Elixir - Easy fun for busy developers by David Schmitz

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okay great licks here what a crowd you don't like job anymore I guess okay so before we start one question who has used elixir before awesome great is it installed on your Mac is it installed new Mac damn okay good so elixir first Java guys that's me I'm David I'm from Dusseldorf and you can see my amazing fighting skills I assume I'm a better programmer than fighter I work for a consultancy in Germany for the Nicoya where we do basically projects for banking industry insurance moon rockets stuff like that what's in it for you I only have got three goals and that is first of all I want to whet your appetite for Alex here I love a league here it's the best thing since the sandwiches at lunch sorry it's even better then I will show you some of its amazing features which I think are pretty unique to to elixir and last but not least I will try to do some live coding actually I hate live coding it never works it always fails but let's hope hope dies last who thinks there's something to be learned here that will actually use anybody wrong so why should you listen ever notice the fact I tend to learn new languages all the time I like learning new languages Kotlin elixir or closure whatever because it's like learning new languages natural languages like learning Spanish if you learn things from another company for another community for another culture it just opens your eyes if you know you're Chinese I hope it's Chinese that's like they compare to a window where you can look out into new communities get new ideas see how other people deal with problems that said buyers beware I am the Jon Snow of that topic you know what that means you know Game of Thrones here no nobody Jon Snow knows nothing and I'm Jon Snow just without the apps so elixir is nice and awesome and erlang OTP is great but the topic is so huge and I've just started a year ago developing on that platform so I guess I know more about Java than elixir so be nice to me that said this won't be a readme so there won't be any slide where I tell you all the functions are defined like that at least like that no we jump headfirst into code and I think we'll understand who knows that acronym yapple yeah exactly we play this game with JavaScript developers where we go to bed and we get out of by the next day and three or four frameworks come into life and a couple of others had already died the same is I think with programming itself this is the Cambrian explosion of programming languages cotton enclosure Frigg whatever and so why should you even bother with elixir elixir is basically the combination of those three what's the first symbol are there Ruby developers here yeah you are a happy man so are you the second is obvious is Erlang OTP and the third one is yeah so why is this a good thing why is it a good thing to combine those three so I will start with Ruby this is basically the architectural layout of Ruby Ruby is pure joy being a ruby developers like watching all episodes of Bob Ross painting his pictures it's pure joy mattes the design of Ruby he had just the impression of programmer happiness that means the program should help you and not the other way around if you think of Scala and I like Scala but if you accidentally write something in the wrong way Scala punished you you are stripped of your clothes and you get to whip Ruby on the other hand it tells you oh you type this maybe you meant something other and that's the power of Ruby Ruby was successful in spite of his terrible performance and that's who knows him who's old enough yeah yeah great 80s go that's he-man the most powerful man in the universe he is incredibly powerful and that's Erlang who has ever heard of Erlang OTP okay great so everybody knows what it is it was developed around 86 by Ericsson because they had some some issues programming their switches because switches for telecom you can't just turn them off because there are many many many many phone calls going over that switch so you can't just turn it off and update the software how to do that at real time how to keep system stable Erlang OTP solves those problems 95 with the OTP open telecom platform although today it's just called OTP because it's not restricted to telecom everything we want to achieve by going into micro services by going distributed he-man he has solved our problems he knows how to do this and last but not least this is the Church of closure rich Hickey is always right yes exactly why do I think that because closure is one of the best design languages I've ever seen one can easily see that the JavaScript guys stay at ten days or something around that and he designed the language I think in a year or two so really slow well-thought-out and the elixir combines features of all those three platforms and many more so if ruby is so awesome and the elixir and Erlang is so immensely powerful with all these muscles and closures so well thought out the most intelligent language ever why elixir well ruby scales but badly if you try to scale ruby this will be a terrible time for you and everybody who has ever done some some rails development can easily agree I think Erlang who if you've ever seen a line code Erlang code if you've developed in Ruby on Java even then Erlang code is punishment the way it's really the way Erlang does handle its lists it's basically prologue only worse so it's no fun to work with that tooling to work in that language and closure why should you use closure no reason if you don't use elixir get out by a closure book get going Joe Armstrong that's the creator of Erlang he tried out merlin version of elixir for a week or so and i won't read it because you can read yourself he's impressed so if the creator of a language if brian guards would post on twitter scala well that is really good that would be a statement haven't seen that yet joanne strong on the other hand he think this is he thinks this is good so why is it accessor awesome it's programmer focused everything and elixir is about you it's error messages human-readable it's not like that forgot a semicolon no you would see in the demo when we're waiting to