Embedding Pedagogy and Blending EdTech Solutions in the Learning Design of a Virtual Classroom

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[Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I good afternoon everyone we're starting the session in a few minutes so please stand by [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] all right so I would like to acknowledge before we start our live viewers from literally across the country it's interesting that we are broadcasting nationwide so I have several shout outs here and I'll read it to you before we start shout out the teachers from Davao City and the features also from Koronadal City national high school particularly to teacher Jin Bora and also and of course from gland Sarangani features the teachers welter and generic acento shout out to you how are you ma'am and sir I'm glad if you are live today or webinar session so please stand by in a few minutes we'll go line for the webinar so hold on to your seats the gate will get back to you in a while thank you good afternoon Cohiba and welcome to another session of our supplemental materials webinar series for today's discussion on our topic would be on embedding pedagogy and blending EDX solutions and learning the sign of a virtual classroom a retrospect before we begin seek note of the following reminders make sure you are registered to the webinar to have your Easter ticket of participation visit certificate dot V Bell group comm to generate your proof of attendance place your questions on the comment box allotted during the session and they will be addressed by our speaker later on share the video using hashtag learner's 1ph as our official hashtags our V Bell webinars experience learning capable and now to proceed with our webinar this afternoon it is my pleasure to introduce to you our distinguished speakers he is an assistant professor at Bahrain Polytechnic University and the fellow at the advanced higher education of the United Kingdom it is a former chorus director from jubail Royal University at K is a and a former assistant professor in the University of the Immaculate Conception Davao City here in the Philippines he is also a visiting faculty at the North Hampton County School North Carolina USA ladies and gentlemen please welcome our speaker for this afternoon dr. Carlo Domingo Jacinto LPP f h EI all right Thank You miss Jenna thank you Matt thank you to your bball team as well for the opportunity given to me to share good practices and virtual teaching here in this webinar series I understand this is the this is the fort for this three I thank you all also all our live viewers today for signing off your interest to be in the session I hope that in the next one hour I'll be able to meet your XP patient and liberates on that okay so let me first share to you my slide before we start there you go all right so as mass as what miss Jana has just read I'll be talking discussing with you on the topic on embedding pedagogy and blending and tech solutions in the learning design of a virtual classroom I read respect now speaking of expectation this is what I got for you in the menu today okay my apology for those who have not taken their lunch or dinner yet wherever you are right now across the world okay for I know that we have also viewers from other countries the the menu now on your screen sounds like a gastronomic experience sorry for making you hungry so here's the menu I will begin with a word cloud activity and proceed to discuss the modalities the challenges and their recommended responses based on stakeholders approach of flexible learning then I will move on to discuss how the learning elements of pedagogy can be managed and embedded so that's the key word that we help to remember today embedded okay how to embed in a instructional design of a virtual class utilizing learning management platforms and educational technology or for short EDA solutions or applications so that's what you can expect from the session today it's hard well servings of what works in a virtual classroom this session is after all all about good practices but I would encourage you to be discerning because that's what a proverb say you don't plan an apple tree and make it bear fruit than any type of soil or topography so you have to be deliberate you have to be discerning on what practices you will adopt for your school I shall learn something new today okay so that's my little disclaimer in this menu alright so to start with let's have the appetizer for the day here's a word cloud activity using millimetre I know you are familiar with this application this is a free application that you can use for your a class for warming of activity to be to be specific about it or those activities that arouse your students interests or those activities that can stimulate activation of prior knowledge and experience of your students so here okay as you can see on your screen right now I need you to tell me what word or phrase comes to mind when you hear the term pedagogy B dagger G you can either scan the QR code as shown on the screen right now or you can type menti dot-com and enter the code which I will show you in a bit and key in your answer so let's have two minutes for this okay let me just share to you the code for this activity so hold on all right so sorry for that little delay there and sharing the slide so here is their code it's eight five eight six seven two eight five eight six seven - so what word or phrase comes to mind when you hear the term pedagogy could you please tell me what words usually comes to mind you can have three answers for this okay and I'm seeing now your responses okay carry on carry on again the code is eight five eight six seven - if you haven't scanned the QR code then you can just type in your phone menti calm and then type in the code eight five eight six seven - all right here we go okay interesting so I'm now seeing Lords like method strategy learning so these are the big top words when I say top words these are the words it has the highest similarity in our word cloud it means that it is the as you can see on your screen right now those words that are highlighted with bigger tanks at the middle of our word cloud activity are those words that are most popular among your responses so continue on we still have one minute and our and our cloud is vegan is getting bigger okay but as you can see in the middle of a word cloud we see bigger words like method teaching strategies okay so these are the most popular responses in our word cloud all right 30 seconds more let's see what you got there mm-hmm art of the change that's interesting method of the change strategies all right okay all right so I'm sorry I have to start from there because a very limited time so I just have to move back to my presentation slide if you don't mind okay but continue your responses continue giving me your responses and I'll see how we get them there but let me just go back to my slide right now all right so we're back so um let's process what we have just bid okay so as as I can see and this is not surprising to me actually to be honest because most of us are from the a khadeem and are very much familiar with the term pedagogy so more or less we got that that concept that the operational knowledge of what pedagogy means okay nonetheless your responses are indication of your working knowledge of what pedagogy is be it in a physical or in a virtual classroom and that's a good thing to note actually okay all right moving on let's first acknowledge that we are currently in an extraordinary situation you can't argue with me on that okay we are in an extraordinary situation the fact that we are here the fact that we are learning new things we are in an extraordinary situation we are actually in the middle of a global pandemic this is an unprecedented in our lifetime an unprecedented event in our lifetime and across a number of generations for sure in fact if he would ask an 8-year old grandpa about pandemic outrightly he would tell you that in his lifetime he has not experienced such health crisis of such scale in the context of the business of Education a lot of us are caught off guard and flat-footed even if our schools colleges and universities have established learning management system or what we call el lms the teaching in the learning requirements I mean cubit 19 are simply huge and overwhelming okay and this experience would take us would make us realize that yes indeed we are navigating through unfamiliar terrain right now which means down like a cliche for most of us but it doesn't mean that we are on a dead-end road like nowhere to go on the contrary we are not we are constantly moving on a vast open unexplored field full of Antep opportunities both for teaching and learning however the challenge remains and this is the challenge of navigation or moving to the right direction in order to arrive to our intended destination and what is this destination the destination where learning outcomes of our classes are achieved successfully and this is where I believe pedagogy and learning design will help us through as a navigational tool or as a compass in our journey so what is then the new normal we've been hearing about that word and why do we need to recalibrate our teaching with it according to WH o for the World Health Organization's in one of their media statements recently there are five behavioral modification in haters that would be a bell tail that we are in transition to the