EleksMaker A3 Pro 5500mW Laser - LIVE Unboxing, Assembly & Test

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody I think we are live now can you guys hear me it's the audio okay as I have also already written down in description today joining me is Robin Robin Lila who has also a YouTube channel and interestingly lives in the same town as I do we didn't know us before and got to know us through YouTube so he is helping me out today a little bit we are going to be building a laser today this is actually more or less my first stream he's also mine also he's also new in streaming so he might be helping me a little bit if the times get rough and also helps me to well take a look at chat and try to answer the questions you guys are having yeah thank you Stefan thanks for having me here I'm very excited to you know make this project today especially in a live stream it's the first time for me also so yeah we'll just see see how it goes yeah I'm really happy that already so many of you have already joined I I see some familiar names so thanks to everyone who has already been joining me like three hours ago when I made my test livestream I'm still pretty nervous to be honest since you're standing in front of the camera is something else than just well standing in front of the camera life is something else than just other things working behind the scenes reading your script and stuff like that so yeah we are going to give our bests and we are hoping that you guys also find the things the thing interesting which we are doing today yeah and if you have any questions or if you do if you see something that we might miss or something like that please leave a comment and we will be monitoring the chat window all the time and yeah we will do our best to answer your questions or yeah and that kind of stuff so great yeah hello to Belgium hello to Butlins and also to all of well our our German mates who are joining us today so I think I think we're gonna just dive right in so as you have already read in the description today we're gonna build a laser and lasers are cool lasers are colorful lasers are dangerous for this reason I think this is gonna be a really well fun afternoon fun night for us today absolutely so what I have right here is in LX maker a3 Pro laser which has a 5.5 what laser diodes blue laser diode which is kind of interesting I used to work with a smaller laser also from from LX maker which only has a 2.5 what laser diode in it for quite a while and I am now quite quite happy and quite interested to take a look at the bigger model take a look how well how the the high-power laser diode performs in engraving stuff in cutting stuff but yeah I think we are just starting now yeah and we have a couple of wooden plates that we used for you know trying it all at the end of the assembly if everything is going well you will see you'll find out and yeah let's begin yeah if you are noticing some technical difficulties streamis skipping or we have a delay in the microphone please let us know as I said we are both newbies in streaming I had my first one today so things are kind of new for us alright so let's take a look at the package which which I received some people might probably hate me for this now but I received this late from your best I know lots of you guys don't really like them because if you order stuff from them you don't receive it you don't get any poor support and stuff like that I totally find that ok and if you have already taken a look at my other reviews of the sear 10 or the Annette's e10 you will see that I don't always say ok dearest all the other best buy their products because I'm making tons of money with that but still I'm I'm still kind of a small youtube channel these products cost as much as I earn from YouTube in like two months so if they're saying ok take a look at our product I'm quite happy to do that and if they suck I will tell you so we will be trying to stay as unbiased as possible and I hope you guys are okay with that yeah great so how about starting with the unboxing of the machine yeah I mean the laser engraver is actually you know a really nice machine you can use it for many different kinds so I'm pretty excited about what's going what this machine is going to turn on yeah to be well also first unboxing for me I actually don't really do much of that stuff but yeah standard box standard full foam packing I cut it open already like two days ago just to see yeah I already opened this like two days ago but just to check what they sent me and in all that we do not start the stream and I got or I received something well totally different than I expected it could possibly be so but yeah looks like it's the right machine yeah so it just looks like more or less all of the Chinese machines so well foam packing we got our small packing list with Alex maker bro that's the wrong way around with all the parts that should be on the inside we have our aluminum aluminum extrusions right here we have the stepper motors we do have the power brake we have some screws right here on this side there is I think the mounting plate for the laser some acrylic parts and one box which which contains probably the electronics should we actually check if all parts are in the box or do we just go ahead I think we'll just go ahead and if something is missing well you're screwed but yeah I think that's that's too boring we will 3d printed if it's missing yeah I got a bunch of 3d printers behind so we can we can do that okay so what we have in here is the electronics port this is also just more less than Ordway no no no two stepper motor drivers infants some other circuitry for probably powering the laser there are some some wood pieces right here on the inside and some cardboard pieces which we can use to engrave some things to dry it out and then right here with the big red warning sign we have the dangerous laser and you should really really pay attention if you work with lasers because if you get them directly into the eye you will get blinded you will not heal and stuff like that laser pointers might just hurt a little bit if they are below 0.3 below 1 1 milliwatt but this one is actually five point five watts so five point five sorry five thousand five hundred times the power that a normal laser pointer has but it will give us the possibility to really engrave parts to really cut wood and to do some pretty interesting things with that yeah but lucky enough they you know also provided a safety goggles goggles safety goggles for for one person but luckily we have a second one yeah but you know what actually do you think this is gonna prevent if you you know take a direct look at the laser beam do you think this is gonna prevent damage to your eyes I wouldn't you know rely on that actually well I think since I actually own three of these similar laser goggles I might just as soon as this thing runs give it a try and then laser on one of these goggles and see you see what's happening if they just melt if really nothing goes through or if they are worthless but I have to say from my experience working with a two point two point two what machine they do work in terms that if the laser is on the blue laser you do not see the laser with wearing those goggles if you don't wear them you are able to see that the laser beam pretty good so they do something but they are probably not as good as professional laser goggles and it might also be maybe an interesting thing to invest in some proper safety goggles if you plan to just use it more often do you actually know what this machine retails for I think this one oh I need to check but this machine I think is probably around three hundred and fifty bucks but the thing which makes that machine expensive is the laser because you can get it with lower energy lasers so changing from the 2.5 watts to the 5.5 what costs around like a hundred to a hundred fifty bucks more the really low power machines are well pretty inexpensive they retail around 100 to 150 bucks it is a nice machine I did already do well pretty nice thing with the other machine as I said I'm really interested to see what the bigger one and the one with more energy is able to do all right so great I will crack this packet right here open do we have some sort of you know user manual how to assemble this thing we will see that but otherwise we need to check online if you find something here okay so this right here is the laser module maybe switch to Shelby you know cut the cardboard yeah pretty prominent you gotta cut the card and if you guys know what I'm talking about the most dangerous tool in every shop yeah no safe to go help you tuck your fingers and never cut what's yourself I can do the other side okay okay yeah so I think great this is so yeah like like a mouse said in the chat it's actually pretty funny that they sent a some cardboard to test lasers while the whole box is made of copper that actually it's thinner cardboard and I think the size of those specimens they are in the size of like like business cards or oh yeah you can think like that yeah you might be using that as a business card so this right here is the laser module customer yeah this one yeah so let's switch the camera and see yeah there we go and make this one big again so this right here is the laser module and this looks actually pretty beefy so you have a you lumen on heatsink around it you even got a fan right here on the top a pretty big one and then the electronics which is probably powering the whole thing and if I compare that to the other one so the two points to what laser and so we do have some some PV electronics around here I think this is a buck converter or constant current power supply but as I see this you can see the fan is actually blowing the the air right through the aluminum extrusion and I think if you don't you know fix yours your specimen on to your plate it's gonna just blow away if you make some business cards yeah I think you have to be aware of that can you switch to the overhead camera okay so this is my old two points to what machine with the laser right here and this is the beefy 5.5 what so you see that there is not only exchanging the the laser diode they are really exchanging everything so that's that's already a good sign I'm really looking forward to trying it out can you just take it for a second okay we will put it back into that are you putting that over there or put it back in there yeah so one thing which is still concerning us is that there is not really a user manual in here there are some loose screws flying around like this one and that's no user menu are you actually sure that this box is empty oh yeah just like some cables right here in the inside okay we will I think put that away and see if we can find a manual online so as I said this machine is from well right here Alex maker or elects maker and I think they provide some some manuals on their webpage so we will find if we can I'll just go ahead and is it this site here yep this is the manufacturer yeah let's open it up or maybe I can try to find something while you unbox the rest of the stuff yeah so you find the manual yeah back to the thing I will be well getting the stuff out of the box alright so hi there as I said please let us know if something is strange with sound or something like that so that we can fix that we have a small we have a big question here 3d Costner's asking do you know how much watts are allowed in europe or germany for that kind of laser I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think if you're eating if you are eighteen you can only get these class one lasers which are I think below one milliwatt all the bigger ones you need to have some special certification to actually buy them but as it just is always with with China if they ship you to stuff and and it doesn't get well caught somewhere you usually get the stuff and there is really run one reason behind that because this thing is really dangerous so always wear safety equipment but if you pay attention it's gonna be fine so I'm also thinking about maybe creating a box where you can put everything on the inside because there's a lot lots of smoke and dust which is created when when you laser stuff that um yeah that's actually something for the future so Logan has found something and basically a 3x or you know it's very prone so thanks for the URL Steve he actually provided the wiki dot tomerson ah damn it oh boy yeah I closed it closer wait wait a second you'll find it you three Pro there's is perfect okay so let's switch back to this window right here so this is the assembly manual we have two kinds of wheels okay that's interesting we have to render random a random delivery okay so we don't know which are the good ones and which are the bad ones here but I think what we need to start is peeling away all of the protect protective covering which is Iran's wait a second is that heat shrunk actually uh no that's just cling wrap oh okay as you can see you can see nothing oh wait a second ah what happened well I think we should be back again yeah okay sorry okay it's yeah I have a an HDMI switch connected to my two cameras and this seems to be causing some troubles so these right here are also laser cut acrylic parts which still have the protective cover on the outside so I think the first thing we gonna do is well take them out of there cling wrap and then peel away this nasty paper and that's actually a good thing that we are to because I think this could otherwise take quite some time sure about that all right yeah this is a fun exercise actually but I think you know if you oh this is gonna be it's gonna be nasty yeah I have actually seen some guys leaving the paper on until they have assembled everything so that they do not scratch the the acrylic but yeah so you're gonna use this as a tool and if it gets scratched yeah but if you if you screw them in place um the screws actually you know holding the protective cover yeah so you won't be able to get rid of everything it is actually not as bad as I thought so you can see you can usually peel away everything's just as one big piece yeah well I give some residues so well but still it actually looks pretty nice on the outside just throw everything is that the trash can well I actually missed the trash can but the office currently looks like trash because I reload everything that we can do the live stream today so tomorrow morning gonna be clean-up day for myself and since you won't be here yeah don't don't mind deterring yeah so actually um should be the screws we need the screws but I think I saw the they have a sorted box with all the screws in there separate kind of containers I think we're gonna gotta find them pretty quickly yeah yeah that's also pretty well so I have already assembled the small one myself like a year ago and I don't really remember that it was bad or it took like took like ages there are some some jobs like peeling away that stuff which are kind of unnecessary but still the dress is going to be fine I'm just sorry I'm quite interested to see if they made any improvements above the the other one which I have there were some things like tightening the belts where was just horrible but yeah we gonna see and I'm going to tell you how that worked out so how's chat doing a lot of the mouse I love the mouse yeah ss I've already said so this is well for me and also I think for Robin the first real live stream oh yeah we were doing and now sitting in front of a camera in my office and like already over a hundred a hundred people are watching that's pretty awesome that's really awesome but it still still makes me kind of nervous yeah well thank you guys for tuning in I mean it's it's actually so much more fun to see that you know that some guys are watching because we are actually literally talking to the ball right here yeah and well it's it's really cool that you you guys care and you guys probably find interesting what we're making we try to entertain you as much as we can please excuse our maybe not always perfect English but we're just German folks but we are doing our best to keep to keep you guys entertained and yeah so the Robin actually he is he's also doing some some 3d printing on his channel but he also did some some pretty nice hacking stuff which we're already featured like more than once on hackaday maybe tell them something about that yeah well I take can check out your channel I'm actually mainly focusing on you know electronics and I do have a 3d printer actually I do have two 3d printers but I'm you know more using them in a how do you call that the more you know mechanical engineering way I'm not you know making the material tests and all that stuff I'm just using the 3d printer to you know for example visit enclosures for for some projects that include Arduino Arduino boards or this place and some stuff like that so I'm actually not using my printer in like every single video just when I do a project that you know involves some enclosure or something like that but yeah like I said before I mainly focusing on on the electronics part of making stuff like for example I have built for I have hacked I have a sit-in standing desk from Ikea which you can actually drive up and down Y are a small console you have some linear actuators that you know move the table and I thought it would be pretty nice if you had some sort of memory button which you can program in your preferred