Empire of the Sun - Turn 1 - IAI Operation No. 1

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hello welcome to the kangertech playthrough series we're playing Empire the Sun we're still on turn one of the campaign scenario we've already played first card of the game operation Z which was scripted that the Japanese get to play it first and the bottom of this card says removed from the game after playing done there's one other card that's been scripted for this turn it is a operation number one conquest of Southeast Asia is them probably the most complicated card in the game so once we get past this one the rest should be gravy though we are still sort of under a restricted rules in other words we won't be able to play by all the rules just yet but let's check it out and says any units within range of any Japanese headquarters activate any use a logistics value of the twenty plus six a 26-6 coming from the total headquarter deficiency I'll kind of go over that in a second it's also a surprise attack like operations he was its reactivate 26 units that's basically what this logistic value mean is how many units you can activate for an offensive black card military card generally used for offensives as the game calls them it says some special rules down here about who can attack where and so on there's gonna be a potential for a British reaction normally they're in a offensive the enemy may react potentially in this card basically cannot react other than this thing that has been mentioned here sounds like air units will not have zones of influence we'll talk about what a zone of influence for air units a means it's important to the game but in this turn it's not that important all right that thing did mention the card the activation range over headquarters here's the sample headquarters its range is 12 so this headquarters can activate units within 12 spaces of it it also talked about headquarters efficiency here it is to put this headquarters visit there's a couple of other headquarters on the board that are Japanese one has a efficiency one and there's an efficiency of three so if you had all those up together because this card is activating all the headquarters it's a total of six efficiency and that's why it says logistics value is 20 plus 6 so normally you get a logistics value when you conduct it in offensive it's not over it's not gonna be 20 it's usually gonna be smaller and then you add your headquarters efficiency but this is a special card combining all the headquarters so here's a Southeast Asia it's not all of it but most of its on the screen here and this card is intended to be used for for Japan to conquer Southeast Asia it could do whatever at once but there is a good reason to try to invade Southeast Asia with it and that is the Japanese get a certain number of cards that return in future turns based on their resources that they control a resource hex is a sort of gold or yellow bordered hex so this one right here the Dutch East Indies have quite a few there's one there there there there there there there Malaya has one one up in Burma and then the Japanese start with a few but what's gonna happen is after turn four the Japanese stock piles are gonna start running out and they're gonna need those resource X's in order to maintain their hand of cards and the cards are what drive the game so they need to capture I think it's I think it's to resource X's per card something like that you know there's other factors I think but essentially they're gonna want to try to get fourteen resource X's before turn four is over to maintain their addictive their their their hand size and so the majority of resources are down here in the Dutch East Indies and Friends so we want to use this card to try to capture as many as possible or at least position ourselves to capture it over the next several turns so so one thing about this cards it said something like may only amphibious assault hexes that are within five continuous water hexes of a Japanese control port so I guess they're transport capabilities are severely strained by this card because it's a massive offensive going on across many regions so I have to keep that in mind so I'm gonna go through and I'm gonna activate 26 units across you know the entire Japanese Empire it's gonna be a lot of Units I'll probably do it off camera and then sort of explain as I go like maybe why I chose certain units but the goal is try to activate as many units as I can to achieve the objectives of the initial objectives of conquering those resource X's or getting them position to conquer them another thing to keep in mind is the game talked about the Allied zones of influence for aircraft are negated or they don't exist for the play of this card so I better describe what that means okay here's an American aircraft in the Philippines and it has a zone of influence unless a card says it doesn't but when as the zone of influence which is normal case for the game it projects power essentially into the six adjacent hexes and then the next layer of hexes around it so two hexes out essentially that's a pretty good footprint on the map of the area that it projects influence into and what that does is it prevents supply from being traced through those hexes on the water anyway it prevents activation being traced through those hexes meaning a headquarter trying to activate a unit and it prevents an escorted troop transports essentially from going through there so it's a major tool to use to limit your enemy and if you have a chain of aircraft no you know there's no base islands out here to help make a chain but if you had a chain of these aircraft zones of influence you can block large areas of the map so a big deal is this is a big invasion turn for the Japanese and the Allies zones of influence so I guess there aren't out patrolling so it's gonna make it easier for them to do it in previous