egg hate that so it's all about you they even go so far that use evil in the Creator said if you find a section in the documentation that you do not understand then this is a bug just tell that to a Java guys if I look at a completely future and read the Javadoc next I am crazy basically so second of all it combines the power of LTP you will see that later you have no idea what you can do with base Erlang and the alexia makes using that really easy by using ruby features it's a functional language so right on to the hype but in a pragmatic way that means at least from my perspective to do functional programming sometimes it feels a little bit over the top and and bothersome not so with the licks here everything is immutable you can't change anything but you can rebind variables as you will see later and that's a really good thing once your program and the elixir comes with a standard toolset so once you install Eric's here you don't run around and ask yourself maven Gradle rake SBT what I'm going to do no build two included package manager included test framework included everything is included obviously you can do your own thing but the the stepping stone to get started in the tools that is really low so productivity right from the beginning without frustration so for me Alexia's jean-claude van damme and it's all days not now although he is still fit actually all the muscle all the power but the flexibility that we need and the great hair I have to say so who knows what Erlang OTP actually does only one who's using on its film 3G anybody yeah you're probably using Erlang learning is still driving around about half of the world's texting phone calls everything and on the other hand if you say our old infrastructure okay think about whatsapp have you ever seen whatsapp as a service not available I think there was only one instance back then when they merged with Facebook because they did some nasty things to the tooling other than that if you look at whatsapp always there if you look at RabbitMQ always there darling Erlang OTP is the language and the virtual machine Merlin does not run natively just like Java as compared to JVM erling is compiled to the so called bean that's the Ericsson virtual machine highly optimized for distributed computing highly optimized for tiny processes second of all we have those tools there are tools like for example if you develop micro services in Java the first thing that comes to mind is how the heck am I going to monitor those things how can I look into my system Erlang OTT has those tools right from the start obviously there are tons of libraries for for crypto for everything and last but not least what's most important to me is the set of patterns is there a set of patterns actually in the core of Java yet I think there's one is this ad singleton annotation now AJ year anybody uses that no no burning OTP with its patterns defines patterns for supervision for distribution for messaging and if you approach an elixir on Erlang developer and you tell them well my messaging subsystem stopped working he knows what you mean so there's no fussing around or do you use the supervisor implementation from that framework or that framework it's all in the language and Alexia takes all this fun and games and bakes nice big cake so easy to eat for everybody so what succumb youth case I thought about programming Fibonacci numbers but then I thought that works the only issue I have for DevOps is the food so I'm always hungry so in this case we want to go to a pizza parlor and the idea is I just called a pizza parlor say here's my money give me salami pizza and presto we'll get the salami so I will try to do this actually can you read this yeah I guess so well okay the first thing is creating new project and that's really easy it's just this mix and I will provide this soup because reasons so I say mix new and we'll call this thing pizza demo okay and as you can see the directories get created nothing fancy everything that using an archetype and then maven would also do fast but the tiny bit basically the sugar is this section it tells you directly dear developer the next step should be going to this thing run your tests and this is what we're going to do babe a great so I don't know I think sublime cannot actually scale those things oh it's reading I think here you can see the directory structure that is created as a standard directory structure and there's this config folder the library folder the test folder and guess what the tests go into the test folder crazy the configuration into the config folder and everything else goes into the library so let's just create our pizza thingy how would we call this let's say pizza yes so everything has to be in a module and it licks it it's just the fact nothing can live outside of a module and what's the first thing you need from a from a pizza service it's the menu otherwise you don't know what what you can order so we create a menu and this is just the syntax for creating a hashmap because right now we are lazy map is our good friend as you all know and we just create a map where we say we have pizza tunnel for example and what's the price of it's a tunnel 10 euro 50 and salami let's say it's cheaper that's all we can go to the console and we can test this directly not mix who knows what a reptile is you're looking forward to Java 9 here the rest of the development world already has that elixir also so we are now on the repple and we can do everything here so I can create compile arrows I can ask her to inspect certain data types I can ask for help I can for example if I don't know oh I nearly forgot we have to please the demo gods sorry whoo great so that's all the way needed that so we can do everything we want basically in the repla and it's the best way actually to get started and learn the language okay so we know we have created this Pizza service with the menu who's amazed yeah really good so what we can do is we can store it obviously let's say we have this thing and now a contains that I can also do something like this that's not so functional is it there was this a and I can even do this boom strange but what I also can do is same thing because that is pattern