new normal and what are this behavioral indicators one there is physical social distancing do we have that now yes second contact less what sections are we doing it now yes third no or limited face-to-face meetings do we have it now yes for work learn from home are we doing it now in fact we're doing it now actually so it's a big yes and five only essential movements are allowed so it is clearly evident ladies and gentlemen that we are transitioning to the new normal aren't we the answer can be observer honest depending on our context one two or three of these behavioral modification indicators are most likely had been revolving in our definition of the new concept of teaching and learning personally I'll tell you I think the old normal is already a thing in the best so how should we response and how should we calibrate our teaching let me tell you so here are the modalities of flexible learning so in the Philippines I think the way how government responded to God base as as we can as we heard from the regulators is there the main the main mechanism is to deliver learning through flexible learning but there are modalities for flexible learning so let's have a look so here are the modalities of flexible learning so Hossler school or university chosen any one of these so you have modular blended virtual and flip classroom a panel except let me tell you that this is not an exclusive list a hybrid form or a combination of any one or two of three modalities may emerge over time so on this is not actually the this is cast on stolen so to speak okay as I've said you can actually combine an element of module modular modality with any other element of other modalities and that can happen over time it's imperative that the prime consideration when deciding on modality is to look into our learners Internet connectivity status by connectivity status I didn't I don't just mean ease of access to Internet but also on the reliability stability and quality of transmission these are very important indicators of your internet connectivity it doesn't mean that but my internet can adjourn are you now okay ready come on my virtual learning it has to have a litmus test in terms of reliability stability and quality of transmission so when we look at the different connectivity status of our learners in the second column of our table as shown on the screen right now I can recommend the following modalities so for example if in your survey are your learner's have low Internet connectivity one of your options could be modular but traditional print or the hybrid form which is electronic or popularly known as USB on stick that can be an option to consider the other one for low connectivity status students is when you blend combined module with an analog media like radio or TB or the other way is to blend the module with a partial digital media like any educational application but not necessarily you need an LMS there for a learning management platform so if you have that you are catering to students whose Internet connectivity status are low or limited however as I've said earlier that this webinar is actually about virtual modality because this is the focus of my discussion today so the third option he and the table is three before virtual our full digital remote delivery and when I say full digital remote delivery we're talking about synchronous and a synchronous sessions what are these simply call it synchronous live session a synchronous recorded session you can only do this if majority of your students of high internet connectivity status okay I'll tell you why in the next few slides and the last of course is sleep modality but this one is not a bill in our current situation because this one requires a face-to-face interaction of course we know that this could not happen in the next 12 15 months from now okay because as you all know we are still developing vaccines medicines and everything and once the new normal has stabilized then maybe we can consider and put into our options list sleep modality as well all right but again let me just tell you that bleep modality as your mode of delivery of your flexible learning would require high connectivity status in the same way that virtual delivery does okay so now let's look into the perceived challenges of modular modality and the recommended calibrated responses of each stakeholder you know what just to be honest about it if you can see one of the challenges of base mode modalities that it has from a pedagogical perspective okay it is low in interaction and collaboration and feedback okay so what does it mean it simply means that this modality is not ideal for young learners making this will not be sustainable for young learners and because of the fact that this modality is slow in interruption collaboration and feedback the parental support levels should be very high and that opens up again another kind of worms so to speak because you don't the on on parents all the time because parents are working they are busy and if they are not busy and they have defined the other question would be do they have the skill to facilitate learning and you already hear complaints from parents as early as now that they are not supposed to be doing what teachers are supposed to be doing in school at home right so you already see this kind of you know grievances from parents already okay but let me just point out that the other challenge of the first option that we have here is to produce instructional materials that are compliant with the government regulators like that ed and Chet because when I say compliant there should be a constructive alignment okay between the content the learning activities and assessments and even your your choice of educational technology or application should also be constructively aligned there is a constructive alignment that's the word there okay whenever you develop instructional materials so in other words um what I'm saying here is when this will be your options on the table right now administrators should really look into seriously how you can train teachers to become content writers content designers and editors because I don't think this is the fourth day of pictures they are not trained to be dis okay maybe some are gifted but majority of them are not okay that's why I say that the role of the teacher in a modular modality okay it's not really pitching okay there will be no teaching virtually no touching okay but the the role of the teacher will take a paradigm shift from teachers to teaching to teachers who are content writers content designers content editors and basically that's the sad reality and the limitation of the first option that we have okay however I have some good news you can blend the module to make it three okay so let's go now to the sec an option a modality option number 2 blended okay now unlike pure module modality we the the blended option modality for flexible learning has average interruption collaboration and feedback okay so that's something that is inspiring to know okay because I think most of you are into this this is the initial decision that most of your administrators have come up with to blend okay instruction okay but we have to load that be the interaction level again in a pedagogical perspective the interaction level in the collaboration level as well as the feedback level in a blended instruction is still at the average so what does it imply it simply implies that parental support is still there and it's still very high you still need parents to work with pictures at home okay and again this would also mean on the administration perspective that you get to also train parents how to you know facilitate learning at home okay and the other challenge that I would like to stress out as well for blended learning is that you have to make sure that the instructional materials that you produce not only from module but also for broadcasts or for a synchronous materials because if you're doing a limited you know parcel digital media instead of an analog broadcast media you get to have materials with that so the challenge here really is how do you synchronize your modular materials with your broadcast materials because it's it cannot be like your module has this learning outcomes and then your your broadcasts instructional materials like your DB radio and and your maybe your a synchronous materials would have a different outcomes no they cannot compete they cannot be in isolation they have to operate together okay so synchronization is there that's the response that we need to do and apart from that we also have to Stane the blended session can't be like okay modular for this week and we will have your analog media or your digital media maybe you know a month after it can't be like that okay because the the the benefit of an of an analog or a digital media that you can blend with the module modular learning material is it has the capacity to give feedback to the learners which you don't actually have in a in a traditional modular learning material unless of course it is converted into some extent into electronic form so that is why I said that in in a blended modality option number two be the the role of the teacher here is leveled up in terms of challenge right because you don't only produce modular materials but you also have to produce materials for your broadcast media or analog media and also materials for your synchronous or digital media so you have to produce more of the materials and just to highlight that if