Electromagnetic Induction

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Hi. It’s Mr. Andersen and this AP Physics essentials video 71. It is on electromagnetic induction which is the ability of a magnetic field to create current inside a conductor. Now scientists like Hans Christian Orsted have already shown that if you have current in a wire like this it creates a magnetic field. And that magnetic field could affect this compass needle which is really a small little magnet. And so current can produce magnetic fields. But what scientists like Michael Faraday wondered is could you take a magnetic field and produce current from it? In other words was the opposite true? And this is the apparatus that he used to study that. And so we have basically have two parts. We have a ring of iron but on the left side we have an electromagnet. So you are going to connect this to a batter and that is going to produce magnetic fields over on the left side. And so the hope is on the right side, that could produce current inside this wire. And then we would be able to measure that using a galvanometer. And so he set it up like this and then he closed the switch. And so what what happens to the current in the wire on the right side as I close that switch. And you can see that we generate a little bit of current. But then it goes away. And this is puzzling. So he opened up the switch and watched what happened. We have a little bit more current but it is in the opposite direction. So let me kind of close that switch and we have a little bit of current. But it goes away. And then we open the switch and we have a little bit of current but its going in the other direction. And so that is electromagnetic induction. But what he wondered is why is it only occurring right when I close the switch? So to understand that you really have to understand the specifics of electromagnetic induction. And to understand that you have to understand what magnetic flux is. Magnetic flux is how a conducting material or any material for that matter is affected by a magnetic field. And so what would be something similar? It would be how you or any material on our planet is affected by light from the sun. And so it is going to be the amount of light from the sun. But it is also going to be the angle at which that light hits. And so magnetic flux is going to be the product of the strength of the magnetic field, how much or how large that magnetic field is and then we are going to multiply that times the surface area perpendicular to that magnetic field. And so imagine that this right down here is a wire loop. And so we have a little bit of a wire. And then we have a magnetic field. And so if we ever have change in that magnetic flux, then we are going to have electromagnetic induction occurring. And so what happened right when he closed that circuit? Well the magnetic field before he closed the circuit was zero. But then he added this magnetic field, so was there change in magnetic flux? Yes. And so was there electromagnetic induction? Yes. So it created current. What would happen if we were to increase the magnetic fields? So let’s double the magnetic field. Well for a moment as we are doubling the electromagnetic field, are we getting a change in the magnetic flux? Yes. Are we getting induction? Yes. And therefore we are going to have current in that wire. And so by varying the amount of that magnetic field we can get induction, or we can get current in that wire. Now what is another way we could go at that? Again we could look at the surface area that we are impacting. And so if you think of this as a wire, all of these magnetic field lines are perpendicular to this wire. And so we are going to have a large magnetic flux. But watch what happens when I turn it at an angle. And a good way to do this is simply count the lines of the magnetic field that it is hitting. You can see there is a reduction. And so the number of lines is different but also these are not hitting it straight on. It is not perpendicular so we would have to use a little bit of trigonometry to figure out what component of that magnetic field is actually perpendicular to the surface area. But did it change between those two rotations? Yes. And so was there electromagnetic induction? Yes. And so there would be current as well. And so let’s say we turn it like this. The magnetic flux is going to be zero because none of these magnetic field lines are going to be perpendicular to the surface. But it changed between those two points. And so we are going to have induction and we are going to have current. So that seems a little non intuitive, but it has real world applications. And so the electricity that you are using right now and the microphone that I am using right now as well, use this idea of electromagnetic induction. And a great way to look at that would just be looking through a generator. And so how does a generator work? Well in a magnetic field what we can do is we can take these wires and we can start to rotate them. And as we rotate them we are getting huge changes in magnetic flux and so we are going to have huge changes in the current itself. And so if we look at the equation, magnetic flux or phi sub B is going to be a product of the magnetic field, how big that magnetic field is, times the cross-sectional area perpendicular to that magnetic field. And so if I take this wire, right here and I compare it to this wire right here, which one is going to have a larger magnetic flux? It is going to be the one on the left. And the reason why is we are going to have more of those magnetic field lines go through it. What is a good way that we could increase magnetic flux is we could just wrap that wire a bunch. And so each of those wires, we are going to have the magnetic flux of that individual wire. And so by changing the magnetic field or by changing the size of that area we can change magnetic flux. But also remember we could angle it. And so if I angle it like this, we are going to have fewer of those magnetic field lines go through it and so we are going to get a change in the magnetic flux. And here we would actually have no magnetic flux. But it is not a measure of magnetic flux that is important in producing current. It is are we getting changes over time. And so this is a PHET simulation that gets at that. And so we have magnet over on the left side. And then on the right side we simply have a wire hooked up to a galvanometer or it is a voltmeter. It is going to measure the amount of voltage. And you can see that there is no current right now. But as I start to change that position of the magnet, I am starting to get current. And you can see, you can even see the electrons moving in the wire. And so if I increase the number of wires I can increase how much I am deflecting that needle. How much current I am actually moving inside the wire itself. Why is that? Now the magnetic field lines, you can see the magnetic field lines are changing. And as they change we are getting change in magnetic flux. And so we are getting current inside the wire. Now another way to look at this would be through a generator. And so in this set up what I have is a magnet down here on a wheel so that I can spin that magnet. I have my wire again. And I am trying to induce current inside that wire. And then I am going to measure the amount that I am going to change. And so watch what happens now when I start to turn on the water inside that faucet. It is changing the position of the magnet. As is it changes the position of the magnet it changes the magnetic field. You can see the magnetic field lines are changing. And so I am starting to get a little bit of current. What happens if I increase the speed of that water? I am getting more current. You could even have a light bulb connected to it. And so now I am starting to get usable energy. Watch what happens as I increase the number of wires. I even have more energy coming out. Now if I increase the water again I even have more energy being produced. And so we are taking that energy of the flow of the water and actually making electromagnetic energy out of it. And so this is how the generators in a dam would work. We have the water flowing down through the dam. It is spinning these magnets and it is creating that electricity. And so did you learn to construct an explanation for how a simple electromagnetic device, like a generator, works? I hope so. And I hope that was helpful.
Channel: Bozeman Science
Views: 446,420
Rating: 4.9308372 out of 5
Keywords: educational videos, science videos, high school science, Electromagnetic Induction, electric fields, magnetic flux, magnetic field, Electromagnetism (Literature Subject), physics, ap physics, generator, microphone, electric current, Energy
Id: jeTmIa00_rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 05 2015
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