Ellipal Titan - the Most Secure Cold Storage Crypto Wallet?

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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name's chris and today we're taking a look at the ellapal titan this is a cold storage wallet for cryptocurrency now what does that mean cold storage wallet it means that this cryptocurrency wallet does not connect to any network ever meaning you don't plug it in with usb it doesn't have any bluetooth no wi-fi just literally zero network connectivity whatsoever so then how does it work and how does it keep your cryptocurrency transactions secure just like any hardware wallet your cryptocurrency is not stored on this device this device is strictly for the private keys that authorize cryptocurrency transactions so we're going to set this whole thing up and it will be much clearer how this works by the end of the video but in short your private keys are on this cold wallet it works in conjunction with a smartphone application and what you do is by using qr codes you sign with your private key any transactions that you want to do so if i wanted to send you some bitcoin or some other type of cryptocurrency i initiate that transaction with my smartphone and then i take a picture of the qr code displayed on the elephant titan in order to sign that transaction or in other words in order to authorize that transaction all right so let's see what comes in the box this is a really nice wallet here and you can see i have two of them this one here is the elephant titan gold and i'm not sure what this one is we will open it up and find out one i bought myself and one they sent me so this is the gray model right so this is the elephant titan gray and here you can see the two different devices side by side so there's really no difference in these two devices other than the color of the case all right peel off the front sticker here now this device is called an air gapped cold storage wallet and by air gap they just mean no network connectivity whatsoever it does not plug into anything therefore it is air gapped it is also anti-tamper so this device was designed with this metal casing and there is no way to get to the innards the electronics inside this device without somehow damaging this metal casing around the elephant titan so if you receive this thing and it's all dinged up you know that someone potentially compromised the device and that one you should just chuck in the garbage so let's see what else comes in the box here we have some instructions for getting started this is a list of the mnemonic words this one works with a 12 word pass phrase sometimes these devices will either 12 or 24 words the ledger nano s and x for instance work with a 24 word mnemonic this one works with a 12 word mnemonic and the mnemonic is basically the backup of this device so as long as you have your 12-word mnemonic you can destroy this physical hardware and get a different one or a replacement and still be able to recover the private keys for your cryptocurrency wallets we also have some instructions here basically it's just you know scan the qr code to download their app it does come with a 16 gigabyte micro sd card but the micro sd card that came with this gold one over here actually didn't work i plugged it into my computer you're supposed to format these fat32 in order to update the firmware on this device so you have to download the firmware put it onto this micro sd card and then stick the micro sd card into the lapel titan using this little sort of security dongle that also comes with it but the sd card that came with this one didn't work at all so i didn't know i don't know if this one does or not regardless though i have formatted a separate micro sd card that does have the latest firmware so we will get this thing updated that way so speaking of this dongle here this is just a magnetic dongle it connects to the bottom like so and it is powered up with micro usb so let's go ahead and plug this thing in and start powering it up see if it comes with any juice by default let's go ahead and turn it on there's a power switch on the side here yep there we go now i should say also the battery life in this thing is not spectacular so it's kind of meant to be turned on when you want to use it and then turn it off when you're done with it it doesn't have a lot of standby time i had the gold elephant titan at about 80 percent battery i left it on my desk overnight powered on and by morning it was completely drained so i had to then power it back up looks like this one came with 59 battery power out of the box but let's go ahead and plug it in and we'll start getting this thing charged up and we will go through this initial setup here okay so select your language we're going to say english download the lapal app so that's basically if you don't have the lappal app you can scan that qr code with your phone to download it i already have it so we're going to say create account we will call this test wallet and then we're going to give it a super strong password three asdf1234 five and again this wallet will be destroyed by the time you guys are watching this video that's why i don't mind showing you the mnemonics and showing you the passwords that i'm putting into this thing i will be completely uh wiping this clean before this video hits youtube okay so then we have select address type general or segwit segwit says short for segregated witness is a new blockchain feature it was designed to solve scalability problems but also brings benefits to end users better security shorter average confirmation time due to higher tps which i believe is transactions per second and lower transaction fees btc segwit uses address that begins with 3 while ltc segwit addresses begin with m so i'm just going to use segwit since it seems like it's a newer faster technology and it is also the default if you want to add a passphrase you can also add a passphrase for the purposes of this video though i'm just going to