ELSA AND MALFICENT’S MAGIC CRYSTALS. And Disney Princesses Ariel, Belle, Jasmine and Anna.

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later in this video you'll find that these will help you on your journey to find the crystals okay are you ready girls Wow and so Thumbelina married the fairy Prince and they all lived happily ever after oh I love when you tell that story Belle especially out here in the woods it all seems so magical do you guys ever think this is like an enchanted forest from a book you never know I mean I have ice powers Ariel's a mermaid jasmine has a genie anything is possible so true ah maybe we should all go exploring yeah let's do it whoa I have no idea that this water bowl is here it's so pretty let's go swimming you always want to go swimming two waterfalls are just so relaxing you guys wait a second there's something in the runner it's a crystal you guys oh that's beautiful I can't believe that was just in there look here's another same here look at this one whoa touchdown hello that pass was extraordinary yeah total slam dunk gasps Sean this is football you're not basketball yeah I mean I knew that are you fools going to just watch that all day long I need your help we're so close to defeating those princesses we have to plan our next plot now who do we go after Rapunzel Cinderella Snow White yeah you're gonna talk to her for a while we could do a love spell Oh a sleeping spell alert princesses are pooping alert princesses oh my gosh oh my gosh it's happening it's happening what do we do forget the orb bones we have to see where they're poofing - all I see a static here Jafar help me with the signal please oh what's that you need a little fire where are we it's beautiful here it's magical you guys we wished for something magical and it happened these magic crystals must have brought us here welcome princesses so good to see you again welcome to the unicorn realm Queen was so good to see you where's Kristalina I sent her back here because I knew she missed to the unicorn realm so much oh yes she's off playing with the other unicorns I see you found some of the crystals we did is that what brought us here correct Queen Elsa these crystals hold the power to the unicorn realm years ago my wicked twin sister Crimson tried to steal them all to have ultimate power i scattered them in your world to get them away from her it seems you have found them Wow they're beautiful but you can have him back if you need him no I want to you girls to keep them for now hold on to them protect them I have a quest for you if you can do it what's the quest I need for you to find the remaining four crystals I have this one here you have the other five and there are 10 total crimson is looking for them and we can't let her get them of course we'll help you oh thank you princesses lastly these gems hold strong magic if you grasp them in both of your hands and say princess crystal power you will be transformed the superheroes go ahead try it you'll find that these will help you on your journey to find the crystals okay are you ready girls go ahead try out your powers so cool we have superpowers we have magic superpowers magic crystal superpowers good luck ladies and remember when you collect them all bring them back here to me we can't like crimson get a hold of them you got it why laughs oh this is perfect literally a villainous plot just fell into our laps we have to find those crystals before the princesses do yes and we will not only have the power of the crystals but we can use them as bargaining chips to take over their kingdom pods I know I don't say this often but that's a great idea and then I'll marry Belle good glad we have a plan you guys ah Gaston not everything is always about marrying Belle yeah good one Jeff I you're so funny now let's go find those crystals okay you guys time to find those crystals but they could literally be anywhere I guess we should start in this forest right it's where we found ours we can use our powers to help us crystals over here okay I'll be over here all right time to find these crystals before those pesky princesses but how are we going to do that yes this forest is huge does anyone have a snack we haven't eaten in hours Oh watch I have to eat six small meals a day it's the best way to diet you know anything to quiet you yeah you know vivillon is if you know me yeah okay okay now time to find those stones oh you're Khalid okay Oh shiny Hey [Music] get to work [Music] I couldn't find anything yeah me neither nothing well we started looking at the forest but who's to say they're here I mean they could literally be anywhere Belle's right they could actually be anywhere in the world this is going to be a lot harder than we thought hmm I couldn't find a single one I found this one that's not a crystal that's a raw same dead brother um excuse me what are you guys doing here oh let's cut to the chase we're looking for the crystals how do you know about the crystals were you spying on us again maybe I was maybe I wasn't she was bad Thank You Gaston marry me No thank you Gaston there's no way we're letting you villains get your hands on these crystals we're gonna find them first we'll just see about that go what let's go Elsa's right we have to keep looking [Music] [Music] I [Music] wait a second what am i doing I have a spell book magic come from far and wide to the crystals be our guide terrible we can't