Embroidery Stitching with Laura Wasilowski

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hello everyone welcome i'm sophie scardacci and i'm here live um on one of many platforms we're on cnt publishing facebook and youtube and creative sparks facebook which crave spark is cnt's online learning platform and today i have a really special guest uh this is laura wazolowski she's an author for cnt and she's also an instructor on crave spark and we are going to chat about a brand new like just a couple days ago dropped this course as well as her recently published book in may so we've got lots to chat about if you have a question for her or a question about anything we talk about will you put it in the chat we would love to answer it and chat about what you're interested in as well we also have a giveaway so stay tuned to the end of the um our live and we will announce a winner and you just need to make a comment you can either say hi you can ask a question anything you write makes you eligible so anyway so let's get started hi laura welcome hello sophie it's so great to be here with you and everyone i'm i'm so happy about this this is great thank you well i love your background you always have like the brightest most fun um art quilts and they're all behind you it's like yeah it's just beautiful and joyful well as you can tell i like color i like color and i like i like making small pieces um and adding hand embroidery with my hand-dyed threads and using hand-dyed fabrics or even batik fabrics anything yeah that's in the house right now is ready to be used somehow yeah and that's one of the things i was going to throw out there i i was like laura we have to mention you she hand dyes if you buy threads or fabrics from her at our store and i'll put up that in the chat in a little bit um where you can find them she dyes them herself and they are so beautiful you don't even have to be a very talented embroider to be like you make those threads make yourself look beautiful like it just it's amazing so oh good lots of people are coming on so ask questions people some people are saying that um they love your songs too oh that's very sweet favorite designer love the colors yay we agree with all of you thank you for coming on so one of the classes that laura just um dropped is you want to tell them about it um it's called it's a brand new class and it's called fused art quilts tiny homes and you can see behind me some of the examples like these guys right here are part of tiny homes this one this one over here over there the other side those are made in the tiny homes class and it is all about improvisation i've been teaching this class for decades sophie no yes it's one of my favorite classes to teach live and um i so i decided i'd do it online and it's it worked out better online well i think i think you get more information as an for as an online class than as an in-person class because when i would teach tiny homes in person it was usually a one day or two day workshop and we never quite got to the part where you added the hand embroidery so people would improvise these wonderful designs i mean it's i was amazed what people came up with but we got to the point where i talked to him about hand embroidery but we never got to the point where there was actually enough time for them to add a lot of stitching so in the online class i'm fortunate that i was able to not only show them different methods of making the work and variations but i also got to was i'm able to get to the point where i show them how i add the hand embroidery and where i would add it what color choices and what thread sizes needle sizes and it it made me feel better about totally better about the class because you want to give the student as much information as you can but when you're limited by daylight yeah so um i i was really happy that i was able to put this together as well yeah tiny homes and there's a bonus pattern in there yeah i want again it's this long one right here yeah this is called tree houses obviously and it's um it's a bonus pattern so the directions and the diagrams are there in the class when you sign up for the class you get that as well but the cl and it's made on one piece of fabric and that's one of the methods of constructing a tiny home and then there's the two-piece method like this one back here with the sky and the water and then there's the hill method right there do this the hill where we make hills we make a lot of collages uh there's the vignette method which is this one right here i love it i can't do it i can't do it you're doing a good job at it i'm chilling oh that's never mind you get the idea yeah so we i teach i teach them how to make like seven different confused collages i teach him how to fuse because you know sophie i am the dean of corrections at the chicago school of fusing so i know all the rules because i've broken all the rules that's good so that's how you learn the rules well and that's one of the things that also comes um there's a bone there's three bonuses one is the the tree house pattern one is um your book uh wait i just want to make sure i don't because i've got them fusing fun fast fearless art quilts this is what yeah this is yeah and that's an ebook so you get a free ebook with the course and that's true about um all of uh laura's like well she's got three main kind of courses that have subject matters and each of them have a different ebook with them um and then you also get though um laura did this amazing video stitch library and she puts it with each of her courses it it comes bundled with it you can buy it separately but it's always with those except for the free class she's got a free class for you too so for if you just want to get a little taste to laura or a fun holiday project she has one called wishing you joy as well and all of them i put a link in um the chat you can go to her instructor page and you'll see all her courses there so it'll be real easy to find but yeah that's i love that yeah so yeah