blended modular is your option then those features that that you have tasks to develop materials should be given adequate support and training okay so webinars alone would not be enough this kind of webinar you got to have a right shop in order to develop the competence among your teachers and I cannot overemphasize as well the importance of teachers of the same specialization and on the same grade level working together as a team to create the content the activities the assessments the rationale for this is not just to you know divide the labor or make work easier for teachers but really to ensure that your students learning experience in your school are the same regardless of who the pitchers are so there is consistency there and there is uniformity in the learning experience so that's exactly again a challenge for administrators and how you make it done answers and to synchronize everything all right moving on this time let's look into the perceived challenges of virtual modality as I've said this is my the focus of my webinar today but let's up first a macro perspective of what's virtual modality is okay so virtual modality there's still the challenge of interaction collaboration and feedback but it's a positive challenge because and unlike the first two modalities the the level of interaction collaboration and feedback in a virtual modality is high and I consider that to be a challenge you know why because it demands a lot of requirements in terms of resource in terms of delivery so for example you got to have materials for your live and recorded session synchronous and a synchronous and you have to make sure that these materials have sound learning design framework with them okay and also you have to make sure that the educational technology solutions and application that you have to integrate with those design for your for your instructional materials they fit naturally and possibly into the learning design they cannot be like you know they have to be in other words you have to be very deliberate okay you have to have a careful planning on how to integrate this educational technology application you need a specialist okay in your school to be able to get this things done okay and of course not to mention that since students now in a different you know environment okay as opposed to a physical classroom we are now in a virtual learning space and therefore it also implies that you need to permeate new policies okay student policies on decorum attendance and assessment maybe the student handbook prohibition that you have existing right now may no longer be relevant and maybe some permissions they need to be revisited in order that they can be more relevant in a virtual setup okay at least for the next twelve or fifteen months okay and I cannot also discount the fact that if you are in a virtual classroom your students need a dynamic learning support 24/7 access okay because again we have to walk extra mile when we are in a virtual learning environment that's the role of the game there okay and since I say that the interaction is high the parental support this time is slow in average so you don't be man a lot of time from from carrots okay and parents would be happy to know about this however this is again a rule of thumb that we should not forget you cannot discount parents involvement in the equation you cannot take them off okay parents parental support should always be bare okay whether it's lower average but you got to have parents on board they should be part of the equation okay all right and what is the role of the teacher at this time now teachers would pitch this time because you are on a virtual classroom space okay so you don't only create materials okay you don't only be sign you don't and you don't only you know produce materials but you have to pitch those materials as well as well on a virtual learning space so teachers now in the truest sense of the word would become teachers okay because they get the opportunity to really practice the crap and practice their profession okay all right now let's move to the fourth modality oh by the way yes before we go there I just like to highlight on this because maybe some of the administrators now would say oh there's a lot of things that I need to do but you know what ma'am answers okay a better and easier alternative response would be to tap available resource of stablished publishing company like for example be barley you are quite unsure whether you are an you are capable your school is capable of producing those materials that we say that has to have a a sound learning design or should have a DB piece content and assessment that are constructively aligned if you don't have the luxury of time to go through this then a smarter alternative will be to consider available resources around like for example a bird that meatball has this LMS called be smart and I've heard that it got content there activities assessments that are that are already aligned with proscribed competencies from our government regulator so so why not consider that to be a viable alternative for your school as well okay there's a word of advice now we go to the fourth modality on flipped classroom unfortunately this is not one of our options in the table right now but for purposes of discussion all those pandemic will be over in ten months or 12 months or 15 months this is the way to go in fact I would say that having the opportunity to get into virtual teaching it's a blessing by these guys you know why because now we learn that there s a new dimension to teaching and we're talking about teaching in a fourth Industrial Revolution okay so this is the way to go actually how do I say that and why do I say that because I bleep teaching yes as has a very high interruption and collaboration and feedback level and that implies of course that the parental support is low to average okay but the challenge here remains that you have to produce again instructional materials not only for your synchronous session but also for your face-to-face session and also you have to think of you know wiser ways that you can integrate integrate educational technology and of course revisiting all those policies synchronizing lessons providing a dynamic learning support for your students 24/7 but the good thing here that I would like to tell you is that it says here are really Beecher's when I say really teachers it's because teachers here would really teach to the higher level of learning taxonomy and if you're familiar with bluem which I believe you are okay in a in a flipped classroom when students go back to class for a face-to-face interaction they go for active learning they don't listen listen to lecture anymore but they work they walk the top they have to practice what we have learned okay it's no longer what the students know but what do your students do with your with the knowledge that they have no any in order to produce something and I think for me this is the essence of active learning okay when you hit the higher level think you know in in Bloom's taxonomy you have the lower in the higher level okay and usually in the a synchronous session in the bleep classrooms students work on the lower level and then we go weendigo face-to-face instruction they do work on the higher level that's actually the essence of what bitching is and if teachers mastered is described eventually maybe in the post pandemic area okay that would be a happy celebration for how we pitch students in in the in the hero of fourth Industrial Revolution all right now how do we carry on the question now is how do we carry on with our virtual delivery okay because for where it may be for them for some of you how do we get started okay what resources are required for us to you know kickstart our virtual classroom so allow me ladies and gentlemen this is the first set of good practices that I am sharing with you okay the virtual delivery okay should take two modalities okay the compliment and and synergize with each other and I'm talking about here of synchronous or live session and a synchronous recorded session so let us just be very clear about the two modes of delivery for virtual modality so synchronous here students learn in real time that's why we call it light they learn at the same time it is believed to be more engaging since it allows instant feedback and clarification on the spot okay it is similar to actual school schedule in which students have daily routines so they don't feel like they're really out of the routine because they have to be live okay for a particular period of time in a particular day of a particular week okay on the other hand when you talk about a synchronous session this is not like students learn and review at different time at their own convenience and at their own pace therefore more flexible but students may be given a timeframe usually a week window to access materials once or twice in a weekly cycle so here in our University every week we delivered two sessions that combine synchronous and asynchronous modes using a combination of Moodle you can have you read about Moodle okay it's comparable to your Google classroom or blackboard bigbluebutton have you heard about it it's comparable to your zoom the one that we're using now and Microsoft themes and Google hangout or Google what is it Google hangout okay and one bright platform which is comparable to your Google document these results to what I have coin as a hybrid flipped classroom why because the a synchronous session