Elegoo MARS PRO - 20cm Figur, Wasser Resin & Upgrades! (DLP/LCD 3D Drucker)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: mpoxDE
Views: 87,239
Rating: 4.8727736 out of 5
Keywords: elegoo, mars, mars pro, review, deutsch, deutschland, german, germany, test, 3d druck, 3d drucker, dlp, sla, resin, kunstharz, anycubic, photon, lcd, wasser, guide, anleitung, chitubox, tutorial, figur, gaming, diy, leveling, qualität, tabletop, 2020, supports, manual supports, settings, einstellungen, belichtung, belichtungszeit, geruch, amazon, china, software, schmuck, harz, water washable, isopropanol, anwendung, vergleich, auflösung, verfügbar, myminifactory, hohe qualität, miniature, statue, photon file validator
Id: fwKCxE4KXFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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