Ellen Reveals Simon's Best Backstage 'Idol' Moments

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it really is a love fest and considering that you quit the day I started and I hold no grudge by the way I do actually feel guilty about that no no I genuinely do because III didn't think about that which is it's your first day and two hours before your starting I've held a press conference to sell by the way I'm leaving nice nice way for you to start yeah but that was folks his idea not mine yeah well it's funny cuz when he walked on I whispered to him I was like I start and you quit like what happened what I do you don't even know yet but uh but it was it was interesting way to start but you know things happen the way they happen and it was uh but I have enjoyed I really have enjoyed my time with yes sir tonight I have um and you know I I said when I when I signed onto Idol I would show you the behind the scenes because there are a lot of things that happen that a lot of people don't see what's happening even though it's a live show they really shoot around it and one of the things when we first started working together I noticed how touchy Simon was very very um cuz you remember how I was sitting next to him at first and then I kept moving further and further away that was my doing because every time I sat next to him this happened he wants to owe me to control me come closer okay I'm not stopping you by the way by the way there was one one time where you were sitting on my lap mm-hmm blowing in my ear hmm I gotta tell you it felt really good really good you're very good at that thank you very much I was gonna salad no see I'm gonna stop my cell back I know I'm gonna be in big trouble stop stop right now you can't help but you you know you're attracted to you know beautiful women but um that's what he's doing also you know everybody always talked about like why is need focusing why isn't he watching the auditions he's always looking off and there are distractions on the set which I didn't know before I joined I mean that's bought you a lot of time in my book to be able to do that that was incredible and I really well I love those two there and that most recently if you were watching Simon could not stop laughing and everybody was like why is Simon laughing so hard and I guess I just really liked to make him laugh because he's got a look at his smile it's got a sweet smile so I like to make him laugh and so this is what I was doing while I was right well Cara was talking I was making him laugh and I think he did a good job you changed it up where it needed to be but you didn't stray too far away from the original he did get a little lost in the arrangement you were fighting the tongue doesn't have the rasp on the edge and that's really where you shine so I think this was the choice that you know we should have made for you where you're sensitive and that's really where far away from the original good job Casey's numbers if you want to go for cases all right well finally before I see you tonight later on we're on tonight together you know so but before I let you go would to give you a gift something to remind you of Idol every single day because I know how hard you work and you need to make sure you wake up on time and so here's an alarm clock that if you just hit Brian's face what with a puppet if you want and this is American Idol Hicks Kennedy a piece of American Idol okay if anything was
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 3,480,302
Rating: 4.9317689 out of 5
Keywords: American, Idol, Judge, Simon, Cowell, Views, Behind, the, Scenes, Clips, of, Show, The, Ellen, DeGeneres, Funny, Humor, Celebrity, Interview, Daytime, Television, Comedy, Talk, Chat, Hysterical, Los, Angeles
Id: vWNfnfnrdfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2010
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