matching if you know pattern matching or structure decomposition from other languages it makes you text this a little bit further everything is pattern matched there's no assignment it's not just rebinding so in this case and then this IX number 14 I tell Alexia try to check if you can somehow match a to the string FFF and a is FFF so no problem though if I said that works well can't match that because a doesn't match that this is something you have to get your head around okay so back to the code now we have our menu and we want to order a pizza and we want to order by name okay so the easy thing to do is and I will do the easy thing because I'm really lazy we just get the map and we take out whatever start under the name and this can be for example now if you do not find anything in that case we would just return error let's say no such pizza I think that's understandable that's a common idiom basically in Erlang and the elixir you always return tuples where the first element either error or okay that indicates everything went wrong and why that is the case I will show you in a second and if we find something this will be the price I guess so we can say okey-dokey and once again we return a hash map where we say the prices price and we give a nice message and joy clear I guess so let's try this out and I don't have to restart I just recompile it class everything that is this module everything is there so once again pizza service menu nice pizza service order pizza awesome if I say salami nice and if I say at worst we don't find that and if you think of the pattern match that I showed you in a few minutes ago how you would do how we use this is by Pat imagine you would say ok and we expect a price and whatever word and now that's the way you deal with with pattern matching in index here you say on the on the left hand side this is the structure I expect and if it doesn't match it fails think about how error handling works in that case let's say we have that pizza and that's the idea you I will show you later we do not code fault bags where we deal with arrow and okay if we don't find the pizza and we fail that's the basic idea so that's basically our code at this point nothing fancy so I told you about Erlang and we didn't use any Erlang so far okay we use darling because along is underneath but we didn't use any any specific features there's this this article where some guys claim that they build a system with nine nines availability who of you have ever developed a system with six nines of five six nines whoa kudos nine nice is i don't believe the story they told it but i don't believe it but we can do this actually but in this case we have to think about resilience and reliability because of course their system was not fault free for all this time it failed but it was available maybe a subsystem crashed but it got recovered so what are the pillars first of all we have to isolate and I think think microservices and then everything would follow the fall in place we have isolated processes isolated means shared nothing and they just communicate by message passing the second pillar is if we have so many processes running a and I as an ops guy I cannot recover them manually so there must be some means of automatic fallback of automatic monitoring of automatic recovery in case of failure and last but not least the programming model for me to be productive must not be eg be to point one remote interfaces because those suck the programming model should be independent of distribution obviously as a developer you must be wealth distribution because of latency and stuff but the programming model should not be and it needs he has two power tools I want to show first of all the gen server and second of all the supervisor the problem with the way we as a community code our services is that we stuff everything into one heavy process even if we say we use something like like nettie where we can reuse the threat it's running on in an intelligent way nevertheless we have one giant process with many different kinds of computations and maybe even some shared States somewhere lying around and the bad thing is when something fails everything fails and then you get called at 9 o'clock in the evening on a Friday night and you have to debug your code which everybody likes Erlang OTP has been optimized for tiny processes I have a raspberry the old one at her house at my house and I am easily able to run ten thousand processes Erlang processes on that machine without it stuttering in the least the basic abstraction is the generic server that's gen server I think they ran out of letters and each process each gen server consists of its own mailbox its own computation its own state completely shared nothing and the idea is that the outside world just sends a message to the process asynchronously so basically if I want to order a pizza I sent you my order and that order up she gets consumed synchronously that means the message arrives gets stored on a queue and you all know message queue I guess today it gets handled and then maybe we send a reply that's the idea inside the code we would write it like this we loop Erlang called our mess or process with the function loop with the current state then our process waits for the next incoming message handles it and maybe sends a reply I would always send a reply because courtesy but you must not you need not and last of all it loops again with the new state this is quite good it's the last statement that means we are tail-recursive and that means what any idea give exactly no stack so there's no no real recursion going on it's just basically a go-to statement and go-to statements are awesome as you all know so we move from heavyweight processes to a world of tiny processes and this does not add any overhead so what we are going to do is we are moving a animation we are moving our message driven pizza parlor to something that can send an order for a pizza and it gets basically handled by the pizza service and the reply is sent to the consumer so let's see how we would do this in Erlang and licks here there's actually not much with what we have to do we just say use gen server and then we implement a couple of