fusing is can be tricky though sometimes especially when you go to stitch through stuff like if it's real sticky or heavy well um that's part of the reason i have that the one chapter on um the chicago school of fusing rules is because i want to go over the you know what type of fusible web to use how to treat it how not to overfuse how to steam set things up when we go through each lesson i reiterate what we what you have already learned in that first chapter so i'm trying to get get to people to the point where they're very comfortable using fusible web because it's an easy very easy technique and it also gives you this opportunity of making um unique artwork artwork that's unique to you the maker it's not cookie cutter that's exactly yeah yeah i wanted to let you know you might not even know this we have this beautiful review from little birds and daisies another course that laura has and the person said each step is explained not just how to do but why what might go wrong and how to prevent it love that she encourages students to make the design their own i think that kind of reflects what you were saying just now about the fusibles too you know right yeah you want you want to make your own artwork i mean i my belief for my feeling is that people want to make something that comes from them and if i give them the techniques and i explain how i would go about making it you know you might try this or that that then they they have this kind of doorway open for them where they can make artwork that pleases them that's unique to them yeah here's a question somebody has quilting bug three she said what kinds of fusible web do you use am i allowed to mention brand names yeah oh good okay i've used for decades because i'm that old i've used wonder under number 805 by pellon wonder under number 805 comes with paper it comes with silicone release paper and it's the right weight for the type of fabric that a quilt maker uses so these fabrics back here are all done with wonder under but i also use a product called misty fuse which is this kind of lightweight real lightweight fusible web it doesn't come with paper so to transfer it to the fabric you need to use either parchment paper or silicone release paper and misty fuse is great if you're working on a lightweight silk or you want something that's maybe a little easier to stitch through yeah but to the brands i've almost always used there are some brands that are kind of tacky or bulky and it's hard for me to stitch through them and i do almost all the small quilts now have um have hand embroidery on them so you want something you can stitch yeah exactly where it's not going to stop your needle um there are other i'm sorry sophie but out there that i would be willing to work with but those are the two that i that are most commonly found in my workshop that's great i'm sure um our person appreciates that so um hey we also she also just put out a book a new art well another book because she's put out a lot of books with cnt and that is somewhere back there playful free form embroidery gonna be our giveaway today yeah oh you're gonna want this book this is such i had such a good time making these are all free-form embroiders and they're down on felt or on wool you could do it on cotton as well yeah they're like six different projects and the ebook is is the same as the real book yeah there's a course that goes that this book comes with but there's something special about the course well the course is how to make this on the cover yeah this is called a little house in the woods which is right here it it's much little it's much smaller than the other ones it really is little yeah i love that and it's made on felt or wool fabrics and it's i show that in the book there's patterns basic oh sorry basic patterns or uh the shapes so in this case you'd get a pattern for the the cloud and the grass in the background and then there are these other kind of little patterns to show you how to transfer a stitch shape so that house is just made of stitchery it's not fabric um so there are these stand-alone embroidered shapes like the house and the trees and then they're felt shapes or wall shapes so i show you step by step how to make these designs there's six projects and they're all kind of fun yeah but the the course for little house in the woods the the instructions for that are not on in the book they're in the course the online class yeah so that's why it's kind of special if you really like that cover artwork you're going to want the course and then you're going to get the ebook and you're going to get the the library i mean so we always laura always includes tons of stuff in her courses which i love as somebody who runs the platform i'm so excited to be able to be like this course has so much in it so thank you um hey we got uh maria here on pull i'm gonna throw up her question here so everyone can see it oh sorry this is milo milo said is it all hand work what what you see behind me milo are um here's the process for tiny homes you make the design with fused fabrics you steam it steam set it to batting and then you add hand embroidery so that's the hand work right and then when it's time to you can then just bind it at that point and not adding add any machine work or you can put on the backing behind the batting and do machine work free motion work and then bind it so you have those two options you do everything by hand or you do hand and machine to quilt it it's up to you there you know these are small pieces the i think maybe the largest one i design in the class is maybe maybe 18 by 18 inches we'll see yeah and so i could do a lot of hand embroidery on it and not add any free motion work it would look just fine or you can add the machine work so it's up to you really but that's nice to know that there's some options so if you're somebody who's like i can't do all of one or the other yeah i should mention that i really do like hand embroidery on the small pieces because it really brings those designs to