ElvUi Install and Setup

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what is up everyone is your boy wake my light and today we're going to go over how to install lvy right this also goes for any add-ons really but we're mainly going over lvy because that's the base of my entire suite right so whenever you guys see me on stream uh twitch.tv slash wake my light this is the add-on that you that's most of what you see right all including add-on it's a pretty much the entire ui revamp so it's more minimalistic uh i always highly recommend it for people um that way you don't have much different add-ons for like your bars and unit frames and this and that this is a really good all-encompassing one-stop shop right so today we're gonna go over how do i install it how do i do an initial setup and my philosophy as far as um what i use it for and how i set up my ui so i'll be discussing that throughout the thing right so first what you would need to do right is go ahead and do a google search for lvuy right so if we do google search for lvui we see it's right here we just go to it and we see that takes us straight to the download right so you would go ahead and of course click download on that you see that it does that and we'll go ahead and a show in folder right so from here right what's going to do is now is it's in a zip file right or zip folder we have to extract that folder though in order for us to use the add-on right so this is your first time ever installing an add-on or you don't know exactly what you know how to do it it's really easy right so what you'll need to do is you'll need to figure out where is your file path for where you can install add-ons which is really easy actually so the first thing you'd want to do is go to your battlenet app right here click down on options and you'll see a show in folder here your show and folder is going to take you directly to that uh the folder for world of warcraft okay so from here go into retail because retail is going to be where your game is actually played if retail beta classic whatever right i play on retail mostly so i'll go in retail from here you have a bunch of folders right you're gonna go into your interface folder here and then you can go into add-ons now from here you can see i have quite a bit right this is just a bunch of folders right so what you're gonna do is go ahead and copy this entire path right so copy boom right now what we're going to do is we see that this we see this folder lvy 12.10 that's the add-on that we want to install so we're going to right-click on this we're going to extract all right it's going to say okay where do you want to put it so there's two ways you can do this we can go ahead and paste what we actually found right or what you can do is you can actually browse to it so if like this is your first time you don't exactly know where it's at and you just want to like you won't find it manually for whatever reason you can actually go and if you or if you know where it's located you just didn't want to go through the substance copy you can actually go and navigate all the way to it and then you you would select that folder so if we went here here interface add-ons and then we would click select that folder right but we already have it here so from here we don't have to show extracted files because once it's put in there that's really it and we'll go ahead and click extract right so if this is if you're updating your add-ons or whatever it's going to pop up with a window that says hey we have a bunch of files that are the same names blah blah do you want to replace them or skip them just go ahead and click replace you're not going to screw up your wtf you're not going to script your settings or anything right so i'll go ahead and click replace and you see now it's going to go through that entire setup right so we can go ahead and close this go ahead and close my file explorer and once this is done that's that right so now i'm going to we're going to go ahead and jump into wow and we're gonna see how exactly do we set this up well i'm glad you asked right when you first log in right it's gonna come with a big huge screen right and this is it for you if you're if it's your first time or if it's a new character it's going to automatically show up and go hey we have a new character here what do you want to do right and it'll go through a bunch of prompts and everything else right and every new character that you get is going to have a profile right so you see here i have a ton of profiles all real reality i use mainly just one profile but we're going to go over how i set it up right so if we go ahead and reset profile reset profile the all settings on this profile so for this character make sure you have the correct one right we'll go ahead and click yes and it's all reset okay so from here right it looks pretty minimalistic right you got your chat bar in the or your chat underneath my camera right that's gonna stay there um you got my damage meters and stuff over here but that's from a different add-on details right you gotta got a bunch of different things right so we're just gonna go over a really basic setup of how i would do this i'm not going to go over everything that i do but i'll go over some of the things right this week or thing not anything for you to worry about right so what i'll do right is the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do slash lvi right and i'm going to go ahead and toggle anchors right so when we do toggle anchors it's going to show you everything that is currently showing on your screen okay so the first things i'll do is i'll move my talking head frame up here that's a big huge talking thing whenever you get into a cinema into like a mini cinematic or uh when you complete a quest or role quests or you know champion we got to save everything you know that that whole thing that's what talking head is i always move that up and away right i don't like that have it being in the middle of everything so i just move it right um next what i like to do is i'd like to have my my player and enemy frames close to in the middle of my chat or of my screen right because the reason why i do this is because it's less eye movement for you to do while in the middle of combat or healing or whatever you are doing right tank healer dps anything right i like to be able to see okay this is my health this is the enemy's health right so it's less the biggest thing especially when rating at a medium to medium to high level or rating at all or doing any kind of group activity right is being able to look and cipher information as quickly as possible with as little down time in between your movements as possible right so for me i like to move these more into the center right here right so you see target and enemy frame right let's just say this is like an approximate right you also want to keep as much away from the very center middle here as possible right the reason why is because this is where your character is at right so it's really hard for you to see what's underneath you if you have a bunch of so if i had like my target frame right here and player frame right here i'm not gonna be able to see my character even right i won't be able to see where my character's at if there's fire underneath me all that kind of stuff right so i had them off to the side so that instead of my my my eyes going up here to look at my player frame or anything like that i'm just going here right you're talking about extremely quick eye movements right it's all about being quick okay um the next thing that i like to do right and we'll move my vehicle leave button over here boss button