have the password only all right so we're going to say create account there we go so it says creative successfully please back up your mnemonics all right so let's back up the mnemonic words and now we have to check these three boxes and then click back up now the three boxes are telling us mnemonics is important for assets safety once lost you will never get your account assets back basically don't lose your mnemonic words we're going to check that one mnemonics will not store in or export from the elephant this is the only chance to back it up okay and then please back up mnemonics in a safe place without cameras okay so we're going to say backup now they're basically saying like make sure there's no security camera looking over your shoulder that can get a copy of your mnemonics and here we have our mnemonics displayed so now we just need to write them down now be careful with this this threw me off the first time i set up the original gold elephant the mnemonic words on this sheet are one two three four five six i thought that they were one two three four five six down the left side and then down the right side so just be very careful with the number of the mnemonic and the placement on this piece of paper it's it's super important that they're in the right order or you may not be able to recover any cryptocurrency that is on that is basically backed up with the private keys on this cold wallet all right so i'm going to write these down now [Music] and there we go so now we're going to say next and it says please click the pneumonic words in sequence to confirm your backup mnemonic words so now we basically have to go one two three four five six and click the words basically to show that we did write them down in the correct order so i'm going to do that now [Music] okay so i put my words back in the correct order we're going to say verify mnemonic and it says backup successful now before we select our coins which is going to be basically which coin wallets do we want in this device and we can always add and remove them as we see fit the mnemonics right now are stored on this piece of paper and they're stored in ink so this is going to be susceptible to fire this is going to be susceptible to water damage this is going to be susceptible to insect damage all of these types of things could potentially destroy my backup mnemonics so one of the other devices that ella paul has come out with is this device right here this is the pneumonic metal so this device is 98 msrp it's on sale for 88 dollars right now and it also comes in a bundle with the alipal titan for 159 dollars you can get the titan as well as the mnemonic metal which is a fireproof waterproof insect proof way to back up your mnemonic words basically if you take a look at this thing it's got a locking mechanism right here if you want to put a padlock through this it has a magnet that keeps it closed and then if we flip it open we can see here different spots for our mnemonics now this is compatible with all bip 39 hardware wallets so not just the elephant but you could get this mnemonic metal for a ledger wallet or for a treasure wallet any other type of wallet that supports these types of 12 or 24 word mnemonics can be used with this device so the way that this works is you get a whole bunch of these metal letters right here and you get a whole bunch of them and so everything is metal right so it's all metal case all metal letters and essentially you can just open up these individual sets of letters punch them out and then you put the first four letters of each one of your mnemonic words in the correct order you actually have to unscrew this front plate then put the letters in then screw it back in so that everything stays in the same order they do even give you a screwdriver somewhere yes you get extra screws as well as a tiny screwdriver for unscrewing these four points right here take off this front plate put your words in the correct order so i would put like l u x u for number one d i e s for diesel number two s y s t etc etc right so you only need the first four letters because the first four letters are going to be unique between all of the words that i have uh in my mnemonic uh set of 12 words here so we're not going to set this up again since i'm going to destroy this i'm not going to go through the trouble of unscrewing this whole thing popping out all these letters and putting them in but i will probably do that for my own elephant titan when i actually set it up and put some cryptocurrency private keys on it okay so really cool device again i would buy it as a kit in terms of pricing the elephant titan itself is 169 msrp it is currently on sale for 139.99 link down below if you'd like to check it out the mnemonic metal is 98 for this device it is on sale for 88 but really the best value is going to be if you buy this as a kit where you get the elephant titan as well as the mnemonic metal together in one bundle for 159 dollars really great way to back up your mnemonics i mean having it on a piece of paper with ink is just not a good idea even if you have it in like a fireproof safe or something like that there's always a chance for water damage or insect damage or something like that this greatly reduces the chances that you're gonna lose your 12 or 24 digit mnemonics back to the elephant titan here is now where we can select which coins we want to have on here so bitcoin is on by default you cannot turn that off we're gonna leave ethereum on we'll leave litecoin uh let's see what else we got boy i really wish i actually had some of all these coins we'll leave doge on there and then i'm basically turning everything else off now they have a whole bunch of different coins on here honestly i wish these were all off by default and then you just turned on the ones that you like that would be a lot easier okay all done and now this has generated wallet ids for all of the various cryptocurrencies that i selected so at this point we are all set up but ella