assaults you can negate a zone of influence with your own zone of influence so if a Japanese I'm just gonna grab a random Japanese fighter if this fighter was uh based right there then this guy's zone of influence projected into here and here would be cancelled by this guy zone of influence predict it into here in here and any other hexes where they overlap bombers essentially like long-range bombers while they project design of influence they cannot cancel a zone of influence so you basically have to be like a you know have a fighter component to your ear wing aircraft carriers are similar they also has own influence behave in the same manner so uh that's a lot to say but basically we'll we'll see a lot more of zones of influence later but right now the Japanese can assume there aren't any now but you might want to consider that if we don't eliminate this aircraft on this turn that it will have a zone of influence so we'll probably want to position our aircraft at the end of the turn to make sure it's as negated as possible perhaps okay I've gone through and activated 26 units I'll just kind of give a quick tour activated these units out here these are these are all white their naval I should point out that there's a special naval infantry they have an inker symbol normally have to spend amphibious shipping points to ship units or to send them in for emphasis alts these guys are small and they can fit on combat ships specifically cruisers like cruisers and I think something called APB so anyway activated all those on tip I have on the map I couldn't activate the carriers here the card we first played um said they can't be activated for the rest of the turn so over here we got some more more units here ships and army infantry up in the home islands I've activated some more ships just a like to carry your in their figure I can you make some use of that there's a fighter unit here so everyone's gonna get a chance to move so even though the spider is nowhere near an enemy it'll get a chance to move maybe I just want to move it to have it in a good spot at the end of the turn a bunch more units along here they'll probably be moving down this way because I want to try to get a foothold in the Philippines the Philippines will surrender if we can capture Davao and Manila it is possible to make an emphasis alt directly into Manila but the rules basically see it's heavily mined and has lots of artillery that there's some mandatory losses taken so I'd rather just land and take my time conquering the Philippines I probably want to try to take out the aircraft stationed here if I can this guy is activated to attack Hong Kong imagine what'll happen there some more units over here bunch of army units on the mainland there so yeah everything's ready hated 45 degrees to indicate that it's activated because later after the battles are done we'll move all the activated units again so we want to be able to differentiate okay so yeah one thing I want to try to do maybe is a I want to try to position my zones of influence over here with my aircraft eventually to like block this sea passage maybe this sea passage and I don't know just any other bottlenecks to try to isolate the British on the peninsula here if I can and then yeah I want to try to do something over here as well I also want to start getting some footholds down here so I'm not sure what I'm gonna do I bet people have played dissipating times and it's almost like a chess game I don't know the game so you'll probably you'll probably see some silly moves on my part but yeah let's get a start let me point out how things move I entered at this in the first video so we this card was played as an event and it has a three here that's the Ock value or the offensive card operational card value something like that and so for each point that's three points there's a line here indicating how far things move for example then units can go have a three movement allowance they'll have to spend that on the train they move through but they get three points of movement their units get six movement allowance that's their units that have a range of two so essentially they get to make an heirloom unit with a range of two gets to make three hops for a total of up to six spaces and each hop has to land at a friendlier base and then longer range aircraft can go farther as you can see here so that's when it has an extended range of four extend to Region five we'll talk about that so some of these guys can go pretty far there's probably like bombers long-range bombers can go six sexes prop and what I think is most important is naval units each naval unit can go essentially five has five movement allowance points for every point of the car so a three point card fifteen movement allowance so we'll be doing that and I think I'll probably try to focus on small areas first oh one of my other objectives besides all this stuff I'm trying to do I'm trying to isolate the Malay Peninsula there there are allied unit superior China Commonwealth us want to try to block them from coming down so I'm not gonna attack that way so much as try to block I'm gonna try to isolate the Philippines and get a foothold and on the North and South Islands maybe take a few bases here but maybe not and then I want to try to knock Wake Island out as a lone US Marine unit and marine aircraft unit I think it was Marine yeah so let's see what we can do maybe we'll focus on wake first and I said maybe we'll focus on wake first but the procedure is we have to move all our units first then we declare battle hexes how do I know how many battle hexes I can do well you can play a card two ways unless it specifically says play it one way this card specifically says play it as an event and that means read all this stuff and do what it says you can also play ignore the event some cards you can Mouse most cards you can instead play it for its operation