life it brings your composition to life and can embroidery is a way to add detail and outline things and add texture that you can't get with just fabric alone yeah i agree i love that too this was maria's question she wanted to know do you use wool or flannel or cottons i use mostly um for the tiny homes designs that you see behind me those are made with cotton fabric 100 cotton and most of them are hand-dyed by myself i'm the dyer or sometimes i incorporate batik fabrics because they i love batik fabrics so they're but they're always hundred percent cotton when i'm making one of the tiny homes fused quilts yeah now the other method of constructing designs is to use wool and cotton which is uh what's in this book these are not fused these are not fused these are all um kind of tacked together and then you and then you stitch through that so i'm working kind of two sides of the fence here i'm working with cotton fabrics for the fused artwork and then wool and felt fabrics for the free-form embroideries yeah awesome well um okay let's see let's do a giveaway and then we'll chat a little bit more for peeps that want to hang on and maybe have more questions so laura will you pick a number i'm going to say between i have a way of counting one and five and then i'm gonna um how about five okay cool i'm gonna count it out i have like people that let's let's go big can do number five um what are they gonna win i'm so excited they are going to win your newest book oh wow i know and the winner is going to be shelley hoffman so shelley you shelly you are the winner and um i'm putting it in here you win um the book which is awesome um you are going to email us at ct info um ctpub.com and just let me know your just say i'm the winner and then we'll we'll make arrangements for you to get laura's great book but of course the book like i said is available with her course it's available at ctp.com you can you know you can get the book you can get it from laura's website um so there's lots of ways where you can get her books i'm going to put um a link to all of her books too right there now i think i i think i held up the wrong book this is the ellie's winning right no no she's winning the new book that's the one that's in the class oh oh that's right so yes ellie wins the you're winning the new book but the cl the book in the class is the other the fastest welcome shall we thanks for tuning in and thanks everyone for tuning in um which is great again laura has i'm gonna say five classes because i'm gonna count the hand embroidery stitch library which you can purchase on its own um but she has the fused art quilts one we've been talking about a lot the little house in the woods that one comes with playful free-form embroidery book we have little bird and daisies that has the fanciful stitches and colorful quilts book we have the stitch library and then she has a free class for those of you who want to try something else especially if you haven't tried a class with us yet called wishing you joy and it's a holiday one yeah that would be perfect to start now right and yeah it's free so it's free yeah it's free so you know keep that you know it's a it's a little project so it's a good like little taste yeah and then you can work your way up so um yeah i'm so thanks laura so again i think i put the um laura's website it's art fabric but it's spelled with a k yes and she has her hand-dyed threads hand-dyed fabrics um notions i have stitches i have a lot of free tutorials um on the class on the website yeah yeah and oh she also if you want to follow her on instagram she's she's active on instagram i'm putting her handle in there for you uh milo wants to know if you can they can have a song you that is milo's request not mine laura is it is there time for that yes yeah so great why thank you for asking milo i thought i thought no one would ever ask um i'll sing um i'll sing the iron song because this is about fusing okay and this is my life as a diffuser this is how it goes oh the light shines bright on my old romantic iron as i pass it all the fabric one last time for i dropped my iron and the old rowenta died as it landed on the carpet and it fried oh steam no more my iron press no more for me for i've clipped your cord and you'll heat no more and a door stop you've become ironically it's a very sad song oh my gosh laura i didn't know you were a songwriter i love it we will be talking about that more later my daughter is the songwriter so i feel like we need to have that conversation off camera but um thank you that was awesome so um we will prob we will definitely have laura back uh obviously not just for the songs but for the knowledge and to chat about more things coming um i know laura you plan on doing a lot more online teaching so um if you enjoy always want to take classes laura this is actually a really great way and a reminder she um there's a discussion room in every lesson so if you have a question along the way you just pop a question it goes right to laura and she gets back to you she's i mean it's kind of like having her on call that's right yeah so yeah thank you so much everyone we appreciate you joining us and uh laura hang on and you i will chat afterwards but have a great day everyone um oh laura brandon how do you sign up for the free class go to creativespark.ctpub.com there's a link somewhere in the chat um and onto laura's page and there's a click and you just click is it's like buy but not buying it and you go through and register and you'll get the class it's a great way to try it um and we have a few free classes there you go it's super good that would make the cutest little like even cards or hostess gifts i love that yeah you can just turn those out they're so cute have a great day thanks everyone thanks for the great comments too bye
Channel: CandTPublishing
Views: 502
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: Eo2vAwT56M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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