Elite's Unsolvable Easter Egg

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[Music] you [Music] so Elite is a game that contains many different mysteries of many different kinds many of which which have never been solved in the near decade long lifespan this game has seen even some kind of famous examples like raxa which is the first thing that'll appear in any Elite dangerous player's mind or even something like the landscape signal which is a mysterious signal emitting from the core region of the Milky Way galaxy still to this day the source of which has not been found Frontier developments the people that created and still run Elite dangerous love to hide mystery iies in audio they've done so throughout the entire game's history like all the way back in 2017 for the reveal of the thargoids or like the strange signal emitting out of players Fleet carriers threatening one of the superpower leaders in the game's universe but there is one that's gotten a surprisingly small amount of coverage in the elite dangerous Community especially considering statistically you are probably sitting right underneath it right now that's not to say that this mystery has gone completely unnoticed or anything if you were to take a simple Google search the very first result would likely be about it more specifically about how it wasn't even new 7 years ago and in a very fdev move it looks like there's hidden stuff in the audio so this was noticed a while back it's not new I definitely recall a commander live streaming the Spectrum at the back of a station the spectrogram looks frustratingly like letters and numbers but we were never able to pull any sort of message out of them doesn't mean there's not a message there could be like a cold war number station they're constantly broadcasting random strings of numbers or letters but if you know the time to listen and have the key you can get a message do these sounds repeat or are they random cool find I hope it leads to something pretty sure all stations with the right antenna make the sound they Loop over a longer period than you're allowed to loiter in the station so you'd need a buddy and relay it to get a whole recording those have been in the game since forever a couple a couple of us checked them out around the time the first spectrograms were discovered with the UPS the research never amounted to anything here is an image of the sounds we found at a station don't remember which one back in October 2016 you can also find similar spectrograms from The Sounds at some of the outposts the signal comes from the internal radio antenna of station so far even with 30 minute recordings no pattern seemed to repeat itself this link takes us to an image that highlights the station antenna itself while the second link which shows a spectrogram of the signal and also documents some important bullet points about the signal again noting that there doesn't seem to be any obvious breaks or repeats with 60 minutes max recording time so far now looking at a little bit of my research the signal itself appears to be a combination of letters and numbers but it's a bit hard to tell what's what this could be an M this could be a d but some of this is really hard to make out considering the noise as you can imagine starports are really loud places which means it's hard to get a clean recording of the signal by itself what's really concerning is some of these characters look like there could be something behind them so there may be multiple layers here I'm not great with spectrograms myself so I'd be curious to see what someone that knows what they're doing finds and unless the screenshots have been faked for some reason it doesn't seem like it repeats ever here's a 20-minute recording I took myself so either this is a very long string of text and the loop point is kind of hard to find it and I missed it or somehow it actually never repeats I don't even know how fdev would do something like that it also seems to be client side if you were to have two people listen to the signal I'd be willing to bet you would get two different strings of text coming out most of my personal investigation hasn't really gone into the signal itself rather where it's coming from which yielded some very interesting results so going by the very little online discourse I could find we can assume two things this signal possibly plays out of more infrastructure cure than starports and it plays out of any starport with an interior antenna the only issue is the Lee King Chia in Soul which you saw in the beginning of this video plays it and doesn't have an interior antenna interesting this means that the antenna isn't actually what dictates whether or not the signal is present what makes this more confusing is the Galileo 1.27 light seconds away also doesn't have an antenna but doesn't play the signal so now this is even more confusing what's the difference at a glance you may not even totally be able to tell the difference between them I mean aren't Elite stations all just reskinned versions of each other and while probably a pretty common misconception no each station is very different to one another while not immediately obvious starports are totally modular each able to have different exteriors Interiors pilot lounges all of which are not chosen randomly but decided by many factors such as which superpower owns the station or the station's economy even smaller details like the identification and even the way ATC addresses you changes depending on the relationship you have with the station's owner so this means we're going to have to take a deeper look at what really sets these stations apart even though they are both operated by the same superpower the Federation this suggests to me that it could be based on the interior firstly let's take a look at the Interiors themselves the leaking jao has a service economy and the Galileo is a Refinery but the leaking gel doesn't have a interior rather what looks like a tourism interior whereas the Galileo has what appears to be more like a wealthy interior according to the wiki there's not really enough to make any good educated guesses on in Soul so I decided to take a trip nearby to Alliance space and utilized inara to find Alliance service starports to confirm this Behavior but this resulted in looking at a mixture of Alliance and totally independent stations of various economies including service only to find that every single station I checked was emitting the signal it got to the point where I was so convinced that I gave up on checking for the presence of the signal itself rather the presence of a wealthy interior until I finally landed in aloth the capital system of the alliance and by sheer luck in a random post on Reddit ear Kut which I probably just said wrong had a wealthy interior and a high-tech economy and it did not emit the signal at first this seems like a bug with the wealthy interior and maybe it is but there is another behavior that makes this feel way more purposeful once I had flown to Imperial space I noticed that oddly not a single starport I had checked played the signal none unless I've missed something I have yet to hear an imperial station emit the signal at all and the thing is this actually kind of makes sense the Empire is very isolationist and perhaps consciously chose not to emit this signal and for what reason who knows this is of course total speculation but I don't know it would be a pretty weird bug to admit Imperial stations to me let me know what you think down below and now that leaves us with the big question what do we do now well there's a few ways to look at it on the surface obviously we need people that understand spectrogram analysis and ciphers to really take a crack at this signal but here's the thing if you don't know how to do any of that like me you still can provide to this hunt we need to know everything there is to know about the behavior of this signal so it's as easy as just flying around and checking things looking for if the signal is present or not for example if you find an imperial station that does play the signal that's a total difference in Behavior than what I've seen so it could really mean something towards finding the solution in that children of raxa article that I showed earlier they actually mentioned that it comes out of outposts as well I haven't found where they emit from an outpost so again it would be good to know where it would also be good to know if they emit from Odyssey settlements because that means this system has been updated since Horizons which would again be pretty big information for the search so there's a few ways you can contribute and at the end of the day all you really have to do is get to the point you're watching right now in this video because it encourages the algorithm to share it further so thank you for watching and if you have any theories any discussion to be had of course the comments are waiting if there are any major updates to this mystery I will be sure to update you on it after all this video was mostly supposed to be something to make the community aware of this mystery so we'll see what happens thank you so much for watching and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: indigo
Views: 3,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nBQb4iU5qkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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