callbacks the first callback you would usually implement this this start link where we actually start our process and startling needs the module the state and you can also provide a name that's what I'm going to do let's call it devoxx now let's call it pizza sauce let's use the real example if we try this out in a repla once again we recompile this Pizza service and I say Pizza service you can see it something as has actually been done and I can look at this I can say this is the monitoring tool that comes with with Erlang and if I look at you can see all the applications that are running you can see our Pizza demo here and there should be a pizza service process somewhere there that has been grated already for us we can't do anything if I say Ghent server for example call Pizza service and we send it a message like paying then exactly Peng will happen because we can't handle that message so let's handle that message handle call is to call back handle call is have to concentrate live coding sucks whenever a message is received one of your handle call implementation gets called and there can be many in this gen server and once again this is where pattern matching comes into place let's see how we send a message that's let's say we send a pizza order we would say gen server call with the message pizza and a pizza name then this is exactly the message that will be handled by our call so we copy this here and now we have the pizza name because it gets paid homage by elixir okay and we need to reply somehow and we say reply message for example awesome and we don't care about the state right now we can try this out directly once again we recompile the pizza service and we say pizza so you have to start it again because it was killed and now can sip it's a service awesome there's much going on behind the scenes and you can see this by actually tracing the messages so elixir will tell you that there was a message pizza tunnel sent from one process to the other and the other process replied with awesome but that's not what we wanted to do we wanted to order a pizza and we have this other pizza down below and the usual idea would be to say order pizza pizza name something like this but that's also not the way Alexia things elixir things about transformations as we don't change things we only transform things and that's why they actually build this tiny little pipe operator that's just basically syntactic sugar what I typed before was exactly the same but if you think if you have multi methods like a and B and C and D and instead of that you write D C alphabet not my strength if you write it like this then this tells the story you can read it from top to bottom you say a gets transformed wire C gets transformed by a B gets transformed by a so that's the basic idea so we order a pizza and we have a response in that case and we can send back just that I recompile this send was the name I forgot see exactly what what what expected and if I say salami and what was blood sauerkraut I'm a drum there must be some sauerkraut in here and that's all you have to do basically nothing else bam tiny process and if you want it you can can start thousands of these of this this tiny process on your single machine without any low that you would expect brazilians is that resilient no it is not because our process is running and if I say for example gen server or good friend to Peng message it's dead it died and you get called nine o'clock Friday evening you can say where where is my pizza service and the next item is gone so obviously what we need to do we need to go back into our code so there's this ping message yes so we say def and the car paying no that's not a reason that's not good we won't do that that's definitely the wrong way because the paradigm of of elixir is have you tried turning it off and on again who watches IT Crowd so you know that you might hurt a further the more serious expression let it crash the idea is really simple what happens when when for example this monitor goes haywire and runs amok and the colors broken I turn it off and I turn it on if your window shields your automatic window shields in your in your car doesn't work you turn the car off and you turn it back on simple pattern and it works if the error is transient and you turn the thing off and on again chances are that the error would go away if it's a persistent error it means you didn't test your code there are some maybe the databases and flames who knows then they are only persist obviously but in general case if there's a transient error letting it crash is totally fine which is a great excuse to go home early so what is the case now for us the pizza parlor goes boom and our nice customer is really sad and we have only to rely on that Vox lunch and like at work in order to keep us developers happy we need some supervision we need a manager watches us yeah is there any supervisor here the team leads somebody hmm okay so you know you can only rely on your workers by watching them who hard so we know down there might be dragons down there there might be something broken the high-risk operation the oven for the pizza may go up in flames so the idea is we insert a supervisor and the idea is really easy it's like a parent-child the supervisor watches its children so it looks at its sub processes in this case the pizza parlor the oven and if that thing explodes it just creates a new one we are going to add it so easy that's the way we should think about processes if you think that a docker container that's the way docker containers behavior if a docker container failed you remove it of course in extensions and Erlang had this for 30 years so now I will show you the extraordinary process for inserting this into elixir we only got 25 minutes whoo let's see if that's so we have our chance over here so the first thing I have to do is I have to insert the logger so that you can actually see anything running so that when we start this thing we can actually see something so and then know the real world comes if you go into the application you will see this little section where the children are defined for this supervisor and all we have to do for this to work is we say worker pizza service