Employees describe Manoa murder-suicide suspect as 'family man' who fell into depression

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employees of the man who police say stabbed his wife and three children before taking his own life over the weekend are horrified by this killing our Christen consilia reports on why they say Paris Oda was in a downward spiral employees describe parisot Who police say stabbed his wife and three children to death before killing himself as a family man he is family man he love his family so much he would get up early morning to prepare their lunch and cook their breakfast and he would let his wife sleep I said oh you're such a good husband you know and and there that's why they're baffled OD is accused of the second deadliest mass murder in the islands I I was crying out all night all day I couldn't sleep it's just it's just so hurt because they just SL my family look a former and current employee told Island news Oda who ran Oda Ohana Chiropractic was close to his family his wife noo and three children sakurako Orion and Nana they say Oda was a happy guy who liked to chat with his patients up until late last year when his demeanor completely changed that's when they say he became Moody and disengaged I think he had depression because he just toally change no smiling nothing sometime he looks so just look so guy kind of start um scared to talking to him because he seem to really unhappy person even his patients noticed the changes some of the patient had told me that oh um what happened with Dr OD you know he kind of quiet lady or something like that and I said some of the patient is it because of me they said I said no no no nothing to do with you police are still investigating a motive for the killings but employees say Oda was struggling with financial difficulties Christen consilio Island news
Channel: Island News
Views: 60,146
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Id: 3Mu6LYpvMvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 12sec (132 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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