here takes the place of a traditional face-to-face interruption so I can still see my students regularly okay sure the live session however despite these that we have implemented there is still a challenge of ensuring the quality of teaching which means that virtual teaching has to have a sound diabolical foundation why is that I believe that in virtual teaching only the medium or the channel has changed you agree which is actually the integration of the ecology that's that's the only thing that has changed virtual teaching in itself is still a form of ditching that has to have a define learning process it being such it requires a pedagogy or the mechanism by which learning is carried out at this point let me show to you some of our LMS and educational technology applications in the university where I'm currently teaching let me give you a walkthrough of our LMS or the learning management Moodle and its different features Moodle by the way is our LMS for a synchronous session so whenever whenever we go for a recorded session students will be directed to to Moodle so it is the represent Ori of our lessons activities and assessments all week we keep all our lessons EVPs and assessments here on the screen right now you can see the page layout of the content of our LMS Moodle ok so when students access their Moodle page of a particular force this is what they will be directed to if they click on the book icon ok so the thing that I would like to emphasize here is that when you lay out your LMS page it has to have ease of access what do I mean by that the navigation should be easy again otherwise students will be confused students would have a cognitive overload I'll speak more of that in detail later and these are the things that we don't want to happen in a virtual learning space ok because if that happens it means that students need extra learning support ok so in other words what I'm saying is when you lay out everything must be seen right away in one page ok and as you can see here you can we provided the our narrated PowerPoint presentation slide is there when I say narrated it is audio enabled there is an audio it is actually in mp4 format okay there is a voice over that explains the content in the PowerPoint presentation okay I'm sure that you you will have someone to teach you and how to do it okay if you have to produce one for your classes and the other thing that I would like to emphasize here is that we don't only produce and audio enabled PowerPoint but we also convert that into PDF because we have students with different learning preferences like especially those working students if you're teaching in the university for example some would prepare to read it on their own okay and they don't want to watch the the video anymore so give your students different a variety of options where they can choose from in order for them to interact with your content the other thing that I would like to highlight also in our Moodle page is the quest which I will show to you in details in a bit this is very important because this is the only way that your students gets gets to have the chance to interact with content so after they have read the content we got to interact with the content by by way of a quiz okay which which Moodle by the way can provide and I'm sure Google classroom what else maybe at Moodle or blackboard has also the same feature and don't forget to also include a forum okay because this is where you provide the students the chance to interact with each other not just with the content and even to interrupt with you as the teacher they will ask questions but make sure that the questions are all lessons related of course nothing personal so this is something that you have to also moderate okay among yourselves in the team this is the this is our this is the model quiz that I was saying earlier okay the good thing about having a model quiz in your element in the quest rather in your LMS is it allows Auto feedback to students answer so when the students takes a quiz for example okay right away the elements will tell you whether the right or wrong okay it will explain why it is right and why it is wrong okay and also the other good thing is if Auto computes quizzes and it will give you the raw score together with a percentage score as well so eventually even though this is just recorded session but to some extent you have the element of interaction there when the students get engaged with content through forum took quizzes and also even through the materials that you have their true PowerPoint presentation by the way the other thing that I would like to show you now is our turn in application that we have embedded in our LMS so what is this this actually I'm not sure if you have heard about turn it in before but it's a plagiarism checker app okay it when I say plagiarism checker it is an application designed to check the similarity rating with students submission so for example if the student has to submit a project report or even a quiz okay Turnitin will process that submission and we'll give you the report remember and tell you exactly which the lines are copied somewhere again it also tells you are the sources of those copied lines okay so if you can see in the example here the plagiarism rate of this particular student is 21% is tolerable however it brings us a red flag to us teachers if we see a plagiarism rate of more than 50% our university policies for virtual teaching dictates that if we have 50% or higher we have to give a demerit to that to the particular submission and if it is 99 five percent or higher then it's automatic zero in the assessment or in the project so this is one way of ensuring that your assessment all the done virtually are still reliable so you get to also consider that and i'm calling this out to administrators that your lms you should insist that your lms you get to have I turn it in future any other application that can that can enable to you know process and and check you know a plagiarism or similarity rating for for students I'm not sure if this applies also for elementary or lower level students but this is particularly true for high school and university level students oh this is one application that I would like to share t it's a very simple application one dry ok and it has similarity with Google document the thing that they like with onedrive is that even after the lab session and if you're talking about longer period assessment students can carry the assessment with them whether they are review online or not okay so onedrive is one application that can complement your LMS okay and complement in a sense that whether you're there or not you are whether you are on live session or in a in a recorded session students can still work on their own ok and as you can see in the example I gave you here there is an exchange of ideas between my students they're actually working in their project proposal report here and one student is saying no you're writing the wrong way and one student said oh my apology okay I'm sorry about that I was not aware of it me about my fault but then again that's the beauty there because the interaction element is there ok so you have to also think of one application that you can use for a synchronous session recorded session should you need to extend collaborative work after your live session ok all right so where are we now [Music] you let me just tell you now on how we deliver virtual teaching okay because this is very important oh by the way before we go here I forgot to just to also show show to you the big blue button because I'd been talking about big blue button earlier and let me just show to you let me just share it to you my screen how the big blue button looks like and how is it comparable with your zoom and with your Microsoft themes if you're using one so let me just go there for a while that it will just take a few SEC what let me just do that I hope this will not be okay a big blue button that let us have big blue button okay alright now this is our big blue button main room and I like to share to you a few of the minutes that I interact with my students like virtually okay all right there we go I received your email last night about your inquiry on the study plan that I have designed for you based on your submitted form the number electronic meeting number one this semester and it mentioned that um oh by the way do you see my screen aful may I see it okay when do you recognize that last night okay yeah in that email if I remember right you asked you inquired if you can change the national course requirement because I think you still need one right Pierre as typical courses and you've taken already the - yeah I take two on okay so that's pretty much what the BBB classroom looks like okay but let me just go back to the slide because I think we have something else to cover okay let me go here so how do we then now that we know what the LMS and supplementary and EdTech applications are and we understand how they operate synchronously in a synchronously how do we then design your virtual teaching plan okay so what should be the mechanism that virtual teaching is to be carried out this is the second set of good practices that I'm going to share to you here's a schematic diagram of the modes of our virtual delivery and this guides us in checking regularly if it's students participation or engagement in a two session weekly cycle this also helps teachers like you ensure that you are taking the right approach in