no state that's all and if I go back you can see directly the message EP up and running yeah saw that and if I now say Gen server called pizza service and you see that sometimes I forget the parentheses doesn't matter vaguely so I say because I was calling Peng hmm no it's expected because it was restarted faster than the error message was actually locked yeah it's correct and that's all it's not nothing more that's the basic idea you just create trees of supervision where you put the risk to the bottom of the tree if you have some business logic that doesn't rely on external state and on files or stuff like that no problem there but you have stuff like reading a database reading some external data store on the routing s AP whatever there is in your back yard then that's the point where you push down the risk write down and supervisors can supervise other supervisors so that you have a cascading escalation route like in your enterprise if something goes wrong the manager reports back to the next manager and up the chain until the problems are discussed the way but this is just tiny tiny bit I would love to do a workshop now with you for four eight hours and share my love with for aleksel you for example who thinks that the way we do polymorphism in Java is really well designed I hope nobody I think he wanted to raise a sense if you think that closure of closure closure has this amazing idea of protocol is not simply closure other languages have to have this too but the idea is that you can actually introduce after the fact polymorphism in this example I define the behavior string characters that's a two string method just think how you would do this for a final class in Java you have a final class in hibernate and you want to add a two string method in general you would use reflection or you would create a decorator class something like this in elixir you can easily extend existing classes by using protocols then this macro system and you list fans here okay great Lisp is awesome there's a sentence does that every system that gets complicated either migrates to what Lisp or uses Lisp so and one of the reason why list and then closure so awesome is because of their macro systems and if you think of for example JavaScript JavaScript has this somewhat - but not in a real sense this is not code Eva this is compiled time mark cross this is not your C++ macros what I'm doing here I'm defining a new keyword unless and wherever I use this macro unless this thing gets inserted and it would argue that although also this is a macro this is nevertheless readable it's really completely understandable what gets unquoted and what gets quoted and the meaning behind that should be obvious even if you're just Java developers not Alexio develop and you have to think about that most of Alexia has been developed using elixirs macrosystem so that's eating your own dog food for you here and you have this thing just think about online games just think about you have a first-person shooter where each round of care or shooting takes ten minutes how do you upgrade such a machine now of course I know how we upgrade this we put a public notice on our webpage and dear friends we will be down between 0 o'clock and 2 o'clock in the morning come back afterwards with the elixir and erlang you can do this zero downtime hot coat replacement that means that you release a new version of your application and this callback gets called in your process so there's this version flag and you can migrate the state of your process to the new version or migrate down that's up to you you can go up you can go down as you want actually there's a great talk of some us guys who maintained a poker platform and when you play poker this is not predictably over so this the wrong can take about 20 minutes 50 minutes up like this and they use that to upgrade their platform continuously without any downtime and then there's acto and phoenix phoenix is started as a web framework think of rails just cool and maintainable and an awesome experience and acto is something like a dsl for for fetching data from a sequel you can see an example here from cue and korean alana this is not an object relational mapper don't take me wrong this is basically a DSL for for sequel and the cool thing is that once again you can pipe this using the pipe operator you can say video video is also a query because it's a database module I pipe it tune into a video alphabetical and then I say repo fetch everything there's easy and composable phoenix on the other hand it's amazing you have to try it out to see actually what it does it's started as a web framework with server-side HTML generation which is really hip these days days I think but now they've introduced a channel abstraction a channel is an abstraction on top of WebSockets and you to the fact that Alexia has this low-level low resource intensive process abstraction you can fire up hundreds of thousands of these tiny processes and if you think and direction of mqtt over WebSockets it's obvious this phoenix might become the tool for delivering IOT applications I hope that was enough but the buzzwords in one section IOT MQTT real-time now really Phoenix awesome platform orson our and yuna forgot who knows what CR DTS are conflict-free replicated data types this is bleeding edge computer science I think not so bleeding edge but the Java blue is still looking for Java implementation no CR DT is something that will become mainstream I guess in the next couple of months or years and it has been used I think and rabbit rabbit uses it internally I think and Phoenix the next version will use this for their present subsystem just think about the question how you deal with you have a cluster and you have multi devices and Apple iWatch a phone and your computer and you log into the system do you want multiple logins do you want a single login actually want multiple logins but you want a single presence and that's the abstraction that they are building around it this is really really well done I can't explain it right now because we only had 60 minutes left check it out read into it because this is stuff that will come - to our community in the next couple of years I