Elon Musk's $20B Futuristic City! (Starbase)

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Is a world like Cyberpunk 2077 possible? Well, it  just might be. In this video, you will find out   about Elon Musk’s dream city, Starbase, and his  likely fallout with Texas municipal authorities.  On Tuesday the second of March,   the SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk revealed  his intentions of building a city in Texas.   This was shown in a tweet, and what better  name to give a futuristic city than Starbase? Now, Elon hasn’t made any press statement on his  intentions regarding the matter, but his one-liner   tweets appear to mean serious business. The tweet  read:  Creating the city of Starbase, Texas.   We know Elon intends to create a settlement on  Mars using the Starship currently being built   at the Boca Chica SpaceX facility to launch us  into Mars, and Starbase might play a key role.  So far, SpaceX has a facility in Boca Chica,  Texas. The SpaceX South Texas launch site,   also known as the Boca Chica launch  site, is a private production facility,   test site, and spaceport constructed by SpaceX.  Its stated purpose was to provide SpaceX an   exclusive launch site that would allow the  company to accommodate its launch manifest   and meet tight launch windows. Initially, the site  was intended to support launches of the Falcon 9   and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles as well as a  variety of reusable suborbital launch vehicles’   however in 2019, SpaceX announced a  change of plans, stating that the launch   site would be used ‘exclusively’ for SpaceX’s  next-generation launch vehicle, the ‘Starship’. Musk’s subsequent tweets would confirm his  intentions: From hence to Mars and thence   the stars. A later tweet revealed a photo  of his girlfriend, Grimes, and his son,   X AE A-XII (pronounced X Ash A Twelve)  out in the open somewhere at Boca Chica.   Although the specifics of his plans are  rather unclear, the billionaire moved   from his home residence in California  to Boca Chica, Texas, late last year.  Boca Chica is a small town  along the gulf coast of Texas.   We know the area to be an unincorporated town  on the state’s southern tip, near Brownsville.    There, SpaceX has been carrying out tests on  prototypes of starship rockets since 2014.   In a subsequent tweet, however, tech  billionaire Elon mentions that the   city would be built on an ‘area much  larger than the plant at Boca Chica’.  Elon Musk is definitely a strategist. To have  chosen Boca Chica as his city’s location,   then there must be something strategic about the  small village. Given the fact that Boca Chica   lacks some basic amenities such as a potable  water system, it would be surprising to some   that Elon Musk would decide to choose that  same village as his proposed Starbase site.   Apart from the fact that his Starship  rocket building and test-launching site is,   Musk chose Boca Chica because the area surrounding  the village has methane-rich oil wells.   One of SpaceX’s Limited Liabilities  Companies – Lone Star Mineral Development,   got an oil and gas lease for two of such  previously inactive oil wells. While Lone Star   (SpaceX’s subsidiary) bought the lease for the  oil wells from Sanchez Oil and Gas Corporation,   another oil and gas company – Dallas  Petroleum Group claims ownership of   the wells and took Elon Musk’s Lone Star Mineral  Development to court. While we leave the case to   lawyers and judges to settle, let’s examine the  intended purpose of Elon Musk’s Starbase city.  Although not much has been heard from the  billionaire about when the development would   commence and what Starbase City would cover, there  have been speculations regarding why Elon wants to   have this sweet spot at Boca Chica renamed.  Questions are popping everywhere with curious   media buzz: Is he building a colony? Would  it be a futuristic city with high tech like   the cyberpunk 2077 game? Some might even believe  the whole idea to be a rip-off from Star Wars.  Or could Elon be the real Darth Vader?  Our best guess is that Elon’s Starbase would be a  megacity for the expansion of SpaceX operations.   It will probably be private property  for SpaceX workers to do whatever it is   space engineers do. It might also include  some sort of never-before-seen amusement   park featuring insane technology that should  make life awesome for residents of the area.  Now about the Starship currently undergoing  construction back at SpaceX facility, Boca Chica.   The Starship will be a fully reusable transport  system capable of carrying up to one-hundred   people to Mars. On Wednesday, March 3rd,  SN10 successfully completed SpaceX’s third   high-altitude flight test of a Starship prototype  from their site in Cameron County, Texas.   So, Elon’s plans appear to be a pretty big  deal. This is no mere fuss. It looks like   he does want to build a city that would launch  humanity into Mars and thence…the stars. For   that to become a reality, though, there  are a few things SpaceX would have to do.   There are procedures to be succumbed to if anyone  would like to build a city or have one renamed.  To create a new city, SpaceX would have to  get the local residents to sign a petition.   This petition would be submitted to the county  judge, who would then order an election on whether   the municipality should be incorporated. If  the election is successful, the city would   have the power to create its own laws and other  ordinances. That would mean Starbase is a ‘go’.   Something not a lot of folks know is that  when SpaceX first got to Boca Chica in 2014,   there were only six permanent residents  due to the fact that many left the   community after it was seriously  devastated by a hurricane in 1967.   However, as of June of last year, there were 600  SpaceX workers there. And, as of March this year,   SpaceX had about 1,800 resident workers in  the area. What happened to the six permanent   residents? Well, SpaceX paid them off, making  it possible for Elon to startup Starbase city.  Word on the net is that SpaceX representatives  have reached out to the judge’s office in Cameron   County, somewhere around Boca Chica. There, Elon’s  plans were made known, but here’s where things   get a little funny. According to Judge Eddie  Trevino jr. of Cameron County, Elon’s tweet   came a few days after his office was contacted by  SpaceX representatives. From the tone of things,   it looked like they were just asking casually. A  statement from Trevino says: “If SpaceX and Elon   Musk would like to pursue down this path, they  must abide by all state incorporation statutes.   Cameron County will process any inappropriate  petitions in conformity with applicable law”.   We guess this is judge Trevino’s way  of asking Elon not to get over himself.   Well, we’ll see how that turns out Judge Trev.  The idea of a futuristic city is pretty lit. From  the Starship currently undergoing development   at the SpaceX, Texas, to the proposed Starbase  city and a likely battle between Mr. Musk   and state authorities, it’s hard to say the  billionaire hasn’t had his hands on a pretty   hot plate. But again, this is Elon we’re talking  about here so; we’ll just have to wait it out.   To folks out there, what do you think  Elon plans on doing with Starbase?   And for Star Wars fans, what are your thoughts  about having a giant Starship being built?   That’s it on today’s video. Be sure  to drop your thoughts in the comments.   Till the next video, thanks for watching. 
Channel: Elon Musk Fan Zone
Views: 632,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business, Elon, Elon Musk, Musk, Space, SpaceX, Tesla, a.i., billionaires, earth, elon, elon musk plan hyperloop, elon musk tesla, elon musk's future city, future city, future tech, future world, futuristic city, hyperloop, monkey, musk, neuralink, neuralink elon musk, science, sn 15, sn15, space, spacex, starbase, starbase city, starbase texas, tech, technology, tesla, tunnel
Id: RiFn-eCNYlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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