standing height of preferred sitting height and they didn't have it so I reverse engineered the electronics and you know put my own are you in there and 3d printed a new console with some memory buttons and that was pretty pretty nice actually I had a lot of fun making that project but I also got featured on hackaday and that was pretty you know I it was a pretty good feeling actually that it appeared on the official hackaday blog and it's yeah that was kind of new for me so I had a lot of fun making a project okay so are we you actually done right you're actually done giving away all that stuff when I can finish this part because it's the IKEA table so 3d go Gastner is asking if the IKEA table is called bin comes yes I can't become yeah that's yeah really check that out that that's a really cool video that he made about that that that table and actually IKEA should probably put that in there real table because it really improves it yeah but I think I think they have electronics in there technically be capable of doing that but I think that has a some kind of warranties some safety issues at that because you can actually push the button in the table booth drive and maybe you know caused any injuries or knock something over or something like that and the idea becomes s as it is it's just kind of you have to press and hold the button and yeah the longer you press the button the Foresters up so it will stop immediately to the tobacco mine st does not do that but I don't think you can market it like that because I think it's a safety concern but anyway let's get back to the Lazenby i like to talk with you yeah the box is really nice sorry for the noise sorry for you headphones users out there oh yeah it's actually red so what you're peeking out yeah and even more and more guys guys and girls are joining in probably the 2 percent of girls which I usually have watching on my channel alright so there should be at least two or three right here so hello alright so what we have right here let's put it can see it a little bit better so what is delivered with the laser engraver is this really nice box right here where all of the things you need are ordered so long screws some spacers right here some tea nuts these lock nuts for the students the rollers and actually some tools which I probably won't use because they usually suck but I think we gonna get right in and take a look what we need to do in the next step so let's take a look at the manual all right so we finished peeling off the paper but I think we probably need to identify which which part is needed at first oh I hope they didn't have any sort of you know ID on the I think there wasn't any there we go yeah so I think it's one of these hey it's translucent so you can't see it so this is the part we need and I think at first we need to start I think I think we actually don't need that part he's just telling us that we have to unwrap all the yeah you know I think the next step is sending the m3 locknut and M 3 times 14 screws six piece yeah these are actually the the tensioners for the belts and since it was already so nice they are again with this beautiful paper topping so it's more should I do that while you clean for the screws yeah you can do that and then I can join you in when I found the screws I will just get some calipers so I think it did a pretty good job with this box here but it would be even better if they just you know they stuck these this paper on every single part they could actually just label the you know it's just some sort of mini sticker or something because otherwise without calipers how would you do that okay we need m3 lock nuts do we have the mic is it too loud actually because I can see some sometimes it's it's going into the wagon I think so I just put it down a bit well yeah like this please tell us if it's if it's better now if it you know if you cannot hear us anymore but I think it's I think it's okay sorry guys yeah Rufus pecking is actually pretty good they they order everything for each step they have this really nice wiki but well this is the thing with China products they are cheap but well you were paying a price for the heads and this is well more tedious and assembly but the puja comes with gummies - that's that's right the puja comes with the gummies yeah I actually actually whoa wait a second I gotta save that for the next stream so these are the m3 by fourteen nuts we are needing six of these yeah six each yeah these are four one two three four you might you might we use that box for you an office or something later yeah it should be empty of this project it should be empty but as I remember it from the last time I think there were some some parts left and usually that is worrying but I guess they just well have standard boxes for maybe more than one of these laser engravers so for this reason it might be okay that you still miss some parts okay so finding them you are done we have the lock nuts which are in here and there are I think even spares inside so six lock nuts six screws and the next step is going to be to screw them into these like these small tensioners for the belt later okay I'm gonna get some proper units or two so these are actually symmetrical they don't have a front in the backside I guess yeah they are but just you know the holes are different yeah well damn it that's a two and a half millimeter two and a half two and a half millimeter two which I don't have with my beautiful villa tools so gonna use something different yeah I can use one of the stock tools they they just ship yeah so we might be a little bit faster that way yeah this is fine there are some so I'll just take a look at the chat from time to time in case we why is the why seems the kitchen that's actually a pretty interesting question so when I first started this channel well let's put it another way I really like to cook I really like to eat even though one would not guess that I eat very much so the thing is I tried or I thought I could also make some well interesting cooking videos right here on the channel and I do actually have a second channel which only has one video on it and there is some vegetarian Bolognese recipe on that but since nobody really liked to watch that video and I noticed that making videos type takes you quite a lot of time I had to reduce it in the ends to while only making engineering we did videos but the name CNC kitchen still stuck that's a small spoiler what I am planning it's it's kind of it's actually it's at least kitchen related I have a nice pumpkin downstairs and I want to use my CNC mill to mill something out of the pumpkin as a as a Helloween special so I don't know if I can if I can do it if I have the time for that but um well be excited for that and well pumpkin that's food that's more or less kitchen so it's it's sure we're not combined both worlds yeah and if you think about so there is one old video where I made a really nice cutting board or a steak board where I actually use my CNC mill and my other laser yeah so there are some there's some kitchen related videos on the channel but well they did not get the views so I tried something different which maybe more people like so yeah still the name stuck and I still like to eat a lot and I still like to cook but I think at the moment no more cooking videos did you actually I give the steak board wasn't a giveaway it was actually a giveaway and I made myself another one so for my 1000 subscribers special for my 1000 subscribers special for my 1000 subscribers special I gave away one of these beautiful cutting boards to a guy no actually to two guys out of the US and very unfortunate I put a lot of effort in making these and I ship the the boards to them but I did not really ever get an answer saying okay hey cool I got your stuff yeah well what what can you do about that maybe you made a video about it and we just didn't see it so 3d Gus honor is saying that I should wait until around 30 I look kind of young but actually one month ago I turned 30 so yeah I look much younger than I am all right so we finish these enough talking at the moment so the screw screws are inside let's take a look at the next step so stepper motors stepper motors so the one thing I'm is it you it's not clear if you are no are they all the same right we have the same polish and the same because they often do not provide any instructions for like in this image right here they do not say we just need this part or do you have to unwrap all the parts they just don't tell you actually I mean it's not hard to figure that out but yeah I mean it's it's a website they could have easily you know written some text because these are just images only there's no text besides the the screws that you need but ya know further and further instructions so your team is asking ya how expensive the tool is there is actually link in the video's description and I think it's around three hundred and fifty bucks for the for the laser with more power but if you get the one which has a little less power which also works really well for for engraving that is that is less expensive I think you get it around two hundred bucks for the 2.5 what machine anything lower is yeah it's more or less at all so you wouldn't have much fun with that should we actually switch the camera to get this picture you know because I think yeah the people saw the I think yeah I think that's better right how far do you put that in like flash me yeah I think we gonna adjust it properly okay in the end yeah yeah 335 URLs so that's around 350 350 dollars maybe a little bit more so yes Deborah motors is on doing respond yeah alright so what do you guys think about making those live streams not as a single person but like like two people together we prefer well if just one is talking and answering your questions or do you may be also enjoy the hopefully some kind of entertaining conversations between us yeah well I'm actually having a good time years old well I'm also having a good time so that's fine so okay I think we need the the biggest party of the critic parts and put to stepping on them that's what I see in this no four pieces four screws sorry but I think we have to make both yeah I think they were sincere symmetric for both sides and we need both of them yes these are the same house right so as most of the time I think these ones right here are the 10 millimeter screws let's take a look at them yeah yeah there we go these are the 10 millimeter ones they are used for holding the steppers in place help yourself yes so I assume I assume this is like the connector is how the connectors on this side or on this side because I think it's do you think it's a difference you know because of the cable length and all that stuff it's not clear on which side you you have to put the jst connector well we at least know that it's not on one side okay I think I think I think let's change the camera again I think this side right here now is it's the lower part and if I take a look at my other laser the wires go like downwards but maybe it's also possible to just take a look at one of the assembled machines and see how it looks like that's always the thing with these these crappy well Chinese human manuals sorry a three well I mean we could easily you know change change the direction the connector points on later on but yeah so if I take a look at this image right here it seems that it points downwards yeah I think we gonna stick to that right now so as far as I can tell the the holes actually line up pretty good I mean you know you often get parts that you know don't fit as expected but it seems like the typically or the center of the stepper motor is actually in the center of the big hole and the four screw holes they just actually look look pretty good okay we gonna change to this perspective again what screws did you take for these ones these are the 10 millimeter ones so it didn't pay attention the direction right so the the the connector points like down okay yeah the acrylic parts they they do look really nice and nothing was correct they do have lots of finger prints on them at the moment I think we should have actually used some some Loctite I am thinking about if we should get some Loctite and that screws just don't rattle loose yeah I think that this would be the only way to go yeah so I gonna be back in a second because Loctite is down in the basement yeah so I'll just go ahead and take it the next step because um yeah I was doing a continuing on putting these steppers together so I think he's gonna he's assembling the the roller bearings so what screw is that m5 that must be the big one tuna a thing and five times oh you don't see it I'm sorry so here's I'm just I just went ahead and scroll down to the next step because I can continue you know making this as long as Stefan is going to get the Loctite on his back I'll be back here seems like already I have some Loctite and I think we're gonna use this for well just securing the screws a little better I think we will probably not regret that in the end because if something is rattling loose at first you don't really know what's happening and then you'll look and look and this is just stuff which can be really nasty yeah that's actually a bit too much it didn't match but I think it's just an air bubble oh it isn't okay okay so so what Robin was doing which is probably also not the worst approach she was directly filling Loctite into these holes so that you don't have to apply the lock time on each of the screws separately I'm just saving the saving time because I can't remember who asked but someone asked how long do we think this is going to take I don't know so I was planning that this will not take so the assembly process will not take less than more than two hours but since we are already like 45 minutes in yeah I don't know well we'll see what we actually will we're talking about some stuff before we started so yeah yeah it's gonna be fine maybe at some point we gonna start getting really hungry since I did not have dinner yet and I hoped that I will be getting dinner something like around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. that yeah we'll see I think it's not gonna take longer than one or two days so you guys don't owe me too don't need to stay here that long all righty so the bottle of Loctite says not using acrylic okay does it or wasn't a joke because I didn't see but yeah well so so we have to laser engrave these parts first before they break so we have some replacement parts so I actually spilled some Loctite on the acrylic and we will see if there ruins the whole part but yeah so we are doing that for you so you don't have to make that mistake when you build your own yeah I think it's gonna be fine but yeah so what's the next step we have to assemble the roller bearing things so that's the m5 x 35 millimeter screw I think that's like this one no that's more than 35 is it so these can you see that these are the so-called nylon columns I think these are just spacers on the other side we have the rollers so I think we need four of them so that's two for you you have not time on your fingers I don't think so but I was just thinking about someone else what kind of what clock do we have did they send the European ballpark or do we have a u.s. Walter we have a u.s. pol pot no there is a European warlock included and yeah it's just a standard connector you could actually bring your own cord okay so we need these mules are you already having hope you have to Right Scoop cool actually because 30 35 millimeters this is longer that's all right so you guys for the night all you former we don't have it wrong we have a floating later diet but I think that's alright because the the power supply is actually enclosed we do not have to you know mounted somewhere or something it's just the regular power break yeah they very often come without any ground yes and stay well I'm not the the electrician yeah well I'm doing Arduino most of the time so Nadine that the dangerous we'll just put on the heart we'll just put on the safety goggles after that it's gonna be fine can you find okay next step alright screw them in place that's what it looks like do they tell hobbies are yeah there are these lock nuts can you put it on one on one oh yeah main camera so what we are using are these lock nuts right here and they have this profile right here on the end of the head that they supposedly should not rattle loose this is a well locking feature but I think I don't know if it's the most reliable one do you think this is gonna work good on acrylic mmm well I think it's gonna be working quite good on acrylic because it's softer and maybe just bites in a little bit more but yeah we will see I think we all at least we still gonna use some Loctite on those ok let's get back here and yeah put them wait a second we can try it this way that you can a little bit better see what we're doing okay so we have oh this looks good actually yeah this looks quite good okay so which side I think I can see the groove on here I think this is the side pointing upwards you're actually pointing downward so that's why the yeah roller things have to go so we have to really be a pay attention well you guys don't see the manual yeah shall we switch over yeah I think are we actually switching the camera too often or is it you know is it comfortable to watch please let us know if you do something you know wrong here and