Emporia Vue Gen 2 Energy Monitor Install

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[Music] all right so today we're going to put in an emporia vue energy monitor so i already have a sense in here and i actually just took out the first generation emporia view this is the second generation so uh i'm gonna go turn off the power and unbox this and start clamping it in but it's gonna go a couple lines on the main up here and then this one has 16 ct clamps so i could watch 16 different circuits so i'm going to get started on that alright so here's the box and inside this is the main monitor here so it looks like that and a whole bunch of stuff plugs into it and then there are uh these are eight ct clamps each in here so i'll start pulling those out and plugging them in all right so this is emporia's brain and box and this is the sense energy monitor so you can see they're pretty similar in size and this is the second generation device the first generation did not do voltage monitoring so this one does so there's a b and c so this will handle three phase power uh but this is a house so it's just two face or 220. it's two legs of 110. and then it holds 16 different cts and this is the thing i really like about it all of these are just headphone jacks why hasn't anybody done a headphone jack yet this is absolutely brilliant because the little tiny wires you have to plug in are a real pain in the tucus so this makes this a pretty quick install i just have to decide which circuits i'm going to monitor and then i need to write down which is which all right my main breaker happens to be outdoors which is unusual for my market certainly not unusual for a lot of the country particularly the south so i have a 200 amp breaker and i'm going to shut that off this is where it's really helpful to have some work lights so these i just use from usually spray foam jobs but here are the two accessory boxes and so this has the two main clamps in it and then also this is the wire here for powering it and then over here there are eight ct clamps so i'll get started putting those in and so i just labeled my box so i have a handwritten sheet that i need to put into a spreadsheet and then print out but uh i need to note which see which circuits i am putting a ct on so that's what i have to do next so i will dig into that now the power's off all right so this is a really nice thing that they send you they send you this a little piece of wire and so i'm going to wire the power in to this breaker and this breaker so it's important they need to be next to each other so you can see down here i just opened these slots up earlier because my heat pump will use these down the road but you can see where those lines are coming off and they switch so that one comes off this side and the next one comes off the other side so those are going to these two wires coming in from the house so you have to make sure that when you power it you hit both sides and so that's what i'm doing with these two breakers so here's one side here's the other side doesn't really matter uh at all just so long as you're you're taking two that are consecutive you will get the two sides so important to note all right so now i have those taped up and they're going into this breaker and this breaker and then the blue and white i have go into neutral like the directions say okay so i made a list of all the circuits and this is an important thing to do you have to figure out what goes where and sometimes you're not going to know so you're just going to have to do it so this is just my handwritten list and i will put this into a spreadsheet here shortly but i also was consolidating breakers i wanted to open up these four spots so that i can put my heat pump in so i needed to make this list and as you can see it's messy i kept changing things as i was going uh depending on you know where things were gonna fit what wires there were and so forth so really important to have this because you need to know what's what if you don't know what something is you can always put a ct clamp on it and then watch for it to actually be running my old house i had like eight circuits i didn't know what they were and i figured out seven of them by watching an energy monitor in that case it was what was this and then at a curb on that house as well so important note make a list of all of your breakers okay so i have chosen which ones i'm going to clamp so this goes to my office and note that the l points towards the breaker over here and that's what it needs to do the l goes to the load and then i have clamped the range important point on the anything that is 220 if it uh shares the same neutral so if there's only one wire um the neutral bus is back here this actually the way they have it wired it's ground here neutral on the other side uh but uh if it is a 220 device that pulls the same which pretty much all these double breakers are going to do with the exception of a sub panel you can just clamp one and then in the app you can tell it to double that usage so i had them clamped separately in the last install and they're they're really really close to each other so they're close enough you can just double them and even if it's off by a couple percent it's not that big of a deal so i clamp the range and then down here this is my water pump and so this is a sub panel here i have a 60 amp going to the shed and i used to charge my car off of this and once i get an electric car again i will be using that stunk to get rid of the volt but needed a van for towing our camper and then uh to clamp the dryer and in this case this runs the washer and the dryer off of the same line so this will be the laundry and this is the refrigerator because why not and i also want to see the scents can see the refrigerator so i want to see if it's catching all of the cycles or not this is the water heater and i think that is it for the moment yeah that's the eight so i have those all set up and note that all of them have the l going to the breaker so next up is wire management i have to go find my zip ties i don't know that i know where they are right now i had the last set up zip tied pretty well and it was reasonably neat but know that this is going to be a train wreck pretty much no matter what you do with it in your electric panel so just do your best and don't judge each other too harshly if it looks a little messy okay then this is still far from neat but got my main clamps up there there's eight cts here and i would recommend getting the 16 ct model i just didn't happen to get this and i have this jammed in here enough that i can get the panel back on but you want to make sure you don't have too many wires like this one's going to be too close because when you put the cover back on it you're going to struggle to get that on so uh i'm going to go turn it on turn the power on and get the thing set up all right and i'm done it is hooked up to the wi-fi reporting so here's the old emporia one so i'm just going to pull that off because i switched what i'm monitoring and i purposely opened up these holes earlier again so that i can put a heat pump in and have some space for it and then um it's funny i had to use blue tape my my daughter used all of the tape in the entire house so any of the clear stuff so blue it is um but i went and made that spreadsheet like i said with all of my notes so now i know which ones are being monitored and i also know where the power is because i didn't know that before so uh installs complete and now because it's generation two it has voltage monitoring so i can trust the numbers on it yet so i'm excited to watch this all right before we sign off i wanted to show you the app now that this is working so you can see the different circuits that it is monitoring so you can check the main what the total wattage is and this will drive some people a little bit nuts but so there's minute if i move to the hour it shows what the usage is so that's kilowatt hours where the second and minute ones show you the actual usage in watts or kilowatts so you can see the different things that i'm monitoring watching my office which is basically the internet then there's the two barn circuits and this is important because it's a sub panel so they are separate circuits but you can click on any one and see what's going on the refrigerator i really wanted to check this so that i can compare it against the sense so we'll see just how well it does it picking things up and you can see it runs a fair amount i happen to have an old fridge it was our basement fridge in our old house and when we moved we had to leave the good fridge and we brought this one so it's not the most efficient one it could be worse but it could be better but it's kind of interesting you can see there was a long cycle right here because i had the power off for about an hour while i was putting the monitor in and shooting the videos so pretty cool that you can see all this stuff and now i get to see some things that i didn't before i'm glad to have updated this so i didn't have the water pump before and i didn't have the refrigerator before so by only putting one clamp on some of these 220s i opened up a couple extra that i could watch so i'm really curious to watch this and thanks again to emporia for sending the product to me but i also really like the product so that's important i don't like to put positive reviews up for something that i don't like so uh hope this little quick review of the app is helpful all right so it's in um and there you go you can see the empty slot so i'm going to put an affiliate link at the bottom and so if this is something that interests you this is a really nice tool for figuring out what's going on if you've got something in your house that you just don't know what's going on this is a really good tool to get and try and figure that out and also if you are electrifying this is a really good tool to understand just how much energy you're using because a lot of your friends and family are going to be nervous about pulling a furnace and putting a heat pump in in its place as is your contractor and probably yourself so this is a good way to understand what's going on and make yourself feel better so i'm nate the house whisperer take a look for the affiliate link at the bottom because you can get a couple bucks off and then i get a couple of bucks as well but take a look at that and if this is something that sounds interesting go get one or even hire an electrician to put it in and i hope this was a helpful video so again i'm nate the house whisperer have a wonderful day bye
Channel: Nate the House Whisperer
Views: 34,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dJ9Q3Ft5pOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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