let the villains get the crystals she has her spell book but we have our powers do you think they'll work that way it's worth a try just envision the missing crystals or at least what we think they look like magic words on three one two three Maleficent this is no time for vacation seriously we have kingdoms to take over there they are your crystals happy I find you guys whoa sorry sorry you guys I don't know what happened but down the crystals Julie princesses because now we have villain crystal powers we've got to get those crystals back you guys bring it on princesses so much [Music] [Music] what's happening what did you guys do we didn't do anything but I think we're about to prove what's up friends Oh what is this place it's so rainbowy the unicorn realm I see you found the crystals I'll be taking those oh okay [Laughter] are you okay you fools I'm not Twyla I'm crimson mm-hmm oh no not crimson wait who's crimson Twyla's wicked twin sister crimson you were pretending to be Twyla this whole time and you used us to gather all the crystals and bring them to you Wow you princesses are smarter than you look but a day late in the dollar short oh I've got a dollar I was gonna use it to buy something massive avail but I'm it's an expression Gaston right and what have you done with Twyla oh I dealt with her let's just say she's a little preoccupied mm-hmm you'll never get away with this crimson Oh Elsa I already have ooh we aren't going to let you get away with this yeah where are the villains here yeah you can't just out villain us mm-hmm too bad for you I have all the power too bad for you some of us already had magical powers Jafar Maleficent I need your help team up with you no way if she wins that means she's the main villain well she's got a boy hmm you're going down crimson the so you take cover wait onna you still have a crystalline a necklace right I do I actually always wear it though I'm careful to only call crystalline oh when I need her because I know she's usually with Twyla which means she should know how to get wherever crimson put Twyla [Music] what I'm following along ok belt let's go get Kristalina and fine Twyla be back soon you guys wait I'm coming with you Belle no Gaston stay here no I have to protect you we don't need fine you can come Gaston but no marriage proposals huh and always ruining everything fine calm down it's just like riding a horse yeah except you know in the sky I don't gesture Donna she's got a horn I just nothing with horns not brass bands not a narwhal not not cars not miss hello ok kiss time we get the point ok Kristalina take us to Twyla audible so good to see you Twyla it's so good to see you I can't believe my wicked twin sister tried to trick you into finding those crystals you didn't give them to her did you well she kind of took them but we're here to save you yeah who's that guy he's their friend something like that I'm so glad you came but I don't think you'll be able to help me get out you don't have a key crimson has it we've got to think of something what I did bring this guest on what you get Maleficent spellbook oh I just took it I figured it might come in handy I don't know here you go ok let's see spell to unlock a door here it is make it easy make it quick open up without a kick you did my sister has her wand in the castle we have to go get it and stop my sister we can't let her win don't worry I won't let that happen Twyla how did you escape you didn't have your wand or powers she had the power of friendship right then um yes sure right that is correct I'll be taking those my crystals everyone with me say magic crystal all right yes see feels good to be good right I mean I mean it's pretty cool I guess it's not fire but it's pretty cool here you go Queen Tyler I'm sure it's best if these stay with you Oh No it's too much power even for me and absolute power can turn a person wicked like my sister no no [Music] my crystal what did you do with them I was going to use that exactly I scattered them around the world to keep them secret and safe thank you all so much for helping me you are all such brave warriors of the unicorn Kingdom how can I repay you I'll take money do you have money oh if you could just give me the kingdom of arendelle that would be nice Oh like a red Ferrari mmm marrying BAM no Queen Twyla this adventure was payment enough yes anytime you need us we will always be here what a princess thing to say if you could just send us home that would be great of course farewell brave warriors yeah we're brave thanks Queenie oh she called us brave we're back what an adventure yeah thank you guys for helping us well we couldn't have done it without you really yeah you know we make a pretty good team ok ok that was like a one-time thing all right yeah don't like tell anyone we did that or anything I mean we have an image to keep on yeah we're villains well I'm on the fence to be honest Gaston you're a villain and you're coming with us villains out hello there he goes again winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Channel: Totally TV
Views: 803,357
Rating: 4.6106553 out of 5
Keywords: Disney Princesses, Magic Crystals, Elsa and Anna, Elsa and Maleficent, Elsa, Anna, Belle, Maleficent, Disney Princess, Ariel, Little Mermaid, Princess Jasmine, Totally TV, Frozen
Id: g4BJv-9vy9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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