because like I said before it's new to us so we have a lot of cameras but if you switch him I think if it's you in the matter of a second it's gonna be hard to watch it's hard we have the manual we have the close-up camera the overhead camera you don't end the camera here in the back it's pretty how much did you get the right angle yeah because we were doing different stuff all the time my office is not the biggest so currently the room looks quite tidy or quite full yeah I was watching your last livestream from from home actually before I saw how you've rearranged all that stuff here and it looked pretty big actually but yeah but I think it's enough to build this machine yeah that's like it I think twelve square or a choice we're meters room you're putting locked up in there as well yeah I also put some Loctite on there even though they don't say it but I think it's better I think it's better if you put some I don't know they did not they do not say that we shall tighten the nuts I guess I think we need to pay attention so I think somebody was already mentioning in the chef that we need to pay attention that we don't shatter the glass so I just so sorry for the noise that's just me being nervous that looks fine now yes so with all this love tied in place if we do something wrong while we are assembling this machine beings simply buy a new one or well I think this is the type of lock type of it's about too much you always take generous amounts of lock time yeah that's a bit too much always when you look it's too much thank you yeah I'm still happy that still a hundred of you guys are watching us do that so we didn't scare off too many so far yeah what we should be we should be almost ready we only have left like 250 screws and 1500 parts but you know that's gonna take 10 minutes how fast are you actually hey I think we should have a no no we shouldn't have so what we are going to do is we will now be assembling the well I think this is the y-axis carrier on one of the aluminum extrusions so they actually ship the LM keys but no um yeah no how do you call it not very nice yeah yeah I mean it's just you have to know I think everybody who's ordering this machine has at least some kind of shop core tools to manage that but yes so the thing now is if we take a look at the manual they just say okay we shall put it on one of these aluminum extrusions but they do not say on which of them so we actually we actually have one two and three of this aluminum extrusions I think since we made two we should be using the shorter ones but yeah that's that's again something which is no yeah but I think it's clear because this looks like the the higher profile now these ones were pretty narrow right oh no not the same okay actually on this thing but if you guys are wondering these are not the the cheap normal extrusion so now this is broke yeah I need to turn on the camera first these right here are the nice V slot extrusions so they are the right ones for running the rollers in them so that's that's already a plus okay yeah look pretty decent actually let's put some Loctite on them and they actually do also have a a film of well protective plastic on them which does have lots of well shavings aluminum shavings on them I don't know if they just they put it on that after sawing but I think yeah that's the nicest that makes quite a mess in here seems like they put in they put him on and then we missed it okay that's actually the trash can for my 3d printed parts I've done recycling them one day or well yeah so since I mix stuff up I will not be able to recycle them but I was always thinking so in in Germany we have a like a recycling system it's called the Gabey suck so that's that's a yellow bag a yellow bag where you put your plastic waste inside and I am not sure if you should also put 3d printers stuff in there it's also plastic but I do not know if that belongs there so if you guys know if this is the right a place to put it please let us know otherwise I'll just throw it in the in the normal - because actually how would you recycle that if you have you know 100 thousand kinds of materials in there how would you actually you cannot just you know shred it in well it's something else I'm I'm quite sure that also the yellow bags just get elected and get burned somewhere in a power plant and I don't really know I think it's just a cheap way for them to get really high energy waste which they can which they can then actually well burn in their power plant and then sell the power back to us so just some short things about the parents actually they seem to be pretty decent because I actually ordered a couple of bearings to last week's from China and they were mixed you know they were I had good ones I had bad ones but these ones seemed pretty decent they don't have too much play actually them on it they don't have any play yeah and it seems like there's no residue or something in there on the rolling surfaces so that's actually a great class point because this is gonna increase or you know not make your parts your finished parts and look bad I mean how's the route the bearings actually pretty good okay so shall be assembled yeah so next thing as we have seen in the manual put them on the extrusions and then see if they slide smoothly okay so everyone can make one of them purely in the compost actually I think it is biodegradable is the correct word yeah but I think you have you only get this under certain circumstances you can just throw it into the woods and two weeks later it's gonna or three or something you have to apply some chemicals if I got that right no I think you don't have to apply some chemicals but where's my screw so yeah but the thing is I think PLA is not really compostable or most of the pillows are not really possible in your standard household compost only in really the commercial composting plants but that is actually something which I want to check out for for quite a while so here in Germany we will or at least I have one off one week office autumn holidays and I need to work on my compost at home and maybe I will throw in some some 3d printed parts yeah PVA is compostable you can also drink it or eat it you just poop it all out as it is yeah you can extrude them you can extrude it so did you did you apply Loctite to that now I was too lazy you was too liberal too lazy okay so I'll I'll just skip test them yeah so the thing is in in a proper design there should actually be something which is nicely well pre-tensioning these rollers right here on the extrusion just because just if it just if this thing is rather lean it was just a teeny tiny bit you will get playing the extrusions and that is not nice so something with a spring or something like that would probably be the better way to go yeah because at this point in time it actually feels pretty good if you can see that if i push this extrusion in here it's it has like a millimeter or something where it just spreads out the roller bearings so it is sitting good on that on that rail but if this is do you think this is gonna be like this in four weeks I think that's gonna I don't know we don't find out so I will be playing with this thing around and if you guys are interested I will show you some some things so there's actually one project which I have planned I really want to make some some nice wooden business cards for myself and I hope that I can do this on this new laser let's change the view a little there we go so I did not I did not only tighten this by hand but this is pretty this is pretty solid there is well more or less no play at all in there it runs very smooth you cannot just put it next to the mic you can almost well hear nothing so yeah I am really impressed with the quality of this yeah that's that's pretty nice it's it's also very quiet Wow yeah I mean this this is a that's good and no I don't actually know the LX draw Pro metal what's what is that oh yeah it has the protein capabilities yeah yeah I know that there's just more or less a hem on the end where you can do some nice drawings but you can also do this with this machine right here just just add a small 3d printed mount and put a pencil inside and then you're also able to draw something but you might need to add a additional servo that the pen is lifted while well while you don't want to draw okay I think we are all set so this is pretty nice I actually do see a buck in our assembly because this one is the the pulley is pretty pretty you know yeah but then you cannot open up the screws anymore right because of the you know it's behind the acrylic can you are you can get in there yes yes we're gonna find out WI you have to start from the beginning again so let's continue um what's checked so is this is the result I think yeah looks like um I don't know he's facing out there yeah so the mouse was asking how much it costs so it's three hundred and thirty five euros that's around three hundred and fifty bucks for the five point five watt laser and yeah you can find a link down in the video's description this is an affiliate link I have to tell you that but yeah so I need to well you can also buy it from bangles you can buy it from gearbest you can I think also buy from eBay but if you pay the proper shipping fees they usually do arrive also from China don't don't usually take the the cheapest shipping options for more expensive parts because they will end up somewhere where they are not where you can find them anymore and customs is just like bitching around much more and like that so I made the experience pay 10 or 20 bucks more for shipping and you are really better off in the end okay shall we continue yeah we I think I think he is facing out the police right here in this step to match the surface of the of the parents I think this is the stem yeah right yeah so what we will be doing is switch the camera girl so the belts will later be running in the groove in the groove where also the rollers are so we need to get the you say Puli Puli Puli out just a little bit that it's that it's at the right position the belt is running inside of the group yeah it's running inside of the videos yeah do they have any any inserts because if you take a look at the extrusion from here you can you can actually can you see that no yeah you can see that and they have this sharp edge right here I think if the if you don't line it up perfectly it's gonna you know attach in here it's well ad so that the tensioning thing will sit in here so the pulley will not go all the way out of here so I think that's fine I don't I don't mean that I just meant if the belt is inside of this groove yeah it's on it it has to come up on the put onto the pulley it's gonna get stuck on this you know inside well it will run on it will run on these on these rollers right here so I think that's gonna be fine okay yeah I misunderstood them I think that's fine yeah it's a quite well we will see that the design works if you don't have if you don't have really big forces which the belt needs to take and since you are not really moving a well yeah you're just think moving the engraver you moving the engraver you don't have any cutting forces or something like that I think it's gonna be fine that's what I don't really like is let's make the other camera big so you can see it now this pulley right here is quite quite quite far far away out quite far away out cantilevered that's not good for the bearings and I think that's also not good for the pulley itself because if we take look in here you are able to see that the bolts are just grabbing in the furthest end of this of this hole right here yeah that was my concern also but if you take a look from above I think it's gonna be alright but it is pretty close you have to you have to get it lined up pretty good I'm sorry it's alright guys so okay next step so these are the key nuts I think this is something we should probably to do together because if we take a look at the next step down here we will then insert the belts and then tension the belt and if we do that together this might actually be the easiest thing to do so I put mine away and we will start with yours okay so let's get the overhead camera please so we do need two of them one on this side and one here please what direction is it pointing up well it's actually not police it's one big pulley which we I think need to have a length in the end yeah it's actually two lengths just the belt yeah shouldn't we first prepare one side do you think it's good yeah we have to put the belt through one of these holes guys maybe wait a second I have a better view on what we are doing if I turn on the camera properly yeah so there we go okay maybe that's good okay I'll just try to grab it maybe okay okay good so now you see how the the belt is running it's running in the center it's running in the slot then it runs over one of these rollers or under one of these rollers then attaches to the pulley right here goes back under one of these rollers and then in the end it will be just held by one of these brackets so actually the touching surface of the of the pulleys not too great on the belt but I think I said before it's not you know having so much load I think that's gonna be fine thanks Steve for the info we will pay attention when we tighten tighten the end stops so I think we're gonna grab one of these we need one of these right here he's just inserting I don't know is it yeah it's one the desktop is one right Joe it's three three okay me sorry no there we go f3 okay but where's oh I closed it no I didn't close it a second oh I just switched it out okay because he's just you know inserting this this part and then preparing the pulley it has to go underneath there I think underneath the groove all right so one of these and it's actually pointing the soundwaves second so we gonna put it that way I think that the end of the bold is kind of rubbing against the the belt that it helps holds better in place so we insert it and then we just tighten it's done I think with one of these I'm not entirely sure how these are to Schwartz so this is actually clamping down the belt between the between this t-nut in and the actually quad right yeah how is it yeah yeah looks like that's working okay so we have it this way I don't know how much spare belt we have so I kind of pay attention a little bit so I have it now under this ball right here through the slot and then I'm just tightening it down on this side right here and I will pay attention that I've done correct apart I think that's fine okay so Steve do you have the exact same machine I think so because he said he took about two hours right I think it was Steve all right so I'll be actually tensioning the belt this step let me let me go to the next three right yes okay so yeah we I think there is no it is looking and yeah then we have to do the other side he already has a belt cut to size but I just think we install it and then cut it right yeah I think that's that might be saving us some trouble okay okay so we flip this through here put the t-nut back in place let's get one of these bowls like you know I think this is a big blow baby - yeah I think so what I will be doing I will holding that bracket can you pull on that special pulley and then I will tighten it back here yeah all right okay and how does it feel yeah Sheils all right is it slipping when you move the axis no no it feels pretty decent all right looks good it's very quiet didn't expect that and we will just cut that to length leave a little bit extra if you want to retighten it all right I'm taking a look at the belts so these are not just rubber belts and focus you can see the small dots right here in the back so these belts right here are reinforced with either glass fiber or weld strains of metal so that's also a good thing it will reduce the amount of slope you will have yeah so also classful that did you actually take a look at the surface of the belt is it you know well like missing teeth or something like that no don't think so it looks quite decent it looks just as I know how belts should look like yeah looks good so shall I put there the part or a side and then little part by the side and put it apart again yeah we have Loctite we cannot even put the part yeah we finished no yeah I think we're finished with that side okay so let me grab the second piece no we won't hit it with a hammer even though I got this thing for free it's still valuable for well myself maybe afterwards if it refuses to renew reviews were correlated with a hammer so we will now just do the same thing with the belt on the other side yes yeah there we go okay so we again take one of these these bolts right here and we also want a piece sorry for the noise yeah it's probably a death rate to be honest I was already shooting my my old laser once just outside the window at night and this looks quite interesting it reminds me of Star Wars like the the death ray from the Death Star since we death through sin see death ray yeah but you shouldn't do that so especially near near airports it can get you in lots of trouble and even though at some hundred meters if you hit somebody in the eye they will not like that yeah I'm pretty sure about that I wouldn't like it either we didn't actually take a look at the main PCB but we will do it in a short I think we are almost done with the mechanical assembly I think that's the one access yet yeah okay let's do the same way again can you