paul is adding additional coins to this thing all the time so if we go into our settings let's take a look at about and we can see that this came so it's hardware version ec02 but it came with version 2.9.5 software and i know for a fact that the current version as of the recording of this video is version 3.2.0 to get the elephant titan onto the latest firmware there's a pretty specific process that you have to follow the first thing you need to do is download the latest version of firmware and put it onto a fat32 formatted micro sd card once you have that done you take the micro sd card and you can slip it into this little security dongle that they have make sure that it's powered up and then you want to actually turn the elephant titan off so we're going to hold down the button and we're going to say power off now once this device has been powered off we can then plug it in you want to wait until it shows that it's charging and then power it on okay now we can go into settings update and it says now copying files so this is going to take a little while we will turn off the camera and then come back once this has finished copying all of the files okay file copy is done and the system now says update file detected version 3.2.0 which is the latest version as of the recording of this video we're going to say start update now it's going to extract the zip file get all the files it needs process the update and then it will reboot and it says the update takes about five minutes so once again we'll let this thing do its thing and come back once it's complete we now show updated successfully i'm gonna say okay and let's go take a look at the about and we can see that we are now hardware version ec02 with firmware version or software version 3.2.0 so at this point the wallet is set up but i have not connected this cold wallet to the elephant app so really i can't do anything with it at the current moment so that is the next step let's go ahead and bring out my trusty old iphone 8 here and we're going to bring up the lapol app we can see the other cold wallet that i was already playing with let's go hit the plus sign here we're going to connect to cold wallet and it says please press the button to scan the ellipol app connection qr code and we're going to say connect to cold wallet now it wants to scan a qr code so over here on the cold wallet we're going to click the little chain link icon up in the upper right and it says connect to app so it says three of three one two three so basically we can go back over here and we're just gonna scan those qr codes and let it do its thing one two three done so connection succeeded and we can see it says test wallet zero dollars at this point we can cancel that so i have successfully connected to this cold wallet i can see the coins that i selected on the elephant and remember there's no actual money or cryptocurrency stored in this cold wallet it's just a way for us to authorize transactions with our private keys the cryptocurrency assets themselves are actually stored on the blockchain not in this device so now let's go ahead and do a transaction and see how that works so the first thing for instance if i wanted to transact some dogecoin here we're going to click on that and there is my wallet id so i can just copy the wallet id or i can scan the qr code if i'm doing it from like a different device so i've copied the wallet id now i'm going to flip over to bittrex and i'm going to open dogecoin we can see that i have 491 doge we're going to say withdraw the wallet address i could scan it if i wanted to but we're just going to paste it since i already had there and for amount we're just going to say 100 doge and done we're going to say continue and so this is giving us our transaction summary it's going to withdraw 100 doge the fee for that transaction is five doge and then the total that we're actually transacting is 95 doge which is equivalent to 23.24 cents so we're going to say confirm and withdraw now i need the 2fa code for bittrex and transaction in progress so withdrawal request submitted and it should take about 5 to 10 minutes before i see that transaction in the lepaul app so we're going to come back once that has been completed okay about 10 minutes later we can see that the test wallet now has a total of 23.22 uh in that account and you can see that it is over here under the doge column so we have successfully transferred doge into the elephant cold storage wallet wallet id now what if i wanted to send this doge to someone else if i wanted to send you this doge how would i do it well let's do that next so in the ella paul app we're going to click on doge and we're going to say send now for the amount i'm just going to say max because i'm just going to transfer everything that we just transferred in and now i need the recipient address which is the wallet id of where i need to send this money for me that's going to be back in bittrex so let me flip over there and here is my wallet id that i am going to copy and i have pasted it now into the ella paul app so we're going to say done and submit and here's the transaction details now this is an unsigned transaction we have not yet signed this transaction so now i need to come over here it says please use the cold wallet to scan the unsigned data qr code notice there's two different qr codes that it is scrolling between on the elephant next to doge we're going to say sign and it says enter password what is the password that we originally set up asdf12345 and ok and now it says scan the unsigned data qr code with the ellapol app so we will do that now boom security notice please check if all transaction information is correct before proceeding to prevent asset loss we're going to say confirm from my wallet to this other wallet we're going to say okay and now this is our signed qr code over here on the lapol so in the ella paul app on my smartphone i now say scan signed qr code and we scan that qr code complete the transaction and again