value of in this case three then you can spend that three to do stuff if you play it for the event you have an unlimited number of battle X's if you so desire if you play it for the operational points here you only get one Daleks unless there's some special case I suppose so we're gonna unlimited battle hexes and I'm just gonna move stuff but so let's take a note here so I want to try to invade here right my first need to clear the aircraft out so I'm gonna need to bring in you know some aircraft some ships perhaps to knock it out and then I'm gonna need to invade and try to destroy this unit no it has a defense value of 6 so assuming everyone's efficiency is good I need to come in with someone with an attack strength of 6 I'm looking through these marine brigades here this one only is an attack strength of 4 so it seems like it's the best the most logical guy to attack there but as attack strength is 4 over here here's another 4 attack strength but here's a a stronger one a 6 of texturing so I think I want that guy to go in on the attack and I need someone to transport him or I can spend impervious shipping points of which I have 7 I have some big units I'm gonna be moving so we'll go ahead and have this cruiser be its transport cruisers light cruisers and APD's can transport these guys know there's an AP AP be some kind of fancy amphibious ship maybe okay so these ships and the units are considered to be on the ships in this case can go 15 I'm just gonna slide it right up here I can see it's 15 less than 15 spaces away so they're going right into the hex this means that this yoga cruiser is going to be in battle with that aircraft the aircraft attack strength is one so it can't even harm the Oba so that's interesting aspect of this game that yeah you kind of know like this ship is impervious I happen to know like I believe these ships did sink some or I believe some enemy ships were damaged in this historical battle but um you know this is like a higher level view of the war so so is that enough well I think I want some aircraft support as well let's take a look at this guy here this guy he has a range of three and one two three so it can't quite make it but it has an extended range of five so when you fly extended range one two three four five one two three four when you fight extended range your attack value is cut in half and I'll be ok with that so we'll just say that guy is gonna attack there it's my plan anyway and I will be clearing declaring that a battlehex but yeah okay so we have some other guys down here so I have to decide what to do with them so yeah so anyway I think that's my assault I'm gonna probably use I'm definitely gonna use these guys you know in this aircraft maybe I'll bring in some other guys so I'm gonna remember I have some more impervious troops down here but I'll come back to them here we have Hong Kong's garrison looks like a division we're just gonna move these guys right down in there so the it's hard to see but the terrain of Hong Kong is a light there's like light green which we see all over the place here and that is called mixed mixed terrain so it's like a mix of jungle and mountainous and so on which I think certainly it's a great song Kong so uh that costs two movement points to move in now since this is a three awk card and that we have three moveable points so we can spend two moving points to move in see there's a railroad there it only costs half a movement - move along railroads but you can't do that right into an enemy unit so uh that was an easy one now for isolating the Malay Peninsula so I want to try to get some air bases so that I can base some planes down there later so let's see I have these two large infantry units I think this the smaller one 1812 it has three movement points it's gonna move along this transit route it's gonna go half movement point and we've captured the capital of Siam Thailand so along with a nice naval base and air base there so that's cool so cus half the movement point then we'll kind of move down here another half of movement points that's we've got one we're gonna go to sing gora capture another base air base here so I've gone one and a half eventually it'll be obvious that the Japanese own lots of stuff in this area I'm thinking so I'll take the flags off at some point just I find them to be clutter but we got one and a half and I shouldn't need to decide which side of the peninsula I want to go down or I can go on to this mountain I suppose but I want to make sure I stay in supply and you can always apply a unit on the coast provided you can trace if I it also comes to just trace along transit routes and things so yeah I think I thinkwell will go another half or two let's see one two three four and then another half for two and a half and we'll stop at quality' and you know I don't know if this is dumb like am I gonna make it easy for the British to cut me off but I did grab by doing that looks like for air bases in one naval base okay when Lane units are moving when they capture an air base or a naval base it's instantly friendly not the case for an amphibious assault amphibious assault it's only friendly after the assaulting is all finished up okay so anyway so that unit did that I think this unit and you know it might be being a little too non aggressive here but this unit it's gonna go half one and then I believe this rail line here which says kwai bridge doesn't actually exist yet so it's just gonna go one and then a jungle x toss to so used all this movement points to get right there and that's more of a blocking thing by the way these are Chinese troops here there's a stack of them they're limited and what they can do so I don't have to worry about them like coming down into Vietnam or French Indochina anyway they're limited to this region you probably like to see those guys too these Chinese troops they can't come down into