ensuring that learning process would have the essential learning elements of pedagogy so basically you have to ask this question okay and the first one is just to check if students do their share of work in the recorded session okay and the second question we have to be asked is something to do with the live session and the third question using onedrive or something to do with the mix delivery okay and in that way and in a week cycle you can continue and carry on with checking your students engagement so that no students should be able to you know would not be left behind as they say in your virtual delivery and making sure that they are on track on board to each of the session that you are to deliver every week so this is something like a guide question that you can ask to your students okay all right now before we proceed ladies and gentlemen I need you to think of or at least imagine your own virtual classroom and tell me which pedagogical element you would meet the most remember we have three I've been talking about interaction collaboration and feedback which so that if you were just to choose one weeks of that would you kill as the most important one it's an interaction collaboration or feedback tell me again we're using this using the momentum meter app you can either scan the QR code is shown on the screen right now or you can type men p.com an intrical which i will show it to you in a bit so let's have two minutes again for this let's let me show you now the code for that hold on you there you go all right so you get you see the code now it's 8 9 8 0 1 2 so tell me if you were to choose amongst the three elements of podiatry which one would you keep as the most important one in your own virtual path would it be interaction collaboration feedback please tell me the code is 89-81 - all right give you two minutes for that all right so we're moving up ok apparently interruption is the popular one okay one more minute interesting so we have the top runner here okay as you can see on your screen right now obviously the most popular element the pedagogy is interaction okay 30 seconds Wow okay but at least some acknowledge the importance and feedback as well I'm gonna tell you why is it very important the game you where I think we're reaching a thousand right now for interaction oh okay there you go we hit the benchmark so let me just end my slide there and get back to my main slide okay I'm sorry for cutting is short there all right so we're back so apparently our responses are diverse but we are in agreement that these learning elements of pedagogy interruption collaboration and feedback are indispensable components of Bridgeville teaching perhaps depending on our context depending on our learning outcomes and depending on our instructional objectives either of these learning elements of pedagogy would play a critical role in our virtual teaching right now let me share to you the research of dr. bill pills I'm not sure if you've heard about him in his book on effective online pedagogy he concluded that these learning elements okay interruption collaboration and feedback I have strong positive linear correlation with student engagement okay and in the language of research we all know that the variables are when when the variables are significantly correlated with each other it means simply that they move together okay or they signer joyous each other in a virtual learning environment hence what can we conclude them what is the implication of that in our teaching when the level of learning element is high the level of student engagement is also high simply put it when your students are interrupting when your students are collaborating and when you're giving timely feedback to them their engagement follows also to be high so it's a very important study to know now let's discuss good practices on how to manage the first element of interaction but first what is interaction more defines interruption as a learning element that facilitates communication skill and stimulates engagement for learners interaction to be effective it should be able to penetrate through the three layers we seem that their learners should be interacting with other learners with the future and with the content itself and how do we manage this in a virtual classroom let me share to you the good practices okay okay now what should you do then in your virtual class to manage interaction since you're using Moodle or Google classroom or black border in Moodle and or any other LMS for that matter for your recorded or a synchronous session make sure that your students get the opportunity to at least interact with the content and this you can do through Moodle quiz for example give them a quiz okay where they are on a in a synchronous session there are by the way a number of ways that you can create LMS quiz okay and you can actually enable that with a feedback just like what I showed to you earlier okay you also have to activate Moodle forum or any forum for any LMS for less unrelated questions only and you have to be very clear about that okay PowerPoint presentation should also follow an instructional design model you cannot just you know present the content right away without any you know it should flow in a in a very logical way following a sound instructional design and this is what I will be talking at length in in a bit okay and using BBB or a Google meter or whatever in Microsoft themes you have their even zoom you can make sure that you enable interactive features like public cha shared microphones and webcams but listen mics and comes are only enabled for specific class purpose like for discussion for recitation and presentation why do you think we need to do that why do we need to regulate the use of microphones and web in our inner virtual path can anybody give me a an answer why do you think that at the start of the lesson outrightly we should be disabling microphones and video cams okay what's the rationale for that practice I'll tell you why because if you do otherwise your boys will be competing with 30 other voices or in developing setting you can even talk about 50 students 60 students or even 70 students okay in your virtual classroom and if that happens you know what will be the consequence it will be a real chaos in your virtual classroom of course you don't want that to happen in other words teachers this is what I'm trying to say you have to be prudent when managing noise okay and that's part of how you manage interruption because otherwise if noise with dominant okay we dominate your classroom potentially it will interfere instruction and will also interfere interaction and you end up with nothing okay and that would be when that happens that could also be very frustrating for you okay you should also use in awhile a pool picture to activate your students prior knowledge like occasionally I use survey features of bigbluebutton that is to you know just to activate engagement and you can even complement that with I don't know if you've heard about the whole padlet minty meter I'm gonna show this apps to you in a while but they are very very effective applications to maximize engagement in your class how do we manage the second element of pedagogy which is collaboration start by giving you a definition by big dots key he defines collaboration as a learning element that facilitates teamwork or a fourth Industrial Revolution skill we all know that it's very important that students get to really work in a team learners work together to complete the task solve a problem or create a product so this is how you can do as a good practice in your virtual class to manage collaboration again using BBB you can use it for simple tasks and onedrive for complex tasks what do I mean by complex tests those tests that requires a longer work timetable and using BBB you lay down your expectation for a group activities just like how we do it in a physical classroom we first have to explain our expectation can you share it to me examples of expectation in a group activities can you give me some I know you can think of some just think about your physical classroom okay so for example let me give you this you would tell your students that when they are in a breakout rooms we call it breakout rooms by the way in a virtual classroom okay when they when they do their group works they are in a breakout rooms you expect them to think actively what do I mean by that negotiate their thoughts with their group mates okay seal the deal or you know if they have agreed on something and eventually share what they have agreed on with the other groups when they are back in the main room okay it is very important ladies and gentlemen that our expectations are reasonable clear and doable within the limited time period of 60 minutes or so because you cannot be on a live session for more than 60 minutes okay that would be counterproductive I believe now using onedrive you also ensure that tasks is broken down in related chucks okay and stop holding support have you heard about Skype holding for language teachers I think you are familiar with this okay and scolding support should be provided that is to avoid cognitive overload you heard about cognitive overload I'll speak a bit I'll speak about that in a bit okay and I cognitive overload by the way is similar to our students expression like this is a very toxic class I can't take this anymore I will die so if you heard students saying this word that students is really having a cognitive overload and