in about 10 more minutes that will be complete so really interesting process right this is the air gapped process it uses the camera on the elephant the camera on the smartphone as well as the elpal app to authorize any transactions so what i did there is i sent some dogecoin to someone else's wallet that came up with an unsigned qr code on the elephant app i then took that unsigned qr code i scanned it with the elephant cold wallet which then created a signed qr code which i then scanned with the camera on the smartphone to authorize and complete that transaction so really interesting way that this air gapped wallet works now what do i like and what do i not like about the elephant i really like the construction of this device i mean it's definitely obviously it says it's tamper proof that's one of the main features of the elephant it seems like it is really really well constructed i mean almost bulletproof right and again even if you did destroy damage or lose this elephant cold storage wallet with your backup mnemonics you would be able to restore it on say a different device so the fit and finish and build quality the packaging is really nice i think the the elephant app is pretty well refined i think the process for moving money and authorizing the key with the qr codes it takes a little bit of practice but once you get used to it it's actually pretty easy to do so i don't think there's any concern with that versus something like the ledger nano s where you just have those two tiny little you know keys you've got a left right and you click them both and it's an enter it's sort of kind of a pain to input and modify data with the with the ledger as opposed to this which gets you a nice you know keyboard that pops up on the display screen speaking of the display screen though this display screen is definitely not the quality of like an iphone right so with my sort of big fingers i definitely was fat fingering a lot it's definitely not as sensitive to the touch as something like an iphone but of course it's you know not going to cost you as much as an iphone either and it's it's workable it's not an insurmountable problem you know there might be a time or two where you have to sort of go back and retype something or retype a password whatever and certainly if you have smaller hands than i do it would probably be less of a problem for you i also i mean i like that elephant is adding more and more coins all the time but if you're interested in buying this cold storage wallet definitely check out their full list of coins because there's about 50 or so and if you're into some more obscure cryptocurrencies you might not see your particular cryptocurrency on the list so you can contact alipal and request that it be added whether they are quick about those type of requests or not i don't know i've never tried it but for instance i really like hbar and there is no hbar capability in this phone which was disappointing to me finally we've got the price now the price of this device is rather high at uh you know it's on sale right now for 139 dollars but that's like 80 more than the ledger nano s which let me bring that out so i can sort of put it next to these and compare so here we have the ledger nano s compared to these devices here now the nano s you have to plug it in with usb for it to get power it does not have a battery inside of it but it does work very similarly i already did a video on the ledger nano s if you want to see that i will put a link on this down below for you now i already talked about the battery life of the elephant titan since i've been sitting here working with it it's dropped from about 87 to 80 percent again if you're going to be using this device make sure you just turn it off you know actually power it off when you're done using it to conserve that battery power there's nothing nothing's going to be more annoying than if you want to make a crypto transaction you go grab your hardware wallet and then realize that you left it on and it's out of juice and now you got to plug it in and wait for it to charge up before you're able to complete any transactions and as i was talking we just dropped from 80 percent now down to 79 battery now if you're going to buy one of these devices you know i talked about the price a little bit 139 dollars is pretty steep for this but it is a really cool device for what you get and if you have you know tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies that you're looking to protect inside a hardware wallet i mean what's 139 bucks so basically if you just have a very small amount of cryptocurrency and you want it on a hardware wallet something like the ledger nano s is probably going to be better suited for you but this is sort of a next step up in terms of both cost as well as the amount of different coins that can be stored or the private keys for the coins that can be stored on the device okay so there you have it a look at the ellapal titan if you guys have any questions about this device put them down in the comments below i will try to get those answered as best i can if you're interested in this device either the gold or the gray version there are links down below for that as well all right if you enjoyed this video make sure you give me a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe my name is chris with crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 62,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellipal Titan, crosstalk, crosstalk solutions, ellipal titan review, ellipal titan tutorial, ellipal titan wallet, ellipal titan vs ledger nano x, ellipal titan bundle, ellipal titan update, ellipal titan how to use, ellipal titan unboxing, ellipal titan cold wallet, ellipal titan bundle review, ellipal titan review 2021, ellipal titan reveiw, ellipal titan how to uise, ellipal titan reveiw 2021, ellipal titan bundle reveiw
Id: h244FEpUlNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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