Elimina Toda La Energía Negativa, Sonidos Curativos Tibetanos, Aumenta La Fuerza Mental #4

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Eliminates all negative energy, tibetan healing sounds, increases mental strength #4 Note: This video contains some special frequencies that can help with positive physical and mental changes. Enjoy music at a moderate volume level. This music is effectively used in meditation, deepening the subconscious. This type of music helps you eliminate the disturbances of the senses, release fear and balance internal emotions. Improve creativity and deep learning ability. High frequencies in music can create a special sound environment, helping you to relax and create a feeling of nothing. These frequencies can stimulate self -care and energy balance in the body. Attract love and positive energy.
Channel: Vibration Frequency
Views: 1,854,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elimina toda la energía negativa, sonidos curativos tibetanos, aumenta la fuerza mental, sanación cuerpo mente y espíritu, musica para dormir, eliminar la negatividad subconsciente, sonidos puros atraen energía positiva, tibetan singing bowl, tibetan healing sounds, musica relajante, meditation, música, relax, calm, peaceful, relaxing, relaxation, sleep music, meditation music, insomnia, dormir, meditar, mindfullness, positive energy music, healing music
Id: MqYf0vhuvEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 0sec (8520 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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