Eminence in Shadow Season 2 Episode 8 Reaction Mashup

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oh back wig the mask of his uh his other self read tourament SP what you you are you shouldn't be seeing [Music] that home last episode six [Music] okay everyone have friends like them you know everyone should have friends like them oh terrible man no she's like what are doing getet response was nice wait open why would where did you get it from they [Music] sharp yeah like sto it yeah oh no is so this is your challenge no they don't even know where he is they left the tickets in room Shin head man no that's him this is going to take the seven shads to this it's only they're ly my God than that was the B he left are in the main series I love about all this look nice I'm in oh my God there we go that fful day what happened I might do after this I'm a little bit later today uh I might end up watching the special with you guys if it's out by the time I finish I always watch time long time ago so dramatic they're all I just realized happened way what is going on here SL there oh don't tell that's how they got the H it's time to turn this place huh into future soon okay okay God yeah you think [Music] isn't trying to dig something yeah oh wait well done well done can't stand this [ __ ] bro get away with bro for years [ __ ] he accid my all a backward that wasen I feel like they over thinking this man IIT going oh boy oh they're going to fight it out serious she made that checks [Music] out the social they I'm going Del than you please tell Delta goes start last three stand to come yeah we're s yeah oh yeah he's coming ran away should just one with yeah okay yeah he'll be here later always sometimes like oh my God my God okay even Elizabeth amazing perfect y That's you want great title [Music] season a hot there's be more wait maybe they just the [ __ ] happen to they [ __ ] the rules huh home so we're all here but those three that's [Music] not and they [Music] dead like [Music] [Applause] [Music] my what the hell [Music] [Applause] [Music] happened banana bro big ass nigas up that little ass boat start chilling man y fans are [Music] [Music] inclusive good for the not true from the chest what is it it [Music] is to lose their eyesight all the people I guess we're a [Music] s be this episode it's great him maybe something Dragon I agree with that where is it man been out there some aspects but concealed quite a bit made yeah they were actually doing this manag to [Music] off I that's probably where the dragon come in is this like an actual Legend I don't know if it is because half of the things in this like tears hot tears Hots Hot Springs are those tears Dragon Tears hot but he turned into a h put onou that's [ __ ] nuts clapping not bad not bad enjoyed that is it [Music] wow oh [Laughter] no yeah just [Music] annoying exactly Master's friend man speaking of then [Music] lovers we need some of your [Music] what actually was that though you just is that I hate P does the best of the she's the scien she actually [Music] has why your hand on ass [Music] [Music] open oh my goodness the smart very smart damnra away beta inside the dragon that's what it looked like waiting in line wondering [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that maybe maybe that's the message hased Hospital oh that's very cool blood pressure cons what behind that was a girl that died a long time ago or something no he did not yeah this episode's going to end with where's my [ __ ] [Music] tickets Special Event Y let's try Sor whatever but wasn't very Alex you remember Alex yeah good day yeah yeah yeah they men and blacked everybody in there God oh they made everybody forget oh God something celebratory Journey [Music] wow
Channel: Allied Anime
Views: 11,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9i5HO5ZUvug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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