yes yeah all right yeah feels good actually let's cut it back to lane and there we go great second side assembled let's see what we need to do yeah just put it in the back yeah okay so we already have these then it's up to the third motor and we already did that we already did that so do we have to put it apart again and do it all over again nah that's what we are going to do is to add the stepper motor back to this bracket right here and if we take a look at this picture now we can at least see on which side the jst connector goes yes so that's that that's a plus but still the the manual kind of sucks let's do it with Robins methods I might be a little bit more I just hope because there are some some servo motors where the holes actually uh nope they but they are some with open holes and then locked out your you know your rotor yeah so three bolts how do you actually what's the difference between a screw and the bold I was always wondering when I should you know switch trim that's a good question actually is it depending on the size or is it dependent on I don't know yes Steve I actually saw on my other one I reflashed Kerbal on it's just because I wanted to use some some features that were not available stock and I'm quite interested to see so on the other one you were able to remove the Arduino and below the Arduino there was a jumper for for selecting if you are running Goble or if you're running well a new version of Kerbal or old version of Kerbal because the new version of Kerbal enables you to use features like pulse width modulation for running the laser so you can more or less vary the the power of the laser so a bold can have a nut and a screw cannot actually that's one of the exponent okay so screw is more or less to like drill into wood and you know just have the screw in there and the bolt would be something with a lot on the other thanks for the info thank you ok next step can you yeah sure so we made this okay we did this step now we need the blue aluminium extrusion or aluminium aluminium aluminium whatever I think it's the same I don't know how the ratio of Americans to two Brits are at the moment but they're usually like three to one so we should probably rather say aluminium than aluminium that it's actually kind of weird or kind of strange for experiments because in German aluminum is aluminium so yeah yeah you know what I mean who actually invented two words for one thing well yeah I think the developments or like the the American language developed was was quite interesting because you have influences of German and whatever in there so yeah there was probably someone who started saying aluminum instead of aluminum I don't know either he didn't know it any better or something else Oh we closed we could all something no I think we closed it where is it recovered so we are here in step number no idea yeah here there it is okay right so we did days so and actually continue screwing down the or bolting down the acrylic piece after that well we will we will not use oh yeah so we have this part right here and we need to put it in the bag yes okay yeah for the guys who are have joined new to the stream sorry if technique and stuff like that it's not 100% perfect but for both of us it's our first live stream so I hope you appreciate that and don't hate us for not being perfect right now we will give our best maybe for the next stream to be to be better yeah I think we are we're enjoying the build right here I thought it's you know um I was pretty nervous at the beginning but it's getting better it's not gone but it's getting better but I think it's it's it's going well yeah I don't know and we actually still didn't start to drink a beer because that usually makes your your tongue be much more relaxed and talk to you yeah help you talk English much more fluently yeah but it stops at some point well you should produce stop after resting me like half a beer I don't know how your beer tolerance is but yeah yeah so thank you Aaron and Antonio it's good to hear you know that it's not too bad what we're doing here so thank you it's actually pretty nice to hear that yeah rocket 3d thanks enjoy a beer for us as well I think we only want we will get one after the stream but lasers and alcohol don't go well together here probably not okay so we did put on the nylon columns now again the for Olaf are they actually rolled over how is it called actually this is also pulley right this is a router a rope with just a roller roller I thought someone said pulley to that also I don't know well and then and not their spacer let's see if whoops no sorry why is that happening to me damn it okay we can actually control shift C to bring it up no I thought I'm not so used there is a shortcut for restoring a closed history in close tab 150 so now we know it for the next time yeah so there we go okay we need another for nylon columns here spacers according to the next step and then screw on the plate with the stacking order [Music] so still like almost a hundred people still watching us doing doing that we we highly appreciate that you well take your time watching us assemble this laser engraver all right so then um how are we actually turning this guy around without losing every screw I think we don't have don't have to yeah I don't media know my ground we cannot put the the nuts in place because the screws are too sharp see that yeah yeah if you have the right let me treat September us okay let me take this one out again yeah this is tricky we will probably add some yes blue right here just to be safe I don't know if we are ruining all of the of the acrylic parts with the Loctite that's yeah I think it's gonna be fine I think I also used lock tied for the other one two Germans in a laser nothing bad will happen here yeah we'll see we will pay attention at least at least we're both engineers and hopefully we know what we're doing okay so we have assembled the x-axis carrier with which has this blue mountain flag right here on one side and the stepper motor on the other side I will now just tighten the bolts a little bit so and you haven't we'll see if he can take a look what the next step is yeah we have to insert the diffusion profile probably I don't tighten them down yeah all the way because then we are still able to adjust the pre-tensioner little bit let's switch guys we are still here yeah there we go let's make this big so this is how the assembly looks like at the moment we have another aluminum extrusion right here and we'll just peel off and enjoy peeling off this protective cover oh that's just always a good thing that's always a good thing like a chicken chicken gonna know winner winner chicken dinner and pop cheat that's also a good thing yeah this feels pretty tight at the moment I don't know yeah it is very tight okay I will loosen the other screws right here maybe yeah so actually do you think they you know if they didn't put holes in their butts close do you think that's gonna improve in something because it's gonna get loose over time but it definitely would be better to you know get it perfect yeah I think it would be easier but I think the best thing to do is it would be using a either eccentric nuts but they are also not very good for pre-tensioning something or to use a proper pre tension system with a bold or somehow sorry with a spring or something like that what about too much eevblog I think yeah well there's a cool guy so there were some times where where I when I was watching eevblog like like like binge watching or something like that so this is now assembled it feels a little tight and you notice that it's well it's sometimes a little rough I think there might be found some dirt on the sand on the road on the rail we'll check that yeah I think this is something you of course have to do you know like once a monk maybe just to clean the rails yeah because otherwise I think the laser beam this is a pretty important step actually if you turn on there you're gonna get fuzzy yeah you know laser engravings but for wait a second but for for all the guys who don't know that's actually the the same system like the y-axis of the seer 10 is held into place so you also have this aluminum extrusion of the white one and then you have six rollers below the bed which look totally the same and yeah that is holds them Steve is is saying that's that this is not dirt it's because the wheels are deforming so could also be but it's just on one spot actually yeah but well I think it's okay I think it's fine I think that waiting alright next step would be okay we assembled it is can i scroll here no well you can notice these windows I have to get the window and focus okay now I know that yeah that's that's okay oh you have to line up the pulley and then do the same stuff again with the belt yep so I think you actually have a set of well a tool set from I fix it but I didn't really hear it that much good things about the I fix it set so I purchased this one a while ago from from Amazon which comes also in a box with lots of bits and I really enjoy this this thing works really well the rules are nice I have something similar it's just I think I'm always searching for the right I don't like the you know how they organize the bits because you can put them back in this thing everybody have to take care looking back that you find in later on yeah but um the rocket 3d says it looks too tight I also think it looks a bit tight and it is a bit tight but we cannot actually do something because these are just holes well there's nothing we could can give it another try maybe but do you think you can yes and then right here the second one yeah it looks fine so the the stepper motor that the stepper motor should not have an issue moving that I think that's gonna be fine otherwise we will we will know that in the end alright next thing so this is done they actually oh I I didn't see that before but they have their their own branded stepper motors so that's at least one step they they already spent the money and time on branding these stepper motors ok next thing we need to do is we need to put the pulley back in again yeah that's the same thing that we did before the the other axis that's exactly exactly the exact same step so ok so insert the well we're gonna start that way this goes oh yeah what is it for no one ok one yeah I mean camera yeah we still need to get get used to all of the the keys this is the right direction ok can you hold this ok you could have also you know yeah I know that this was coming give me a second [Applause] two more balls if I want to review the TiVo tarantula well I don't know if it's really worth reviewing because so many guys have already done that so many guys have already got that printer from from gearbest and I don't really like to make the the standard reviews that's that's too boring for me I think and they're too many people out there who well do it better or do it as their their standard content I really try oh that's gonna be tough it's gonna be tough but so if I get a 3d printer I try to moderate like yeah so that the seer 10 which I have at the moment where some of you might have have already seen that I well I want to use it the proper way so the seer tennis is quite a big printer so with the print volume of 300 by 300 yeah I probably should take a look there so it has a pretty big print volume and with the standard configuration it just takes ages to print big parts and so I have I have other printers which can do the the fine detailed stuff and if I want to use the big one I usually just well want to use it fast and not wait like three days until my print is finished so I was trying out if you can just simply add a bigger nozzle to the hot end that was not perfectly working so now I added a volcano hot end to it and I might or I will be adding I will be adding an e3d Titan Aero extruder to it soon because then I think it's finally in a position where it prints nicely where I can print fast and stuff like that and this is the thing which I want to show you guys because 3d printing for me is it's more like just printing fidgets spinners well you can do it but if you use 3d printing as an engineer you can do really amazing things with that yeah I think that's that's one thing yeah that's one thing that many people don't actually think about if you are you know an interest in 3d printing and you buy a 3d printer you can have a good time downloading things stuff on Thingiverse you know like you know your smartphone you know casings and all that stuff but I think I personally think the real fun starts or begins when you learn or know a cat's up there so you can you know build your own stuff I think that's the the interesting thing about 3d printing yeah definitely and it's it's totally cool tool for for also younger engineers who were not able before to really well generate or really go from the virtual world so from CAD or from blender or whatever to the real world and now they have a tool to do that and it's has been becoming really affordable over the last years and that's so cool do you find something yeah I'm just wondering if do you think this is you know I mean it's just held in place and I can I'm gonna show that I come with the belt this is only the belt tensioner actually here is only you can go grabbing the belt with that screw if I'm if I'm correct and it is not even touching the you know the inner side it's touching the other side do you think this is gonna hold your belt tension like forever or so what I have to noticing is not actually my other one yes no so this is the only screw that is pushing down on the belt and actually pushing the belt onto the element the the the extrusion profile and this is actually clamping the belt in place so if you adjust the tension of the belt do you think this is gonna last forever I'm not sure we'll see yeah thanks for mentioning that we should put the knife away because well we don't want to end in in the emergency room tonight so I start getting hungry and emergency room might take a while I have dinner so I do not have dinner so yeah okay so let's take the next step right yeah this is f3 okay so we did this we did this we also tightened this up and now we need another two t-nuts in the next profile yeah two profiles left let's can you switch the camera to the main camera yes yeah one thing which is bothering me a little is that this thing is totally full of shavings and they are not they are now all over my workplace and that kind of sucks but yeah they just they just sawed these these profiles and then put them into the package no cleaning whatsoever yeah they just could have put on the plastic cover after sawing but I think it's just a manufacturing process yeah easier if you you know put it on before and then cut into it yeah okay they are both they are both the same length so it shouldn't really matter which one we are using right now [Music] okay in a second I think you can so that me continue I mean we actually this is a pretty easy step we are just let me put on the big screen we're actually just putting on these two acrylic profiles onto the rail I'm not sure if this is a stand or if this is kind of carrying the upper axis I'm not sure right now but I'm just installing these two these two peanuts right here so we're how they actually oh here so so far I think this assembly is actually pretty easy I mean we just we thought the instructions were a bit flimsy because they only showed some pictures but I mean most of the steps are just self explanation you can you cannot do anything wrong but these are looking pretty similar here just have to make sure that we take the right profile no idea they are actually the same but what did I do wrong where are these I cannot find the right acrylic eye these two they just have a different design yeah but you know it's so these are these are totally different actually do we miss something maybe let's check out how that should go together so we at the moment half the problem that these acrylic pieces which we have yeah it's hard to see all right this is not the right hawky well it was but these ones are can I put there yeah so these ones they look different than on the picture can you where is the manual shift ctrl T right yeah but I think these have to be these ones there are four I think they just included some sort of stand well you yeah they are the stand but we need to see how we add the other axes so okay so we need to these ones because they have four holes we only have three because you have to put two screws into the profile itself and two screws into the t-nut because otherwise this is not gonna you know I think we yeah something like this but oh you know what I think you know just this just doesn't look right ah this kind of sucks well wait a second I will I will see because these are the feeder yet in the shape doesn't matter but we only have three screws this is gonna be can you can you go through the manual again and see if there well further down if we need those feed right here as well mmm actually not so these must be the ones well this is just reinforcing the adven yeah that's for so we will probably need to use them somehow what it may just use that for a second so we will need to see this gets together so we will have these run here that's the picture we need this is how how how it how it should look ah look you put the the metal piece in there so we can come here you know let me do it