you don't want that to happen in your virtual classroom equally important as well is the creation of phone check and reward accomplishment / positive reinforcement now cognitive overload when you manage your classic elaboration you have to also neutralize the threat of cognitive overload and this is really a real trip in your classroom did you say you know what sometimes we teachers and I'm also guilty about that okay we have the tendency to give full details to the task to our students thinking that these details would even though they are non-essential would enable our students to accomplish the task competently but the sad reality is this in a virtual classroom became for most of the time those extra details do more harm than good and when that happened cognitive load cognitive rather overload is there it's a real threat to sound pedagogy so how do we minimize cognitive overload here's what the John 2010 has suggested we can cut related tasks into smaller chunks for easy digestion okay para de mahira is super divided saw the expression in in filipino right we provide scaffolding support for its tasks project and problem that we have given them and more importantly give the opportunity that these students can collaborate in a mixed ability group homogeneous sorry heterogeneous that not homogeneous group so that they can share cognitive overload you know what to be honest about this when you do this this is very effective practice by the way when you do this you're actually helping the weaker students okay or those that are not so competent with their skills so when you mix them up with more advanced or strong students and that will really help them up and and besides when you divide the labor it is out the burden isn't it so cognitive overload can be reduced when you do that but you know let me just show you this but for me personally the ultimate test is to put yourself in the shoes of your students okay and try to you know read and immerse yourself to the instructions given okay in your virtual classroom if you do not understand that from a buret student's point of view then something is wrong with your instruction you have to reduce the cognitive overload ok so again the ultimate test really is to put yourself in the shoes of your students okay so always make it a habit okay when you are to revisit your instructions and your you know your delivery alright finally how do you manage the third element of feedback Haiti and Temperley conclude in their experimental study in 2007 that feedback empowers learners to become self-reliant by developing the capacity for so regulate learning this is very important however in the same study they stressed that affected feedback should transcend from task or performance level up to the process level in which learner's reflect on specific learning strategies and finally up to the self-regulation level where they themselves monitored their own learning and that's all the ultimate objective of feedback gearing so how do you what are the good practices for you to manage feedback in your virtual class let me show you this when you're using PPP or Google hangout or zoom or whatever you do you use for a live session you make sure that you are actively engaged in the breakout rooms students would see that you are visible around them okay it's not it's not okay if you say like okay class go to the breakout rooms I'll take my coffee okay no okay you can't just do that you have to make yourself visible around them and would really feel your students should really feel your presence and how do you do that in a virtual classroom okay any idea you can do that actually by giving timely and constructive feedback okay even wake-up calls to those who are not engaged and this is you do while your students are in their group okay so personally what I do is I hop into virtual breakout rooms a Jason you have not done this what can you say about this you would know that because they have to make you shake their thoughts and you know I sealed the deal as I as I was saying earlier in the public chart in the breakout rooms and if you have not heard from a student give him a wake-up call okay so that's that's the that's actually the strategy that you can use to to make sure that feedback is given and of course generally you can also give a kindly constructive feedback with a with the students output B so B in comparison with what is the target objective for the day and that we can do actually while we are in the breakout rooms do not just leave them there that's the that's the bottom line okay it is the same strategy for one right but the advantage of one right ladies and gentlemen is that you students can actually follow through your feedback in one in one document they will see if they are able to act on your feedback and make progress from your feedback under assigned work and that is for me is good because students can monitor and they can deed they themselves they are empowered to self-regulate their learning okay now we've been talking about managing the elements of pedagogy but you might ask me how about embedding them how do we embed them to embed is simply to to put them into the system okay so that it will just you know emerged naturally you know the answer is found in the learning design of our sessions both in synchronous and asynchronous the learning design which you should have for your session is your framework it's the template with serve as the prototype for all your lessons okay having a sound learning design in place is one of the best a virtual teaching practice that you can do I would recommend in particular as mentioned earlier gagne is model you know ganya's model instructional design if you have not heard about it before it's based on a cognitive social contract constructivism and it's an education philosophy that advocates that believes that learners construct knowledge not only in their meaningful not only through their meaningful experiences but also through their social interaction and collaboration with other learners and that's the beauty of it so that's why I really like Gagne instructional model for not there are nine learning events in in Gagne smaadahl that you have to embed in your virtual classroom as you can see on the screen right now but the challenge is really events number one events number three for an a when you put them in a virtual classroom they would require learning a specific learning solution or EdTech application okay and this is actually the gap that we have to fill in so for administrators you have to really you know deliberately think about this okay when how to bridge the gap and fill in in a way that even in the virtual environment okay you can still gain attention of your learner you can still stimulate a recall of your prior learning you can still present the content in interactively and you can still assess performance with reliability okay and objectivity okay and validity as well so this all if you have to look at this in the spectrum requires an educational application in a virtual learning environment okay having said all these how can we ensure that these learning elements of pedagogy are embedded in our practice first we need to revisit and I'm making this call to to our administrators and teachers as well okay you need to revisit the modalities of your virtual delivery and check if they have an instructional design there because if there is no instructional design at all you need to have one for instance as shown on the table right now to have the element of interruption in a recorded session or in a synchronous session you should have at least the four layer of learning events like gain attention inform learners engaged after bait prior learning before you can even present the content okay you got to do this in your recorded session you cannot just present the content outrightly without gaining attention first informing your leaders about objectives engaging them first okay so it has to help my design ladies and gentlemen okay this is also true for the synchronous live session the session should have at least seven layers it's more demanding now in terms of the elements that should be embedded there okay so as you can see as covered by the green arrow on the table okay it should cover at least seven of the learning events in the ghani's model before you can say that their live session has really a sound learning design in it okay apart from each session you must have also to see that by the way I have just to tell you base that when all the seven learning events are they are in your live session you're actually transitioning from a level over thinking skill to a higher-level thinking skill and that's the most important thing as I mentioned earlier is when you engage your students in a higher level thinking skill and you can only do that when you have the seven layers of learning events they're even in a live virtual session okay all right so are we all clear about this okay so the bottom line ladies and gentlemen that I like to tell you is that you get to have the design for your sessions okay no the second by the way I hope that this is not a cognitive overload for you if it is then I apologize my intention really here is to give you a macro perspective of how you would embed the learning element in the specific learning event as espoused by gangjae's instructional model earlier okay so the second is to review current and prospective educational technologies for EdTech and check if they had been affected