Ellen Surprises Incredible Teacher Mr. Bonner

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we love highlighting incredible teachers on this show and there's a teacher in our audience today who has no idea he's about to be sitting right here Michael Bonner come on down [Applause] [Music] you're amazing I just and when everyone learns more about you they will agree with me you tape something for us last week for the website it's on ellentube today have you seen it yet I have not seen all right let's look at it together oh my so your equation should look like this this is that additional subtraction addition hello my name is Michael Bonner and I'm a second grade teacher here at South Korea Elementary if you ever say oh yeah now when I kind of celebre well the school was so bad at one point in time that we used to be in a class and pray before the day there's barbed wire surrounding the school you know there's a graveyard across the street completely worn down neighborhoods we would love to say that everybody's on the same playing field but at our school they're just not poverty has its way of disrupting the brain they're trying to teach a kid that doesn't have a home and is hungry it's a different ballgame and when it shows up in your classroom you have to find a way to continually fight and persevere turn to your partner say hurry up brah and when I talk to who what we wearing Y standard my kids not do well on it at all like bomb the assessment so I needed to find a way to reach them music is something that always gets them going it gets Ellen going that's how she starts a show so I decided to hey I should probably make a song about the standard they are actually writing the lyrics shooting it editing it that's it okay we may have something here and a password like flying colors I didn't study to go viral this kid while the tune is like Mr Bond you see our video on Facebook we're famous Nellie but for them to get that kind of attention for passing a test and you see how people were proud of them like their self-esteem and their face just started brightening up and they just started to own it so the video is more than just dance instead of a celebration of the fact that hey this school is finally making a change they're turning the corner the kids are starting to read they're starting to defeat those statistics the most important thing I want them to take away is that they're responsible for their own actions and they leave me they still have a self obligation to make the right choice to ensure they have a great future mr. Bonner taught me that I am smart mr. Brunner's taught me I am strong mr. Bonner taught me that I can come and be a president when I grow up man I say it all the time the wrong people get the the attention I mean teachers should get more attention than then I get then people just because I do what I do I mean I'm glad I have a platform to show off people like you you should be getting this attention so first of all you got Teacher of the Year and you deserve Teacher of the Year congratulations on that and so and you started teaching at South Greenville it had an F rating yes we have a hundred percent poverty rate out of one school and the kids will come in with hunger pangs you're talking about teaching you have to imagine teaching your child is crying because they're hungry or imagine teaching a child is crying because they had they heard their parents fussing the night before something crazy like this so teachers like me now we find different ways to be creative innovative and and engage them and teach them the instructional content that would make them productive global leaders how do you stay so positive these kids come to school hungry and distraught mentally and emotionally and they find a way to listen to me teach them how to add or learn how to read it and you were inspiring those kids and giving them hope which is the most important thing that we can possibly do is give these children hope all right so we're gonna take a break and we come back we have a surprise for you we'll be back Jeannie are you there [Applause] so so how how great is your teacher let's hear about your teacher and why you love him so much because he liked to play football with us because he's nice to me nice because mr. banner is tall I heard the kids learn to rap is that right is there a rap that they're gonna do right now Jeanne yes yes yes they're gonna do part of the rap ok ready you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have such little time but I want up first of all I want a we didn't get to this story so you this is a really creative thing you've done you you put two hundred dollars in their hands and tell tell everyone why you're doing that so one of the three african-american males are projected to go to prison correct so I'm an african-american male teacher which is rare into education fields so I'll go to the bank I'll get 200 300 400 before reading over math I'll put it in their hands and I'll let them touch it so they can connect that mr. Bonner is a professional he's not doing any illegal activity and he has money and I just used that as a psychological tool to help them to be motivated really smart really smart we have a few things for the school we have because you you're making these music videos right so we have 55 inch TCL Roku TV s we have iPad minis we have grown all right oh my god this is the beginning of a relationship we want to continue I want to I want to help y'all and I hope anyone watching this get in touch with us if you can help donate and help in any way earlier this season we partnered with Walmart they helped a surprise a deserving school in need and when they heard about your story they wanted to help as well so they're gonna give South Greenville elementary a check for $25,000 [Applause]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 7,035,672
Rating: 4.9589911 out of 5
Keywords: surprise, viral teacher, viral video, viral, song, viral song, rap, walmart, wow, amazing, inspiring, rapping, teacher, PLM
Id: iN6gKAfEwZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2017
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