this look this is the the metal piece which is reinforcing the structure but how is it well I'm quite sure that we let's enable the other camera and turn the camera on before ooh there we go so I think this one should go on here that that way so I think either the manual is or I don't know but well we'll see we'll we'll just give it a try I think we know how it should indeed should look like in the end so yeah maybe let's go back to the manual this is clearly also the stand right I mean according to this picture this is a stand think yeah I think this goes like here's another this goes like this yeah there we go interestin of the picture yeah that's all right so he only put one screw in here but he also has to angle at the angle of bracket yeah on at the inner side yeah do they go on the upper side on the lower side I think that doesn't matter yeah yeah I think that's fine yeah I also think that's right so let's do it according to this picture right here yeah how about something or yeah can you hope that and I will let's get the other camera back all right and the menu okay we will need to fix well we only need once two slots so the steppers on the outside so this means we have to assemble it yeah I think there's a way yeah yeah yeah this is this is something we can we could change as an afterthought yeah so do we need the 12 the 12 millimeter screws so these ones or let's welcome the new ones okay do we do that on about eight pieces I think we need to do this on both sides already so this goes in here you see that camera yeah there we go think that 12 millimeters I think it's do you think it's better if we don't make the second side on this red but on the second red so we can you know how to stand or something do you think that's gonna be better always stick to the manual nah well I think we well if we have it like this we just need to screw it right here in the back I think that's gonna be fine I think we do both of them that's tightening it too much because otherwise it does not get there we go okay so the second movement of extrusion is right here we also again need to peel away all of that stuff let me just put the screwdrivers somewhere else don't poke them into my screen as long as the camera continues ready yeah well yeah nothing that's Chinese manuals you are you are totally right but yeah well at least they didn't write something in yen Chinglish yeah so we are going to follow follow the pictures but if the thing that I do love the translations they often have on Aliexpress or eBay and then simply translate everything in from Chinese literally literally little literally oh that's Albert why are Google Translate and there sometimes they have really funny you know sentences well well mine kana are you where are you listening to us on in both in two tabs yeah maybe it was a trick okay so let's put this in so yeah that you guys also see what we need to do next we have these two but look you go oh you know what I think we missed something because he inserted two two nuts in here now it's not clear if you need two additional nuts on the inside yeah I know because you need them to put the electronics the electronic I think we have to answer one of them and insert two nuts because and also the the oh no it's just no I think that's not right because I don't see him here I'm just confused because we only need one screw and be inserted to nuts but we can always fix that Laius yes let's do it later so okay we have to insert the thanks - yeah yeah you're right each corner with the angles yeah definitely we need we need to insert more nuts otherwise that's not gonna work out can you maybe check the manual if we need additional two nuts for mounting the electronics to one of these aluminum rails yeah yeah sure sorry um it looks like I am so we need an yes yes I think these are the two we saw above okay but on which side on which profile well it doesn't matter since they look the same yeah but listen it has to be one of those yeah I think I will just I will just add for additional nuts I know they go on the other side damn it yeah because the angles aren't so we gonna use this one for the electronics and the angles go on the inside so that doesn't matter so yeah just don't overthink everything yeah but this was a bit tricky since we have different you know um since this doesn't it really shaped pieces here yeah ok so we are ready for that next step or if it was something we'll find out later so this is this must be one not for the angle angular bracket or not but why does this go on the upper east side yeah because you don't really know ah that's for a foot but we don't have any foots for ours is most beautiful is this right yes I think that's alright okay so that's sorry that's all we do not have a screen here okay so yeah let's put it together yeah he just yeah they swap the foot with the exclusion of the profile the accurate profile that has two fully integrated you know that's as good as a rubber foot but we'll find out we have a 3d printer and some rubber material I'm sure about that we have probably so I added this this side right here let's show me quick and talking them up yeah but I'm just thinking we still need the nuts right here in the back for four angles later because they go in here but we could we can insert them at any time because well not long time it's not in this profile yes that's right um I don't know but there's actually no single step putting that well look at those brackets in yeah but I think we're gonna add them yeah I got the manual just sigh missed it do we have the right we have two A three Pro right not the a 3x something no that's the a3 Pro okay the smaller one is the a5 insert the angles not yeah definitely we will be doing that what is it so let's tighten the first one can you maybe tighten the nut and I will just of course together properly this one no this is one it's already just one yeah yeah don't over tighten it yeah perfect all right we forgot a lock tight but let's just skip that yeah let's get that um so the feet yeah I think we know just gonna put the whole square together yes shall we insert oh you did all right you answer that one well between every one more I'll just put a new one in the lower rail so our desk is pretty small in here we all can you are you already proved on in here the one for this side we also need one here I think it okay maybe let's continue on yes this is the wrong exists is the wrong this one right here yes superstar outside that's correct right yeah or are we actually starting to failure I don't know I think if we would have had done something completely wrong you guys would have told us already yeah probably maybe we just didn't see it but it still looks like the machine is properly building up so nobody was already screaming at us yeah we are almost there you need this one yeah I'm really interested to see how this thing really performs and if all of the hardware sorry all of the electronics are working fine if the lasers working but we I think we're gonna find out pretty soon can you tighten the screw again and I just yeah yeah okay let's turn everything around this already feels really sturdy so there are there are some other well like C&C so we need to insert two or living 911 - right here so I think we did this the wrong way around horses for the electrons this is for the electrons yeah but we need the two we still have a couple of them left but yeah then they're just spares are you good - yes so I'm still really happy that a hundred of you guys whoa we just reached 100 again are still watching us that's that's so cool we also reach two hours it also reached two hours and we are not finished yet they are not finished yet if it always takes longer than expected yeah in the first place but yeah I hope you guys are still enjoying what we're doing we are giving our best I am starting to get really really angry no that's I will be starving just for you guys I mean you might probably don't need two hours to assemble this machine because we need you know time to talk about stuff then get the camera settings and the camera angles and all that stuff and take this I think you can do it in ok looks good ok I so the menu now says that we shall at the the x-axis right here but we will not do that yes we will add these well cast aluminum aluminum angles still exiting fields really yes it's actually pretty rugged at this point all right maybe let's start on your side so we have to fix the nut in between - you know they did say they did already yeah so can you see him yep and if you guys are enjoying what we are doing you are also able to support us via via patreon via I I just started with a patreon account because lots of you have been asking over the last couple of months Robin also has a patreon account for it for quite a while and this just always helps us to stay motivated and maybe to take a little bit more time on well working on that stuff because it really takes a long time to produce videos at least four well somebody like me who is a non-native speaker so I need to write my script I need to well at first do the tests oh look before God one Tina but I I see that this is not a problem actually because we can shoot it through here yeah or do you see it I don't know I don't see yeah well are you actually also the good thing about patron or I especially I I started shooting logs about my projects I have to admit that I didn't find the time in the last you know one or two months actually to make a video or make blocks and but I'm back to the normal schedule right now because I was I'm actually working for clients I am programming stuff like iOS apps and you know web servers and all that stuff and I had just one project they took forever and I couldn't find any time to to make videos but I am finished with the project and I'm actually back to a normal schedule and I also finished one video which I'm editing right now and this will be online in a couple of days I hope and yeah I'm also back to the normal of blogging um sorry guys for my hair schedule because I actually enjoy that I enjoy making videos without taking too much time you know thinking about it script or something I'm just standing in my workshop and yeah just shooting out a video and this is something I really enjoy I started and I enjoyed it from the first blog on and I will definitely continue doing that and this is one of the things that I exclusively do for my patreon is just to show my appreciation and you know just to get in in touch with with the Patriots so thank you for supporting me on patreon so how are you doing I'm doing fine I inserted the missing T slot not I don't know if we missed it somewhere or I don't know where it went the good thing is that there are plenty of spares in the kids do you think I'll spare so do you think we forgot something I am quite sure they are spares this is a last angle bracket because we have the you know the next axis yeah but there we just need four for now and then we are all set oh sorry sport balls okay let's put this in here my German is worse than my Chinese yeah I think Chinese is but I can't speak Chinese but I think it's it's very heavy to learn I don't know people are people are saying that German is hard to learn too so I don't know how hard it is still in German because I grew up in Germany so I have no idea so I'm still editing sorry guys my hair ever you need to get a haircut soon but yeah oh no these are engraved lasering soon yeah we can do some laser tattoos later so this is come on so we are I think almost set with the mechanical part we need to do some I think it's just simple wiring because of the the wires are already at the right length and stuff like that and so far it has been working quite well yet Nala it at the end there were some issues with with that the images from the manual did not really match did not really match what we had in our box but otherwise it was I think okay all right look like a cnc engraver to me I don't know well almost the laser is still missing so we gonna put this in here but the question now is in which direction in which direction it shall point thus the laser engraver points to the electronics yes it's just one of the images online we have to oh yeah you mean which one is the front the back side yeah exactly because right here the electronics will go I am not actually take a look at one of the images yeah so there it's going this way can you check another one just for cross reference this is the same one and there it's it's pointing upwards actually here yeah but I don't think it's it's a big deal where it is actually because you know you need the wires the length of the bars in both ways there it's also pointing in this direction so this yeah I don't know if this is really critical I don't think that it's really critical but they just do not point it out properly in the manual I think yeah let's just go with the manual and put it this way can you can you hold it okay I will start with the oh yeah yeah I is it do we have it is pointing downwards right can ya see to point downwards yes actually that's it yeah let me let me check on the Mon image it actually is pointing downwards yes also the stepper motor so that's that's correct they just have to right well I think we can assemble it we can cut it later on yeah do we actually I mean this is I think this is gonna be a bit tough because if these were pointing upwards you could actually adjust the belt tension and this is going to be a bit difficult at the end you are quite right about that I don't know if that really doesn't make a difference well that the stepper motor and that the cable is pointing in another direction yeah but I mean this is correct in terms or according to the images but actually it would be a lot better if you could adjust attention from above but now it's you know yeah that's that's kind of that's that's X so we have to get it right now before assembling yeah actually is it I don't know if then the laser is at the right height that's yeah I don't know if you could if you could see that but the problem we are actually having right now is yeah where are you 22 words so so the the belt tensioning clip is actually on the bottom side of the row of the of the axis and you cannot you know adjust the the belt tension on that while this is in place it would be way better if this will be upwards no I think we're according to the manual into the images it is pointing downwards yeah but well the problem is that in order to get the stepper motor in the right direction we would need to this is stuck how are we just want to start guys on our stuff yeah the cameras stuck we will be back a second and activate there we go again maybe it's also starving maybe also the camera started so I think we will just maybe retention the the belt once again because this fields yeah this feels okay but it could be better if you move it it feels okay like to say that if I take a look it doesn't seem like - maybe can you pull on you can also do it with the pliers okay okay yeah that feels pretty tight so but this is how we actually you know did we tighten it up enough because that's what I said before yeah if this is too loose and the machine is readily it will loosen up the belt over time you are right yeah this is not the best design this looks like some you you have to make a video about a 3d printer improvement on this one day yeah one day well since the stepper motor is pointing in this direction I think there is no way around mounting it this way at the moment that I am thinking about maybe fixing that layer yeah but John says you can put it either way you could you'd also you just have to yeah well we have to flip the motor yeah flip the motor and then the cables are pointing upwards well yeah I'm not sure if this bracket here is symmetrical you know in both ways because well it doesn't matter points more in this direction than it does on the other one so that shouldn't be an issue but since we would need to take everything right here apart in order to get these these bolts right here out I think yeah so maybe just leave it we will just assemble it according to the instructions or that's what we are actually doing today so maybe in a follow-up yeah this would also be hard to to grab yeah okay once we have to adjust something I need this room is it still rights reactors the right school sorry guys okay so well John I just saw a one comment a couple of minutes ago you you were talking about the vlogs and I know that the vlog is actually or at least you have to be very good at vlogging to produce a video that is actually as you know Pleasant watch like a well-thought video in that you do with the script and all that stuff but actually I I thought this could be interesting for some because I wanted to talk about new ideas and all that stuff and actually it doesn't take too much time for me um I do not edit so much out of the vlogs I do not you know write a script beforehand or think about what I want to say just yeah of course in a minute or two but not in a day or two and this is something I just do as I go ahead so it is not you know producing any additional workload on my schedule so this is not I'm not blogging instead of making a video I'm glugging additionally to make a video and it doesn't take too much time so I thought it's a nice idea and I still think it's a nice idea so okay now rocket year which back to the menu you haven't been rude or at least I