or if they will be effective in ensuring you know interactive nests and collaboration and feedback okay the the thing that you have to look at for administrators and teacher is this there must be a clear utility okay a clear utility match between ed tech and learning design okay and you can consider that if there's a clear Authority match you can consider that as a good virtual practice so for example okay when we look at the engage of TBD spriter learning in the first column here okay that event has to be interrupted how do you do that you can complement your LMS with BBB well example were like with applications like Cahoon cutlet and Minton winter the one I used earlier to serve the purpose okay you may also consider add bustle in the future okay I think the apt is underrated in terms of its interactive features okay you might as well consider that okay another example here is when we look at the assess performance learning event again in the first column second to the last row okay that learning event has to be interactive and collaborative as well you may complement your Moodle quiz if you have if you're using model quiz or onedrive with new application like I don't know if you heard about boys spread or socrata okay I see potential in this application in terms of their collaborative and feedback futures now the bottom line here is that EdTech solutions and tools should be deliberately selected I cannot overemphasize that and they have to be blended strategically creatively to the main learning platforms in order to enhance specific aspects of the learning experience of your students it should have a clear much with a specific learning event okay just a caveat no amount of sophisticated technology would have the greatest impact on the learning process but how you apply these technologies on your virtual teaching that would make the greatest impact on your student learning okay now here is an example of the application millimeter that I've showed to you earlier when we do doing the cloud activity so it's a free application you can use that actually to engage the after bit prior learning ok so this is the layout when you are creating one for yourself and this is another application that you can use for collaborative work or / showcasing what their students have done in a portfolio this is called padlet again another free application at the example of shown on screen are actually my children do use it in their school so here as you can see children are evidencing they're learning okay in different fields so they do this like every week okay they have to you know upload something under portfolio and you get to share that with their other classmates that hey this is what I've been doing for this three and they kept the show evidence that they are really on a hands-on learner okay so of course involving parents for learned for young learners but they get the chance to really showcase their learning experience as well all right no have you heard about kahoot let me let me just show you a bit what Kahoot looks like because that's another one engaging application that you might as well consider to activate your your students okay let me just go there I'm not sure where I have placed all right since that we have trouble with accessing code but let me just again hold on for a sec [Music] Recordings okay sorry about this it takes some time okay now I found the hoop let me see how I can share this to you all right so here you go I don't know if you're familiar with this application this is also a free application that you can use to activate prior learning so it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here is a question about flags okay let me just tell you which flag is this maybe you can answer that by clicking on it [Music] the answer is great reading so everyone if 61 you've got it right okay let's have another okay which Congress flag is this actually leaving the game chill and followed by Anna and Mimi so you will see the scoreboard and the ranking of your students there okay let's have one more and let's see how it's how it goes from here okay who's leading the games we have a new leader it's Risa okay so this is code ladies and gentlemen and I believe this is something that you can also utilize it's a free application that you might as well consider you can use this a subset when you want to engage your learner and before you interact with them before you present the content this is something that you can even use this for for when you call this one for for assessment as well now the other the other application is the last one okay that I would like to share to you is a will decide okay this is a nice application in a sense that personally I use this whenever we have a stalemate with my students advice by still made i meant that we have not like for example we have a deadlock okay or simply we just want to break the boredom in the class okay or gonna wear able to decide on how to go about one particular class activity in a session we simply just you know do this okay we'll decide this is an upper will he said again it's a free app so just for the purpose of demonstrating this to you who should sing and dance for the class today teachers from whose region then are gonna click here ok so the pictures from scene are ok should sing and dance for our class today so isn't it funny so and then you know no one can protest because it's fairly decided on so we got from cer so that's a good thing that you can also use just do you know get into maybe the weekend mode ok add flavor and variety and how you deliver your class okay so let me and be the showcase of my my applications there and I hope that you have gotten something there that would interest your class as well but let me know just go back to my main slide alright now this art by the way the view at last three or four slides now that I have to show to you so that was fun right and and and our students would love that the event in a virtual class they still have they are still managed to have some fun now the thing that I would like to show to you is the numbers ok I'm sure at the back of your mind right now you might ask you doctor mister do you have any numbers or proof or evidence that would show the efficacy of your practice now here's what I got ok the first is the study that we conducted this semester in which we have compared digital footprints of our students with their perceived virtual learning satisfaction in a survey and the study in both support of 300 85 students with a digital footprint access rate of 97% and a survey participation rate at 92% here's what the numbers are telling us it's above average as you can see in the bar okay what does it mean it means that this sucks the satisfaction level for all the three indicators feedback collaboration and interaction are higher than those are eminently okay higher than those if we have retrieved from the survey okay what I'm saying is the digital footprints that we have retrieve are higher than those that we have gotten from the survey okay what does this really imply a simple analogy to that phenomena could be similar to a situation when someone asks you how satisfied you we're with the movie that you have just watched okay and you were and your reply was it was just an okay movie wreck a regular movie but the video cams captured you quite the number of times that that your face glowed every time you were amused by a scene in the movie and in fact almost 90 percent of the time you where so your response really was just an understatement of what actually was your experience in that movie it is more than just okay it's in fact extraordinary so this is what that happened to our students they thought that that their experience with their virtual classes just alright but the footprints that they have digital footprints say that say otherwise it's actually in fact higher than what they have per scene now the second is when we look at the assessments data and compare it to informative and birth versus the some of the performance okay the participation rate here for both assessment is 97% here's what the numbers are telling us ladies and gentlemen there is a significant improvement in the performance between the formative and summative in both assessment as indicated by the consistent fail decrease of the fail rate and conversely a consistent increase in the pass rate in both our read/write and LS or listen speak assessments by the way these are all promising empirical or quantitative evidence of the practice but these of course need to be verified I would say and start statistically tested and proven that there's indeed a positive correlation that indicates a positive impact right so in closing I would like you to help me fill out the missing words from Benjamin Franklin you know the man one of America's great the statement one of America's greatest thinker okay write your answer in the public chat if you know what the missing words are there are three okay tell me and I black it's me and I'm a black and involve me and I black so what are those missing words can you type in now in the public chat please okay so where you're getting our responses now the three missing words and the famous Benjamin Franklin's code okay all right so here we go 30 seconds more so now let me show you the answers we're running out of time okay so here are the answer the first one is forget you forgot okay the second one is remembered and the third one is learned okay let me now read through the Fulco