over here somewhere i like to keep things more centralized into the middle of my screen but keeping the actual middle open but so that i can see what's going on right here right and we're going from a healer perspective because that's mostly what i do right so the next things up next thing i like to do is i want to i personally like my action bar close to the center right so the reason i like it close to center is the same same kind of thing right where i have actions going on whatever right and i can just look down okay this is my abilities i have and that's that right for some people they like especially the you're really high level player ones right they only show like a certain amount of abilities i like to see all my abilities i can see the cooldowns i have on all of them right i have an internal clock in my head but i still like to have the information in front of me at all times right so let's you know let's say we move all this stuff right um i have if you look at my regular character right i'll show you guys my actual setup here in a minute um but i have things that i'm going to be using the most often here in the middle and then i have things that are used left less softer or more utility-based down and around the corners or the bottom right um so this is i know it looks very busy but it's it's getting there right so the next thing i like to do and there's two ways of doing this right as a healer i like to have my party frames or raid frames right in the center here so that it's an easy look down i'm not looking to the side i'm looking down and i'm it's still a very quick eye movement to get to some people like to have it where my player frame is some people like to have it down here uh like ella's mirror right ellesmere gaming he has his stuff right below here uh whereas like someone like zmock he has his health frames right he has his health bar frames right here for raid frames uh it's really whatever works best for you now mind you like i said this is a very rough setup i'm not doing going super deep into this but so this is a very basic setup right once you have everything kind of where you want go ahead you can go ahead and lock it right um some quick tidbits right and stuff that i like to see right so uh if you're trying to find your micro bar this is where you have stuff like your um your where you can do character your escape all that fun stuff you just go ahead it's defaulted disabled you you can just go ahead and go to action bars micro bar and enable it and if you see it's this this one right here i usually toggle that or it's down the center you probably can't see it but so now we see it right here i usually put that all the way up here in the corner and that's that i just leave it there chill right so i like to have that stuff still available so if i don't remember what the keybind is or i'm just like going to heat a moment or i'm just trying to do a bunch of stuff i can it's all right here right easy for me to see um the other thing i like to do is i like to move my map down here uh there's a bunch of other bars and everything right the biggest biggest thing when it comes to setting up your your ui is set up how you like it right i can give you all the advice and everything else that i can but if it's something that you're not comfortable with then you're just not gonna like it right um some things you know i suggest like going outside of your comfort comfort zone a little bit to kind of see like okay how does this go uh but the biggest thing that tell healers or anyone in general is when they set up their ui instead of something that you will be comfortable with and can work with um you know i it's crazy because i actually you know fidget with my ui quite a bit to get it to where i want um but we'll go ahead and take a look at what does my profile look like right so the one that i normally use so if we go to my week the light mount ganas right this is how mine is set up um for all for most of my characters i keep it pretty consistent with all of them right so as you see here i have my player frame my target frame i got my one bar right here i have my two this is actually two bars in one there's a two and three this is because i put most of my cooldowns and whatnot here uh and then as you see i have um like all my mounts and other stuff down here and then usually i keep my food professions hearthstone down here at the bottom this is a very basic setup and then if i'm at a party or something if you go ahead and go to anchors so go back to anchors you actually see that my party and raid frames are right here in the center right i actually use an add-on called click and it's for pretty much making your own mouse over macros without having to manually type out all your mouse over macros does the same kind of thing so it works in conjunction with my unit frames so i keep all that right here uh with that i also have it so that a lot of my stuff actually fades now when i'm not when i'm not in combat or targeting something or casting something for me this is really really nice because if i'm in the middle of say an event or if i just want to have stuff look nice and pretty this is a good way to do it so an easy way to do that is you go to action bars you go to your player bars and player bars or what all these bars are right here right one two four five seven there's a bunch right so as you can see here when you go to player bars bar one that's what all these are right so you have a bunch of different options you have click through so that if it's showing if you see it showing you see how i'm hovering over my buttons right i can actually click through them and this helps a lot especially if you are doing events or you're in a vehicle or if you're doing like the shell event um world quest and you have little shells that are right behind it and your action bar is in the way well you can click through it with this right uh keep size ratio inherit global fade the global fade is what happens when you see me like not targeting something anymore show empty buttons i have this enabled so i know how many buttons i have or how many slots i still have available or don't have available some people don't have that some people do it's all personal preference but i have most of my action bars are actually turned on because i have so many different things going on right i've yeah i have six bars open right one two three four five six six bars um so that's a very basic lvui setup um from here it's really just you know how you wanna do things right you can adjust sizes you can adjust opacity which is how dark it's going to be um you can set up so many things if you have any questions concerns or this is your first time ever setting up and you have a question go ahead and drop a comment below don't forget to like and subscribe this vid this video i'm gonna be trying to drop more for you guys so that i can help you guys become better gamers or better set up your yourself for success uh my goal is to just share knowledge and help you guys get better um if that is your goal of course and to me that's always a goal right as always get better so like i said if you guys have any questions please uh drop a comment below uh if you like the video like subscribe hit the bell button um and i hope you guys all have a fantastic day uh raise rebellion rock on see you guys later bye
Channel: Wakemylight
Views: 66,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, Warcraft, World of Warcraft, ElvUI, UI, UI Setup, ElvUi setup, addon install, wow addon install
Id: ekfnvg1lKxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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