did not read that you have been rude let's be very little just love it yeah sorry I I didn't follow this conversation in the chat okay so as you can see this thing is working and so we have our X Y axis right now looks good feels good actually feels good so now it's time to take a look at the menu and I think we will be installing the electronics now yeah let's take a look at them I think it's the a 4/4 no these look different actually I think these are special LX maker lasered boards I think this is X is just a I think yeah yeah the camera I think this camera will be better let's see so this is the board if you say Arduino Nano this one right here is an Arduino Nano I think it says yes this at mal it's the normal 3 3 V 2 AP and some 8 9 or 4 9 8 8 or homo and the correct term yeah I think this in the inner upper board I think on this board is nothing else than the chase t-connectors do they have a power supply circuitry oh yeah they do and a switch so they have a switch and what is this is linear regulate no that's a MOSFET um on the right side right this is the most fun I think so yeah I don't know so on the old port which I had there was a switch below of the the Arduino but there is none which I can see there's only an inductor below it wait a second yeah and I think there's other cord that I had it had a power button and then also a low power button for the laser but yeah we will see so this is another version so it's called LX maker mana se Mahna Mahna Mahna se okay yeah let's give that a try or maybe well yeah they should have included heat sinks well I don't know I think I think they there are no there are actually potential meters to set the the currents but yeah okay can you go into the manual and see how we can what we need to do with this yeah we have to insert for em three times forty millimeters yes this one yeah it's just a cover plate yeah it is well okay actually well yeah it can't really ash metal but if you have if you have like anodized aluminum black aluminum you can really ask that material so this is working yeah so Thomas I don't think or I didn't see any key things so far I think these are gonna gonna get pretty hot actually times forty because one of the the stepper drivers actually driving two stepper motors as far as I can see because they only included two and we have three motors so that's it's gonna get really hot but well I think since well depending on the speeds you do or and the accelerations if if the currents are not too big they they should actually be fine so on my online mental ninety back there they also don't have any heat sinks on on all of these stepper motor drivers but yeah as often said if you if you drive if you drive two motors with one stepper driver it could probably get hot okay what's the next step in the manual yes the plastic washers so there are another set of spacers so we have these spacers right here one two three four and then we put do we have a preferred direction or something no this is symmetrical yes symmetrical there is actually a pretty button right here wait a second they include one really nice metal button of course yeah so this is for the power alrighty next step next step put the board on and put the okay PCB spacers it's totally actually as you as I can see in the the next step so we are actually putting in these PCB spaces here but the next step we can see the the upper case of the acrylic board actually provides space for some heatsink so you can easily attach them later on or at least if necessary well it give some space for some some some airflow yeah okay so no ESD protection right here but well at least I did never ruin a board due to est or something like that so this is how it looks like then we take our Batson which does not really fit it doesn't fit okay so your say-so so the baton is totally useless maybe it's not the button maybe it's a very you know crucial part of the old assembly so this is the button they deliver come on but well it's round in the back do you see that that looks kind of square and getting this square stuff into the round hole is kind of difficult so I think we're not able to use the button all right let's continue so we add the cover well at least this is childproof now yeah but you had this real child in order to have a small finger to you know push about what size of screws do we need we it's not provided it is provided MP and 10-minutes them there we go well look but he has the wrong button on there yeah I don't know how he was able to make a deposit of the wrong button in there and I really do not want to force the button on there because I am fearing that I ruin the power button and that we cannot use this thing in the end and since you guys want to see some lasers hopefully in the next couple of minutes yes no I I think I was not too stupid to get the button on on that thing well and I also have to say I said that this was a beautiful metal button but it's not it's injection molder molded and metallized yeah it's crap I need to 3d print something for that okay so the what kind of vision ear well I am I'm an engineer I'm a mechanical engineer and Alban is actually I'm a student actually I'm studying Electrical Engineering so I hopefully will be an electrical engineer officially at one day okay so we did install the t-nuts on the right so now we are slowly running out of schools but there's still plenty of them left so they were quite generous I think they just they don't count the screws they just you know fill up the yeah this is this base in the box because you know the screw the counting of the screw will cost more than pouring in five more screws well I think I'm not the hundred isn't sure about that in China yeah okay all right maybe they will maybe they weigh in and these screws are too long dang it yeah they actually are there are some eight millimeters I don't know how to do have a once I only have these ones right here left but they are too too long I'll just add a set of washers you know them that is hopefully it goes well they didn't have any washes here but I think that's all right yeah well either we use the the wrong size of screw somewhere else should I already you know download well we can do that together I think that's an amine it's a next step so but but I so this did you actually see any what any cables for the stepper motors in the Box they are all driven wirelessly probably here probably okay with these small antennas which we have right here on the top already so we have the electronics box right here fixed laser is not mounted yet and all the wires have not been added yet but I think even though it does not say that in the in the manual we will be installing the the cables right now and also the laser so now the question just is how long which you know what actually I think it would be better if we had the stepper on this side or the board on that side but yeah yeah I think that's gonna be right we will I think we'll just clean up a little bit because otherwise it just gets really is here I do not see any instructions on which axis or which I think we have to figure that out on our own okay so what do we have so there is one there is one cable with just well three wires that's probably for the laser there is one which has four so that's for the stepper motor and then there are two other ones and since they are the same length I think they go on the y-axis and this one right here goes on the XS so do be or are we able to read that I have an x axis y axis y axis so I think that to ride ones right here these ones these ones right here are for the y axis and this one is for the x axis so this is our x axis this right here is our Y axis so let's this goes well you can already where do you have to say this one yeah so I think cable management is something we are not sorry just wait a second this is actually this is the wrong way it is yeah and what you need to use the other end oh yeah that makes sense okay so these are just you know flying loose here yeah same as this one right here there is one of these springy I don't know how you actually call that which we can use to put the x-axis stepper wire and the laser wire together why your well why are you shall we do that yeah well later yeah you are missing your black cable miniatures I mean I mean just doing the ones which go on the extrusions that's ones these ones yeah just for you to know we are actually doing this according to the menu and the basically the mechanical slop it's it's done right now it doesn't say anything about it doesn't fit seriously no no okay guys so there is some screw-up actually let's change the camera yeah okay check your camera right here okay so this is the mount where the laser goes and this right here is our laser and I am quite sure that this backplate is way too big for this but there is another bracket included which we did not use so I think we need to disassemble it just meant to be a screwed on top of this year X and this slides into the slot so that's all right we are done that's good we are back to schedule all right so let's put the camera back to the overview I'll just unpack this so this is the laser in you should really handle this delicately because there are optics down here which should not get dirty because otherwise you will get a a nice laser beam and what I also have to see right now they actually used a copper cord around the laser diode which hopefully will well increase the amount of energy the amount of heat which can flow into the heatsink yeah okay so what we do have now is our laser we do have this mound right here which goes on the bed but I will at first test if this is working yeah there we go shall we switch back to the camera what is the battery state I don't know well it's fine it is fine okay yeah so this again is one step that is not in the manual but it's pretty easy to figure out because you cannot actually do anything wrong these little screws in here yeah okay do we need enough for them no they're all threaded holes in the back but I think they are too long looks like a very small laser actually I think it doesn't it is yeah but we'll see how it performs these do look a little bit too long I that they might interfere with the bracket so I will just put in two of these and then we will see how it goes well thanks John John says we have a pretty decent streaming setup here thank you very much and I was actually right so let's move the camera a little bit oh yeah shall I take the camera it's fine so you see that the bolts interfere with these nuts that sucks so I need to see it but the other ones are also too long dang it do you have any okay so guys the problem that we have at the moment is that these crucible so these screws right here are too long and they're well pointing you're getting out of the other side and they interfere with the nuts which are sorry with the bolts right here that are used to clamp everything so we need to figure out a way yeah we could actually get rid of two of these screws I don't think you really need four yeah I think it's it's gonna be sturdy enough to I need then we only got two screws also you have I think you have to adjust this on every you know the thickness of image or whatever you wanna burnin and when you have four screws yeah that's I don't think that's very you know nice to handle because yeah so we're gonna give it a try but yeah again this is something which is just nuts thoughts through you can add some washers do we have washers I don't have any m3 washers right here I'm very sorry and I think they would be too big that they fit right here to the end I think we will just try it that way so well what I'm going to be doing is I will remove the two upper screws right here and I then I think we're able to slide it in we really need to pay attention that this just does not drop down and and then land on the lens okay well yeah this yeah this kind of sucks but the whole bracket is come on is it actually work well I don't know if I am doing something wrong but even these nuts which go right here in the back are actually too big and they interfere with the plate and this is how about just taking screws in yeah big nuts because it's I think I think we will have a better time adjusting them with the nylon key then with these thumb screws yeah yeah let's get them out and then yeah can you come yet is it the right diameter actually I think they're m3 should I put one in yeah you can change the view yeah I have it a laser okay yeah we could print some some washers but that would take too much time yeah I think you know I think this is gonna be okay so we gotta just do it this way so there are actually two methods in the end how you can adjust the the laser or the the focus point of the laser and this is once by just moving the whole the whole carriage right here and the other method is adjusting the focus by a small weld by the lens which is down in the laser can you open this one right here yes okay so we are removing all of these screws which are actually supposed to be used for mounting everything but they just interfere with the big laser if you guys know if we did something wrong come on please let us know but I don't think so I hold something the fingers are just too big can you tighten the the bowls yes okay this is fine I'll add two more on the other side we should make sure that everything is perpendicular wait a second yeah three thousand millimeters a second so with the with the other one I was also using like two thousand millimeters sorry two thousand millimeters a minute when I was engraving stuff and now since the power is actually more or less double or it's more than double I think you can go quite fast with these with this thing okay so laser is in place yeah so just connected and you're pretty much ready actually we've well these are for cable management but I think I'm not going to do this now because that would take kind quite some time and I think we want to laser something yeah pretty soon so what I will be doing is I will not plug in the laser right now because we want to make sure that all the mechanics are working before we turn on the laser the first time because when we use the laser we need to wear our goggles and this is just yeah I will I would like to avoid that as as long as possible so this goes here okay perfect danger me turning on the laser filament powers of yes yes yes yes I don't know yeah I know that's for this reason I did not plug that in yet okay so as I have already been saying I think we will skip cable management at the moment because this stream was already taking quite a while over two and a half hours already over two and a half hours well I think the mechanical assembly looks good so far let's see if we know well we'll just leave this as it is now all right shall we switch over to the instruction manual yes because here it says maybe some last words so this right here is you put it on - so this is the box and the material which is still left so there have been plenty of spares inside I don't know if we were missing something I think all of the big parts are gone right now so I think we'll just continue now testing the electronics testing if all the stepper motors work and just just go in the right direction and then hopefully laser yeah I mean maybe they just you know manufacturer built these boxes for many different products yeah and so they only have to you know store one kind of box and not five kind okay so should I switch over to the instruction manual yeah that's the instruction so operating instructions so we are now at the point where the software part kicks in actually and it says connect the USB cable and power supply it firstly so yeah and then open LX cam software I will start the download while you are actually plugging the USB cable in so so this is the power brick it's just a standard laptop brick 12 volts 5 amps I think that's that's totally fine for for such a machine next we have so did you already plug it in oh do we have a spare USB port actually I have a USB hub right you know good should actually have a spare USB port so they do include or I I oughta well the EU version so we get an EU plug you always have the possibility to to order us plaques and something like that and otherwise if you all up the wrong one this right here is the standard connector so you should be able to find these blocks everywhere ok so the cables the cables do actually have a really nice surface finish so they are not the shiny ones you usually know they are nice and matte just just as a side note maybe they're they absorb laser beams better than the other ones I don't know okay so I will like the power in and then route this to the back pretty tidy or pretty tight not not too tiny and no party so I will I think that's fine do you have enough its I have a blue light indicating something ok guys so again if you are doing this the first make sure that the laser is not plugged in because when the Arduino is starting the first time it can happen that laser fires and you don't want that to happen when you don't have any goggles on your face okay next thing we will yeah connect the USB cable and power supply first I'll just switch over to the instruction manual then open LX cam software so I think the download has already finished so I got to where did it actually oh it's here it's here okay you can use the mouse oh yeah we have a mouse so where do you want to put that I mean well just delete yeah just