Elegant Glassware from the depression era and beyond

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hi this is Lou from Lou's antiques and collectibles and we buy and sell stuff for our chewy antique booths and our two antique malls here at Plaza Antiques and Mommy antique mall now for this video we're going to talk about elegant glassware that was made in the Depression era and we went to our malls that we're in and we also went to the depression class show in Dearborn Michigan and we're going to talk about our first pattern here and this is called American it's by the Fostoria Glass Company it was made from 1915 to 1986. now elegant glassware was made in the Depression era through the 1950s mostly it was handworked or a acid etched glassware and it wasn't the typical Dime Store stuff or the stuff that they gave away in the grocery store this was sold mainly in department stores and in like jewelry shops and finer stores that carried China and things like that so this is the more expensive glassware but it was made in the Depression era and a little bit beyond the Depression era now we covered the a lot of the typical ones that you see and we also covered a few patterns that were that were made a little bit later just because they were focused on at the depression glass show and you just never see some of these patterns so I wanted everybody to see these patterns even though they weren't quote depression air glass um just to know what they are and know that they're elegant glassware and it was around this area so we did our other video previous to this which was depression glass and now this one is elegant glassware made in this era and a little bit beyond so we have lots of examples of the American glassware and if you go back to my video on some surprise boxes I got I actually got some of this from my friend Marsha and this pattern is called Baroque by the fostero glass company from 1936 to 1966. and this is called Buttercup by Fostoria and this is called Candlewick by the Imperial Glass company from 1936 to 1984. now I wanted to show you some other patterns that were very similar to Candlewick and here is one of them and this is actually called boopy it's not Candlewick but people mistake this for it all the time I see it labeled at antique malls all the time it's got lines on the bottom it's much heavier than the candid Wick which is a much finer glassware and there's a glass you could see there that's much different but they have those little um round things in the bottom and people think when they see that it's automatically candle wick and it's not always true in fact they even remake some stuff that are similar to candle wick but it's not the candle wick and here's several pieces and a lot of the different colors that it comes in here's a nice set of it beautiful there's a little mayonnaise bowl and another glassware that looks just like it is called we always call the check glass I don't know if that's the proper name for it but these little dishes with the dividers in them they're not candle wick they're called check glass this is Caprice by the Cambridge [Music] in Canterbury number 115 by The Duncan Miller Glass company from 1937 to 1950s and here's some Cape Cod by the Imperial Glass company made from 1932 all the way to 1984. some of these glassware patterns were made for a very long time and that's probably why we see so much of it out there and here's some nice dishes all set up so you could see the pattern it's kind of like uh diamonds with little circles in it and then the diamond knee on the top like diamondy cut on the top that's how I could tell that it's Cape Cod but like I said it was made quite late up until 1984 so that's probably why we see so much of it out there still a beautiful glassware and this is called Caribbean by The Duncan Miller Glass company from 1936 to 1955. thank you and this is called Colony by the Fostoria Glass company from 1930s to 1983. this was another one that would make was made quite late and we see lots of this beautiful pattern beautiful glassware a lot of these shots came from the depression class show and they had everything there it was so wonderful to see it all in one place if you get a chance to go there definitely comets in Michigan deer Dearborn Michigan and it's usually in November we'll put some information on that for you this is called corsage by the Fostoria Glass company from 1935 to 1959. [Music] and it's got the little love the little bit of etching on that makes it look kind of fancy there's a lot of patterns that have this etching and but everyone is different so um it's it's pretty difficult to tell which pattern it is unless you have a book or some pictures in front of you and this is called Crown Tuscan by the Cambridge Glass company from 1932 to 1954. I like that color and here it also is in red here's crow's feet by Payton City Glass Company and Daisy by the Fostoria Glass Company usually you could tell the elegant because they have all that really um small etching on it even if you don't know the exact pattern you'll know that it's typically elegant glassware that was very popular then this is early colonial spiral by Duncan Miller Glass company from 1924 to 1927 and this is Ebony by the Cambridge Glass Company Elaine by the Cambridge Glass Company 1934 to 1950s Fairfax by the Fostoria Glass company from 1927 and Fairmont by the Fostoria Glass Company Flame by the Fostoria Glass Company in 1940s and this is what I have not seen I uh probably the first time I've ever seen it was at the depression glass show they definitely have the most unusual and rare patterns that you just don't see anywhere this is Flanders by Tiffin glass company from the mid 10s to the mid 30s and this is