Elon Musk Just Changed Tesla Forever!

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Tesla is changing and they're doing it fast this has suddenly become the most exciting time to be following the company in what feels like years a quarterly report that was expected to be filled with Doom and Gloom turned out to be a new road map forward in the short term for Tesla to evolve into something we've never seen before this is the real reason why everything just changed [Music] okay so the big news that everyone is talking about right now is the new Tesla vehicle lineup coming in 2025 but I'm going to tell you a secret that is not the thing that Elon Musk wanted you to take away from the company's latest reveal Elon wants to make autonomy the primary focus everything else is only being done to support the roll out of Tesla's self-driving AI let's focus on these words in particular Tesla writes the future is not only electric but also autonomous so when people think about Tesla they should all be relating that name to EV and autonomy side by side with equal importance stick with me here this is a long quote but it's very important we believe a scalable and profitable autonomy business can be realized through a vision only architecture with endtoend neural networks trained on billions of miles of real world data since the launch of FSD supervised V12 earlier this year it has become clear that this architecture long pursued by Tesla is the right solution for scalable autonomy now what does scalable and profitable autonomy look like well Tesla did release one new product this week the Tesla Network ride hailing app this is something that we've known has been coming for a very long time now it's actually a topic we covered in the very first video we uploaded to this channel over 4 years ago but what we're looking at is the first time that the company has put it out there in black and white for the world to see confidence is what this all signals Tesla not just Elon Musk but Tesla as a unified company is confident that full self-driving is moving in the right direction and it's getting very close to the Final Destination a genuine autonomous vehicle that can simply be switched on through software alone a key indic Ator of this can be found at the very tip of a graph that shows cumulative miles driven with FSD beta we see a very predictable linear growth from March 2023 to March 2024 at this point the line makes a departure and starts to grow at a near vertical rate from March to April this is the result of Tesla offering one free month of FSD for every customer in North America with the eligible Hardware which Elon confirmed is around 1.8 million cars and he claims that over half of those owners have taken up the offer to install FSD over that same period we haven't heard any kind of report about a massive uptake in Tesla autopilot related crashes which would have been all over the news if it had happened so to me that's a strong indicator that the new software is working great and is more than safe enough for the average Tesla owner to use without incident that means we are very close to being ready for the next steps the robo taxi or cyber cab as Elon is now calling it Tesla says that the purpose-built robo taxi product will continue to pursue a revolutionary unbox manufacturing strategy which will be totally different from the way the Tesla builds their current vehicles and even a little more advanced than the approach Tesla is about to take with their updated 2025 vehicle lineup let's talk about how we get the most out of our electric vehicles imagine having your real World Range your charging costs and driving efficiency all at your fingertips with trity you gain full control over your EV data trity is an app that will automatically collect document and analyze all of the data generated by your electric car in one place no extra Hardware required want to know how your driving behavior influences the condition of your battery and operating cost well tron's app provides the answers imagine the first digital driver's log book made spe specifically for EVS and plug-in hybrids all your trips are automatically recorded and listed for you allowing you to sort your drives into private and business trips with just two clicks trity is clever simple and 100% tax compliant tron's charging log automatically records all of your car's battery activity where when how much and at what cost download the trity app right now and start your 14-day free trial and use code Tesla space 25 for an additional 25% off when you experience the features that this app unlocks on your electric car you won't want to drive without it okay so we know that the Cyber cab is on the list of upcoming Tesla products but the new earnings report also tells us that Tesla is working on a lot more when it comes to new vehicles at the top of the slide deck Tesla writes ultimately we are focused on profitable growth including by leveraging existing factories and production lines to introduce new and more affordable products again long quote here but trust me this is important we have updated our future vehicle lineup to accelerate the launch of new models ahead of our previously communicated start of production in the second half of 2025 these new vehicles including more affordable models will utilize aspects of the Next Generation platform as well as aspects of our current platforms and will be able to be produced on the same manufacturing lines as our current vehicle lineup so what does that mean here's the way I see it Tesla is not in a bad place right now in terms of vehicle sales and revenue but they're not in a good place either it's just a very challenging point in time for this particular industry High interest rates mean that people are more reluctant to take on debt from something like financing or leasing a new car the hype around electric cars has started to die down we're coming off the peak of inflated expectations and reality sets in that the infrastructure of North America is not ready for a full EV transition just yet we can see this Illustrated in Tesla's production and delivery numbers in the first quarter of this year Tesla built 42,3 76 model 3 Andy Vehicles globally over the same period they delivered just 369,486 that means Tesla is currently building nearly 46,000 more Vehicles than they can sell over a 3-month period compared to the same quarter in 202 3 Tesla built just 2% less model 3 Andy in 2024 while they delivered 10% less of those vehicles to customers over the same time period we can also see from last year's numbers that Tesla has the global capacity to produce up