open it I think it's an installer it is I'm so unfamiliar with windows actually so I'm having a hard time okay the vines launch program of course okay so it's starting is it yes nice animation okay okay start the software and then click on the button on the right top of LX cam and then click install driver you only need that once I think that's for the CH something Syrian module yeah but I think that should be is right talk well just just plug it in and see if it it you see if it finds it yeah there is one right here in the back so we still have the laser not connectives finding machines to reports okay you can with the refresh button out here yeah yeah I got it okay we found something at comes seven finds you report successful comb seven is it can you just click on the move button see if something works oh yeah without some air King shall we home it how does it actually hold it it does it doesn't really hold okay you said how you have said okay so can you show can you just maybe put a value of 10 in here and move it around a little bit and see if the axis are wrong let me switch your camera this one no I think this was fine it was fine well we can use the nice camera so let's move it so this is where King x-axis is working can you try the y axis the y axis is reverse but we do this well turn around the machine well yeah it doesn't really matter okay we don't have a z axis obviously we don't have any a CX I mean it looks good perfect well so I think what is really next to do turn the laser on turn on the laser so what I will be doing I just move it manually a little bit well before we start with the laser I will add a piece of plywood under it because I don't wanna angry with my table I have prepared something can you can lift oh yeah yeah that's a bit too big actually you know just a hair about I think I think not it's not good in its neck um so the piece of well wait a second I have another one okay can you just pull this out okay so this is actually a pretty big piece of wood but we should be able to adjust the focus that it is at well that the focus point is at the proper location all right okay okay what does the manual actually say well yeah so we have the serial part we do have choose to write we did that will show connect success we have that and then click select machine and choose Alex laser okay where's selected machine config no settings select machine so we have the laser module but I think that was because we have laser on I think that was pre-selected so then click select machine oh we did that message box will switch to will say switch to LX laser mode successful yes we have that turn on the controller board power button well create a four then turn on the weak light button or we have to plug in the laser first but there are two switches right here and I don't know that's there is a weak button actually in the software well we have to pluck the laser module and/or our safety goggles where our sexy safety goggles thank you pay attention that you do not use a reflective sheet this is crazy this is really crazy it feels like disco I feel like Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper and all the other guys okay guys so what we are going to do now I will just shut this off force well now okay I will just now plug the laser in oh and it's lasering can you can you say laser off I can say laser off yes do you say so why did okay well laser is actually off according to the software it is very nice that the software says that the laser is off yeah but but we are we actually we didn't finish the you know it said press the week button well we don't have a week button we don't what is it labeled this visit there are two switches but as soon as I as I say plug it in then they see this is to be crappy yeah there we go press the week light button yeah that's what I did what is the second table actually four and we do have another you know stop it in here yeah but this is for something else so the question now is now we have the week laser on and you need to adjust the focus so can you see this another the laser is right here and just looks really teeny tiny and I think this is fine can you say laser off in the software should be actually I would like to trade her it actually I mean it was on before and I still still work in running ok well should I press the button again I can I can press preview what is cool you still work in running whatever I mean this is still you see that this is lettering that is not good I will trim that no I'm not sure if I press something it says still work in running okay what what does the manual say so this is your so the manual say no week staff go full power yeah we we need to find out how this stuff works before so it said it said press the week light button that was the next step then place the material and keep rotate the nuts until get the minimum point so that's obviously the focus focus yeah but it's it so it is supposed to turn on because you have to adjust the focus yeah I think that's a no it's meant to be so turn on the light and then place the material rotate the nuts yeah is it still connected this off to the machine that's a good question um I think so speaker can I move actually is it still turn on yeah well wait a second I cannot move it because it says work still running work still running okay maybe maybe maybe it's one of the buttons up there no no it's totally turned off at the moment okay maybe we will just unplug it and plug very sorry sure we start the software or yeah maybe you restart the software and this is actually kind of scary if you this thing just fires without you even knowing where it's actually our fire extinguisher the fire extinguisher is down in the basement okay so again connect to select the port and hit refresh yeah okay fine to report successful but does it mean that I will turn it on now we are second oh yeah please turn it on up but the laser is starting [Music] okay can you move it now yes I can okay we don't get that so when I now stay laser off it said completely running time zero seconds oh yeah that's not off I actually have no clue how this is suppose I did that is stupid I think mo5 should be the command for early nipped why is this in nuts powering up [Applause] let's say maybe someone has an idea when in doubt reboot we did that moving seems to start the progress config wrong week is on yes but we actually did not see anything happening when we press the buttons up there don't start no image I think these that's pretty bright actually yeah now now there's the models enabled again what is the okay that's a weak mode so you already leave the motors for focus a already focused so let then let's stick to the manually manually move click arrow to move machine into your ideal ideal position and click set home ok so that's that let's just hold it there I think set home ok ok so next step turn off the weak light button then the laser gallery to choose the about ten in the laser prints on then click gallery to choose the picture double click the target picture it is actually just firing already yes it is so but this is what you know so I double click on one other change PBM TTL yeah but we don't have any TTL signal ah yeah it's set to TTL yeah you guys alright yeah yeah thanks who said that Steve thank you very much that was exactly the problem so now it's set to TTL mode so to pvm modes and this works thank you yeah thanks so that means now we reset home we did that now we choose a picture double click on the target picture and then modify the speed and a who Yash what's up actually Eckert a queue at acceleration and curiosity sure could be an mode and then click generate so we set home let's choose one of the gallery pictures let's take the eiffel tower double click and then set the speed like mold Aziz you have eight thousand we thought so we have a size you're setting you know that's that's millimeters so this thing is pretty small this is just like 40 by eighty millimeters so it lets maybe say like 30 is it is it's scaling accordingly or sixty sixty okay 39 I mean it's not okay no real point outline scan point I have no idea actually I don't know what the different modes are doing line by line whole line let's say let's say outline I don't know well we know yeah right yeah and that's because that's just a filling of the black players gaming on or or yeah let's just do all right he doesn't forget any generate generate you know actually no data generated that's did not work they're doing something because it just said then then you click generate if there's an arrow please ignore okay click start to carbon so shall we get started yeah yeah no image to carve it okay that didn't let me try another mode let's do the let's do Pikachu or the anonymous face yeah 39 by 39 should be alright okay okay choose a different setting each millimeter six lines or just scanning I think scanning this can be common you want to change that six lines per millimeter I think that's gonna go faster another way without being in administrator mode so just around the circle okay so well let's let's just see what what settings they were using in America so they had 800 millimeters per minute that it's per minute scanning no point you just clicked on poison generator so let's take point what do you say and let's take point so let's take the point and we had 800 shall we put in free-throw yeah we have way more energy okay it's fine so Jerry alright unhandled exception has a curtain your application okay so what are we doing we just we just restart the software and try some huh oh no oh my god that was probably the error which they mentioned oh yeah okay okay guys so a second I will turn the camera to our macro thing and we gonna start this thing we might still even thought we were safety goggles we might probably we should probably not directly look into into the laser beam program so I put this Modan yeah and then start [Music] okay guys so I think everything should be working we will start the laser now and it's doing this thing not moving at all actually is it no this is just been grading at one time what is this actually even though you have the moment so I stopped it yeah it's not moving it's not moving and why is it not moving totally burned through the material oh yeah there is it is why is it not moving do you think you know what I thought we had to home the device again because we closed the software I am maybe that's an issue for my idea oh my eyes so this is your eye if you you know choice at home again and just should we just try it again so I just hold it home maybe she thought maybe set the speed a little bit no I don't know maybe the machine is not but it did not sound as the assist ever motors were running so let's just set the speed here or shall we generate a new image just yeah here I changed here 800 800 that's what he said okay says home according to Center oh we didn't actually okay so centrally [Music] okay okay so start again Oh BtoB are all in focus up okay guys we gonna try that again and it's nice moving within hey it says stop now you have smell to me it's can I try it you know it is moving about when I press when I press the buttons it is moving it's not moving when I hit start so what's preview is it moving with all the laser shall we try this give it a try it's not moving maybe maybe try try another mode another mode the gallery so do we have to clear this well you know I think we just generated that's the console I think so let's yeah whatever go with the Iron Man 46 minuts 79 it's a bit big or is it okay it's a real point well let's just say scan yeah let's do the 800 and that's what they then scan generate okay so we do not have an arrow it's good I think so start again get the camera focus yeah okay so let's try this again listen to Steve Steve okay let's see say let's change the window regional settings if the window settings you anything read the cello so I think we actually really have to look at the check change oh so we only have to change our regional settings you think that's the reason why it's not working or did you miss something else but you mean in Windows or do you do you mean in in the software itself paint going to the supply and see if you can settings system version [Applause] in Windows so we actually really put that to I think let's change positions or our seats because I have no idea from windows I don't know how to change the regional sorry hey so now it's me on the bouncy ball let's just turn that of course well maybe we can just unplug the laser at the moment and when we play around oh oh yeah that's better with wow this is so query I'm natural color when you put the goggles off everything is purple at the moment okay so the problem we're having is that when we click on start that the laser is working but the print head or the laser head is not moving yeah we will I will start the program as an administrator maybe that is the way to go even though starting a Chinese software as an administrator I don't really like you and all you are part of the Stuxnet yeah the bot well no I'm crypto mining right here in the background that's that's one I that's my boy my laptop is so so loud let me just take a second and scroll through the chat so maybe do something else all the motors still running manually yes they are Oh restart the program we did that okay guys if you take a look at the picture you can see that the axes are working if I move them manually we have unplug the laser at the moment for this reason where you're not wearing wearing goggles what I will try now is just in the administrator mode if this is working so I don't know 40 by 40 generates this is working now this looks kind of nice and I'm gonna switch to the software oh sorry guys I did not notice that okay so I have now opened the software as an administrator and created this this to paithan all the laser is not plugged in for this reasons we're not wearing goggles but I will push start and see if it is working camera but well you see that it's sending something but it's just not you know we're just not seeing that it just takes a while now it should move at some locations I don't know well maybe I don't know if the but you will hear that so this is fine what's Chet saying look at your code yeah the motors are still running yeah I do have Windows 10 read Steve's comment please what is Steve saying Chinese available Steve oh here we go oh I forgot changing my dad type yeah here's something that makes sense actually type region into Start menu and then go to White Lion aluminum datum alkanes iton instead to : I because I think it's not reading the yeah you are you're totally right wait a second so yeah well it says commas do you see commas in the console I haven't watched that at the moment but well maybe before we do the change I will check that out because then we really know if this was the reason why it did not work so the software has started but it is nothing it doesn't explain why it moves manually but because we don't have any commas if we just move it by one millimeter I will just whatever continue let's take a look at the console when I hit start yeah there's it's moving but yeah it's moving to the zero position but they're all there commas in here oh yeah so yes make sense okay if was told yes I thank you for that yeah that that would have cost us quite a lot of time so I need to see if I can do that without restarting my computer sound for Monty white lunch oh yeah it's Martin say okay maybe well let's put the decimal separator to point yeah so that makes a lot of sense we should have actually we could have read the code in the error message maybe there would be something now okay no that makes sense but this sounds promising okay yeah thanks Steve man you really helped us out okay so software has started it is moving manually I just select any picture just to give our man oh it still has an arrow but it said we should ignore it so start yeah great so let's put on the guns thank you Steve thank you so much all right okay guys so the solution for the problem was that in Germany and I don't know which other countries probably in Europe that so the decimal separator is a comma and that did not work well with that software yeah so I will wear my laser goggles now Oh so you can see us let's turn on that camera again just a little sorry sorry let's maybe choose another picture I don't know like anonymous we want to make the real sorry not real point but outline say generate yeah let's burn something let's burn some time very excited now because I did I think it works it should be working so we do we set home where you need to set home now at first and then plug in the laser before I just not sure should we actually plug it in while the board is on yeah you guys don't power supply as far as I can see yes okay so I'll just check where the center is so when you are pressing the right button you are just starting the week laser points are inside the line your part so we're gonna line the right part so I think how this is working so we have can you change the camera a little bit to that you oh yeah so I think how lasers working is the following so it always gets power right here and right here and then we have a pulse width modulation signal on that wire where which tells the laser to turn off and to turn on and you can run the laser in this way and you are also able to run it with a TTL signal if you plug a cable in here and switch the mode