Electricity in the Atmosphere (My Harvesting Concept Based on Feynmans Lectures.)

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well ever since I um learned about feynman's you know electricity in the atmosphere from feynman's lectures the notion that uh as you can see here on the diagram that uh if you know the surface of the ground if we take that as our reference point for voltage then roughly every one meter above that reference point into the atmosphere we go positive 100 volt so as you can see here on the left one meter above plus 100 2 meters plus 200 3 meters plus 300 and so on but of course that's just the voltage and it there's very little current and as you can see the notion is that when a human stands on the ground for example he's not he or she is or they are not getting Zapped because somehow the ground they're becoming like part of the ground carrying that ground potential up and this potential of let's say the 100 volts one meter above ground is now going over their head but not quite maybe a meter over the head like it was the ground now um of course this varies a lot um but the notion is of course so the the ground is relatively negative and the upper atmosphere as we as we go up in the meters above the ground is going more positive and so you can imagine the electric field lines from the negative to positive would be roughly vertical now um you can see that uh there's also very little current um because we do have a a current flowing down and positive charge flowing down you could argue a negative charge flowing up so that's current um but uh one of my thoughts here is that well of course when the um voltage increases and it breaches the breakdown voltage of the air then of course we do get significant count okay but lightning strikes so my thoughts are for example we've got this uh potential but with very little current going on and you know some people do or have well many people have experimented with this where they fly a drone way up into the air with a wire that's coming down to towards ground and they can use um basically at the very top of the wire to increase because the the wire is carrying that ground potential up at the very top they might use um let's see a uh a point and as you can see then it uh like you might have experimented with plasma before if it gets to a point then the plasma stream will will is more likely to come off that end as you can see because of the concentration of the field lines now in those experiments they they can draw enough energy to power one of these electrostatic Motors but that's really not much is it okay now so my thoughts are if you imagine for example just a strange analogy it's not really Electronics but imagine we had a flat piece of wood like a board or something and we just sprinkle some sand across that board okay and the sound's just sitting there now imagine we lift the left side of the board so we now have the board tilted we've lifted it gently but the sand has not started slipping down to the right if we increase the potential by lifting the left side of the board up higher and higher eventually it will overcome the friction that the sand has on the surface of the board and the sand will start to slide down to the right now let's just reverse a little back to the sand being sprinkled on the board and we left the left of the board but not quite high enough for the sand to overcome that friction and start sliding down to the right but there's the potential there but it's not moving rather than Rising the left of the board higher what we can do is vibrate the board and that unlocks that potential and the sand starts to slide down to the right so I've been pondering and pondering for a long time really and uh I have a concept so here we go we have the ground relatively negatively charged I've drawn little arrows to depict what the field lines would normally be going up to the Opposites which is the positive now and they've got their lines showing the field lines down to the negative which would be roughly the case of course it's all over the place but um that would be normal now if you're familiar with the CW voltage multiplier or Cocker Walton voltage multiplier like one of these uh circuits just one sec I will quickly um pull back in and I'll go to a typical Circuit of that now as you can see with the CW voltage multiplier and normally you have your um AC Source let's say there on the left now of course that's differential and so we have two connections with you know the uh 180 degrees outer part one of them is grounded right now this charges these capacitors and if you look at the um the run along the bottom for example um end to end they will end up with higher voltage and you can add more stages to this so but it's a higher DC voltage the initial signal or pulse um will carry through let's say if this is unbalanced and like this one this particular diagram the top one is swinging and the bottom one is fixed now the top rail where C1 and C3 is will still carry that signal even no matter how many stages we add that signal will travel along the top rail but the bottom rail will be our sort of rectified somewhat stable DC side but either way whether we have the signal the line carrying the signal at the top or not at the bottom the potential further along to the right versus the left increases with more stages okay now I've done many experiments with that type of circuit and I can quite successfully feed a CW multiplier with a single wire not needing two poles for the AC and um and and more efficiently though uh when you bring the system to Resonance now this little symbol is one that I've made up that just represents one of my magnetically tunable inductors okay now how that works whenever there's a transient basically changing values traversing anywhere through the system the diodes make the determinations and will however much per site or Cycles it could be more than one signal going through this will eventually charge these capacitors and of course from end to end just like a string of batteries all in series we end up with a higher voltage potential more stages even more so okay now of course [Music] um even when you think of antennas for example if you look at a half-life dipole at the very ends of the antenna is your highest voltage and at the middle in that situation is is your highest current now so of course from here to here we've got high voltage potential now just ignore this first for now we have another one here same thing with a high voltage potential across them also a magnetically tunable inductor to ground now the direction I've depicted here is see from this element that will be like the receiving element we have the direction of current flow down down down down Okay so this being having positive charges coming this way which is current then this will become the negative okay and this will be extremely positive with reference to this okay now notice the ground is negative and the atmosphere is positive so my idea is of course you probably figured this out in order to give a conduit for these charges to more readily come down I want to funnel them to do that I need to direct those field lines that were pointing down to something more attractive than this weak negative field down here to do that I make this extremely negative because I'm Shifting the voltage positive negative here this has gone more and more negative so these field lines will start to from around the local area attract towards this point so now we have Direction and of course the inverse same thing down here this becomes much more oops sorry about that um this becomes much more positive so it attracts all the negative lines towards it in Direction I'm just talking about direction of electric field lines at the moment everything's tethered right so when we have electrical impulses changes transients or moving charges currents they will follow those lines so I may be able to for I may have to for example excite the system externally so it could be a rectena system but it may also be quite functional just with the passive background radiation and also just these charges but some sort of excitation will actually help get this all moving so I've caused the direction and then and the high potential and we should be able to then actually start to utilize that pressure and get currents moving and halfway along between the two highest voltage potential different points is where I will apply the load so I think that this will actually work now as for just how efficiently I don't know but I'm dead set certain that it will wipe the floor with a long skinny wire and a pointed tip held up in the air by a drone powering an iron motor this will do better than that but it will may also act as a good rectenner system so um let me know what your thoughts are hopefully I covered that all properly seven three and thanks for watching
Channel: Crazy Ham / VK3-VKe
Views: 7,943
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Id: YSTgowEiRs0
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Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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