Southeast Asia this way they are allowed to come into this area over here but they're limited so what else do I want to do down here probably do something with some aircraft well maybe first I'm trying I'm just remembering there is a special thing on this card it says if Japanese naval units enter the Malayan a Malayan coastal X Malaysian coastal hex forces e is placed in that hex during reaction movement so there's a concept during an offense of a reaction movement the first card didn't apply because of the specialist conditions this one also doesn't apply because okay special conditions except for this particular thing forces II so yeah so so what I want to do is I think I'm gonna try to draw out force z4c is down and Singapore down here and it's a 8 to 10 battleship so I want to draw them out so and I don't think I have a force here that I feel safe using it to draw out but I do have one over here I think yeah maybe we'll bring the Congo battleship over here so we can go 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 we'll just like park ourselves off of Kota Bharu here I think that's roughly the area where a historically happened and so during reaction movement forces e is going to have to try to go fight them [Music] and so this aircraft I think I want it in range of Singapore if possible so it's gonna make up to three hops it's range is 3 it could use extended range but I want to use its regular range so since these bases are all captured this turn I can just go one two three and then one two those two hops total and he's in range of this location I'm trying to decide if this is smart or not I don't know maybe not okay I think that's good for the Malay Peninsula now we do have some more units stationed in what is modern in Vietnam the second two special naval brigade maybe isn't what it's called and it has a cruiser available to it I think I'd like to do an amphibious assault I can only impetus assault because her special rules locations that are within five hexes in the port well Saigon is a friendly port and this place sink a Wong sink a Wang is within four so let's move this guy up to 15 one two three four five six doing an amphibious assault I want to capture this sink a wing my reasoning is if I can get a aircraft there it would exert the zone of influence into this spot here which would cut off the melee peninsula from the South not to mention it you know it's got a good amount of zone of influence blocking out to sea out there too so we'll see how that goes I can't actually position an aircraft there yet because an influence of salt does not capture the airbase until after combat but before units move so I could move there after combat if I'm successful in taking it which I'm sure it will be I'm also gonna I think doing amphibious assault on Miri here it's got an airbase a port and it's a resource X good thing also tunics is out kind of blocks this straight here which might be useful and trying to isolate the Philippines and again you know I don't know what I'm doing but it seems having never played the game seems okay so this gonna go just 15 X's it's doing an amphibious assault here we'll see how that goes thanks to the guaranteed okay so now we're kind of getting into some nitty-gritty where we want to maybe start working on the Philippines here okay so I would like to get troops on island of Mindanao because capturing that city is one criteria for me forcing the Philippines to surrender and down here we have a reduced Corps or army I guess C or X's I think is an army yeah so it's a reduced army for the so this guy can't fit in a cruiser like the other small marine brigades so I need to use an amphibious shipping point which I have seven there's a chart for me to track them and for an army size it costs one point per step well this is a two-step unit that's reduced so it cost me one point so I'm done to six and this guy doesn't actually need an escort I don't think yeah so because zones of influence are canceled and the enemy can't react it doesn't need an escort under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't just send it in on a there was a set attack without an escort so I don't think I want to assault directly against an enemy unit I'd rather I think land here on this little spit of land land here and then next turn go in for the attack so it'll be a little easier of these ships in range that I activated there is a America American Cruiser here so I'd like to maybe take it out I have enough points to take it out this might be a waste of a nice light carrier here CVL light carrier but we'll just kind of cruise up here and try to knock that ship out let's see can it harm me its attack us for doesn't look like it can harm me you know let's see I want to land on Luzon too so I did activate a unit for purposes of that this unit here it's gonna cost one shipping point and it's gonna land on and take this Air Base up on these on that way if I could capture it I can come in and land planes there after I'm starting to realize I'm not doing one of my objectives which is to knock out the aircraft position here they have an attack of eight and an attack of two so ten total so they can damage something worth ten all my aircraft or worth ten but the Nagato here it would have a heart it probably will not get damaged sorry what's the no got to the Nagato is a battleship way up here in Japan so I think we're gonna send the negraph toy down it's in range it seemed to come up into the coast with those guys and attack them and yes it can do that to the ship and just being there can create a battle trying to decide if I want to send aircraft in for this battle too because I don't think he can wipe them out well it see 20 interesting I guess it can I do one quick rule check to make sure like hey can a naval unit really destroy a bunch of aircraft yeah that seems legitimate I can attack those aircraft with