Heather by the Fostoria Glass Company in 1949 to 1971. and Seascape by the Fostoria Glass Company some of these like I said were made a little bit later but I wanted you to see the different patterns because you just don't see these unless you go to this show foreign [Music] this is called heirloom by the Fostoria Glass company and it was made in the 1960s a little bit later like I said than a lot of the typical depression air glassware but because we were at the show I just wanted you to see it because this stuff is beautiful and you just don't typically see this so that way if you run across it during your travels you'll know it's something good you're going to want to pick it up beautiful look at all the colors it was made in so nice [Music] lots of Fostoria glassware and if I had the patterns wrong please feel free to correct me um I'm not an expert by no means of any of these patterns especially the elegant glassware that's a little bit tough for me I'm better with a depression glass and this is Hermitage by the Fostoria Glass company from 1932 to 1945 and look at that neat unusual light purple color just beautiful you just don't see that color foreign and this is called Italian Lace by the Fostoria Glass company and some of these I couldn't have dates on them they were so rare it was hard to find any information on them but I knew they were made in that era because they were at the depression glass show this is Janice by New Martinsville glass company from 1926 to 1944. and this is June by the Fostoria Glass company from 1928 to 1944. and this particular dealer had a lot of June it was just gorgeous this is another one I don't think I've ever seen other than at the depression class show the gravy for that and those are the Demi cups and saucers and what was the say they're the ones that's June Fostoria June and the blue that's the it's a gravy with liner yeah we call that the liner the cordials are on this side in yellow because I want to leave your comments and plus the light comes down oh yeah it makes a beautiful nice picture yeah very nice thank you here's one by the heisey glass company from 1937 to 1939 and here's Lariat by heisey and Company from the 1940s to 1957 and I do see quite a lot of valerian around it must have been real popular like I said in our area some glasses are popular in different areas than in others but this is something I see quite frequently modernistic by New Martinsville and Maya by Peyton City in the 1930s this one I don't see very often especially in the different colors was very beautiful was so nice to see at that show this is Navarre by the Fostoria Glass company from 1937 to 1980. another one that was made quite late they're stuck with these good patterns for a long time because they probably were very good sellers I'm sure and just beautiful look at it in light blue just gorgeous and they were all lit up so nicely so you could really see the patterns so I would encourage you if you're in this area to make sure you go to the depression glass show because you will not be disappointed it was something to see and if you really want to see the different patterns that's the place to go especially if you need like a certain piece and a in a specific pattern that you're trying to complete this is called Nautilus by the Cambridge Glass company from 1930s [Music] and this is called Orchid by the heisey glass company from the 1940s to the 1950s this is Porsche by the Cambridge Glass company from the 1932 to the early 1950s thank you far away from my house it's hard to get here well we're coming from Illinois I use my husband and I were the oldest Club member I mean the youngest club members in this club I joined when I was 18. I don't wow yeah oh that's awesome we've already heard it together this is Prelude by the Viking glass company from 1948 to 1954. and the dealers at the show are very knowledgeable about the different patterns it was very nice to speak with them and find out more information about the glassware I used to be in this club years ago and um I did learn a lot when I was in there and they still have the same club that you can join especially if you're in the area obviously this is called Rose Point by the Cambridge Glass Company it was made from 1936 to 1953. and there's that really unusual color again here it is in clear and this is another one I've seen quite often in our area you could tell by the little roses that it has on there this is a ruby red rocket face by New Martinsville glass company in the early 1920s and this is Sahara by the heisey glass company and I didn't get a date on some of these so I do have information on that please share it with us in the comments I looked all over and uh couldn't find the date on this some of these glass pieces of glassware this is called sandwich by The Duncan Miller Glass company from 1924 to 1955. and this is square by the Cambridge Glass company and this was made in the 1950s this is another one I just included because it was so neat looking I thought it'd be good information Teardrop by The Duncan Miller Glass Company 1936 to 1955. thank you Utopia by Payton City 1930s and for size by the Fostoria Glass company from 1928 to 1944. Wisteria by the Fostoria Glass Company 1931-1938. I love that light purple color it's beautiful and this is Lou from Lou's Antiques Collectibles saying goodbye and we'll see you again thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Junking with Lou
Views: 19,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Jewelry, #Glassware, #Junk, #Collectible, #collectable, #vintage, #flipping, #howtomakemoney, #treasures
Id: IfrYIK4FVzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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