embracing a slower life

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[Music] and so the first weeks passed by since we arrived here in the valy in the middle of the mountains life moves at a different pace in this Hidden Paradise where the hustle impossible of the outside world feels like a distant memory as the days go by I've slowly come to understand that some things in daily life need a bit more time here what was super easy in the city now requires patience and effort simple tasks becomes more involved and demander Rhythm and mindfulness that herb life never required [Music] [Music] so I'm I'm now um heading to a spring nearby um cuz we cannot drink the T water here so we have to refill the canisters and Bottles like every week and I thought why not take you with me let's go [Music] I really like the landscape around here it's like a tapestry of green with trees stretching as far as the eye can see it's a truly refreshing change from the urban lifestyle back in the city water just was a Tap Away taken for granted in its abundance here it is kind of different the water from Spring is super super cold and crystal clear and I wish you could try it I think it's one of the best Waters I've ever tried [Music] the process takes a little time but I think it's well spent it's a little reminder of the Simplicity and purity of this life that I was dreaming about for so many years I'm taking a little walk through the village through the place I'm currently staying at um and at the to give you like a little sneak peek of this place and the ruins um I'm quite sure that I will show you a bit more of this little magical place and the ruins here in a further video but for now I think a little sneak peek would be nice so let's go [Music] [Music] I think this place once was vibrant and full of life now it stands silent and still like a testament to a Time long [Music] past the Old Stone build LS are crumbling they are overgrown with Ivy and Moss and nature is slowly reclaiming what was once hers every time I walking through the village I feel a sense of magic in here and for me it is a reminder of impermanence but also a reminder of the people once called this this Village [Music] home to be honest I still can't really believe that I'm here at this place it still feels kind of unreal now to have such a different reality I'm living in so I live seven years in the middle of a city with a lot of people and cars around with a lot of noise and light and now I'm here at this place and there are more ruins than houses you can live in so we have no neighbors and all I hear is the river and the birs it's unbelievable for me that it's this is real yeah I feel that my nervous system really gets calmer from day to day and I hope that the next week uh we will get a little bit more sun I feel that I'm craving the Sun so we had since we arrived here like rain straight away and it was it was super chilly so it was perfect to arrive at this place but now I really feel that I need the Sun the sunlight and the warm living in an area like this means that even the simplest tasks become a mini Adventure I think it's kind of crazy how simple and easy everything is in the city so in the city most of the time the next post office is like three corners away yeah life is a little bit slower here so today's plan is to drive now to a town that is something about 50 minutes away from us um had to order to get a parcel I ordered um since we are here in the middle of nowhere and our house has like no access to to the post Postman doesn't know that house so we have to order it to a store or to yeah somewhere else so we ordered it to a store in this town because we heard that from somebody else that's living here for quite a while that he does it that way and the store is quite nice to do that so we try that [Music] so I just got my parcel I am super happy and super excited the woman in the store was super sweet um we communicated with Google Translate what was quite funny um and now I will look for a supermarket nearby cuz from home we have to drive half an hour to the next one and so I was thinking about to combine it so that will be the next and the last stuff for today let's go [Music] and so I spent almost half a day to get a parcel and to get some groceries and for everyone who's wondering what is inside of the parcel it is the laptop I'm editing this video with cuz my old one was just too old creating your own reality is about finding joy in the little things embracing the challenges that come ahead and appreciating the beauty of the [Music] journey I wish that we all believe in ourselves and that we can build a life that reflects our deepest values and desires [Music]
Channel: kindofdaydream
Views: 141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yb6B8lLJq0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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