Emma is moving part I - LEGO Friends Webisode – Season 2 Episode 2

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[Music] [Music] girls with best friends forever [Music] we need to tell her it's two days away you're right she needs to know we're moving we've waited as long as we could it's gonna be a big surprise who doesn't tell their kid they're moving in two days yeah really that's Emma's parents Ella's moving you must have heard them wrong we did it ah I don't want Emma to move who knows when we'll get to see her again she could come visit a lot not if she's moving to another country this must be so hard on her I mean we're losing her but she's losing all four of us oh hi um you guys I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner but I'm moving you don't have to say anything we know it all you do I have to go to my locker before class she doesn't seem that sad she's putting on a brave face we've got to do something nice for her give her a great friendship send-off so she'll never forget us hi girls Emma's not home from art class yet oh that's okay we planned a little surprise for her is it okay if we go up to her room and hang some stuff on the walls sure we have to paint in there anyway so do whatever you like oh okay [Music] so hi you guys all health sweetheart cards this is awesome read some I'll never forget all the fun times we had here me neither Mia thank you for teaching me how to tie my lab coat it looks awesome you're welcome Olivia you made me a better singer Oh montre oh so sweet remember when we met the beast from the Blue Lagoon and turned out to be a lamb oh I remember Stephanie does anyone need a ride home it's just about bedtime well we were sort of hoping that we could make it a sleepover just one last time sure cool oh great thank you thanks thanks mom oh one last sleepover at Emma's thanks for coming over last night you guys just wanted you to have the perfect moving send-off well yeah I hate goodbyes me too promise we'll see you soon Emma promise [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] best friends [Music]
Channel: LEGO
Views: 3,521,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, LEGO Toys, LEGO Group, Legos, Moving, Lego Friends, The Lego Group (Organization Founder), surprise, overhearing, misunderstanding, goodbye, party, friends, friends episode, webisode, lego 2015, friends 2015, girls, lego for girls, emma, stephanie, olivia, new lego, lego fun, funny
Id: j0xjGbC1ZzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 16 2015
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