Eliminate Kidney Stones With Lemons – Kidney Stone Causes & Lemon Benefits – Dr.Berg

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so today we're going to talk about how to rid kidney stones with lemons okay beginning a lot of requests from people that want to know what am I going to do it with my kidney stone reserve some remedies and so I'm gonna just create this one video to summarize the latest information most of the kidney stones that develop are calcium oxalate stones fifty-nine percent okay ten percent are calcium phosphate stones 17% are uric acid stones okay so we're gonna be focusing on the oxalates right now so what happens when the ox lets combine with the calcium in the kidney they can form these razor-sharp little crystals that not only irritate your kidney but they can irritate your joints and other tissues as well what causes kidney stones now there are several things that increase the risk of getting a kidney stone decrease your in volume not consuming enough fluids okay you're dehydrated increase oxalates in the body ox let's come from the food and your body makes ox let's okay part of the defense mechanism is to create these oxalates which inhibit the consumption of that plant so it's a kind of a survival mechanism when we increase the consumption of certain foods with oxalates it can start building up and creating problems so you'd want to make sure that your oxalates in your diet don't exceed 50 milligrams per day an average person consumes about 200 or more milligrams what it is I created this food chart from high to low based on one cup okay and I also have the spices in here and at the top the list you know it has the most oxalates parsley then we have rhubarb spinach radish garlic mixed nuts rice bran peanuts beets so anyway if you want this list I put a link down below you can check this out you can consume a little bit of calcium citrate with the meal to minimize the dietary oxalates not a lot just a little bit maybe one tablet or consume some goat or sheep cheese because the calcium will combine with the oxalate in the digestive system and go through the body and not be absorbed as much into the blood and through the kidney okay so this is just a little tip right here so it increases the risk for getting a kidney stone is decrease your in volume high oxalates in the body too acidic your your urine is a little too acidic increase blood calcium and low citrates citrate is a compound that can either come from your body your body can make it from certain metabolic pathways or it can come from foods okay certain foods when you have low sit rates your risk of kidney stones go up significantly now if you look up the definition of low sit rates through the body there's two definitions okay it's this total excretion of less than 320 milligrams another definition said less than 500 milligrams I don't know which one it is but it's somewhere probably in the middle so you're just not producing or getting enough citrates and these oxalate stones are forming so sit rates do three things and they inhibit the formation of stones they help dissolve stones and they also inhibit the stickiness of the calcium oxalate to the kidney tissue itself allowing the the stone to go through the body without sticking okay so now here is the perfect remedy for kidney stones lemon juice okay why because lemon juice has the highest concentrate of citrates out of any food it also helps to alkalize the body even though lemons are have citric acid they turn alkaline after their burn in the body okay now can you use lime absolutely you can work you can use lemon or lime doesn't make a difference and lemons are low calcium and they have very low amounts of fructose because fructose can also increase the risk of getting kidney stones and especially uric acid stones now why can't we use cranberry juice I mean you've probably heard that cranberry juice is good for the kidney well cranberry juice is good might be good for the kidney but it's not necessarily good to dissolve stones okay can't we use grapefruit because that has that right well grapefruit does have citric acid not as much as lemon it does help dissolve calcium oxalate stones but lemon dissolves the calcium oxalate stones and the calcium phosphate stones and it also can help decrease uric acid stones okay so that that's why we use lemon or okay so here's what you gonna do in the morning you're gonna drink one cup of lemon juice okay don't add any water just drink it straight you can drink it with a straw or just drink it down and then you can chase it down with a little water to clean out the teeth now also take one cup of lemon juice and mix it with ten cups of water and you're gonna be using that to drink through the day what you're trying to do is keep your sit rates very very high in the body so we don't form any stones and so we start dissolving stones and by the way guys any remedies that I recommend check with your doctor first if you're on some type of medical program work with your doctor to see if you can do it and all my recommendations are not meant to replace your medical care or cure you of any diseases okay so that's my disclaimer on that a couple questions are gonna come up can I use lemon juice from a jar or fresh lemons both of those options will work the fresh lemon gives some extra benefit of more vitamin C and usually when you have a kidney stone you have inflammation so that vitamin C is helpful now as far as the topic about them and see there's some conflicting data on vitamin C with kidney stones there's some studies that will say that taking vitamin C will increase your risk of getting stones others will say it'll decrease it but these studies were done on synthetic vitamin C not on the vitamin C from lemons or not on the vitamin C from foods so you don't really have to worry about that worsening things it's just gonna help things a little bit if you can do actual lemons but it's a little more expensive so I recommend either organic lemon juice I mean the ideal lemon juice would be the volcano lemon juice is from Italy they have the best but you can use any lemon juice all right and one last point when you're drinking this lemon water through the day use a straw that works better than exposing it to your teeth anyway so I hope this is helpful and again if you want to download this chart I put a link down below alright guys thanks for watching so if you're enjoying this content go ahead and share it with someone that could really benefit from it
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 1,083,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kidney, kidney stone, kidney stone symptoms, kidney stone remedy, remedy, home remedy, oxalate, oxalate stones, calcium oxalate, calcium oxalate stones, kidney stone causes, citrates, citrates function, lemon benefits, raw lemon, lemon juice, lemon, benefits of lemon, lemon juice benefits, benefits, how to rid, how to elminate, rid kidney stones, natural remedy, kidney stones lemons, kidney stones remedies, lemon for kidney stones, kidney stones dr berg, eric berg, dr berg
Id: R6siqTxxgdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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