Emotional Muslim Wedding Film | South Africa | Raqiba & Basanta

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[Music] this is the most chilled time told I think I've ever met he's an absolute pleasure [Music] so the first time we met was in mid school I didn't know who he was for the first year of med school and then he cut his hair and then I was almost instantly attracted I know I made the right decision with him [Music] I've just felt so comfortable from the first day I spoke to him and met him and he's embraced me he's embraced my family he's embraced my religion [Music] it's just he's one-of-a-kind and his parents I mean his parents are absolutely wonderful and they've embraced my family day I have accepted me as their own as well they come to all our prayers everything and they're amazing anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Glenlivet yeah is the Coquille shabiha much that white is our kid and ham the cover right so from three of us are gonna ask you [Music] so everyone asked is he like that Muhammad as and your husband and you give us permission to make sure that we could not only cup what you tell me to be taking place today thank you accept this marriage in the u.s. permission to act on your behalf [Music] do you give your consent in agreement do you okay do you accept lucky by inspired in to your new marriage conditions do you accept you do then repeat after me and I'll do this in English you don't have to say it in Arabic I have accepted Rakhi why is my ear to be my lawful wedded wife in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence then you are now husband and wife mashallah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the first person I told us my mom obviously and then she got to know him a little bit and then she passed so grateful that she loved him and she saw him how I saw him and she said she wouldn't mind as long as I was happy and he was a good person and he loves her so much even though he didn't actually spend that much time with her to tell me that was always gonna be the hardest thing but he accepted it and they've become like the best of friends and my family absolutely adores him which is the nicest thing and the most important thing to me actually I feel like sometimes they like him more than they like me but that's good from there [Music] my granddad gave me this picture just after she passed away in a whole collection of stuff and then soon after we became engaged and all of that and then I had this picture on my by the bedside for a long time and then when I moved here I couldn't find it again I found it the other day because I was just looking for it and then passed I don't got me this really simple beautiful frame but I just absolutely loved and I was just it meant a lot to me because the wedding was coming up it's just something I really love she was so beautiful and so simple [Music] and a bit obsessed enough sad that I can only wait for like a couple hours [Music] so exciting like we've been building up to this to so long because I've known best since like the first day that she's known is already part of the family like he's been my brother-in-law for ages now already so today's just like official so I walked out probably like and a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think we've been waiting a long time to be married so now it's happening and that's the most important thing because now I'll be walking down towards my husband inshallah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's enjoying the moment taking it all wise man say only four I [Music] yeah day me [Music] falling [Music] so take my hand take my [Music] assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu the sincerest of owners to welcome each and every one of you here this afternoon [Music] Oh I mean your month you won't become for heart bean you slow down all of me [Music] [Music] love is realizing that every hour every minute and every second of it was worth it because you did it together we love you both from the bottom of our hearts welcome to the family and I hope everyone's having fun wishing you joy love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together may the love and happiness you feel today shine through these years inshallah did I did - he made a mulligan - he did [Music] to you both to beautiful souls who are meant to be with one another love is overcoming obstacles facing challenges fighting to be together holding on and never letting go it is a short word easy to spell difficult to define and impossible to live without to my beautiful mother who is not here today but there's a glow in the room that she is looking down upon us [Music] welcome to the family officially you are the most perfect person that complements my sister so well [Music] my beautiful sister no words can describe the love that I have for you and the bond that we share may this next chapter in your life be as beautiful as you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: elephantsbelly Films
Views: 378,474
Rating: 4.7346029 out of 5
Keywords: muslim wedding, muslim, wedding, wedding film, durban, south africa, muslim wedding south africa, filmsthatmakeyoufeel, elephantsbelly, elephants belly, durban wedding film, cinematic wedding film, cinematic, creative wedding film, elephant, elephants, belly, elephant belly
Id: J0Mae3kSZm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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