriously incredible look at this a Really kind of magic something like this exists it might be a few Chinese guests in there I'm not quite sure cut back to the outro that I was originally doing but I just filmed this little clip because I filmed the outro first and then I was like, I want to show this hotel, so Anyway enough talking see you tomorrow tomorrow. We're going back to Pyongyang So I think we might go to the ski resort on the way It'd be interesting to check that out If you liking these North Korean videos at the salsa fish you've watched and the rest of the series will be linked at the end Of the video or down below stay tuned for next episode because still still a lot but it come from North Korea So thanks for watching in case I don't see good afternoon. Good evening and good night
Channel: Indigo Traveller
Views: 2,786,563
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Keywords: north korea, travel north korea, pyongyang, travel pyongyang, korea, kim jong un, kim jong il, kim il sung, north korea documentary, indigo traveller, trump, summit, south korea, dmz, asia, travel, dprk, adventure, explore, travel blogger, wanderlust, united states, usa, vlog, travel vlog, news, media, fox, cnn, subway, china, air koryo, beijing, kim jon un, statue of the leaders, tours, koryo tours, young pioneer tours
Id: z5CdUK-NeAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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