a battleship if you think I'm wrong let me know remember this is a abstract game in fact that's not a single battleship of course that it represents like a fleet of battleships centered on the Nagato along with other things so you know I can see at this abstract level it may make sense okay but I don't know I might want to bring in some more guys you know let me swap swap these guys I just noticed I have a stronger unit here you swap them and is that where he came from 2708 Oh No okay I just caught an error anyway I was trying to infamously salt out of my Hong Kong assault okay so this is the guy I meant to grab originally okay so yeah doing what these guys to participate in that battle I'm just worried I'm gonna lose one aircraft but maybe I shouldn't worry so much they are in range long range already these guys they can attack it five range but have firepower yeah maybe we'll add both of them and actually they're both going to transfer to here okay now they're within normal range there I'll use them to attack there now this guy maybe I want to fly him into a position where he could get into a supporting spot so we're gonna I think we're gonna move this guy he has an extended range of four can make three tops and I think the idea is I'll get them in position to go down to maybe this base down here in Borneo or something like that so it's gonna go one two three four top number one one two three four up number two and then he'll just they'll just hang out there yeah you flew over to Saigon and then once these bases are taken I'll fly down to one of them okay I have a few minor things left over a light carrier in Japan fighters unit and a couple of those marine brigades left over so one thing I noticed that I haven't really thought about there's this US destroyer flotilla down here in Borneo they can want to try to knock it out its attack is to miss defenses for so I think I can bring this like carrier those we hope down there let me make sure one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen yeah so go ahead and drop that right in there okay and then what else do I have yeah so one thing I'm just not playing this optimally of course it's kind of looking here like this guy's attack strength is nine the defense strength of the Americans is ten so when there is eventually an attack it doesn't have enough strength to destroy them or to damage them so maybe I'll reinforce that guy with a marine brigade and it is legal to do this in pippy's assault by the way I'm not sure if I mentioned this because you know the card said you have to be within five spaces of a friendly port so one two three four yep oops one two three four yeah okay so uh I think there's a marine Brigade worth using [Music] well there's a couple out to any marshals so let's see this one out here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen so it can't quite make it there so we'll have to use this guy here the third special naval brigade it's gonna come in on the APD kamikaze I mean that definitely has enough movement to get there okay so now I should have enough move there when an attack comes to try to knock out the garrison in Davao okay now I wonder if I have a similar situation up in Luzon in the northern Philippines this guy's in at 18 what do we have here okay so Manila's defenders are 10 so 18 is not enough to knock them out so maybe no actually this marine brigade way over here probably can't make it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 yeah so I can't make it all the way over there okay well we'll figure something out how to deal with Luzon later maybe it'll take a couple turns to knock out so I need to figure out something for this marine brigade to do and you know maybe maybe I don't know should I be trying to grab air bases and ports down here in preparation for the counter-attack by the Americans potentially the Australians I don't know maybe maybe I'll grab Rabaul all these islands down here in the game are called the Australian mandates and they will quote surrender when I think it's Guadalcanal and Rabaul or Concord Guadalcanal is too far for this turn to be able to take but I think Rabaul is in within four spaces of a friendly port so maybe this guy will come down here and just grab a ball so it's definitely within range he's gonna improve easy assault Rabaul and then and then maybe that means I can bring this fighter down there into that area maybe I want to bring it down there I don't know if I should be using the naval fighters which have a longer range down in these islands or what but this guy's a extended range of four he can take three hops so it'll be one two three one two three four and one two three so fly down to Lethe remember there's gonna be a post battle movement step so he'll be able to continue flying somewhere or just stay where he is or go back so I believe I have moved all the units I've activated so what I'm doing isn't offensive this is a special one just like the last card play was but they don't follow this a similar routine and I've just sort of skipped a few key points but basically in an offensive you activate supplied units with an activation range of an eligible headquarters well the game starts with all the Japanese in that situation so I didn't really bother with it then you move all your units for that offensive then you declare battle hexes so I'm gonna declare battle hex is basically every place that every hex that I have an amphibious landing going on is about elects anyplace where there's enemy and friendly units together is a battle hex so the one spot that might not be clear on is a do I want to declare Malaya or Singapore a battle hex what's in here so we have this ship but that ship is a that's Forces II it's gonna be pulled up to the Congo so what would remain for air naval combat anyway is this six nine two fighter unit looks like it cannot harm this naval aircraft so