on that side so at first why things were not working was because the mode was cell two was set to TTL and a PWM and yeah now we fix the the decimal separator thing all right so I told you have to burn some material yeah so focus don't don't look directly at the laser okay so you guys are all sets and we will hit start now what we do have a lot of smoking yeah I do have a smoke alarm right here in my office so this will go off because we have burning wood here so oh this might not gonna take longer to this alarms going off okay guys so we are sitting right here in the smoke this is not optimal yoosh is going to well let's see how long it takes until the smoke alarm goes off but it's pretty cool actually because you cannot look at it but you can look at the air to the door and so yeah we do have we do have our first engraving yeah let's switch focus so the lines look pretty good it did not cut the part but the engrave did lie well a half a millimeter deep so this is actually kind of cool and great about this it looks actually it looks really good I mean the points in here are just because we had promised to the laser at the Bahia ignore that part for the lights okay engrave the Platteville's get some fake yeah unfortunately I don't have any bacon downstairs we had a steak for for lunch today so that's also gone Fire Department is on the way so yeah I do have a smoke alarm in my room but this is not connected to any safety line it will just warn me if one of my printers burns at night this machine can cut well I think so because it did cut or it did laser through the entire piece on this corner at the beginning at Mia as we were setting up the machine so we lower the speed finish up Katia um I think we I think we will probably start with taking one of these cardboard pieces cardboard pieces because I think they are easier to cut and see just how it looks in the end so these are really pretty thin so what I what I will be doing is I move the laser manually turn on the wheat laser to Center everything and actually to set the focus position right so guys what shall we cut out I don't know maybe I I have an idea wait a second what kind of images are we able to import in here and those are just bitmaps hey guys just give me one second I know you all want to see the fire alarm go yeah well it's kind of stinking here I think we should at least open a window [Applause] even though this is just wood burning I think it's not the most healthy thing which you can do [Applause] the open source hardware label well even though this is not open source save as image you have also in terms of loudness what will you say this machine is long I would say it is you know equally to eight you some 3d printer what do you say I mean man the dog a is kind of loud and close it blows quite a bit well we won't get the the smoke alarm out if it starts we just well we will kill it but well we'll see I do now need to figure out how we can how I can import image from here sorry this is drag-and-drop you should switch to the Sun yang [Music] so the question is how I can import another image into here and you are totally right I actually should engrave my novel but before we do that let's give this so it's not drag and drop does anybody know how I can import additional images right ah there we go double click now click get code if says clip picked our card ah there we go downloads okay it's just working with JPEGs it naps and SVG's wait a second I will where do we have so many windows open right here at the moment let's just open this in paint and save it as a JPEG [Applause] but playing drop actually the realize clip could you track drop it onto the you know preview area not into the well maybe track and drop or on that's into the preview area on the right side you know where the meeting yeah maybe here I think that's just the g-code preview okay on that side obvious okay let's use pick car downloads 40 by 14 and reduce this maybe to like 500 millimeters is set sorry 500 million years a second so I'll just pull for this guy in the corner or is it centering on in the center okay sorry okay okay and let's generate the g-code so you didn't select the option of filling it right it's no I I just want to see you know we can cut this out I okay let's switch the camera yeah okay let's put it let's try to cut this so now I have set the the speed of the laser to 500 millimeters a second and this should probably cut cut that piece of cardboard hopefully okay so let's hit start let's do it control said one Center start [Applause] doing something oh yeah I see flames and it looks as if it cuts the cardboard pretty easily yeah oh yes you did it looks great that's actually really cool I mean this is actually pretty cool machine where did you set the the strength of the do you just you know cut by wire on the speed how do you can you you know well you can you can't really set you can't really set the strength of the laser by varying the speed at which the late laser moves you adjust the amount of energy which is put into your part so this is the only way or I think so you can use the PWM signal but I I would for cutting out just we wouldn't let it sit on would let it be on the V maximum on the maximum energy nice so what I also do have in here how bad would it burn if you would put your hand under there I think it would hurt pretty you're pretty much and it would be the scars so you might be use it for your next branding I have something which we can also try this cuts well as you can see it starts in it you know it doesn't take much time to let the wood or the cardboard burn so I think if you put your finger on there it's not gonna take long until you are feeling something because I think it's shooting you know it's five bucks for five and a half what is it it's five and a half five and a half that's not bad actually so what I have right here is a thin piece of woods it's called veneer in German I don't know if this is also the English English is expression for that it's a well sheet of wood which is 0.6 millimeters thick and this should also well cut very well but we will give that a try so I will put this at the same location Location veneer yeah you're right yeah veneer I was looking for that word okay let's change the cameras it is stuck sorry guys we are back in a second we are back here yeah yeah yeah okay oh the battery's low but the back yeah well I have a second battery so I have not put the veneer underneath the laser and we will just use the same program and carve this out again so let's start [Applause] it's really smoking a lot [Applause] it is yeah so how about the news is it the city I mean it's just wood right okay so let's see I don't want to move this but this has not yet cut totally through the material so I will just read what run yeah the software has you guys actually the repeat option you couldn't have any I think this is what it's for so okay so there is the option down here now sorry there is the option down here to repeat that path several times in order to have the the material cuts in the end I will just not do it manually so I will start the cycle again and it should actually engrave exactly the the same path as before this might already be enough to cut everything out I really like the like how the laser beam looks yet on the origin on the video oh you didn't swap the cameras or you did another soul okay guys it gets back okay so love all the good cut [Applause] looks good actually looks good a little bit burned on the sides but that's nothing you you couldn't fix actually [Applause] how about cutting cardboard we already cuts some cardboard right here it's also possible to cut thicker cardboard but before we do that I think we're almost done with everything but I just need to change the battery for a second that we don't miss our detail camera there so we are cutting another cardboard piece oh I have one here you mean something like this this is actually that's pretty thick but we can give that a try I mean it's not that it's just you know three layers of thin your cardboard because it actually burns through on the machine of good good as we did this one so the thing is you really need to set the focus at the at the right position and if you are cutting a thick piece of material the focus will be right at one location but then the beam will just spread and let not have that much energy anymore but we will just give it a try and see how it comes out maybe it starts burning can you cut three millimeter aluminum no we cannot have three millimeter with that if you have time for 1500 passes maybe you can do it but I don't know so one problem with aluminum also if you're using a co2 laser is that the aluminum is really reflective so the energy is not absorbed by the material so it's really really hard to cut so even in commercial laser cutting aluminum is not the best thing to do the Vixens so well well let's try gonna cut this one yeah let's just try to cut but do you have to readjust the focus right because you're not actually the focus should be well yeah we will do will do that so maybe you can wait a second you can see that yeah so what I'm doing can you yeah oh you wanna go okay so let me see what so now you see that our laser spot is quite big and I am now adjusting this thing down here that gets to a really small spot size just like this and [Music] what about cutting circuit bolts I think circuit pots cutting is also not really possible but what you can do it was used the laser to edge like a layer of paint which is on your copper and then etch material away that you have that you have then your well PCB already but I think the piece even if you want to etch the the circuits the my god the lines itself I think it's gonna be hard because the copper should be a lot harder than the the you know the carrying material so if you have if you meet two or three passes for the copper and I think you can actually template you know cup to the the carrier material but you could actually try that someday so what we're gonna do now is we will try to cut out the symbol with this big piece of cardboard and see how it works so let's give it a try does work but it shoots out flames as crazy Oh and it burns and it burns and it burns so it's not the best idea but it might actually have been cutting through all of this let's see well they are not not all the way through yet but yeah you see that this stuff started smelling yeah it's not probably the best thing to do it's all of you [Applause] what I would not really like to try out is to well laser engrave a a dot image where we can see if we can see some some gradients which are produced by the laser yeah but actually so you have to really important again in order to change the settings yeah we will see what but what I want to do I want to try it out at first we still needs wanna cut a thicker piece of woods and I think we're gonna do this right now and we will just use several passes like let's say three let's see [Applause] the funny thing is we cannot actually see the laser beam here in our studio looking at the machine but we can see it on camera that's pretty funny actually due to the laser goggles that we are wearing yeah it's okay now we have the first path okay now it's doing the second path [Applause] [Applause] well I wouldn't cut poorly strata styrene board with with the laser because that would be really really smelly yeah grayscale image that's what we will be doing next let's see if three passes are enough I think they are actually enough to be already pretty deep in the material [Applause] okay guys let's see so it doesn't pop out yeah it's not enough and not enough but hey focus it is almost you can you can see through actually yeah probably a fourth car would have been would have been necessary but let's see if we can engrave a greyscale English I mean these are just the things you just have to figure out you get a feeling for that it's like printing abs the first time without you know morphing or if you need glue stick or not that's just something you have to do like five times and you get a feeling for how thick the material is and how many passes you eat okay I have another piece of wood under the engraver and let's see if we can engrave a grayscale image are there any grayscale images in hue [Applause] no not really what would be a nice thing to engrave let me see any ideas grayscale image well I mean you could actually just draw you know a linear gradient in one of your paint windows paint or something from zero to you know black let's see what pops up on Google other this is this [Applause] so I found a more or less random picture which we will see which we will try out for engraving that's also a PNG again okay guys give us a second [Applause] okay so what's shed saying can you cut acrylic so the thing with acrylic is that acrylic is transparent for this kind of laser so you the laser is not absorbed by the material but acrylic is not transparent for infrared light so you can cut it with an infrared laser so to put it this way transparent acrylic cannot be cut with such a laser if you have black acrylic it can be cut but I think it's not the nicest thing to do actually okay so what we will be trying now is we will try to and grade a grayscale image and I have loaded this one and I don't know if what the real or what the proper sorry the proper setting is for engraving it as a grayscale well probably scanning I don't know I don't actually know what we'll find an outline I mean outline doesn't make any sense for killing it but maybe scanning [Music] it's really musics like familiar we will just give that a try and see how it is how it turns out I think we can increase the speed because we don't want to cut the part let's put this to 3,000 generates okay these are now really is only set of thoughts okay let's give this a try storage okay I think this will take age as well let's maybe just do some lines and see how it turns out so what it does at the moment is it is it scanning the lines from top to bottom or bottom to top yeah why did it actually turn the laser on when moving from the homing position to the coast yeah that was fine I don't know that should be happening [Applause] I don't know the exact wavelength of the laser but I think it's it's more 445 nanometers but I'm not 100% sure I think 405 is already in the ultraviolet region [Music] [Applause] okay think that's that's kind of working so do you guys still have some some questions because I think well we build up the thing it's working now the software's not the best but these are all things which might can be fixed in the future I think there are many ways you know you can use different software right I mean we do use the same stuff before your other no I actually was verbal it's just are not variable but just normal g-code Center and created my my files in infusion or in custody that's software I think I guess but on the other side I'd say this is actually a pretty decent setup it's rugged actually we could easily assemble it it didn't take too long I mean we took a couple of hours in our case but we were you know zooming and Anthony announcer investors and Hawking stuff and all that stuff but I think you can actually assemble this machine in let's say one or two hours the menu will add a couple of flaws but it was actually not a big deal the main parts were you know described pretty accurately and you just figure out the rest Thomas yeah you all right the image is viewed I don't know where this is coming from maybe the the current of the stepper motors is not big enough and we lose some steps I will I will see if I can figure that out later yeah different software so I thanks Steve for all of your input I think you helped us quite a lot I will stop this now because otherwise I think we will we will suffocate in here all right let's make a closer let's just take a closer picture so as Thomas was saying yeah the image is a little bit skewed that's cute I don't know where this is coming from maybe the curl that's not right but yeah this also seems to be working that's just it's better and this is crazy now everything that's purple now yes all right guys so this has already been taking way longer than we expected so three and a half stars I am almost starting I thank you so much everyone of you for for being here and joining us for the stream I think it worked pretty well for us your support was really good yeah so we had a good time actually building this machine we had a lot of fun you know on the live stream actually definitely and thanks for your input input um you had a couple of really nice questions and tips that you just you know that reaches the oversaw yeah was nice thank you very much I think we will do this again in the future I think this worked out pretty good let's see what things we can come up with so thanks for your time everybody thanks for watching and as you know auf wiedersehen and I will see you guys next time see you then bye bye
Channel: CNC Kitchen
Views: 81,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser, live, unboxing, eleksmaker, eleksmaker a3 pro, 5500mw, 5.5w, 2500mw, 2.5w, cutter, laser cutter, laser engraver, diy, elekscam, robin reiter, stefan hermann, cnc kitchen, live stream, livestream, gearbest
Id: TV6GonFDmSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 27sec (13287 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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