patient from Benjamin Franklin is quotation by the way holds water today more than ever okay patient reads tell me and I forget it's me and I may remember and involve me and I learn let us involve our students more so now that they are in a virtual learning space in doing that ladies and gentlemen let our pedagogy be our compass and finally let me give you my key takeaways for this retrospect the first one there is no technology or educational technology or ethic that fits all our choice should be based not only about Earth organizational context but also in how technology fits or much as a specific learning event instructional design loops like what I showed earlier second hand whatever is your chosen platform or EdTech your virtual classroom steel requires a sound pedagogy and finally interruption collaboration and feedback should be embedded in a virtual classroom pedagogy they are non-negotiable they are indeed indispensable so here are my references ladies and gentlemen I like in particular the one from Gagne obviously because it has practically all the terrifical support that I need in reflecting in this practice of virtual stitching so if you're if you're doing your graduate thesis by the way or your post-grad with vegetation and you're interested in this topic you know have a clear route and where you would need to start okay so thank you for your attention everyone back to you miss Ghana [Music] [Music] good afternoon thank you very much shut off for this very engaging session that you had with us so I will just be reading some of the questions from our viewers yes please go ahead I'll keep our first question sir this is from Miss Nancy Gilligan hi doc what do you think what will be the best modality to be used for us here in the Philippines lalana Point area so have we internet connection how can we as each first hell god bless post in your job right thank you for that question I think I have answered that in the initial slide that I showed again our choice of modality would really depend on the current Internet connectivity status of our students so when you're talking of remote areas is that a question can I is talking about remote area with where the challenging Internet connectivity status yeah what the options is modular but I said again I would say that this is I'm not really a fan of that because it requires it in a pedagogical perspective and I have to again emphasize on that it is low in interaction it is low in collaboration it is low in feedback and it involves it requires a lot of parental involvement which we cannot really guarantee at this point of time so I would not go for modular modality but I would say that if you can blend modular modality with an analog media which I think that ed and Chet is contemplating or blend it with a digital media okay I think to some extent it will serve the purpose of you know having the element of interaction helping the element of collaboration and having the element of feedback as well but again as I've said the response should be sustainable and it should be consistent when you're doing blended make sure that you're doing it regularly on a weekly basis and also the thing that you have to consider is make sure that all instructional materials are synchronized so what I mean by synchronous say make sure that what you have in module is actually complemented okay and and supported but what you will have for your broadcast analog media and for your digital and for your digital media as well they cannot work in isolation they have to really work in synergy with each other to achieve one common instructional goal question yes thank you very much what next question that we have here from Louise Jade what are the possible impacts of the differentiated pedagogy on pupils motivation differentiated pedagogy I'm afraid I haven't touched on that in particular it's actually I think you're asking me a very challenging question not because it requires a multi-dimensional perspective but to safely answer your question is I would say that when you have a differentiated pedagogy maybe you are defining it in terms of the elements you that you should have embedded in your in your virtual classroom I would say based on the evidence that I have showed you based on review of related literature as well as based on the empirical study that we have made here in our university I think it will have a positive impact and this is not just ordinary positive impact Jay because the impact here benefits especially the weaker students and that is also our ultimate objective that no student should be left behind and in the virtual learning environment so I would say if what is the impact of that the implication is positive and I'm very hopeful that this will benefit a lot if you're able to embed all those learning elements of photography in your virtual class and again as I've said a copy up that I was saying earlier that do not just choose an epic application just for the for the sake that you get to have a technology for your birthday pass know it has to be deliberately chosen you have to carefully plan it you have to work as a team you if you need to hire specialists to you know to look at it in a you know in a different perspective then you got to have to okay because otherwise you know you can you know simply roll out something without you know really having a careful thought about it otherwise it would be a you know a we don't want to have a white as they say eventually in our practice okay doc thank you very much in our last question for this afternoon came from Miss lorina habanero so the question sir is how do we deal with parents who are reactive with different modalities of learning I say that again can I hear that I was you know I was taken aback when I heard the word parents but what are those modalities again how do we deal with parents who are so reactive with different modalities of learning alright I think it's a very good and a timely question okay well it impact it's not just true in the Philippines right now parents are up in arms in all parts of the world they would say why are you passing on to ask the role of the teachers we are not trying to be teachers okay but you know what it's just a matter of clearly communicating to them what the definition of the role is if if the school can communicate clearly to the students I mean to the parents the the expectation or the extent or the level of their engagement I think parents would would receive that wholeheartedly the problem now is this because we just say parents should do this and that without really clearly explaining what is the role of the parent in the the whole you know the whole scheme of things you have to explain that so for example in in a slide that I showed earlier when I talk about blended learning for instance if a school uses that that's your modality then you have to explain that sir ma'am since that we are in a blended learning this is the level of parental involvement that I would expect from from from from you and then clearly break that down into specific you know expectation that in terms of homework this is your level of engagement in terms of assessment of course this is your level of engagement with clear limitation of course okay if it is a broad jachnoon missus your level of engagement so it's just a matter of clearly communicating the parental role in any time in any type of modality i think it's just the question is how do you communicate that and i think no parent in this world will will hesitate to have an involvement in their students learning i think it's just natural it's just the only it's just an initial reaction that parents help right now okay put dog so that's all the questions we have now any final reminders doc our viewers this afternoon oh i just want to thank everyone for their attention i when i was you know doing this in the other virtual sessions I actually finished this in an hour but it took me I was surprised that it's already one hour and thirty minutes so if you are there and you are engaged with me I really thank you and I hope that you have learned something from from the presentation and again just a disclaimer okay before you take anything from my presentation and you said consider it in your practice in your own organizational context please my word of advice is think over it deliberately and make sure that it fits the context of your organization or school okay that's that would be all canon thank you everyone thank you very much dr. Carlo Casino for this very wonderful engaging and insightful session and I can see here sir from the comments in YouTube that all of our participants are very much satisfied at syllabi mem you owing knowledge from you this afternoon I am for thank you it's always a pleasure cannot to be helping to our fellow kappa violence okay thank you very much Bhutan at Leicester always and in behalf of the bug group incorporated we would like to thank you sir for giving us this chance to have you in one of our webinars here in the Philippines buggying at fukaya John dog and of course all our capable viewers this afternoon maraming maraming salamat and we're hoping to see you again to god the to the other webinars that we will be having with Weber Group Incorporated Aleppo Magan that happens at English had begin at Ohio
Channel: VibalTV
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Length: 105min 56sec (6356 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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