we'll call will say Singapore is a battle hex as well so that aircraft will attack it and I think that's the only like questionable spot where it's not an obvious battle hex yeah okay and so then the reaction player may that's the defender essentially I can try to cancel the offensive it they need to play a card to be able to do that and then there's a few cases where the reaction player could react and move units not in this card place not unless turn except for one special case of our card which is force Z is going to come up here and try to fight the Congo and you know I wasn't really sure why that rule is in there and a few other rules in this area then I read a book called Rising Sun falling skies it's a history book about this period of the war basically the Japanese blitzkrieg and it's very detailed very very enjoyable but anyway it enlightened me as to why the game has certain things like this what's seemingly strange forcing forces II to attack if there's a Japanese unit on the coast so there there's a historical reason for that and I guess I understand why it scripted anyway I digress so that's the one reaction later we'll discover other forms of reaction but now it's time to resolve all these battles we might as well conduct the battles going on on the melee Peninsula so I know there's an aircraft in here let me dig that guy out so it technically is in range of well it's in it's in range of its own battlehex but theoretically it's in range of this battlehex - it has an extended range it's in parentheses which if you fly during an offensive or a reaction which we'll discover using your parenthetical extended range then you can't participate in a battle this guy hasn't flown so theoretically he is in range of this battle here and I suppose could be contributing to saving forces II but then this guy is has declared this space as a battle hex I'm not sure if that sort of pins the aircraft spots I'm gonna have to look that up so I think that was more of my plan is like yeah that guy's gonna be pinned by my aircraft so that 4z can be dealt with by this battleship here of course I was dumb and the battleship can put out 13 points of damage and the battleship can the sustain ten so it can't be destroyed but you know I'm just gonna keep playing with my mistakes and yeah feel free to make fun of me so yeah let me go look up when an air unit is it in a defending insight about ethics well um I just looked at the card I don't need to look at the general rule just yet I'll have to look that up later probably but it does say no allied air zone of influence during the offensive but if not in a battle Tex auto participates in battle within range well it isn't a battle hex so it can't auto participate in a battle within range because it's anabolics that's my reading so let's do this so let's go ahead and do the battle over Singapore it's a surprise attack intelligence level so that means the Japanese get to input classes before the British get to counter conflict' them though of course the British attack is only six in the defense of this Japanese aircraft is ten so probably not gonna happen but I'm gonna roll two dice because both sides can participate red will beat Japan and this is going to be on the air naval combat results table in fact let's go check it out okay eight for Japan to for allies so do Japan first so an eighth with a surprise attack of plus three that's 11 so it's just the attack at full strength the defenders rolled a two and unfortunately for them they're at quarter strength Wow so I believe that accounts for attack strength and defense strength let's see [Music] yeah I'll have to go make sure but I believe that's true and that means yeah that planes gonna go down in flames this is only modifying a text drink so so yeah so let's go back to the battle Japanese are attacking at full strength the allies at one-quarter so full strength 20 - nine - another nine God and the Allies have nothing to do they can't fight back because it was a surprise attack and they've been destroyed before they had a chance to fight back okay that was a pre-war unit as well so it will not be rebuilt so let's do the next battle Hicks in the area okay now for the force Z battle this aircraft is here so it might as well participate so that means we got 35 attacking 8 let's roll to see the effectiveness the Japanese roll to zero which is a zero not a 10 the Allies rolled a 1 so the Japanese of zero but it's a surprise attack so it goes up to 3 that's half 50% so yeah so if they were at 35 50% is 17 and a half rounded up to 18 so they're attacking at 18 and then the allies of 1 they're gonna be quartered down to 2 so I always can't do anything but 18 18 minus 10 damage this and then the remaining 8 doesn't do anything the two of forces you can't do anything back so that's the end of the battle move into Borneo the landings here are unopposed but here we get the sweet Howe attacking us Asia the US Asia fleet maybe so uh yeah let's roll Japan rolled another zero which is a plus three for surprise attack so it's there at half attack strength the Allies rolled a four which is also half attack so four attack strength damages the Asia and then the Asia now it's the Asia's turn to attack since a surprise attack one again state does nothing so uh unfortunately I'm not wiping things out which I was hoping to do okay let's take a look at Hong Kong and the Philippines have at Hong Kong first and this is our first land attack and as a slightly different wave conducting battle so let's go look at the ground combat results table okay here's the table now unlike air naval combat it looks like ground combat is not affected by surprise which I think makes sense so we're gonna go ahead and roll two dice two piano roll two nine and then they both rolled a 9 okay we can see here nine they're gonna attack it Wow twice their strengths against each other but the