guess so should we all build everything with Alexia I do know I'm a Java guy so I have to use Java on my job but if there's non mission-critical parts of our system like infrastructure like reporting like convenience tools now I built a magnetics here and we should lick see all the things that's the message just go to your work next next next week and say David told me to delete all our Java code and we install the exchange there we go and you will lose your job so maybe not oops sorry I think that it leaks nevertheless offers much you have to go into the language the language you don't need books to learn the language language teaches it to yourself you just start working and you discover thing one thing after another it's not like you have to learn classes type and furans collection framework and whatever to get a simple example running it's just straight out do your thing and of course this wouldn't be a conference talk without mentioning cloud and micro services the micro service problem is not there in Alexia it doesn't exist there's no discussion around let's build micro service because the way things are delivered by our processes and by our supervision trees and stuff like this that's basically the technical challenge of micro services not our organizational how do I vertical eyes my team but the technical challenges are just not there since 1995 and you can deliver actually your clear applications to the cloud our last innovation day in Germany where we go into an office for 24 hours we just code away I built a slack pot using Neelix here and could deploy without any fuss on Heroku which was awesome I had expected many many problems because Heroku out of the box does not support a lecture but there's the plugin available so you can push it into the ground I think Amazon AWS supports it Erlang deploys too so I think if you go into a lecture use it even use Erlang read learn and see what Erlang does you get new insights even if you do not use it on your even if you will never code one single on helix here there are many patterns many solutions to problems that we as a Java community are rediscovering and this makes me crazy there are all those those older colleagues 50 or 60 they have we've done that in the past and it's true most of the problems we now face ok on a greater and greater scale more data on stuff vectors but nevertheless they have been solved they are clean patterns which makes things easier you talk about supervision trees you talk about distribution you talk about messaging and they are all part of the core of elixir so there's now no confusion whether or not you should do things as I said I think and I'm not I cannot actually prove this but I think this would be Phoenix maybe one key to develop application for IOT with its WebSocket abstraction and the surrounding tooling and what's most important to me is the community this elixir it's like like ok if I would deliver gram net Excel hold air would be happy to and they're a bunch of happy people Josey volume the main creators as if we was on vacation the whole year it's like that and you can ask them questions at any time and you will respond at any time the same goes for for the Phoenix community for everybody that is actually active in elixir so there's no no boundary there if you want to know more I would actually just say go to the homepage read the tutorial start developing it's completely sufficient if I had to actually recommend two books I'd recommend programming elixir it's dated it's not the most actual version of elixir but first of all Dave Thomas writes awesome books and second of all there are a couple of exercises so you couldn't get started with them you can get started with thinking and elixir and this other book this Erlang and anger is an airline book it's not an elixir book but it's about delivering highly distributed systems to production letting them run for years and years and years upgrading them in real time upgrading them while the system is even as a Java developer there's much to be learned in that book so that's all from my side questions no questions this is good dot one question the question was if there is any interoperability between Java and then the leaks here and actually one week ago I would have said not that I am aware of but surprisingly there's there's a project that it takes care of that I don't know if it's production ready so you if you come to me I can show you the name of that project where you can actually call Java from elixir and vice versa but that said would I do that I'm not sure it can be done otherwise maybe it's more sensible to move to messaging maybe plug a rabbitmq in between or something like this yeah well the question was if there is something that we're like sure this stuff is not suited to actually that's a good example with the sorting algorithm where you have an algorithm where it's expected to sort in place but what does it mean to be sorted in place if you put it down and you have to use these ten elements lying next to each other you say I swap two elements for example and it's just new list those things swapped so I don't have to modify the original collection you know what I mean so in this immutability is no problem in that case is there anything that can't be development with elixir well I guess it's a general-purpose language it's too incomplete so you can develop everything with it I guess so I can't easily answer that question it's easier to say for example if you if you asked me if there is there anything I wouldn't develop trails that would be easier to say because with rails I have much more experience than with with Erlang and elixir so will tell you the highly scalable maybe not with aroung and elixir so farm half the world's telecommunications running on this this stuff so it would be hard to find something at least in my work environment that has higher requirements than that okay no other questions then thank you very much
Channel: Devoxx
Views: 19,827
Rating: 4.8833818 out of 5
Keywords: DevoxxBE2016
Id: naNN_gJas2A
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Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2016
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