to 47677 model 3 Andy globally in one quarter there was a time in the Noto distant past Tesla would sell every car that they could build before they even built it this is is not the case anymore the point here is that Tesla has more capacity to build cars right now on their existing lines than they have customers wanting to buy their existing Vehicles so their idea is to solve both problems at once by making relatively small and inexpensive modifications to their current production lines that allow them to build new vehicle models that will appeal to a broader range of customers the Revolutionary unbox process that we mentioned earlier is going to require Tesla to build entirely new production lines even new gigafactories and that's not the kind of project that the company is going to take on when their Automotive revenues are pulling negative numbers we've got to bump those numbers up first so the company is going to take some elements of that unbox philosophy and apply them to existing products like the model 3 Andy platform the goal in this case being cost cutting and that comes in two ways for one there's plenty of simple material cost reductions that you can make on a Tesla with the opulent features like the glass Skylight roof and overpowered infotainment computer the model 3 was never intended to be an economy car when it was designed and that was the right decision at the time because in 2018 an electric car had to be exceptional to be taken seriously this had to steal customers away from Audi and BMW luckily that's not the case anymore the average person doesn't need as much convincing to go electric but they do still need to have a vehicle that fits their price range and does all of the things that their old gas car could do as long as Tesla can preserve their core features very good range and very fast charging then they can get away with skimping a bit on the other things I'd even wager that more people would be more willing to buy a Tesla that had less Tech involved with the interior and the controls for example going back to a normal steering wheel with no touch buttons bringing back control stocks for wipers headlights and gearshift maybe even God forbid just shrink down the center screen to a normal size and put a regular speedometer and gauge cluster in the dashboard in front of the driver now the other side of the coin is the manufacturing of the vehicle Tesla says that they're not ready to go full unboxed yet but they can start to bring over elements of that process so what does that look like well I think we've already seen two fine examples in the Cyber Tru one is the 48 vol architecture I've been watching Sandy Monroe and his crew tear down a cybertruck and rip its guts out and what I've really noticed is just how small and light all of the electronic systems are the wires and cables and connectors are tiny especially compared to this massive Powerful Beast of a truck so I can see with my own eyes why Tesla is doing this change to higher voltage systems and I think they're going to keep going with every new car they make number two actually surprised me I did didn't think I would agree with this point but steer by wire should be on all new Tesla vehicles and again this comes after watching Sandy tear apart a cybertruck and explain how it works doing steer by wire is probably cheaper overall for the production process than doing a mechanical linkage and it also aligns better with the unbox philosophy now the entire front end assembly with a steering brakes suspension all of that complex stuff can be assembled somewhere away from the rest of the car then you just bring it over clip in the electrical connections and you're good to go no mechanical linkages no Fasteners no grease you don't have to cut a big hole in the vehicle's firewall and run a big steering column down into the front clip steer by wire is just so much cleaner and I'm pretty satisfied that Tesla is doing enough with their redundant systems to make it safe as for what these new cars would look like I think we're only limited by our imagination take a model 3 platform and make it shorter to get a compact make it longer to get a station wagon cut the roof off entirely and make a compact convertible remember like 20 years ago when almost all cars had a convertible option now virtually zero are convertible we should bring it back an all electric convertible would slay right now of course the real unbox process is being reversed for the Cyber cap that's probably not actually the real name it's just something that Elon said offand after he said Robo taxi and now the internet as usual is doubling down on making it a thing thing and we will continue to follow that Trend this is what Elon is really looking at for the future of Tesla all of these new affordable models are just stop Gap measures that are going to help the company fund the new production lines and factories that will be required to build the Cyber cab Army and the humanoid robot army but we're not going there today we can see Tesla setting the groundwork for this transition look at the graph showing the company's AI training capacity this essentially tells tells us the size of their supercomputer resources Tesla already had a gigantic supercomputer cluster back in 2022 which could Drupal by 2023 and that has more than doubled just in the last 6 months with no signs of slowing down all of these resources are being poured into finishing FSD with version 12 I feel like Tesla AI is 90% of the way there but the last 10% is going to be the most difficult of all either way Elon seems to be at a high level of confidence that everything will come together in time for his next presentation on August 8th where we've been promised that all will be revealed with the Cyber cab the new Tesla models the production process all of the pieces will fall into place it's going to be the biggest Tesla event since battery day hopefully with more accurate predictions this time
Channel: The Tesla Space
Views: 108,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, elon musk, cybercab, robotaxi, autonomy, tesla cybercab, tesla robotaxi, new tesla, tesla change, new tesla vehicles, 25k tesla, tesla model 3, tesla ride hailing, tesla network, tesla uber, tesla investor, tesla stock, tesla dojo, tesla supercomputer, tesla ai, full self driving, ai driver, ai car, ai robot, autonomous driving, autonomous vehicle, ai training, tesla convertible, tesla unboxed, unboxed manufacturing, 48 volt, steer by wire, tesla cybertruck
Id: peZljGmfuBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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