offensive player which doesn't matter I guess because they have a high die roll already they get +2 if they're the only unit play if they have are that have the only naval units which I didn't think to bring naval units over there they're attacking in a mix to terrain so that's minus two so we'll go down to a seven okay so they've lost their two to one strength advantage but it's now one and a half also if they are the only side with air capability they get another plus du now I could have declared some naval bombers that are in range part of the battle but I want them going for these on so so anyway and then I think that's it so let's go ahead and this is gonna be simultaneous combat so 1.5 times the strength for the Japanese and two times the strength for the British so 1.5 times nine is 13.5 round up to 14 so that's enough to wipe these guys out and then these guys are attacking it two times six but six can't even dent that twelve so they are eliminated and it's pretty war unit what again and Hong Kong is instantly captured the bases there are eligible for use by the Japanese ok the Philippines this unit has landed happily so let's see what's going on in here this may have been a dumb move on my part okay there's a LAN unit there is these two aircrafts and then I wanted over there off the map a little here I wanted these naval bombers to participate so my total attack strength is 52 against 10 rise attack still roll the 8 for the Japanese plus 3 is 11 so that's their attacking at full strength and then the Allies rolled a 9 in exact 9 which allows them to make a critical hit when they when they attack back if you were all exactly 9 critical hit but unfortunately they probably won't get a chance to fight back so what do we say we have here 32 so 52 so 40 to 30 I can I can add 33 and then there's another 19 right there wiped out ok so we'll find out what critical hits are later ok that worked out well I guess I was a little too overwhelming but it worked now the Ryu Joe in the nachi attacking this other half of the US Asian fleet so let's go ahead and process their efficiency so the Japanese are 1 plus 3 for supplies attack so that's 4 they're taking at half strength the Allies are attacking at full strength half strength is 8 so they damage this guy I have 2 points left over which are wasted this guy attacks back-attitude can't do anything okay so I feel like if I played this game before I would have been wiping all these guys out how we've allocated my forces properly and this aircraft I moved down here it's just uh it's a little too far out of range I suppose if I put it there it could have helped yeah okay and then these guys land here happily oh yeah we still have some more stuff going on let's not forget Wake Island okay Wake Island we're conducting an amphibious assault but we have to do air naval combat first this marine squadron here attack strength is one our combined attack strength one two three so this is at long range for this aircraft because it's not three it's more than three it's five or less so systems in ranges five so uh it means this tech is half so it's seventeen so let's go ahead and roll for efficiency Japanese got eight plus three for a surprise attack so their full strength these guys the the US Marines got a critical hit if they are able to survive but they're not going to right because 5 plus 12 is 17 it's eight to kill that guy and it's a one step unit anyway so it's gone okay now we conduct the impious assault so we'll go ahead and roll okay it's good for the Japanese so the Japanese rolled an eight they are looks like they're just attacking like an atoll I don't think it has to rain oh I'll make sure but I think I don't think there's any terrain negatives they have plus two for having the only naval units in the Ballack's and plus two for everything the only air units in the bailiwick so that you know that's a big benefit for assaults I need to remember that so they have a twelve so they're gonna be times two in their strength I think I just flipped that from a six they get a plus three the Allies because the offensive uses in previous transport yes indeed the special naval brigade came in on a cruiser as the transport so there actually nine which will be times to as well I don't think it's gonna matter well it could matter okay matter so let's go back okay oh and I did look at the Train effects chart in ocean atoll has no tyrol modifiers so so anyway both sides are checking at full strength so our double strength so twelve and it's simultaneous so they're gonna do 12 and that's a single-step guy so he's dead this guy is attacking back at times 2 inches for okay so it doesn't matter so he's wiped out and this battle is not over yet you know Tech I think technically I haven't conquered the atoll but in the moments from now I will actually scratch that we can take control of it right now alright so all battles are over so it's time for post battle movement in the reaction player does that first there's only one unit this force is e that can do that so let's go check it out now from my interpretation of the rules forces II can move fifteen movement points just like any offensive unit so I could move them back to Singapore but I feel Singapore is gonna be cut off pretty quick so maybe I should hold them back south well I can send them up to India maybe I think I want to pull them south to Java join the Dutch there I have to know on the next turn the Allies will have the ability to get a headquarters in this area and so I can sort of prepare sort of a rearguard action down in Java maybe let me know if it is my bad interpretation of rules but I think this guy survived to fight another day of one two nine six seven eight so we come down to - Jill that chap something like that all right now for Japanese post-battle movement well how about Bibi Congo thank you think you know 15 maybe he'll position himself over at Hainan Island and is a port there okay its naval unit in the DeLand unit it doesn't get to do post pedal movement um I think I'll keeps it air unit there that way it's zone of influence can guard the Malacca Strait this guy here well actually these guys first they do take over these locations and I suppose are some Japanese flags in there this aircraft I think I want to put it down in sink a Wong sink a Wang's and come on to guard these straits here so because one two three four gonna be three hops up for my extent arranges for let's go to lay in there and the ship here though there's no port so the ship has to move out so maybe we'll send that to Hainan also which is in range just uh just off the map there okay so yeah this guy's here he's guarding yeah so Malaya is half cut off this guy's GOI goes out to here so if I get someone like here here another aircraft Malia is would be completely surrounded by zones of influence see denim Borneo we have a few more ships so maybe there's WeHo which is a light carrier we'll come up to Saigon or comrade let's see come Ron yeah let's go to Saigon so now we get zones of influence blocking this area Miri is a port so we'll go ahead and leave the tech a out there so that it's easier for it to transport this troop somewhere else next turn I think I like that and I think we'll move over to work on the Philippines now for post battle movement post bottle movement sort of brings up the rule of stacking you can stack up to three ground and/or air units and up to six naval units during an offensive though those limitations are lifted but they have to finish begin and finish with them - those rules okay so gotta get Nagato out of here so maybe Nagato will come up to tiny none I think that's maybe where it came from I forget this guy's done what do we get here yeah maybe these guys will go up to Tainan - they're all moving 15 movement points hmm I think I'm bungled quite a few of these battles especially allowing the US fleet to persist sit down here on Mindanao we have a foothold with these two units this APD needs to move somewhere well maybe it'll come over - I know we'll just go over to Palau which is uh right right off the edge over here okay let's move over to them Caroline violence we took wake up here it does not have a port so we'll go ahead and bring the in Yoba maybe just bring it back to : this aircraft can move it's covering all these areas we'll just leave it there for the moment this fighter well before we process that fighter let's process taking Rabaul where ball is a port so we take it and then Tenri you can see there some Japanese flags down and weak off the map off the screen I should say down in Rabaul and then this fighter I was thinking maybe he would come down to her ball so we can get there go one two three four one two three four making up to three tops and so by doing that I don't have this good but I'm covering these straights through here put in some air cover over a large area of bases like looking around the map I think that's it in terms of post battle movement all right that card is finished I believe yeah and I'll go ahead and remove it from the game okay now the scenario instructions say after the play that card all Allied ships can conduct an emergency naval move normally you would do that move like if a naval unit finds its naval base under enemy control something like that but in this case we get to do a special one I guess there's a no reaction to this blitzkrieg so what that consists of is you just teleport a ship 10x is ignoring terrain to a friendly port and if there's more than one friendly court available you get to choose so I definitely want to teleport half of the American Asian fleet and I think I'm gonna send him to join the British and Dutch in to jail it so throwing my hand they're kind of building up a little force this one in the Philippines can you go there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so you will do the same there's nothing the Japanese can do about this okay and even if they don't fight it out maybe I can send them other what places to cause mayhem who knows they seem pretty weak though so there are other allied units the ones in the Hawaii parked within tens basis of a friendly port to move to you I guess they could probably move to Alaska I don't want to do that and then the ship's British have some ships over in Ceylon Sri Lanka but I think they'll just stay out of Dodge and then the Australians down here they actually have a cruiser do I want that to go well I don't want it it's too far to go join the Java fleet trying to decide should I build up like a nice big fleet over there I think they'll just stay in Australia for now okay so that's the special emergency naval move then the scenario says go ahead and do the rest of the turns phases except for the attrition phase so we do the political phase which consists of checking the national status of countries like have they surrendered none have then the u.s. political will segment of that phase which we just check if the u.s. loses will well no they're good certain countries following will cause the US will to drop not and also later if the u.s. fails to make more progress but we're good now then there's a trician which it says to skip then the into turn phase which I think we just rotate either move the turn marker along the turd track I just checked yeah that's pretty much what you do you also check victory conditions we just started there are victories far away all right let's turn one thanks for watching
Channel: Counter Attack
Views: 22,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Empire of the Sun, GMT Games, Mark Herman, World War II, Board Games
Id: fDt9xyTBJdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 40sec (3700 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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